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DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2012.01260.


A systematic review of risk factors during first year of life for

early childhood caries


Jack Brockoff Child Health & Wellbeing Program & McCaughey Centre, School Population Health, University of
Melbourne, Carlton, Vic., Australia, 2Department of Dentistry, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Vic., 3Department of
Dentistry & Oral Health, La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University, Bendigo, Vic., 4Melbourne Dental School,
University of Melbourne, Carlton, Vic., and 5Dental Health Services Victoria, Melbourne, Vic., Australia

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2013; 23: tigators undertook a quality assessment for risk of
235–250 bias.
Results. Inclusion criteria were met for (a) by four
Background. Early childhood caries (ECC) describes papers and for (b) by 13 papers; five papers were
dental caries affecting children aged 0–71 months. rated medium or high quality. Bacterial acquisi-
Current research suggests ECC has important aetio- tion/colonization and modifying factor interrela-
logical bases during the first year of life. Gaps in tionships were identified, but their role in the
knowledge about disease progression prevent the caries process was not clarified. Key risk indicators
effective and early identification of ‘at risk’ were infant feeding practices (nine papers), mater-
children. nal circumstances and oral health (6) and infant-
Aim. To conduct a systematic review of research related oral health behaviours (4).
studies focusing on (a) acquisition and coloniza- Conclusion. This review confirmed that factors
tion of oral bacteria and ECC and (b) risk and/or occurring during the first year of life affect ECC
protective factors in infants aged 0–12 months. experience. Despite heterogeneity, findings indi-
Design. Ovid Medline and Embase databases cated maternal factors influence bacterial acquisi-
(1996–2011) were searched for RCT, longitudinal, tion, whereas colonization was mediated by oral
cross-sectional and qualitative studies. Two inves- health behaviours and practices and feeding habits.

47% of 5- to 6-year-old children have cavi-

tated carious lesions, and of these lesions,
Early childhood caries (ECC) describes dental 80% are active and untreated9. A recent Aus-
caries affecting children 71 months of age or tralian study estimated that 45% of hospital
younger1. Studies in nonindustrialized and ‘oral cavity’ admissions for children aged
industrialized countries have reported caries <2 years of age were related to dental car-
prevalence in very young children to vary ies10. It is important to understand the natu-
between 28% and 82%2–6 depending on the ral history of ECC in order to implement
population studied. There are few Australian effective preventive strategies. Prevention and
studies reporting caries prevalence in infants early intervention are critical as children with
and preschool-aged children with most Aus- ECC may experience pain and infection of
tralian data coming from school-aged chil- dental origin and exhibit poor sleeping pat-
dren7, 8 accessing the public school dental terns, altered eating habits and behaviour,
services in each state. This data indicate that poor self-esteem11, reduced speech produc-
tion and communication skills, low body
weight and height12 and failure to thrive13,
Correspondence to: 14
. Furthermore, ECC is a strong predictor of
Pamela Margaret Leong, Department of Dentistry, Royal
Children’s Hospital, Parkville, 50 Flemington Road,
dental caries experience in later life15.
Vic., 3052 Australia. Although ECC is recognized as multifactoral
E-mail: in nature, there are gaps in our knowledge as

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD 235
236 P. M. Leong et al.

to how the risk factors interrelate and why examined papers by title and abstract accord-
some children suffer a greater burden of dis- ing to inclusion and exclusion criteria as
ease than others. In particular, little is known below. The first reviewer (PL) scrutinized all
about the infant’s oral environment prior to, identified papers from both searches, and at
and during, early tooth eruption. Influences least 10% of papers in each search were inde-
in the first year of life may have an important pendently reviewed by a second reviewer
effect on the health of the primary dentition. (MG or SLB). Where title and/or abstract
Most studies report on ECC once the teeth were unclear, the full text was obtained. All
have erupted into the mouth and there are papers meeting the inclusion criteria were
visible signs of the disease process, or on the retrieved, and full texts were reviewed by
interrelationship of bacteria between a two independent reviewers (Search 1:
mother and her child. For example, a recent addressing bacterial acquisition and coloniza-
systematic review of preschool-aged children tion: by PL and MG; Search 2: addressing all
and ECC yielded 120 papers, and of these, proposed determinants of ECC: by PL and
one paper investigated pre-dentate children SLB), using screening questions of the Critical
only16. Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)17. All
The present paper describes a systematic lit- excluded papers were recorded in a spread-
erature review addressing ECC during the sheet along with the reason for their exclu-
first year of life. Two independent searches
were undertaken to capture as many papers
as possible addressing the overall research
Oral bacteria in Risk and
question: What factors occurring during an * protective factors
relation to ECC
infant’s first year of life influence the initia- for ECC

tion and progression of ECC? The first objec-

tive was to address the association between
the acquisition of oral cariogenic bacteria and Select bibliographic databases, websites and other sources
caries outcomes in infants; the second objec-
tive was to identify the proposed determi-
nants of ECC during the first year of life. Select search terms and construct search strategies

Materials and methods

First sieve: apply screening by title and abstract
Search strategy
Two searches were conducted to identify,
describe, quality-appraise and synthesize pub-
Second sieve: Apply quality of methods screen
lished studies: first, exploring acquisition and
colonization of oral bacteria in children dur-
ing their first year of life and subsequent
development of ECC; second, addressing/ Review papers
exploring the risk and/or protective factors
for ECC in children aged up to 12 months.
The outcomes of both searches were then
Synthesize results
The search strategy undertaken is shown
(Fig. 1). Separate searches of Medline Ovid
SP and Embase Ovid SP electronic databases
were undertaken (April 2011), storing results Final report and conclusions
in separate Endnote libraries and delet-
ing duplicates. The first sieving of papers, Fig. 1. Flow chart of the search strategy used for two
undertaken by two independent reviewers, searches.

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

Systematic review early childhood caries 237

sion. If reviewers disagreed on a paper, the recommendations, conference proceedings,

protocol required them to discuss to consen- letters or similar).
sus. Included papers were then quality- Additional requirements applied to Search 1
appraised using the full CASP criteria17. (acquisition and colonization of oral bacteria
Finally, data were extracted onto a spread- and ECC) were a cariogenic bacterial assess-
sheet for analysis and synthesis. In addition, ment must have been undertaken for an
authors of papers requiring clarification on infant by the time they were aged 12 months,
particular aspects of their study relevant to and these infants must have also had a caries
this review were contacted by email for fur- assessment by 18 months of age. The latter
ther information. requirement was based upon the assumption
that caries in newly erupting teeth may take
several months to become clinically visible18,
Population sample and search terms 19
, and maxillary anterior teeth do not
Inclusion criteria for the population group in generally erupt until an infant is about
both searches required studies to report on 8–10 months of age.
children aged 0–12 months. Where a broader
age range was reported in the paper,
Quality appraisal
information relating specifically to 0- to
12-month-olds must have been included for The CASP criteria17 were selected for this
the paper to be included in the present review as an established and accepted appraisal
review. Search strings were determined with tool allowing for a broad range of study designs
the assistance of two medical research librari- to be appraised. The criteria were developed by
ans and modified as necessary for each the Public Health Resource Unit of the UK
database (Table 1). National Health Service17 and applied to each
study in the present review to enable assess-
ment across three broad areas: study method-
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
ology (internal validity)20; reporting of results
Additional to the age limitation, only papers (reliability); and applicability or generalizabil-
published between 1996 and April 2011 were ity (external validity)20, with particular refer-
included. The latter limitation was applied ence to studies in Victorian/Australian
because laboratory methods used to analyse populations. To enable inter-study compari-
cariogenic bacteria have progressed markedly sons, each area was then rated high, medium
since the mid-1990s, and it is unlikely that or low depending on the strength of reporting.
earlier published papers would supplement An overall rating was then determined based
this review concerning current knowledge (S. on these outcomes, weighting ‘materials and
Daspher, Personal communication). Papers methods’ and ‘results’ sections more heavily
where participants were physically, intellectu- than ‘applicability’. Working independently,
ally or medically compromised, or had quality appraisal was undertaken by the same
syndromes, were excluded, as were papers two reviewers who reviewed the papers for
other than primary studies (e.g. guidelines, inclusion and exclusion.

Table 1. Search strings used for two searches.

Search strings for Search 1 addressing the association between the acquisition of oral cariogenic bacteria and caries outcomes in
exp *Dental Caries/AND (*Streptococcus/or *Streptococcus mutans/or *Streptococcus sobrinus/or *Saliva/or *Lactobacillus casei/or exp
*Periodontal Diseases/)
Search strings for Search 2 addressing all proposed determinants of early childhood caries (ECC):
exp *Dental caries/AND *Streptococcus/or *Streptococcus mutans/or *Streptococcus sobrinus/or *Saliva/or *Lactobacillus casei/or exp
*Periodontal Diseases/*Fluorides/or exp *Oral Hygiene/or *Oral health/or exp *Dental Prophylaxis/or (*Diet/or *Diet, Cariogenic) or
(*Breast Feeding/or Feeding Methods/or *Bottle Feeding/) or exp *Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/or *Parent–Child
Relations/or *Mother–Child Relations/or exp *Mothers/or *Social Conditions/or exp *Socioeconomic Factors/or *Attitude/or exp
*Attitude to Health/or *Child Rearing/or *risk/or *risk factors/

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

238 P. M. Leong et al.

lect, assess and report data; these influenced

the ability to assess the consistency of findings
across the studies and to make strong conclu-
Search addressing the acquisition and colonization
sions. Three studies were longitudinal21–23
of cariogenic bacteria and ECC (Search 1)
and were rated as high21, medium22 and
A total of 68 papers were identified in this low23, respectively. The fourth study 24 used
search as shown (Fig. 2); two duplicates were a cross-sectional design to determine a rela-
excluded leaving 66 papers for review by title tionship between parent-reported infant feed-
and abstract. Both reviewers agreed on all ing practices occurring during the previous
included and excluded papers. The first and week and bacterial colonization and caries
second sieving excluded 62 papers. The main experience. Wan et al.21 used a cohort from a
reasons for exclusion were because the papers larger prospective longitudinal study
did not report on children aged 12 months or (Table 2). The cohort was selected because
younger (n = 28); did not report on studies there were no reportable levels of Streptococcus
(e.g. the paper was a review, report or guide- mutans (S. mutans) at the time of initial tooth
line etc. n = 12); or were the outside scope of eruption, thus enabling a comparison regard-
this review (n = 11). ing the timing of colonization with remaining
Four papers then remained for quality children in the larger study who were colo-
appraisal and data extraction (Table 2). The nized in the pre-dentate stage. Participants
study by Wan et al.21 was rated as high over- were examined, and samples of biofilm (pla-
all and that of Teanpaisan et al.22 rated med- que) were collected at 3-month intervals until
ium. Studies by Lindquist et al.23 and Mohan children reached 2 years of age. Despite the
et al.24 were both rated as low. The studies all study by Lindquist et al.23 being 7 years in
differed in design and methods used to col- duration, it had few participants (n = 12

Total papers = 68 Excluded = 2

Medline = 5 (duplicates)
Embase = 12

Excluded = 61
6 Medically, physically or mentally
compromised groups
First sieve = 66 12 Not reporting on studies (reviews
(Screening by title & abstract) guidelines, reports etc)
11 Outside scope of review
28 Specific age group not identified &
4 Caries status not reported ≤ 18 months

Second sieve = 5 Excluded = 1

(Screening by quality of methods)

Included = 4

Fig. 2. Flow chart illustrating the outcome of each stage of Search 1 addressing the association between the acquisition of
oral cariogenic bacteria and caries outcomes in infants.

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

Table 2. Study overview and quality appraisal summary and results of Search 1 addressing the association between the acquisition of oral cariogenic bacteria and caries
outcomes in infants.

Quality appraisal Study overview


© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

Author Overall and Country Population Age range
and year rating methods Results Applicability of study selection Study design Study focus Sample size infant data

Wan et al. High High High High Australia C H RB SEBG Longitudinal Infection rate, ages Sm 111 C 6–24 months
200321 with no Sm pre- cohort (0– colonization and
dentate 24 months) contributory factors
Teanpaisan Medium Medium Medium Low Thailand C MIHC H LIF Longitudinal (0 Relationship bacteria to n = 198 C 9–24 months
et al. MR –24 months)* caries development
2007 22
Lindquist Low Medium Low Low Sweden PW H with both Longitudinal M-C Bacterial transmission n = 12 M; n = 15 C 6 months –7 years
et al. Sm and Ss (7 years) and subsequent caries
2004 23
Mohan Low Low Low Low US M C LIF MIHC Cross-sectional Risk factors and MS n = 118 MC 6–24 months
et al. acquisition
1998 24

C, child; H, hospital attendees; LIF, low income/socio-demographic families; M, mothers; MR, mainly rural families; MS, Mutans Streptococci; MIHC, mother/infant health care centre attend-
ees; PW, pregnant women; RB, recruited at birth; SEBG, socio-economically balanced population group; Sm, Streptococcus mutans; Ss, Streptococcus sobrinus; UTR, Unable to report (insuffi-
cient detail).
*Part of prospective study aiming to follow children birth – 24 years of age.
Systematic review early childhood caries
240 P. M. Leong et al.

mothers, n = 15 children), which restricted cessing samples varied. This would have
reviewers’ ability to draw conclusions about resulted in different numbers of colony-form-
the sample population and, in addition, ing units (CFU) following cultivation. Meth-
lacked a description of both the sample popu- ods used to identify and enumerate CFU
lation group and the population frame. The varied from direct visual techniques to
study by Teanpaisan et al.22 was a large pro- microscopy or colony counters. Only the
spective longitudinal study undertaken in study by Wan et al.21 used control plates with
Thailand where there is a high prevalence of known bacterial concentrations during the
ECC among the population. This study incubation process. The variety of sample col-
reported data from 9 months of age and lection and analytic methods used for bacte-
sought to identify a relationship between rial measures was also apparent in the
bacteria and caries development. diagnosis and reporting of dental caries
All studies varied in their population sam- (Table 4). Studies varied from reporting early
ples (Table 2). The study by Mohan et al.24 in lesions, to recording frank cavitations only. In
the United States was undertaken in a low one study24, participant groupings varied,
socio-economic group of mothers and their precluding the ability to follow groups of
infants. The study by Teanpaisan et al.22 was children across time points or assessments.
conducted in Thailand. The study by Lind- The results of the above four studies are
quist et al.23 was undertaken in Sweden with summarized (Table 5). Three studies21, 22, 24
a small sample of 12 mothers and their 15 detected cariogenic bacteria in infants before
children; the sample and sampling frame their first birthday; Teanpaisan et al.22
were not described. Of all the studies, the reported MS in 1.78% of the pre-dentate
study by Wan et al.21 rated highest in applica- infants (n = 169) as young as 3 months and
bility. It reported a cohort sample representa- caries in 9-month-old infants. The longitudi-
tive of the general Australian population. nal study by Wan et al.21 detected S. mutans
Different methods were used to collect and in 5% of 312 children <1 month of age and
measure bacterial samples in each study 18% at 6 months of age. Further, the study
(Table 3). For example, the sample type and by Mohan et al.24 reported 4/22 children were
location ranged from Mutans Streptococci colonized with MS by 6–9 months of age.
(MS) and/or S. mutans in saliva, plaque, ton- The study by Lindquist et al.23 did not detect
gue scrapings or a combination of sites; in S. mutans until the infants were aged between
addition, techniques used for plating and pro- 1.5 and 5 years; 5/15 children had no detect-

Table 3. Bacterial sampling techniques and analyses used in four studies.

Techniques Mohan et al. 24
Lindquist et al. 23
Wan et al. 21
et al. 22

Bacteria site Tongue Plaque (biofilm), saliva and tongue Plaque (biofilm), Tongue Saliva
(moistened) (scraping)
Collection Wooden tongue Edentate: cotton Cotton tips Wooden
Tool blade Swab dentate: toothpick tongue
Collection Dorsum of tongue Ridges and tongue scrapings taken with Tongue and tooth surfaces Into oral cavity
site toothpick from dried tongue (as
separate samples)
Processing Pressed onto agar Pre-dentate: swabs streaked directly onto Phosphate buffered saline, diluted and Immediately
plates of MS MS selective agar plates plated on Sm selective media and pressed onto
selective media Dentate: Plaque and tongue scrapings cultivated. Control plates with known petri dishes
and cultivated into separate vials of RTF transport cultures also used and cultivated
medium; serially diluted and cultivated
on MS selective media and cultivated
Assessment Visual count by Morphology Colony counter Microscope by
morphology morphology

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

Systematic review early childhood caries 241

Table 4. Methods used to measure caries experience in four studies.

Methods Mohan et al. 24

Lindquist et al. 23
Wan et al. 21
Teanpaisan et al. 22

Age n = 22, 6–9 months Visually at each sampling session ages: 3 monthly 9, 12, 18 and
assessed n = 31, 10–13 months 6 monthly from 6 months of age 24 months
n = 22, 14–17 months until 3 years then annually till 7 years
n = 34, 18–21 months
n = 9, 22–24 months
Measures Modified Radike criteria: Clinical records and radiographs: WHO criteria: WHO criteria:
used to Fissures: probe resists removal or loss After study period: Initial and frank (frank lesions d1 (enamel)
diagnose of translucency; Smooth surfaces: lesions also filled surfaces. Findings only recorded)* d2 (dentine)
caries enamel penetrated or scraped away compared and joint diagnostic d3 (pulpal
by probe) decision made. involvement)
Examiner One dentist Two dentists (records reviewed post One examiner: Five dentists: Kappa
hoc): joint diagnostic agreement intra examiner scores for inter and
where necessary consistency intra examiner
established reliability

*From personal contact with researchers.

able levels of S. mutans during the 7-year The four studies demonstrated a relation-
study period. ship between the acquisition and levels of
Caries was not detected in infants aged cariogenic bacteria in an infant and several
18 months or less in three studies21,23,24 mediating factors (Table 5). The most signifi-
(Table 5). The study by Wan et al.21 used cav- cant factors reported by Wan et al.21 that
itated lesions as the criterion for the presence potentially increased a 9-month-old child’s
of caries ( W. K. Seow, Personal communica- exposure to higher levels of bacterial transfer
tion), and by the time the children were were habitual kissing on the lips or having
24 months of age, of the 111 infants who their food pretested; sharing eating utensils or
were colonized with S. mutans, caries was being exposed to dietary sugars four or more
found in 8 (9%). The study by Mohan et al.24 times per day. At 12 months of age, there
used modified Radike criteria and diagnosed was a shift to child-related risk factors pre-
caries at ages 20 and 21 months (n = 3). dominating: being formula-fed on demand;
Diagnosis of caries in the study by Lindquist snacking four or more times per day or shar-
et al.23 relied upon interpretation using dental ing of food with others; spending more than
records and radiographs of initial, frank and ten hours per week in a child care facility;
restored lesions. Although dental assessments and an infant not having their teeth brushed
were undertaken during the study period, at least twice a day21. Maternal influences
assessment of the dental records did not take increasing levels of S. mutans in an infant
place until the end of the study when the were predominantly family income and
authors reported caries in 7/15 children. mother’s education for infants at both
In summary, three of the four studies 9 months and 12 months21. In addition,
(Table 5) reported the presence of cariogenic maternal oral health in relation to her S. mu-
oral bacteria in the pre-dentate and very early tans levels and periodontal pocketing depths
dentate stages of an infant’s life21,22,24, and was considered important, as was maternal
one study reported caries occurring soon after snacking of four or more times per day21.
tooth eruption in a few children22. All four The study by Mohan et al.24 found that in
studies reported finding caries in children children aged 6–24 months (Table 5), coloni-
during the study period, and in every child zation increased with the number of teeth
with diagnosed caries, MS or S. mutans was present and sweetened beverages in bottles.
present; however, not all children harbouring This study reported on bottle usage in terms
these bacteria developed caries during the of children who consumed either sweetened
study period. beverages or plain milk in their bottles or did

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

242 P. M. Leong et al.

Table 5. Results of four studies addressing oral bacteria in relation to ECC.

Author, year and

study design Results Risk factors Level of risk

Mohan et al.24 MS: Age: MS colonization more likely increasing infant age OR = 4.0, CI 95% = 1.2–12.6
Cross-sectional 4 of 22 colonized
(n = 122 infants) 6–9 mos
Caries: Bottle usage/content: consumption of sweetened beverages
First detected versus milk or no bottle usage (6–24 mos)
20 mos
Wan et al.21 S. mutans: Consuming pre-tasted foods at 9 mos OR = 6.4, 95% CI = 2.9–14.5
Longitudinal 6 mos = 1%
(n = 111 infants) 9 mos = 12%
12 mos = 37%
15 mos = 54%
18 mos = 68%
Caries: Sharing eating utensils > 3/day at 9 mos OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 2.3–9.5
First detected
24 mos = 9 with
Total sugar exposures at 9 mos > 3/day OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 3.0–13.4
Habitually kissed on lips at 9 mos OR = 6.4, 95% CI = 3.0–13.4
Brushing habits  1/day at 12 mos (parental-assisted OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.2–2.6
positive association)
Snacking > 3/day at 12 mos OR = 5.6, 95% CI = 2.3–9.5
Formula feeding on demand at 12 mos OR = 8.9, 95% CI = 1.9–41.6
Low total income families 9 mos = P < 0.01
12 mos = P < 0.03
Mother’s primary education higher risk at 9, 12, 15 mos
Maternal Sm levels 105 CFU/mL OR = 2.1–8.5, 95% CI = 1.2–
Mothers’ oral health status: OR = 1.6-5.3, 95% CI = 0.3-
periodontal pocketing (CPI > 2) 30.1
Maternal plaque covering > 50% dentition OR = 3.8-18.8, 95% CI = 0.9
Teanpaisan et al.22 MS: Bacterial level more important than age at colonization OR = 13.01, 95% CI = 2.89–
Longitudinal 3 mos = 1.78% ECC if MS  50 CFU (CFU/1.5 cm2) 58.52
(n = 198 infants) 9 mos = 17.75%
12 mos = 28.63%
18 mos = 47.34%
9 mos = 4.2%
12 mos = 29.9%
18 mos = 83.1%
Lindquist et al.23 MS: Homology of genotypes between mothers-infants found
Longitudinal <1.5 yrs = 0
(n = 15 infants) <7 yrs = 10/15
18 mos = 0
<7 yrs = 7/15

MS, Mutans Streptococci; mos, months of age; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; S. mutans, Streptococcus mutans; CFU, colony-
forming units; CPI, community periodontal index; ECC, early childhood caries; yrs, years of age.

not use a bottle at all. The paper did not was more important than the age of acquisi-
report on frequency of consumption, whether tion in subsequent caries experience, and in
night-time bottle-feeding was occurring, or addition, children who harboured MS before
whether the children were breast fed or the sample population mean age of
received a sugar intake from sources other 16.7 ± 6.7 months had a higher number of
than from the bottle. The study by Teanpai- decayed teeth at all ages. However, this was
san et al.22 concluded that the bacterial level not statistically significant until 24 months of

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

Systematic review early childhood caries 243

age. Further, children 12 months of age who CASP screening criteria17. In addition, two
had detectable levels of MS had a 13-fold risk foreign language papers, which, despite seek-
of developing caries. This study did not inves- ing the opinions of at least two translators for
tigate other determinants that may modify each, were unable to be translated sufficiently
bacterial levels and disease process, such as to subject them to a quality appraisal and
frequency of feeding and bottle contents. were therefore also excluded at this point; 13
papers were then quality-appraised.
The quality appraisals of the 13 papers are
Search addressing all proposed determinants of
shown (Table 6). The studies were rated on
ECC (Search 2)
three criteria (reliability, internal validity,
This search focused on a broad range of deter- external validity) as high, medium or low,
minants in an effort to identify and describe and an overall weighting was then developed.
the risk and/or protective factors that modify Three papers21,29,32 were rated overall as
cariogenic bacterial acquisition. The stages of high; of these, one was a RCT29, and two
the review process are shown (Fig. 3). A total were longitudinal cohort studies21,32. Four
of 313 papers were reviewed by title and papers22,26,30,31 were rated medium, and of
abstract; of these, 13 duplicates and a further these, two were RCTs26,30, and two were lon-
285 papers were excluded. The main reasons gitudinal cohort studies22,31. The remaining
for exclusion were the papers did not report six papers24,25,27,28,33,34 were rated low. Of
on children aged 12 months or younger these, three were RCTs25,27,28, and three were
(n = 151), were not studies (e.g. paper was a cross-sectional24,33,34.
review, report, guideline etc. n = 65) or were Of the longitudinal cohort studies, the
outside the scope of the study aim (n = 33). study by Wan et al.21 rated high in all three
Full texts were obtained for the remaining 17 categories (Table 6). This study of an Austra-
papers; of these, two papers were excluded in lian population was a cohort (n = 111) subset
the second sieve as they did not meet the of a larger study (n = 312) and provided

Total papers: 313 Excluded: 13


Excluded: 283

2 Not dentally related

9 Medically compromised groups
First sieve: 300 65 Not a study (eg: review report, guideline)
(Screening by title & abstract) 3 Non-human study
18 Not primary study undertaken by authors
151 Not reporting on infants ≤ 12 months of
33 Outside scope of study aim
2 Case study

Second sieve: 17
(Screening by quality of Excluded: 4*

Included: 13

Fig. 3. Flow chart illustrating the outcome of each stage of Search 2 addressing all proposed determinants of early childhood

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD


Table 6. Study overview and quality appraisal summary and results of Search two addressing all proposed determinants of early childhood caries.

Quality appraisal Study overview

Overall and Country Population Age range
Author rating methods Results Applicability of study selection Study design Study focus Sample size infant data

Wan et al.21 High High High High Australia HB pre- and full Longitudinal Bacterial n = 111 C B-24 months (3 monthly)
term RP (>24 months) colonization
P. M. Leong et al.

Nakai et al.29 High High High Medium Japan PW RCT (NR Bacterial n = 107 M 0–9 months
MICH >105 CFU/ approximately transmission
mL NVS 30 months)
Thitasomakul High High High Low Thailand NVS Longitudinal SES and risk n = 495 C 9, 12, 18 months
et al.32 factors
Dasanayake Medium Medium Medium Medium USA PW MIHC; RCT (4 years) Bacterial n = 75 MC 1, 2, 3 year (birthdays)
et al.26 2.5 9 104 CFU/mL transmission
Teanpaisan Medium Medium Medium Low Thailand RPLIF MIHC/H Longitudinal Infant n = 1076 C* 6–18 months
et al.22 (>24 months) feeding
Habibian Medium Medium Low Medium England AP HB Longitudinal (NR Infant n = 163 C 6, 12, 18 months
et al.31 approximately feeding
30 months) practices
Feldens Medium High Low Low Brazil M HB LIF RCT (field) (1 year) Role of n = 500 MC 0–4 years
et al.30 health
Mohan Low Medium Low Low USA LIF WIC CS Cross-sectional Infant n = 122 C 6–24 months
et al.24 feeding
Fontana Low Medium Low Low USA MICH/Ads 105 CFU/ RCT (10 months) Bacterial n = 97 M 0–14 months
et al.28 mL transmission
Brambilla Low Low Low Low Italy PW H with 105 CFU/ RCT (30 months) Bacterial n = 60 MC 6–24 months
et al.25 mL; NFD transmission
Singh et al.33 Low Low Low Low Fiji MIHC NFD Cross-sectional Infant n = 102 C 6–12,13–24,25–36 months
Franco Low Low Low Low USA MICH LIF NFD RCT (30 months) Role of n = 132 MC 0–24 months
et al.27 counselling
Qin et al.34 Low Low Low Low China H K C NVS Cross-sectional SES and risk n = 514 C <4 years

A, adults; Ads, advertising; AP, affluent population; B, birth; C, child; CFU/mL, colony-forming units per millilitre cariogenic bacteria; H, hospital attendees; HB, hospital birth; K, kindergarten/
preschool attendees; LIF, low income/socio-demographic families; M, mothers; MC, mother/parent child pairs; MIHC, mother/infant health care centre attendees; NFD, no further detail; NR,
Not reported; NVS, not very specific; PW, pregnant women; RCT, Randomized control trial; RP, representative of broader population group; VCD, vaccination campaign day; WIC, attendees
Women Infant Children clinics.
*Not all of these examined dentally and bacterial samples taken.

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

Systematic review early childhood caries 245

detailed information on the population, short term caries experience (M. Fontana,
methods used and data validation. The study Personal communication). The study under-
by Thitasomakul et al.32 also rated as high taken by Brambilla et al.25 did not include a
overall. As it was conducted mainly in rural dental assessment of the infants. In total,
Thailand, its applicability to Victorian/Austra- eight of the ten studies conducted a dental
lian populations was limited. Studies rated assessment, with five studies reporting caries
medium were those of Teanpaisan et al.22 and experience in children by 18 months of
Habibian et al.31 These studies lacked some age27,30,32–34 (M. Qin, Personal communica-
features of the higher rated studies including tion) 34. One study31 found all children stud-
recruitment methods, participant attrition, ied were caries-free at both 12 and
reporting and methods. 18 months of age; two further studies either
Three papers21, 22, 24 were common to both did not report the assessment outcome under-
searches and have been addressed above. The taken at 12 months of age28 or did not report
remaining ten papers will now be considered the assessment age26.
(Table 6). Four studies (all RCTs) investigated The main factors identified (Table 6) appear-
bacterial transmission from mother to infant. ing to increase an infant’s risk of early bacterial
Of these, two studies, which intervened to acquisition, and higher levels of colonization
reduce maternal bacterial load during preg- were maternal factors, such as low level of edu-
nancy25, 29, demonstrated that if the level of cation32,34; poor oral health knowledge34; and
maternal MS was decreased prior to tooth maternal calcium supplementation and milk
emergence, bacterial acquisition in the infants intake during pregnancy and the first year
was either delayed29 or resulted in fewer chil- post-natally32. Maternal oral health and bacte-
dren infected with MS, than in the control rial levels were assessed also. The study by Thi-
group25. In fact, Nakai et al.29 found transmis- tasomakul et al.32 found an association
sion could be delayed significantly by as between maternal caries levels and bacterial
much as 8.8 months compared with the con- levels in infants. Infant feeding practices were
trol group, and Brambilla et al.25 reported col- identified as being associated with ECC in some
onization was delayed by 4 months. A third studies and this included night feeding30,34,
study, by Dasanayake et al.26, which inter- and habits of testing and sharing of food and
vened to reduce maternal bacterial load at eating utensils28,34. The frequency and types of
infant age 6 months, was unable to demon- food and liquids introduced, and the age of the
strate such a finding despite demonstrating infant at the time of their introduction31–34,
significant reduction in maternal bacterial were reported as important modifiers in the
load. The fourth study, by Fontana et al.28, disease process. Oral hygiene practices, in par-
was unable to reduce maternal levels of bac- ticular brushing an infant’s teeth32, were
teria, and hence, there was no effect on another modifying factor identified21, 31.
infant bacterial acquisition. Only one study, by Habibian et al.31, under-
Of the above four studies, infant caries taken in a high socio-economic group in
experience was reported only by Dasanayake Southern England, reported toothbrushing
et al.26 (Table 6). This study reported the had commenced in 90% of infants by
presence of caries in children at 48 months of 12 months of age, and fluoridated paste was
age; however, owing to the time lapse used in 85% of infants (Table 6). Despite the
between study publication and the present presence of plaque accumulation and risk
review, on personal contact, the author was behaviours occurring such as nonmilk extrin-
unable to recall at what ages caries was first sic sugar (NMES) consumption (which
detected in the children (A. Dasanayake, Per- comprised 46%, 60% and 67% of 6-, 12- and
sonal communication). Both Fontana et al.28 18-month-old infants’ mean daily frequency
and Nakai et al 29 undertook dental assess- of eating and drinking episodes respectively),
ments. On personal contact, Fontana reported all children remained caries-free. This study
their study was limited to saliva and biofilm also reported that infant feeding practices
assessments and was not designed to measure may be established by 6 months of age, with

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, BSPD and IAPD

246 P. M. Leong et al.

mean daily frequencies of food and drink Bacterial acquisition, colonization and subsequent
consumption not differing significantly at 6, ECC
12 and 18 months of age.
The studies demonstrated that infants can be
colonized with cariogenic bacteria during the
Discussion pre-dentate stage, with some children colo-
The findings of this review have confirmed nized as early as 3 months of age. Further,
and identified a range of factors occurring the studies showed an association between
during the first year of an infant’s life that bacterial acquisition and maternal bacterial
impact on early caries experience. Typically levels; hence, a vertical pathway for transmis-
infants are totally reliant upon their mothers sion of these bacteria occurs. Notably, in stud-
during this time; hence, there were no studies ies where bacterial transmission was
identified in the search that explored paternal investigated, the timing of reducing maternal
or sibling influences that may affect this age bacterial levels to achieve a delayed or
group. As a result, this review is limited to reduced level of infant bacterial colonization
commenting on the outcomes of those studies was important.
that explored maternal influences and cir-
cumstances as they impact on the infant, Influences of the mother and her circumstances
rather than those of the broader family.
A synopsis of all the papers addressing risk In studies where oral health education was
and protective factors for bacterial levels and provided to mothers aiming to change atti-
ECC is shown (Table 7). In all cases where tudes and practices and so reduce risks of
infant caries experience was reported, bacte- poor infant oral health outcomes, it was
rial acquisition and colonization was present, found that some, but not all, risk behaviours
and the likelihood of colonization increased were altered; despite knowledge of some of
with the age of the infant. However, not all the risk factors, risk behaviours often contin-
children harbouring these bacteria developed ued. It is important then, if oral health pro-
caries during the study periods. This feature is motion programs are to be implemented, to
consistent with the multifactorial nature of first identify why some health behaviours
the disease: although cariogenic bacteria are a were adopted and others were not.
significant factor in caries development, other In fact, it may well be that there are impor-
factors such as feeding habits and the fre- tant determinants affecting a mother’s ability
quency and/or type of food and liquids con- to recognize and respond to risk behaviours.
sumed by the infant modify disease Factors not identified in the review that may
progression (Table 7). add further complexity include those identi-
In addition, factors were identified with the fied in the broader social determinants of
potential to provide a protective influence on health, such as maternal cultural beliefs
the infant oral environment in relation to and influences13, 35, 36, her level of autonomy
subsequent early caries experience. Along in decision-making within the family, cop-
with reducing maternal bacterial load before ing skills and supportive networks37–40, as
the time of infant tooth emergence, which well as her past dental experiences, access to
would delay bacterial acquisition, regular personal dental care and related oral health
infant toothbrushing and the use of fluori- information41.
dated toothpastes were reported (Table 7).
One study also identified that infant feeding Infant feeding, behaviours and practices
habits may be established as early as
6 months of age, and this too may have From the studies, it was apparent that not
important implications for risk of caries expe- only were particular habits or behaviours
rience in terms of influencing frequency of thought to affect an infant’s susceptibility to
dietary intake as well as developing infant bacterial acquisition, levels and ECC experi-
preference for particular types of foods. ence, but the timing and frequency of the

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Systematic review early childhood caries 247

Table 7. Synopsis of papers addressing risk and protective factors for bacterial levels and early childhood caries.

Influence Factor Positive associations Author

Maternal influences primarily associated with Maternal Streptococcus mutans Bacteria 6 months P = 0.002 Brambilla
bacterial acquisition levels et al.25
Bacteria by 8.8 months Nakai et al.29
Mother’s caries  4 teeth Bacteria OR 2.1 Wan et al.21
Caries P = 0.05 Thitasomakul
et al.32
Pre-tasting foods Bacteria 9 months OR = 6.4 Wan et al.21
Caries P < 0.001 Qin et al.34
Sharing eating utensils Bacteria 9 months OR = 4.6 Wan et al.21
Bacteria P = 0.009 Fontana et al.28
Low income Caries 9 and 18 months Thitasomakul
et al.32
Mother’s education (primary Bacteria 9 and 12 months Wan et al.21
level) OR = 2.1
Caries P = 0.023 Qin et al.34
Caries 12 and 18 months Thitasomakul
P < 0.05 et al.32
Mother’s education Caries 22% RR 0.78; 95% CI Feldens et al.30
Behaviours and habits primarily associated with Sweetened beverages Caries OR = 4 Mohan et al.24
bacterial colonization Caries < 5 months Thitasomakul
(1.2 ± 2.8 ds) et al.32
Caries P < 0.001 Qin et al.34
Total sugar exposures Caries P < 0.0001 Habibian
et al.31
Bacteria 9 months OR = 4.6 Wan et al.21
Caries P < 0.001 Qin et al.34
Brushing habits Caries Habibian
et al.31
Bacteria 12 months OR = 5.6 Wan et al.21
Caries 9 and 18 months Thitasomakul
et al.32
Snacking Caries 6 months Habibian
et al.31
Bacteria 12 months OR = 5.6 Wan et al.21
Caries Singh et al.33
Caries 9 and 18 months Thitasomakul
et al.32
Caries Feldens et al.30
Night feeding Caries P < 0.001 Qin et al.34
Colonization more likely with Bacteria Mohan et al.24
increasing age Caries Teanpaisan
et al.22
Bacteria Fontana et al.28

DS, Decayed Surfaces.

habit must also be primary considerations. caries experience. Testing/tasting of foods

Some habits were shown to be more likely to before feeding to an infant and sharing of eat-
pose a greater risk for poor oral health out- ing utensils during a meal were identified as
comes depending upon the developmental risk factors for higher bacterial levels particu-
stage of the infant, whereas other habits larly in younger children. The introduction of
seemed to pose an increased risk for poor oral commercial cereals at 3 months and vegetables
health outcomes regardless of the child’s age. into the diet by 6 months of age was suggested
Consumption of NMES is an example from to be protective in nature. One study found
several studies examining the link between that habits developed in relation to an infant’s
feeding practices and either bacterial levels or diet by 6 months of age affected dietary

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248 P. M. Leong et al.

behaviours at both 12 and 18 months, suggest- practitioners and parents, to reduce infant
ing that establishing healthy eating patterns caries experience.
early could well contribute to reducing risk of • Consistency among researchers to mea-
caries experience. This supports the findings of sure oral health outcomes (principally caries)
Gussy et al.42 who found that the frequency of in infants and toddlers is needed to enable a
dietary intake in preschool-aged children was more accurate knowledge base of caries onset,
more important than the amount, and Mattos- incidence and prevalence.
Graner et al.43 who reported salty foods intro-
duced to infants younger than 7 months of age
showed a lower prevalence of caries compared Conclusion
with infants who were not introduced to these Caries prevention commencing before and
foods by 7 months. continuing into the early dentate period is
As not all children exposed to these risk necessary. This review has confirmed cur-
behaviours necessarily develop elevated bacte- rent thought that ECC has important causa-
rial levels and/or caries, we presume that fac- tive factors in the first year of life.
tors such as the level of the bacterial acquisition Cariogenic bacteria were shown to be a sig-
and subsequent colonization must rely upon nificant risk factor for ECC. Maternal factors
the amount of bacteria transferred during the were shown to influence bacterial acquisi-
behaviour, and how often this occurs, to deter- tion but, although influences modifying bac-
mine the level of risk. In addition, there was terial colonization were identified, a
some evidence that regular toothbrushing and relationship with subsequent caries develop-
use of fluoridated toothpaste are protective, ment was not clarified. This was due pri-
despite risk behaviours occurring. It is uncer- marily to the complex nature of the disease
tain from the two studies reporting this finding and infant age; however, factors such as
whether it is regular toothbrushing or the use study design and/or techniques used to
of fluoridated toothpaste per se that reduces the measure bacteria and subsequent caries
risk of caries, or whether other factors more clo- experience limited study outcomes. Further
sely linked to the higher socio-demographic exploration is required to better understand
populations contribute. the complex nature of ECC, both the factors
affecting its initiation as well as its progres-
Recommendations sion, if infants and toddlers are to be spared
the effects of this common and sometimes
This systematic review of the literature identi- debilitating disease.
fying risk factors during the first year of life
makes the following recommendations:
• Mothers with high levels of cariogenic
Why this paper is important to paediatric dentists
bacteria must be identified during the prena-
• Bacteria present in the predentate stage play a signifi-
tal period, and their bacterial levels reduced cant role in early caries experience
prior to infant tooth eruption in an effort to • Pregnancy and the neonatal period are the important
delay and/or reduce the levels in their times to identify ‘at risk’ children.
• Early maternal intervention can reduce the likelihood
infants. Ongoing social networks must be of ECC.
developed to support new mothers in identi-
fying and minimizing risk behaviours affect-
ing their children.
• The interrelationships between cariogenic Acknowledgements
bacteria, mediating factors occurring during The authors acknowledge with gratitude the
the first year of life and subsequent caries scientific expertise contributed by Associate
outcomes require further clarification to Professor Stuart Dashper and Emeritus Profes-
identify and quantify key predictors. This sor Louise Brearley-Messer; the research
would enable the provision of effective librarian support of Ms Poh Chua and Ms
support mechanisms for health educators,

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Systematic review early childhood caries 249

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