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Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY of the Republic of Lithuania* I. General provisions 1. The aim of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Lithuania is to provide vision of the state's develop- ‘ment, its national interests and the actions required for their implementation. The National Security Strategy establishes the basic goals and means of the national se- curity policy. It encompasses political, diplomatic, defence, economic and other spheres of the state's policy. 2, The Republic of Lithuania imple- ments its National Security Strategy through a system of longterm political provisions and means, enabling to pre- serve the sovereignty of the state its ter torial integrity, democratic constitu. tional order, homan and civil rights and "The unofficial eransation freedoms, and a safe environment of in- dividual, by confronting security chal lenges, dangerous conditions, threats, cr sis situations or military conflicts 3. The Republic of Lithuania perceives its security as preserving its sovercignty and territorial integrity, internal security and order, democratic foundations, economic security ofall legal entities and population and protection ofits natural environment, 4. The National Security Strategy de- fines basic goals of specialised strategies and doctrines in separate areas ofthe state policy. These strategies must be directly based on the provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Lithuania and they must be revised every time the National Security Strategy of Lithuania itselfis updated 5. The agenda for the security policy of the Republic of Lithuania until the next review of the National Security gy will be determined by the following distinguishing features of the current se- carity environment 5.1. final preparations for entry into NATO and the BU; 52. addressing the challenge of in- cemational terrorism, “~H Basic assumptions of security policy 1. Afier five decades of occupation, the Republic of Lithuania restored its inde: pendence on March 11, 1990 and has since been developing as a modern, politically, economically, socially and culturally mi 7 Baltic Defeace Review No. 7 Volume 2002 ture democracy, actively pursuing inte- ‘ration into the organisations of demo- cratic states adhering to the same values. Dismantling of the Soviet bloc and the restoration of freedom and independence has created appropriate conditions forthe Republic of Lithuania to define its secu- rity interes and policy. 2. The current situation of the Repub- lic of Lithuania within the international security system is as favourable as at the latter decade. The independence of the Republic of Lithuania is universally ree ognised and respected, growth in the economy is improving steadily, ftiendly relations and practical cooperation with the neighbours are being maintained, national minorities have been successfully integrated into Lithuanian society, ten years of experience of functioning demo- ‘cratic institutions has been accumulated, democratic civil control of the military has been efficiently established, and inte gration into the global and Western in- stitutions is advancing suecesfully 3. Currently the majority of traditional and new challenges to the security of the Republic of Lithuania are transnational in nature, Internal politcal, military, eco- ‘nomic, ethnic or other crises can exert & major influence upon other states both neighbouring and further afield. There- fore, the Republic of Lithuania considers international security as indivisible and seeks to ensure its security as an integeal ‘and indispensable part ofthe security of the broader regional, European and glo- bal community of states, Alongside the national efforts to ensure security, in ac cordance with its asets and together with the international partners, the Republic of Lithuania contributes to security and stability in other regions of Europe, and she is resolved to accept the assistance of international partners if a crisis would arise in Lithuania, Therefore, the Repub- lic of Lithuania pledges by mutual politi- cal, military and economic commitment, to ally with states that adhere to the same politcal, social, cultural, and moral values. ‘At the same time, the Republic of Lithua nia attaches particular importance 0 ¢o- ‘operation with ll neighbouring countries with the objective of assuring the stable fanctioning of democracy, civil society and free mariet economies in these countries Joining and participating in those inter- national bodies that recognise and promote these values isan essential element of the National Security Strategy of the Repub- licof Lithuania. In this regard NATO and the BU occupy a special place among such institutions with Lithuanian membership in each asthe highest priority 4, At present, the Republic of Lith nia doesnot observe any immediate mi tary threat to national security and as @ result does not regard any stae as its en- ‘my. The security policy of the Republic of Lithuania is open, transparent and non-confiontational. [tis not directed against the legitimate interests of any other state, 5. Globalisation in relation to the max tional security of the Republic of Lithua- nia is considered as objective process, which is inevitable due to the scientific, technical, economical and other progress of mankind civilisation, the intensifice tion of mutual interdependence of vari- ous countries and regions, and interna Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 tional economical, political and cultural integration processes at large extent stipe lated by above mentioned factors. The main result of globalisation in the area of security ~ internationalisation of factors determining world’s security and stabil- ity. In seeing its future asa part of secure Europe and secure world, Lithuania is open to the globalisation processes, Globalisation does not mean automatic and total levelling of national identity. On the contrary, it gives opportunity to en- rich national culture, civilisation and societal politcal practice by most valuable world’s achieverents in the correspond ing arcas, and, the other way round, to sake best achievements of Lithuania an integral part of worlds cultural and civili- sation heritage. Therefore the Republic of Lithuania does not consider globalisation asa threat to the national security. IH. Security interests of the Republic of Lithuania 1, Vital interests: The security of the Republic of Lithuania is based on pro- tection of national interes To secure vital interests, every possible means of protec tion are employed. A basic precept of national security is that failure to protect, vital interests will sulin immediate and serious threat tothe existence of the state of Lithuania and its people, Vital inter ‘est are the following: 11 sovereignty of the Republic of Lithuania, territorial integrity and demo- cratic constitutional order 1.2.respect and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms; 1.3. peace and prosperity ofthe state. 2 Drimary interests these are interests that if not protected, could eventually affect the vital interests of the Republic of Lithuania. Primary interests are the following 21. global and regional stability 22. freedom and democracy in Cen- tral and Eastern Europe and he Baltic States; 23 open and predictable security policy of all countries in the Euro-Atlan- tic areas 24, ensuring alternative energy sup: plies and supply of resources that are of strategic importance; 235. a region free of environmental dangers, 1 Challenges, dangers and threats 1. Challenges, dangers and threats that are non-military in nature arse a a con- sequence of globalisation, therefore, in- dividual states cannot respond to them alone. Such transnational factors a8 ter~ rorism, organised crime, arms prolifera tion, drug traffic, the ilegal migration, and the spread of epidemics defy state borders and become international secu- rity challenges, dangers and threats. The probability that they will continue to spread is increasing. 1.1. Terrorism poses a serious secu- slty threat to the global community, and therefore to Lithuania as well. However, this threat is largely external to the Re- public of Lithuania. The internal situa- tion and the historical heritage of Lithuae nia do not provide conditions for the i9 20 Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 formation of a broad domestic network of terrorism. This danger stems prima rily from abroad LLL. The Republic of Lithuania say become a potential target of interna ‘ional terrorism. Acts of tertorism may be directed against infrastructure or other objects of strategic importance to national security a5 well as the objects of foreign statesin Lithuania. 1.12. The Republic Lithuania may become transit country forinternational terrorism focused on the other countries. ‘The following circumstances could inten- sify the threat of domestic terrorism: 1) occurrences of political extrem- ism in the Republic of Lithuania, 2) social and economical differen- ation may trigger conditions for social terrorism (acts of such terror may be di rected against cither state or private insti- tations, if they are perceived by groups with grievances as the source of their worsening social situation), 3) expansion of globalisation around the world and strengthening of anti-globalist movements may fuel the ac- tivities of local elements of these move- ‘ments and create conditions for specific terrorism (under cover of opposition to slobalisation, environment pollution, and other related issues}. 1.2, While the likelihood of direct military confrontation in the region is ow, demonstrations of military force, provocations, and the threat to use force remain a danger to the security of the Republic of Lithuania, 1.3. Overwhelming dependence ofthe Republic of Lithuania on the strategic re sources and energy supplics of one coun- tryor the concentration of foreign capital representing economy, in which fee mar ket isnot secured or unstable, in one or several economic sectors of strategic im- portance to national security isa potential danger not only for economic prosperity but also forthe security of the country. 14, Certain economic conditions ‘ay constitute dangers (0 the security of the Republic of Lithuania, the well being of its population, independence of the state or constitutional order. These could be the following: 1A. succession of assets and con- trol over sectors and objects of strategic {importance to national security, while pur suing political goals, as wells acting in a ‘manner ‘hat violates economic security; 1.42, inferior functioning of eco- nomic and energy sectors and deranged fanctioning of the objects that ere of st tegic importance to national security, their improper usage or non-usage, interfering with theinteress ofthe state, 1.5, Uneven social and economic de velopment that increase the gap in live ing standards between different social groups may present a dangerous condi- tion. It may become apparent as a result ofa decline in the living standards of cer tain socal groups, accompanied by an increase in unemployment, and it may at the same time trigger social and political extremism. This danger may also cause the growth cf crime, which isa factor of dan ser to nctional security. 1.6. The spread of theories, religious doctrines, and ideologies that are inhu- mane, racist, instigate ethnie or religious hatred, asselt the values ofhuman rights, Baltic Defeace Review No. 7 Volume 2002 or propagate and justify violence or geno- cide constitute a threat that is a precon- dition, or souree, of many other security challenges. 1,7, Corruption poses particular dun ser, because it damages legtima vidual and national interests and disered- its the rule of law and the confidence of the citizens in the values of democracy end democratic institutions of government. 18, Activities of groups of organised ‘and financial crime constitute a major threat to the state and society. OF par- ticular concern are activities related to the proliferation of drugs and arms, trade in people illegal business and corruption. 19, Activities of forcign intelligence agencies directed against the Republic of Lithuania constitute a serious threat t© ‘national security. These activites are char- acterised by the use of traditional and tunconventional methods as well as new technologies to obtain information, com- promise and influence military capabili- ties, political processes, and other areas of social and economic life. The disclo- sure or leaking of classified information to other countries would not only poses threat to the security of the Republic of Lithuania but would also undermine the credibility of the Republic of Lithuania. 1,10. Weapons of mass destruction, their components and technologies for their production remain a global danger. The growing number of group of states and subjects in possession of such weap- fons, o who seck to acquire them, and the possibility that nuclear, chemical, or biologial weapons maybe used asa means of blackmail or terror is of particularly 111, The uncontrolled migration poses a challenge to national security, al- though the Republic of Lithuania cur rently is not the main target of migra- tion flow. A wave of migration may oc- cur asa result of regional conflicts, which could evolve into a source of instability for the whole of Europe and atthe same time could pose a danger to the interests of the Republic of Lithuania 1.12, Industrial accidents, natural ca- lamities, epidemics, or ecological disasters are also dangers to security of the Repub- lic of Lithuania. 2. The above listing of threats and dan- gers is dynamic and is therefore subject tochange dependent on internal, regional and global events and conditions. ¥ Security Policy ‘of the Republic of Lithuania 1. Major Goals and Objectives AL. The principal goals of national security of the Republic of Lithuania are to secure the vital and primary national interests, neutralise cheats, and prevent dangerous conditions developing into threats, Among these, protection of vital interests has the highest priority. 1.2. The major objectives are friendly relationships with foreign countries, re sional stability, peace and integration into the Euro-Atlantic area 1.3. In the short term, the major ob- jective is to become a member of NATO, ‘upon invitation during the Alliance Sum- ‘mit that will be held in Prague in No- vember 2002, and a member ofthe Euro- pean Union, 2 Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 2. Strategic concepts and implementa- tion guidelines 2.1. The fundamental strategic concept of the Republic of Lithuania isto consoli- date the accomplishments and the positive ‘changes ofthe last decade and make them irreversible, In this regard the Republic of Lithuania considers NATO and BU enlarge ‘ment, by extending invitations to join to all countries prepared for membership, including the Republic of Lithania,as the ‘most appropriate and credible means to consolidate these historical achievements, Membership ofthe Republic of Lithuania in NATO and EU, as well as membership ‘of the other two Baltic state, Estonia and Latvia, will ensure their longerm security and will also enhance the security and sta- bility ofthe whole Bltic region and there- fore it wll bea longterm security gain for all states inthe region. 22. The security policy of the Re public of Lithuania provides for the use of military force in cases of individual or collective selEdefence against external ag- aression in accordance with Article SI of the United Nations Chatter, the Consti« tution of the Republic of Lithuania as ‘well as other laws and international com- ritments, or a part of international peace operations in support of Chapter VI or VIl ofthe United Nations Charter in cordance with the rues ofthe use of armed, force in operations 23, Following the approval of the National Security Strategy, specialised strategies and doctrines must be prepared and revised. In this egard, the main prine ciples in the areas of diplomacy (foreign policy), military affairs and intelligence (defence policy), internal security (public security, economic policy, social security, environment and cultural heritage), are the following: 2.3.1. Domestic stability and pros- perity. Internal and foreign policies of the Republic of Lithuania are focused on fostering internal social and economic ta- bility. This involves boosting public se- ‘curity, as well as stability of fiscal and monetary policies, intensification of for- «ign trade, encouragement of economic development, privatisation, social sup- port, campaigns against corruption, re- inforcement of civic society, development ‘of culture and civilisation, and falfledged integration into international economic and cultsral organisations. Priorities of security solicy ae: 1 Internal security. One of the highest priorities in ensuring the national security of the Republic of Lithuania is the fight against organised crime and cor ruption. These threats to social stability havea negative impact on public security as well aseconomic development; 2} Human and Civil rights. The Republic of Lithuania guarantees to com- ply with international law regarding the rights of citizens and persons within its territory. These include full respect for the rights of minorities and ethnic groups; 3} Legitimate interests of society. ‘The Repablic of Lithuania guarantees to protect the legitimate interests of ins viduals within its territory against eri ral offences. Thisinvolvesestablishingand implementing effective policies of crime control end prevention; 4 Stable economic growth. A stra- tegic priority for national security of the Baltic Defeace Review No. 7 Volume 2002 Republic of Lithuania is the formation ‘of conditions for economic growth so as to ensure a higher quality of life for its citizens, 5) Social security and stability. An important element of security is to elimi- nate negative consequences of structural economic reforms and external impact on employment level of population, as well asto reduce illegal employment. Every cti= zen is entitled to have sufficient condi- tions for social, cultural and economic development. The formation ofa socially selfsupporting, unified and at the same time stable society is a busic element of the security of the Republic of Lithua- 232, Deterrence and reliable de- fence, State defence consists of military security, as well as civil resistance. It is ‘one of the main instruments of state sc- ‘curity policy. More detailed defence poli- cies and strategies have to adhere to these four strategic principles: 1) Democratic contzol ofthe mile tary to include fostering citizenship and patriotism, and ensuring mutual trust and confidence between the military and the civilian population, 2) Deterrence based on defence rather than offence to include reinforce- ment of defence system and capabilities of the Republic of Lithuania 3) Total and unconditional defence. 4) BurorAllantc solidarity and cok lective defence to include fulfilment of international commitments and active international military cooperation (diplo- racy, assistance to the armed forces of the other states). 23,3. Euro-AUlantc stability and in- tegration: The security system of the Re public of Lithuania is being developed as «part of common European security and transatlantic defence system. Therefore, foreign and internal policies ae focused con full-fledged and comprehensive inte- gration into the Euro-Atlantic area Within their areas of responsibility, all State institutions must prepare policies aimed at ensuring the objectives ofstabil- ity and integration into the Euro-Atlan- tic region: 1) Integration into NATO and EU: membership in NATO and EU, to include fall support to the enlargement process, are to equally important priorities of security policy ofthe Republic of Lithua- nia. The processes of integration into NATO and EU strengthen and comple- rment each other. Membership in one of these two organisations (NATO or EU) does not substitute for the membership in the other. 2) Active participation in main- taining peace and international stability: the Republic of Lithuania gives priority toconflict prevention, diplomacy, and in- ternational legal measures, Of particular importance is the priority given to par- ticipating in international crisis manage- ment, preventing the proliferation of ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction, participat- ing in international arms conteol regimes, and establishing policies and legislation to address new security challenges, dan- ‘gers, and threats 3) Promotion of good neigh- bourly relations and regional co-opera- tion: the Republic of Lithuania gives pri ‘rity to co-operation throughout the 23 24 Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 Baltic Sea Region, Northern Europe, and with the Russian Federation. Lithvania develops and strengthens multilateral and bilateral relations. Specific policies have also been established such as the policy of pragmatic selective co-operation with Belarus. 24, Legislation: systemic efforts are being made to harmonise the national legal base with the legil acts of the EU and NATO. Legal and institutional mecha- 3s for implementation of membership ‘commitments have been identified, Upon the analysis of implementation of the National Security Strategy, the Govern- ‘ment initiates the adoption of new, or amendments to existing, laws. 2.5, General resource priorities with regitd to distribution of resources in the various areas that directly affect overall security of the Republic of Lithuania, priority is given to activites, that enhance economic growth, socal stability, foster- ing of civil society and threat response capabilites with particular attention (© activities associated with integration into NATO and the BU. V1. Primary actions and means Jforimplementation of strategy 1. Shaping the security environment. In shaping and implementing security. policy Lithuania strictly adheres to the universally accepted principles of inter national law, established by the United Nations Charter of 1945, the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference for Security and Cooperation of 1975, and other documents of international law. Major actions and means in shaping security environment are: 1.1. Integration into NATO. The Re- public of Lithuania considers NATO membership as a pr suring both internal and regional secu- rity and stability in the future, The Re public of Lithuania has allocated certain assets for the actions aimed at qualifying for the membership in NATO. Key among these are the following 11. Membership Action Plan. The Republic of Lithuania continues to im- plement che Annual National Programme of Integration into NATO, upated every year according 0 the initiative of the Membership Action Plan until member- ship of the Alliance is achieved. The Re public of Lithuania continues to allocate necessary share of state's expenses for strengthening national defence and interoperability with NATO in aecord- ance with the political consensus of the parliamentary parties on the goal of men bership in NATO and their Agreement con the defence policy. In co-operation with nongovernmental organisations and the media, the Government keeps the Lithuanian public constantly informed about the issues of NATO policy, the advantages of membership ofthe Repub- lic of Lithuania in this oganistion, and her future responsibilities as a member of the Alliance. 1.12, NATO setivities. The Repub- lic of Lithuania furthers an active o-op- eration with the Alliance and the appli cants for membership within the frame work of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, Partnership for Peace (PP), and Planningand Review Process (PARP) and Baltic Defeace Review No. 7 Volume 2002 uses this cooperation as a part of prepa ration for the membership in NATO. In accordance with available resources, the Republic of Lithuania continues to make an active contribution to NATO led in- ternational peacekeeping operations. L1.3. Cooperation with NATO Member states. In pursuit of NATO mem- bership, and to further strengthen regional security, the Republic of Lithuania con- tinues expanding and developing bilat- «ral and molilateral politica, security, and defence cooperation with NATO mem ber states, in order to: 1) consolidate the national secu- rity system of the Republic of Lithuania; 2) reinforce national and interna tional crisis management capabilities; 3) implement NATO standards in 4) encourage political support of the Governments and Parliaments of NATO member states for membership of the Republic of Lithuania in NATO. 1.14, Strategie Partnership with the United States of America. The Republic of Lithuania continues to develop its re- lations with the United States of America as a strategic partner. The Republic of Lithuania considers the United States of ‘America as the main partner of European security. The implementation of the 1998 Charter of Partnership between the US and the Baltic States continues to be ine strumental in the development ofthe stra- tegic partnership with the US. The Re- public of Lithuania also maintains its his- torical and cultural links with the Lithua- nian minority in the United States, which is the largest Lithuanian community abroad, and develops these links as an important aspect of its strategic partner ship with the United States. The Repub- lic of Lithuania continues to provide political and practical support for the antiterorist campaign of the US, after they became the target of terrorist attacks on 1 September 2001. 1.1.5. Cooperation with NATO As- pirant countries. The Republic of Lithua nia continues to develop political and de- fence cooperation with countries, which ppursue similar security policy objectives: Estonia, Latvia and other states of Vilnius proces, those, who are seeking mem bership in NATO and are implementing Membership Action Plans. The Republic of Lithuania seeks to develop military projects created under trilateral military cooperation together with Estonia and Latvia, including joint military units, ‘education institutions, and defence inffa- structure, as future integrated part of NATO mlcary seuccure. 1.1.6. Strengthening representation in NATO institutions. Daring the proc- ‘ss of integration into NATO and taking, into account that membership may soon bea reality, the Republic of Lithuania is increasing and strengthening its diplo- matic representation, and the representa- tion of institutions, forming and imple- menting security policy, at the NATO Mission, specialised committees and agen- cies, as well as in the Headquarters and Commands 12, Integration into the European Union. As a part of the on-going work associated with membership in the EU, an important objective for the Republic of Lithuania isto close accession negotia- 25 26 Baltic Defeace Review No. 7 Volume 2002 tions by the end of the year 2002 and to be ready for membership by 1 January 2004, To this end, the Republic of Lithua- nia sccks to harmonise its legal system and procedures with those of the EU acquis ‘communautaire, by implementing admin- istrative and economic reforms. The Liehuanian Government informs the pub- lic about EU objective, achievements, pares more favourably with neighbour ing countries, particulasly those approach+ ing the EU membership. 1.3.5. Relations with Belarus. The Re- public of Lithuania, asa democratic coun- try and neighbour of Belarus, is inter- «sted in the establishment of democratic ‘norms and principles in this country, together with prosperity for its people and internal stability. The Republic of Lithuania implements tactics of pragmatic selective cooperation ata practical level ‘This tactics beside other issues encom- passes cooperation on border protection and border control institutions, applica tion of confidence and security building measures, cooperation with non-govern- mental organisations of Belarus and rep- resentatives of media. The Republic of Lithuania would expand the area of co- operation upon the strengthening of democratic trends in Belarus, 1.36 laterregional cooperation. The Republic of Lithuania takes an active role in sharing the experience gained from security cooperation in the Baltic Sea re sion with interested states in other regions, 27 28 Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 in particular Central Europe, the Balkans, the Trans-Caucasus, and Central Asia 137. Participation in international peace operations, crisis management and prevention, The Republic of Lithuania ‘gives priority to participation in opera tions led by organisations that acquire the mandate of the United Nations Security Council. The Republic of Lithuania is developing its military and civil police forces, which are included in the UN reg- ister, s permanent standby forces. The Republic of Lithuania also intends to take partin international agreements that con- stitute the basis of the multinational Standby High Readiness’ Brigade (HIRBRIG), assigned (0 carry out op- erations of the UN, and take an active part in the activities of this brigade. The Republic of Lithuania will continue to contribute to conflict prevention, peace aking, peace-building initiatives, and other diplomatic, civil police and monic toring missions led by the UN, OSCE and other international organisations 1.38, Weapons of Mass Destruction. “The Republic of Lithuania cooperates with foreign partners and international orguni- sations, and strictly applies al regulations and conventions defined in international agreements limiting proliferation or pro- hibiting Weapons of Mass Destruction, their components end technologies for their production. The same applies to lim iting proliferation or prohibiting of nu- clear, chemical and biological materials, 1.39, International arms control. ‘The Republic of Lithuania regards incer- znational arms control regimes und confi- dence and security building measures as important element of the world’s and particularly European security. The Re public of Lithuania takes an active part in UN and OSGE arms control regimes. While participating in multilateral re ‘gimes, the Republic of Lithuania also con- sults with the individual countries on application of bilateral confidence and security building measures and actively prepares for the possiblity of joining international arms control regimes and confidence and security building meas- ures, such as the adapted 1990 Conven- tional Forces in Europe Treaty and 1997 (Open Sky treaty. The Republic of Lithus- nia supports and already adheres to the provisions of the Ottawa Convention on the prohibition of anti-personnel mines, and seeks to prepare as efficiently as pos- sible for the future ratification and full implementation of ts provisions. 1.4, Responding (o international se curity challenges and dangers. The Repub- lic of Lithuania places the highest prior- ity on taking specific measures in the fight against exzorism, corruption, organised time, trade in people, drug trefficking, illegal migration, smuggling, and respond ing to other challenges of modern soci- ety such as crime related to informational technolegies and telecommunications. Together with foreign partners and in- ternatioral organisations, the Republic of Lithuania creates, ratifies, and implements instruments of international law, paying special attention to the resolutions ofthe UN Security Council, promotes inter‘in- stitutional cooperation of police forces, border control services, customs and spe- cial services on a bilateral basis as well as, through international organisations such Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 ee __ as Interpol and Europol. 1.5. Prevention of terrorism, The anti terrorism program includes: 1.51. participating in the fight of the international community against ter- 1.52. developing general ztiterror- ist legislation; 1.53. protecting potential targets against terrorist attack ~ including criti= cal infrastructure; 154, identifying individuals in- volved in ordering and executing possi- ble terrorist acts; 1.555. identifying and removing po- tential sources of terrorist funding; 1.56 establishing clearly defined pro- cedures for investigating acts of terrorism; 1.5.7. constant preparedness for climinating crisis situations caused by acts of terrorism; 1.58. reinforcing counterterrorist intelligence capability, 2, Strengthening internal, economic and social security: 2.1, Grime control and prevention, Arnew model for a crime control and pre- vention system is being formed in Lithus- nia, the application of which will allow consistent and complete elimination of the main causes and conditions of devel ‘opment of crime and rational use of the allocated resources. The role of local aus thority institutions is reinforced in the process of creating a safe living cnviron- ment, Activities of prejudicial investiga- tion institutions are being strengthened in investigating and revealing crimes and their efficient intercommunication and interaction with prosecution office is being ensured, Smooth implementation ofthe new Criminal Code and Criminal Process Code is being pursued. Priority in the sphere of crime control is given to ‘he fight against organised exime and cor- ruption. Measures are taken in order t0 destroy the economic potential that has been illegally accumulated by the crimi- nal structures thus reducing organised ‘rime, Prevention of money laundering conforming to the international standards is being implemented and protection of witnesses and victims is being reinforced. The fight against corruption is executed through implementation of measures of corruption prevention, comprehensively climinating ceuses ofthis phenomenon: the national gal basis is being improved (National anti-corruption programme has been adopted) by harmonising Lithuanian legal acts with EU legal acts, and by in- cluding the norms of the internstional Jaw. In order to prevent illegal migration and crossboarder expansion of rime, the evelopment of state border protection system is being continued by means of {implementing the EU requirements for state border contro, introducing the con- trol of individuals and vehicles crossing the border in conformity with interna tional requirements, and forming profes- sional State border protection service. Besides, the national Schengen informa tion system is being established. 22, Protection of information, In ac- ‘cordance with international standards egal regulation of security of informational technologies is being improved, protee- tion of the critical informational systems lof the state is being strengthened, appro- priate control of implementation meas- 29 30 Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volame 2002 ures for security of information technolo- fics and data is being ensured. 23, Environmental protection. The ‘main sources of atmospheric pollution in Lithuania are the transport, energy, end industry sectors. Lithuania is implement- ing agreements on requirements for air protection in order to prevent injurious effect of improper quality of air on the health of people and the ecosystems. To achieve this goal, measures such as trans- port pollution reduction, energy saving measures and technologies of progressive production and purification of pollution, and the use of locl and renewable energy sources, are to be introduced rapidly and effectively. International requirements regulating the management of chemical materials and preparations are being im- plemented in order to avoid harmful ef fects of such materials on the health of population and environment, Protection from the danger of radiation is a prior- ity of national security in Lithuania, be- cause there is « potential source of mu clear pollution ~ Ignalina Nuclear Plant. In accordance with the laws and other Ie= sgalacts of the Republic of Lithuania, con- tuol of nuclear waste material and monic toring of the environment of nuclear ‘energy sites are being implemented. The ‘management and disposal of clear waste ‘and used nuclear fuel is priority ection in ensuring secure environment. 2.4, Social security. In order to en- sure social security of the inhabitants of the country, an effective labour, social in- surance and social support system is be- ing created and implemented in aecord- ance with the EU law. 24.1. Implementation of the Pro- ‘gramme to increase employment allows to ‘overcome the negative consequences of ‘economic restructuring and the external impact on the employment of population and the labour marker, increase employ- ment of population and balance the lar bour market. Regional policy allows over- coming imbalances in regional develop- ment with regard to the labour market, ‘employment and social development. 242. The measures of the Labour code, the State programme for safety and health of the workers and other pro- grammes are being applied in order to «ensure te necessary requirements of abour relations payment, safety at the workplace «tc, so thatthe working conditions would considerbly improve a a resul. 2.43, In order to maintain internal security, social partnership is being im- proved by inclusion of non-governmen- tal organisations into the decision-mak- ing proces. Coordination of measures of social insurance and social support ensures that all citizens are provided with social protection, and measures of social sup- port are guaranteed for the people who ned it the most. 2.44. The goal of the reform of the pension system is to provide an oppor- tunity tothe population of the Republic ‘of Lithuania to acquire greater social guar- antecs, With the final implementation of the reform of the pension system, a threc- level pension system will become opera- tional, consisting of current financing, compulsory accumulation and voluntary accumulation levels. 2.45, Programme of Implementa- tion of strategy for poverty reduction in Baltic Defeace Review No. 7 Volume 2002 Lithuania seeks to reduce poverty and social isolation and overcome extreme poverty. With the reform of monetary social support, the creation of common, monetary social support system bused on the principle of income and property evaluation is being pursued, This system will enable the seduction of poverty and will ensure that family members receiv- ing social support also have the incentive to return to the labour market and thus ‘enhance economic activity Institutional evelopment and allocated financing are simed at ensuring the implementation of reforms and programmes listed above, 2.5. Economic security. In order to ensure the national security of Lithuania in the economic sectors that are ofstrate- sic importance, itis established which strategic objects will belong to the state bby ownesship right and in which objects private national or foreign capital will be allowed, provided chat the controlling decision power is retained by the state. A single national investor, or an investor from a foreign state, is not allowed to dominate in one or several economic sec- tors that are of strategicimportance. Capi- tal of unclear origin is prevented from penetrating into the economic objects of the country. The state ataches a high pri ority to the actions that are planned to strengthen the economy of the country. Such actions are focused on creating con- ditions for stable economic growth, en- suring a higher quality of lif for the citi- zens of Lithuania, and increasing the come petitiveness ofthe economy. The main ac- tivities for ensuring sustainable economic development of the Republic of Lithuania are related to smooth integration into the single market ofthe EU. Priority has been given to the following actions: 2.51. farther implementation of structural reforms; 2.52. assurance ofco roeconomie sal 2.5.3. creation of favourable envi- ronment for the investment and busines, benefiting to economic development; 2.54. implementation of employ- ment policy, encouraging small and me- dium seized business and regional devel- opment; mas of mac 2.5.5, export incentives 2.56. establishing obligatory energy 2.5.7-ensuring table fiscal and mon- etary policy, 25.8, dive ‘energy supply; 2.59. preparing the economic in- frastructure and transport for operation under extreme and critical conditions. 2.6, Protection of cultural heritage. ‘The Republic of Lithuania observe the provisions ofthe UNESCO's Convention conceming the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage stating that the risk of cultural and natural heritage destruction increases not only for tradi- tional reasons, bu also because of changes of social and economic conditions. It s important to the Republic of Lithua to join the international agreements and cother global efforts to preserve cultural heritage while in particular focusing on the protection of heritage during peri ‘ds of possible conflicts. The Republic of Lithuania seeks to create economic, tech- nological, informational, legal, cultural ication of sources of ar 32 Baltia Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 and educational conditions ensuring the creativity ofthe society, enabling to trans- fer common European and global cultural values to the cultural context of Lithua- nia, and preserving unique national char- acter enriching the culture of the world. 3. Enhancing response and readiness capabilities: 3.1 Improving military capabilities ‘Asa result of positive changes in the stra- tegic environment of the Republic of Lithuania, ongoing economic growth and taking into account the equirements and readiness levels necessary to mect interna Gonal commitments, the Republic of Lithuania continues to revise its defence structures and capabilites. The main fo- ‘cus in this work is directed at: 3.1L. optimally balanced capabili- ties, necessary to address dangerous situa- tions and threats and to carry out inter- national commitments must be compat- ible with the avaiable resources enabling creation of these capabilities; 3.1.2, ereating and exercising on 2 segular basis highly qualified, well com- manded and properly trained armed forces. These capabilities are developed primarily to meet the internal security needs of the defence of the Republic of Lithuania. At the same time their interoperability with NATO is pursued, the capacity to falfil international com- ‘mitments being the main criterion, These capabilities are based on analysis of mili- tary threat, evaluation of actual resources and risk assessment. Priority is given to the development of effective reliable and ‘mobile land forces, 3.13, further development of host nation support capabilities. 32. Strengthening intelligence, coun- terintelligence and protection of classi- fied information, Intelligence and coun- terintlligence are carried out by the na- tional security institutions, operating in accordance with the law. The Republic of Lithuania is implementing and improv- ing measures for the protection of the state and military secrets. Particular atten- tion is focused on the verification system for confirming the suitability of person- incl who will be working with confiden- til state and service information in com- pliance with NATO requirements and the new technologies as well as other areas related to protection of communications «and informational systems. 33. Improving Crisis Management and Response Capabilities. In order to ensure ational security in the area of rsis man- agement, their detection and prevention, the crisit management system is being es tablished in Lithuania, Ths will improve the ability ofthe Republic of Lithuania to take partin international crisis management. The crisis management sytem is being pre pared for efficient fanctioning in the pre- crisis situations, ensuring comprehensive monitoring of dangerous situations and threats, crisis detection, preparation and implementation of preventive measures The main means and measures for improving crisis management and response capabili- ties are the following: 3.31. priority is given to enhane- ing the preventive role ofthe crisis man- agement system in order to detect dan- getous situations and heats and climi- nate the possibilities oftheir occurrence and development; Baltic Defence Review No. 7 Volume 2002 332. to establish in compliance with international standards, civil safety and ree cue institutions capable of managing crisis extreme situations and t0 meet the needs of society inthis sphere ~ to ensure imme- diate emergency aid in the ease of ire, ine dustrial disaster or another incident. 34, Strengthening civil resistance sy- tem, Establishment of a high quality mo- bilisation system ensuring regular train- ing ofthe reserve, and capabilities includ- ing those necessary for organisation of civil resistance in the case of foreign mili- tary aggression. This aspect of national security is directly linked to the princi- ple of total and unconditional defence. ‘This principle commits each and every

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