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Urban Teaching Apprenticeship Program

12 Basic Functions Lesson Plan
October 28, 2019

(A) What is the goal(s) of the broader unit, lesson, or activity that this lesson fits into?

The goal of this lesson is to develop students’ analytical abilities and mathematical communication
skills by having them examine the equations and graphs of functions, make decisions about
features and attributes of the graphs and equations, and then communicate their observations and
decisions using the proper mathematical terminology.

(B) What is the goal(s) of the particular lesson or activity? What do you want your students to
understand, know, and/or be able to do? What are the enduring understandings that you’d like
them to leave with?


Students will understand that there are 12 basic parent functions that can be used to
mathematically model the relationship between two quantities and that the behavior of the graphs
of these functions gives us insight into the relationship between the two quantities.

● Identify what the 12 functions look like graphically and how the graphs of these functions
● Use the graphing calculator to create and analyze the graphs of the 12 basic functions.
● Identify the key features of these function graphs (domain, range, extrema, boundedness).
Commented [1]: When writing the SWBAT, you want
● Express these attributes in the proper mathematical syntax. to write one clear sentence that combines the things
● Explain the meaning of these behavior attributes. you want students to be able to do.

For example, SWBAT identify the key characteristics

and behavior of the 12 basic parent functions.
(C) What prerequisite skills do students need before the lesson?
● Understanding of the differences between the x and y axis on the Cartesian coordinate
● How to express a span of numbers on a graph in interval notation.
● Ability to enter equations in the graphing calculator and generate the corresponding graphs.
● Knowledge of the concept of infinity.
● Commented [2]: These are definitely pre-requisites.
However, there are a lot of additional skills students will
be applying for this lesson. On the second page of the
worksheet, they will need to identify the domain and
(D) What PA Core & Common Core standards align with these goals? What is the eligible content? range, if it's continuous or discrete, max/min,
intercepts, concavity, etc. These would be all pre-
requisite skills that you're students already have
CC.2.2.HS.C.2 learned. You can add them here.
Graph and analyze functions, and use their properties to make connections between the
different representations.
Write functions or sequences that model relationships between two quantities.

A2. Determine the domain, range, or inverse of a relation.

A2. Identify and/or determine the characteristics of an exponential, quadratic, or
polynomial function (e.g., intervals of increase/decrease, intercepts, zeros, asymptotes).

Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models to solve problems.

(E) What lesson type(s) best meets the learning target?

(Debate/Open-Ended, Direct Instruction, Shared Instruction, Discovery, Drill and Practice, Modeling,
Reinforcement, etc.)

This will be a mix of Reinforcement and Shared Instruction.

● Students will work in groups. The students will be given the equations of each parent
function, and then asked to graph them and describe the behavior of the graphs. Students
will be given the opportunity to create their own names of the functions based on their
understanding of the graphs’ behaviors.
● The instructor will lead a discussion of the proper mathematical names of the parent

(F) What standards for Mathematical Practices align with these goals?
● Model with mathematics
● Reason abstractly and quantitatively
● Use appropriate tools strategically


How will you know if your students have achieved the goal(s) that you listed in (B)?

The goal of this lesson will be accomplished if the students can identify at lead 9 of the 12 parent
functions by name by either looking at a picture of the function’s graph and/or the equation of the
function. Students should also be able to describe two or three key behaviors of the functions
based on their graphs. Commented [3]: How will you know if they can identify
at least 9? Could you give them an exit ticket that
requires them to match the name of the function to
each graph?
What formative assessments will you be using to check for understanding at the end of the lesson
Be sure to collect data on what the students have
and throughout?
learned whenever possible.

Students will be asked to identify one function they did not choose for their group activity, and
describe its key features at the end of the lesson.
Commented [4]: Where will they do this? Is this an exit
ticket? I don't see it in the closure section.

Lesson Task What will the teacher be What will the

Components (List/link the task or saying and doing? students be doing?
activity you will use) (What expectations will you How will they be
set/how will you reinforce
them, where will you be
(Silently +
standing, what probing
independently, in quiet
questions would you ask
voices, in partners, in a
students, etc.)
small group, etc.)

Warm-Up 9:33am-9:38am: “Do Now” Teacher will explain what Students are working
Can prepare Warm Up: Students will be relationships the two individually. They are
students for the shown two function graphs graphs are showing. The listening, writing and
day’s task, can depicting the relationship teacher will also prompt asking clarifying
review previous between two different students to write their questions of the
day’s concept, can
pairs of quantities and Notice and Wonder instructor as
be a spiraled
they will be asked to write responses by using necessary.
review of multiple
skills. down 2 or 3 things they positive narration and
Examples: a short Notice and Wonder about identifying the students
set of problems, a each of the graphs. following the instructions. Commented [5]: I love that you really thought through
number string, the instructions of the the pieces in this plan and included the time stamps.
Solve me-mobile, activity to the students and When they do this, do you want them to include a N|W
WODB, an error assigns roles within the chart in their notebooks? If so, be sure to tell them this.
analysis of the groups. Additional prompts
previous day’s exit will include, “What do you
ticket, etc.)
notice about the behavior
of these graphs based on
what we’ve been
discussing these last few
weeks?” Commented [6]: Nice job anticipating that students
might need an additional probe for noticing. This is
Launch 9:38am-9:40am: Instructor The instructor is Students are talking perfect.
How will you will describe the kinds of emphasizing full group with their group
launch the lesson professional roles that participation. The instructor members and
to get students might find the two is suggesting roles for the determining the roles
excited about example graphs useful in group members (Data and responsibilities
what’s to come?
their work. Students will Entry Specialist- Produces within their groups.
(Why does today’s
lesson matter? also be prompted to think Graphs on the Graphing
How does it about what other Calculator, Having
connect to relationships could be Students Rotate the Graph
students’ lives, modeled using some of Sketching Role, Assigning
what they’ve been
the parent functions they Students Specific Behavior
doing in class,
will be analyzing. Questions to Answer). Commented [7]: YES! You may want to include a slide
on your One Note thing or Powerpoint (whatever you're
using) that has the roles clearly defined so students
can choose. You could always do this on a piece of
The Heart of the 9:40am-10:20am Working The instructor is purposely Students are either chart paper as well.
Lesson in groups, the students will circulating around the creating graphs on Be sure to give clear directions and reinforce the
What tasks, be entering the function room and assisting the graphing expectations for these group roles throughout since this
problems, or is brand new.
equations in their graphing students as needed. The calculator, sketching
activities are you calculators or on Desmos main focus of the graphs, describing Commented [8]: Great. It makes sense for you to be
using and how will and graphing the instructor’s circulating will graph behaviors, or
looking to see how the students are doing with the
you enact them? roles!
functions. They will then be to observe the group reading worksheet
(Guided practice, Commented [9]: So for the first part, they are working
sketch graphs by hand. dynamics between the instructions. on graphing the 12 parent functions, right? Where will
modeled students. Students should be they describe the behaviors? There isn't much space
on the worksheet. Can you add to the worksheet
instruction, shared working in their specific things you are looking for? Domain, Range,
instruction, groups. Max, Min, Increasing/Decreasing, etc. (Whatever you
independent think is important for this lesson)
If you are having them predict where the graph could
practice, etc.) be used in real life, there should be a space for this too.
If this is not the case, and they are only going into
depth on the second page, that's fine-- but you wouldn't
Closure 10:20am-10:25am 10:20am- Instructor will 10:20am- Students need all the roles for this part since they wouldn't be
looking at the behavior yet.
How will you close Identifying the proper solicit students’ responses will be answering
out the lesson to mathematical names for for the proper instructor prompted You could fit 6 graphs on one sheet and 6 on the back
summarize the to allow for more space if you decided to include the
the functions. Examples of mathematical names of the questions about the other characteristics.
day’s relationships that can be parent functions. parent functions.
understandings? Commented [10]: When do they do the back of the
modeled with these sheet? (the in-depth analysis of one function?) Are you
What kind of
functions will be provided. 10:23am- Instructor will 10:26am- Students assigning the groups a different function or are they
formative choosing their own?? Why are they just focusing on
assessment will reveal the proper ask their own one function?? Are they sharing out with one another?
you use? 10:25am- Students will be mathematical names of the unprompted I am a little confused with this piece. Will you go over
praised for their work and functions. questions. all 12 first then have them dive into the one??
(List Time Stamp))
given the opportunity to 40 minutes of straight group work is a LONG time. I try
ask any questions they 10:25am- Instructor 10:28am- Students to avoid ever spending more than 20 minutes on one
thing b/c that's about how long it takes for students to
still want clarification provides examples of will be using their start getting off task. Again, I'm a little confused about
regarding function relationships that can be mobile phones to fill how the second sheet fits in, but I would definitely
behavior and uses. modeled with the parent out a short online encourage you to check in before the 40 minutes and
bring the group back together.
functions. survey from the
Commented [11]: Is this a survey about the class to
instructor. learn how to better serve students?
10:28am- Instructor gives
students a web address to If so, I think that's great. However, I would also make
sure you have some data that shows how they are
complete a short survey. doing. I know Mr. Bouwman doesn't usually collect the
exit tickets but I would encourage you to start doing

What knowledge of students informs your lesson design?

The students in the first and third period Pre-Calculus classes tend to engage more when they
have tasks they need to complete. They also become more engaged when they are competing
against one another, so we wanted to add an element to the activity that requires them to Commented [12]: Will there be a competition element
differentiate their work from other groups. The students have also shown an appreciation for to this? What's the goal of the in-depth analysis?
opportunities to exercise some creativity, so the lesson is designed to combine their understanding
of the math content with their ability to be creative with the naming of the functions.

How will you differentiate instruction and provide access to all learners (materials, inputs, outputs,
modalities, etc.)?

Students who have trouble reading the handouts, can work off the electronic copy of the handouts
that will be shown on the SMART board.

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