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Moral of the story is, “Truth doesn’t cost you anything but a lie could cost you

5. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline : 10
Tortoise and hare – good friends – tortoise – known for his slow speed – hare
has fast speed – makes fun of tortoise – challenges him – referee selected –
race starts – hare overconfident – takes a nap – tortoise wins.
(CBSE 2018 English Language and Literature Set-1)
Slow and steady wins the race
Once upon a time there were 2 friends, a tortoise and a hare. The whole jungle
was aware about their brotherhood and how they stuck together with each other
no matter what. One fine day, when they were discussing about their respective
speed, the hare made fun of the tortoise for being slower. Now, it is a well known
fact that tortoises generally have a hard shell which makes it difficult for them to
walk. But the hare continued to make fun of him. The tortoise got very angry and
asked him to prove it. The hare, in turn, challenged the tortoise to run a race with
him. Both of them agreed upon the date and time. The news was taken over to
the king of the jungle, the lion. He chose a referee and announced the
commencement of preparations. The entire jungle was excited as it was the first
time that the two brothers were competing with each other. Days before the race,
the hare went around talking high about himself whereas on the other hand, the
tortoise practiced diligently. The night before the race, the tortoise slept on time,
to be energetic the other day, whereas the hare continued to dream about him
winning and how obvious it was that he needed no preparations. The wait was
over, the tickets were completely sold out and the crowd was cheerful. Both the
contestants stood ready on the starting line and the race was supposed to end at
a stretch of one kilometre. The whistle blew and both started running at their own
pace. The hare covered half the distance while the tortoise could only cover half
of what the hare had covered. The overconfident hare thought of taking a nap
and thought that by the time the tortoise would come near him, he would wake up
and cover the rest of the distance. After some time, the hare was woken up by
the sound of hooting and whistling, the tortoise had won.
Therefore, the moral of the story is, “Confidence is good, but overconfidence
always sinks the ship”. 
6. Complete the story in 150-200 words which begins as the following : There
was a joint family of six members including grandparents. It was the 75th birthday
of the grandmother and the family planned to celebrate … … … 
(CBSE 2018 English Language and Literature Set-1)
There was a joint family of six members, including the grandparents. It was the
75th birthday of the grandmother and the family planned to celebrate it by
throwing a surprise party. The family began going out for preparations and since
it was supposed to be a surprise, they would leave their grandmother alone at
home. As the big day came nearer, the grandmother started feeling isolated and
lonely. She believed that since everyone was caught up in their own business,
they had forgotten about her birthday. She felt sad but never expressed it to
anyone. On the day of her birthday, no one wished her. Everyone started getting
ready and told her that they had their own respective plans. The grandfather
asked her to accompany him for a walk. It was all a part of their plan. The
grandfather took the route to the venue and didn’t make it look in a way that
could make her suspicious. Upon reaching the venue, the lights suddenly went
on and everybody shouted, “Happy Birthday”. The grandmother was
overwhelmed and tears of love came rolling down her eyes. This was the
happiest birthday till then
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