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Instruction: Please read the following scenario. Then answer the following questions:

Scenario A

Ms. Chai was a healthworker. She was working in an institution with a lot of patients and at
the same time co-workers. She was assigned in general ward . Everyday, she handled 18-20
patients.From time to time, she encountered different significant others and visitors of her patients.
Five months later, a dreadful disease struck Wuhan China. Corona Virus (COVID-19) infected many
Chinese people. Thousands of people were suffering from the disease and many were dead. Ms. Chai
learned about this tragedy. Everyday, she listened to the news. She kept posted about the virulence
of the disease. Months later, the disease became a pandemic. Thousands of people around the world
got infected. Some were able to recover but many were dead. On her daily monitoring about the fast
growing number of COVID cases as well as the number of casualties , she started to get nervous. She
could no longer sleep well. She loss her appetite. She started to tremble. Later, she did not want to
listen about COVID news anymore. On the other hand,everytime she went to work, she got scared
thinking that “what if the patients and the different people that I could deal with are already COVID
carriers?”. She was so anxious about COVID transmission of infection. Few days later, Ms Chai did not
show up on her scheduled work of duty. She did AWOL( Absence without Leave).

1. What is the problem of Ms. Chai?
2. What is the cause of her problem?
3. What possible solution(s) can she be of helped?
4. As a nurse, formulate a plan of care to address the problem of Ms Chai. (PLs follow the format in
NCP Making)
****clue of the problem : psychological factor

Thank you!

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