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Murali Narayan 03 April, 2020

500061575 Submitted to:

R134217089 Mr. Adarsh Kumar
B TECH CSE CSF B2 (Sem 6, 3rd year)



Q1. Write 5 NMAP commands that scan the (i) network, (ii) remote system, (iii) remote system
operating system, (iv) remote system scan with verbose mode, and (v) vulnerabilities in a system.
1. Nmap command to scan the network:
nmap -sS -O -PI –PT <ip-address>/24
2. Nmap command to scan the remote system:
nmap <ip-address>
3. Nmap command to scan the remote system OS:
nmap –v –O <ip-address>
4. Nmap command to scan the remote system with verbose:
nmap –O <ip-address> -v
5. Nmap command to scan the vulnerabilities in a system:
nmap –sC –sV <ip-address>
Q2. Write NMAP NSE script to (i) find the domain and sub-domain of a website, and (ii) to find
the geolocation of a system.
1. NMAP NSE script to find the domain and sub-domain of a website:
nmap --script dns-brute <target-website>
2. NMAP NSE script to find the geolocation of a system:
nmap --script ip-geolocation-geoplugin <target-website>
Q3. Write NSE script to re-implement the traceroute functionality using NSE script.
(Please do not use build-in NSE scripts in NMAP. If I found any script same as of build-in script
then zero will be assigned.)
Script for implementing traceroute functionality using NSE script is as follows:
nmap --script targets-traceroute --script-args newtargets --traceroute <target-ip_address>

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