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Robust Bipartite Consensus and Tracking Control of

High-Order Multiagent Systems With Matching
Uncertainties and Antagonistic Interactions
Miao Liu, Xiangke Wang, Member, IEEE, and Zhongkui Li , Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper is concerned with general coopetition Most existing works on coordination control focus on coop-
networks with signed graphs, based on which both the bipartite erative multiagent systems, in which the interactions among
consensus and tracking control problems for networked systems the nodes are characterized by non-negative edge weights. In
subject to nonidentical matching uncertainties are studied. For
the case of undirected and connected communication graphs, we several scenarios such as social networks [16], [17], however,
propose a distributed discontinuous nonlinear controller which it is more plausible to suppose that the agents in a network
can achieve the bipartite consensus. To cancel the chattering can either collaborate or compete with each other. That is, the
phenomenon of the discontinuous controller, a continuous one interaction network is modeled by a signed graph composed
is designed by using the boundary layer technique, under which of both negative and positive edge weights, which repre-
the bipartite consensus error is shown to be uniformly ultimately
bounded and can exponentially converge to a small adjustable sent competitive and cooperative interactions, respectively.
bounded set. Further, considering the case of a leader having Coordination control with signed communication graphs has
a bounded control action, we present a continuous controller attracted many interests recently. The bipartite consensus prob-
to guarantee the ultimate boundedness of the bipartite tracking lems are first introduced and investigated for single-integrator
error. networks in [18], where it is found that under certain condi-
Index Terms—Bipartite consensus, bipartite tracking, match- tions all the agents can converge to a consensus value that is
ing uncertainty, robustness, signed graph. the same for all agents in modulus but not in sign. As natu-
ral extensions in the sense of agent dynamics, the bipartite
consensus problems for second-order integrators and gen-
eral linear networks are further addressed in [19] and [20].
I. I NTRODUCTION Zhang and Chen [21] studied the bipartite consensus problems
for multi-input multioutput linear systems with directed signed
OORDINATION control of multiagent systems has
C recently attracted considerable attention from various
scientific communities. This is partly due to its wide range
graphs. It is found that by building an equivalence between
the conventional and bipartite consensus problems, the exist-
ing consensus protocols can be utilized straightforwardly to
of potential applications in such areas as UAV swarms,
solve bipartite consensus problems. The bipartite consensus
cooperative surveillance, smart building, and intelligent trans-
problems are also studied from different perspectives. In [22],
portation [1], [2]. A large body of research works have been
the cluster consensus problems are addressed in interactively
reported in this direction and related problems (see [3]–[14]
balanced, sub-balanced and unbalanced digraphs. The notion
and the references therein). As an important subarea of coordi-
of interval bipartite consensus is introduced in [23], where it is
nation control, the consensus problem can be roughly classified
derived that the interval bipartite consensus can be achieved,
into consensus without leader (i.e., leaderless consensus) and
if the associated signed digraph contains a directed spanning
leader–follower consensus, the latter of which is also termed
as distributed tracking [15].
Notably, all the aforementioned works assume that all the
agents’ dynamics are in the same form and precisely known.
Manuscript received October 10, 2017; revised January 9, 2018; accepted Such an assumption may be restrictive in some applications. In
March 18, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61473005, Grant 61403406, Grant engineering environment, however, the agents in the network
U1713223, and Grant 11332001, and in part by the Beijing Nova Program can be perturbed by external disturbances or certain param-
under Grant 2018047. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor eter uncertainties. Several works, such as [24] an [25], have
Y.-J. Liu. (Corresponding author: Zhongkui Li.)
M. Liu and Z. Li are with the State Key Laboratory for Turbulence been reported to investigate the robust consensus problems by
and Complex Systems, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, taking in account matching uncertainties. In [24], the robust
College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China (e-mail: consensus problems of multiagent systems with nonidentical;
X. Wang is with the College of Mechatronics and Automation, National matching uncertainties are studied. Based on parameteriza-
University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China (e-mail: tions of disturbances, adaptive consensus tracking protocols are proposed in [25]. Note that the consensus protocols in these
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at works [24], [25] are designed for agents coordinating over
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2821181 non-negative communication graphs. How to design bipartite
2168-2216 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


j j+1
consensus controllers for the agents coordinating over signed sequence of ordered edges (ki , ki ), j = 1, . . . , l − 1. An
communication graphs and subject to matching uncertainties undirected path is defined analogously. A directed graph G(B)
is more challenging and an interesting work. is strongly connected if there exists a directed path between
This paper addresses the robust bipartite consensus and each ordered pair of distinct nodes. An undirected graph is
tracking control of multiagent systems perturbed by noniden- connected if for any pair of distinct nodes, there exists a path
tical matching uncertainties for both the cases without and between them, and otherwise is disconnected. A directed graph
with a leader having bounded control input. Since the uncer- is said to contain a directed spanning tree, if there exists a node
tainties associated with the agents might be time-varying and called the root such that all other nodes in the graph having
nonlinear, the resulting multiagent systems studied in the cur- directed paths starting from the root.
rent paper are essentially heterogeneous, which renders the The Laplacian matrix L ∈ RN×N associated with a signed
consensus and tracking control problems more challenging to graph G(B) is defined as
solve. The communication topology is described by a signed ⎛ ⎞
graph, which is particularly susceptible to describe the com- kN
L = diag⎝ b1j , . . . , bk j ⎠ − B.
N (1)
petitive and cooperative interactions among the agents. First,
j=1 j=1
for the case of undirected and connected graphs, a discontinu-
ous controller, including a discontinuous nonlinear function to For a signed graph, an important property is given as fol-
cope with the effect of the matching uncertainties, is proposed lows. A signed graph is said to be structurally balanced, if it
and designed. It is verified that the proposed discontinuous admits a bipartition of two nonempty node sets K1 and K2
controller can ensure that the agents’ states can asymptoti- such that K1 ∪ K2 = K and K1 ∩ K2 = ∅, and bij ≥ 0 for all
cally converge to a common value but with opposite signs, ki , kj ∈ Kp and bij ≤ 0 for all ki ∈ Kp , j ∈ Kq , p = q, where
i.e., the bipartite consensus is achieved. It is worth mention- p, q ∈ {1, 2}.
ing that the undesirable chattering phenomenon will take place A signed graph is structural balanced implies that the signed
when implementing the proposed discontinuous controller. In graph can be split two subgroups such that the interactions
order to cancel the chattering effect, a continuous controller in each subgroup are cooperative and these between two
is sequentially proposed and designed by using the boundary subgroups are competitive.
layer technique, under which bipartite consensus is achieved For a structurally balanced signed graph, a gauge transfor-
in the sense that the bipartite consensus error is uniformly mation, introduced in [18] to characterize the node bipartition,
ultimately bounded and can converge exponentially to a small is described by the diagonal matrix as follows:
set. Next, we extend to consider the case where there exists 
D = diag σ1 , . . . , σkN (2)
a leader having a norm-bounded unknown control input. It is
assumed that the leader’s control input is not accessible to any where σki = 1 for ki ∈ K1 and σki = −1 for ki ∈ K2 .
follower, under which the bipartite tracking problem is more Lemma 1 [18], [21]: For a signed graph G(B) which has a
troublesome. A continuous controller is proposed to guaran- directed spanning tree, G is structurally balanced if and only
tee the ultimate boundedness of the bipartite tracking error. if any of the following conditions holds.
Sufficient conditions are provided in terms of the algebraic 1) The corresponding undirected graph G(Bu ) is struc-
Riccati equation (ARE) to design both the bipartite consensus turally balanced, where Bu = B + B T .
and tracking controllers. 2) DBD is an non-negative adjacency matrix associated
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. with a conventional (unsigned) graph.
Section II introduces mathematical preliminaries that are nec- Lemma 2 [21], [27], [28]: Supposing that the signed graph
essary for our analysis. The bipartite consensus problem and G(B) having a directed spanning tree is structurally balanced,
the bipartite tracking problem are formulated and discussed in the associated Laplacian matrix L has zero as a simple eigen-
Sections III and IV, respectively. Section V provides numer- value with d = [σ1 , . . . , σN ]T as its eigenvector, and all
ical simulation examples. Finally, Section VI concludes this the other eigenvalues have positive real parts. The smallest
paper. nonzero eigenvalue λ2 (L) for a undirected connected graph
satisfies λ2 (L) = minx=0,dT x=0 (xT Lx/xT x).
A coopetition network can be conveniently described by a L EADERLESS N ETWORKS
signed graph G = (K, V, B), where K = {k1 , . . . , kN } denotes
A. Problem Formulation of Bipartite Consensus
the set of nodes, V = {(ki , kj ) : ki , kj ∈ K} represents the set
of edges and B is the adjacency matrix describing the edge In this paper, we consider a group of N agents, each of
information of the graph. The adjacency matrix B = [bij ] ∈ which is described by general linear dynamics subject to
RN×N is defined by bii = 0, bij = 0 if (i, j) ∈ V and 0 matching uncertainties
otherwise. Specifically, if bij > 0 (< 0), the edge (ki , kj ) is ẋi = Axi + B(ui + ϕi (xi , t)), i = 1, . . . , N (3)
called positive (negative) and the interaction between nodes
ki and kj is cooperative (competitive). A graph is said to be where xi ∈ Rn and ui ∈ Rp are, respectively, the state and
undirected provided that it satisfies (kj , ki ) ∈ V as long as control input of the ith agent, and (A, B) is assumed to be
(kj , ki ) ∈ V. A directed path from node ki1 to node kil is a stabilizable. ϕi (xi , t) ∈ Rn , i = 1, . . . , N in (3) denote the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


matching uncertainties which can represent certain parameter is a nonlinear function with the definition of
uncertainties as well as external disturbances of the ith agent.
= 0
Regarding the uncertainties ϕi (xi , t), we suppose that the g(ω) =

0 if
= 0.
following assumption holds.
Assumption 1: ϕi (xi , t) is continuous and bounded, i.e., (6)
there exists a constant γ > 0 such that
ϕi (xi , t)
≤ γ , for
Let x = [x1T , . . . , xN
T ]T and (x, t) = [ϕ (x , t)T , . . . ,
1 1
i = 1, . . . , N.
ϕN (xN , t) ] . By substituting (5) into (3), the closed-loop
The communication topology among the N agents is mod-
system can be described by
eled by an undirected signed graph G. The following assump-
tion holds. ẋ = (IN ⊗ A + c1 L ⊗ BK)x + (IN ⊗ B)(x, t)
Assumption 2: The signed graph G is connected and struc- ⎡ N ⎤
turally balanced. ⎢ |b1j |g K x1 − sgn b x
1j j ⎥
⎢ j=1 ⎥
For a network satisfying Assumption 2, the agents in the ⎢ .. ⎥
network can be split into two separate subgroups K1 and K2 . + c2 (IN ⊗ B)⎢
⎢ .
⎥ (7)
⎢N    ⎥
The goal of this section is to design a distributed controller ⎣ ⎦
for each agent (3), such that the agents in the two subgroups |bNj |g K xN − sgn bNj xj
of the network reach a bipartite consensus, which can be
characterized by Let ξ = [ξ1T , . . . , ξNT ]T = [M ⊗ In ]x, where M = IN −
⎛ ⎞ (1/N)ddT , d = [σ1 , . . . , σN ]T . By noting that M is similar to
1 N
the matrix IN − (1/N)11T , it is not difficult to get that M has
lim ⎝xp (t) − σj xj (t)⎠ = 0, for all p ∈ K1 0 as a simple eigenvalue and 1 as the other eigenvalue, and d
t→∞ N
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞ is an eigenvector corresponding with the eigenvalue 0. Then,
1  N it follows from the definition of ξ that ξ = 0 if and only if
lim ⎝xq (t) − ⎝− σj xj (t)⎠⎠ = 0, for all q ∈ K2 . σ1 x1 = σ2 x2 = · · · = σN xN , i.e., the equation in (4) holds.
t→∞ N
j=1 Therefore, ξ can be defined as the bipartite consensus error.
Using the fact that LM = L, it follows from (7) that the
In other words, a bipartite consensus is achieved, if the bipartite consensus error ξ satisfies:
following equation holds:
⎛ ⎞ ξ̇ = (IN ⊗ A + c1 L ⊗ BK)ξ + (M ⊗ B)(x, t)
+ c2 (M ⊗ B)G(ξ ) (8)
lim ⎝xi (t) − σi σj xj (t)⎠ = 0, i = 1, . . . , N. (4)
t→∞ N
j=1 where
⎡ ⎤
Remark 1: The notion of bipartite consensus is first intro-     
b1j g K ξ1 − sgn b1j ξj
duced and studied in [18], which means that all the agents ⎢ ⎥
⎢ j=1 ⎥
in a network with cooperative-antagonistic actions only reach ⎢ . ⎥

G(ξ )  ⎢ . ⎥.
agreement in modulus but not in sign. By contrast, the classi- . ⎥
⎢N     ⎥
cal consensus, which is investigated under the assumption that ⎣  ⎦
bNj g K ξN − sgn bNj ξj
all the interactions among agents in the network are cooper- j=1
ative, implies that all the agents reach agreement in both the
modulus and sign, i.e., limt→∞ (xi (t) − xj (t)) = 0. Therefore, In what follows, a sufficient condition is provided to design
the bipartite consensus can include the classical consensus as the discontinuous controller (5).
a special case. Theorem 1: Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. The
bipartite consensus problem of the agents in (3) can be solved
by the controller (5) with c1√≥ (1/2λ2 ), c2 ≥ ρ, and K =
B. Discontinuous Static Controllers −BT R, where ρ = γ (N − 1) N, λ2 is the smallest nonzero
Based on the state feedback and the interactions between eigenvalue of L, and R is a positive solution to the ARE as
neighboring agents, we propose a distributed static controller follows:
for the ith agent as follows:
RA + AT R − RBBT R + Q = 0 (9)

    with Q > 0.
ui = c1 bij K xi − sgn bij xj
Proof: Choose the following Lyapunov function candidate:

     V1 = ξ T (M ⊗ R)ξ. (10)
+ c2 bij g K xi − sgn bij xj , i = 1, . . . , N (5)
j=1 In light of the definition of ξ , we can see that (dT ⊗ I)ξ = 0.
For the connected graph G, by using Lemma 2, we have
where c1 > 0, c2 > 0 are the scalar control gains, K is the
feedback gain matrix, sgn(·) is the signum function and g(·) V1 (ξ ) ≥ λmin (R)
2 . (11)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


By noting the fact that M 2 = M, the time derivative of V1 which implies V̇1 < 0. Therefore, the bipartite consen-
along the trajectory of (8) can be obtained as sus error ξ asymptotically converges to zero as t → ∞,
V̇1 = ξ T Hξ + 2ξ T (M ⊗ RB)(x, t) i.e., lim t→∞ ξ(t) = 0. Thus, we have limt→∞ (xi (t) −
(1/N) N j=1 σi σj xj ) = 0, which implies that the agents achieve
+ 2c2 ξ T (M ⊗ RB)G(ξ ) (12)
the bipartite consensus. This completes the proof.
where H = M ⊗ (RA + AT R) − 2c1 L ⊗ RBBT R.√ By utilizing Remark 2: In the related works on bipartite consensus,
Assumption 1, we can obtain that
(x, t)
≤ Nγ . Then, e.g., [18]–[21], the agents’ dynamics are supposed to be iden-
we have tical and free of uncertainties. By contrast, in the current paper
ξ T (M ⊗ RB)(x, t) ≤  M ⊗ BT R ξ 
(x, t)
we consider the bipartite consensus problem for the case where
the agents are perturbed by nonidentical uncertainties. Here the
≤√ BT R ξi − σi σj ξj  resulting multiagent system is essentially heterogeneous, the
N i=1 j=1,j=i bipartite consensus problem of which is quite troublesome and
challenging to solve. The distributed controllers in [18]–[21]
≤γ N max B R ξi − σi σj ξj  are not applicable any more. In this section, a novel nonlin-
i ear controller is proposed, in which a nonlinear function is

N  included to tackle the effect of the uncertainties.
≤ bij B R ξi − sgn bij ξj . (13) Remark 3: Different from the previous works on robust
2 consensus or tracking problems of multiagent systems per-
i=1 j=1
By using the definition of the nonlinear function g(·), we turbed by matching uncertainties, e.g., [24]–[26], where it is
obtain that assumed that all the interactions among agents are cooper-
ative, in the current paper we consider the case where the
2c2 ξ T (M ⊗ RB)G(ξ ) interactions can be either cooperative or competitive. Such
N  N
  ξiT RBBT R ξi − sgn bij ξj networks with antagonistic interactions are very common
= −2c2 bij     
BT R ξi − sgn bij ξj  especially in the area of social network theory [16], [17],
i=1 j=1
    where positive/negative weights represent, e.g., like/dislike
N  N
  BT R ξi − sgn bij ξj 2 and trust/distrust interactions among agents. It should be
= −c2  
bij  T   
B R ξi − sgn bij ξj  mentioned that the proof of Theorem 1 is partly inspired
i=1 j=1
by [24] and [26].

  T    Note that, compared to the controllers in [24], which are
= −c2 bij B R ξi − sgn bij ξj . (14)
designed in the node-based framework, the controllers in this
i=1 j=1
paper are designed from the edge-based viewpoint, which
Combining (13) and (14), it follows from (12) that: can preserve certain symmetry in undirected networks. More
V̇1 ≤ ξ T Hξ + (ρ − c2 ) importantly, the controller (5) can be utilized with little mod-
  T    ifications to tackle the case with switching topologies, which
× bij B R ξi − sgn bij ξj . (15) remains unclear under the node-based controllers in [24].
i=1 j=1 Let GN be the set of all possible undirected and connected
By choosing c2 ≥ ρ, it can be obtained that: graphs with N nodes. Gδ(t) = (K, Vδ(t) , Bδ(t) ) ∈ GN represents
the communication graph at time t, where δ(t) is a piece-
V̇1 ≤ ξ T Hξ. (16)
wise constant switching signal with the switching instants
For an undirected and connected graph G, it follows from t0 , t1 , . . . satisfying tk+1 − tk ≥ τ ≥ 0 for some constant τ
Lemma 2 that there exists a unitary matrix such that: and any k ≥ 0. Here we further assume that the agents of
U T LU =
 diag(0, λ2 , . . . , λN ) = diag(0,
1 ) (17) the network can be split into two separate subgroups such
that for each graph Gδ(t) at time t, the edges between the two
where λ2 ≤ · · · ≤ λN are the nonzero eigenvalues of L. Noting subgroups are negative and the edges within each subgroup
the fact that ML = L = LM, it can be obtained that U T MU = are positive. Under this assumption, it should be noted that
M̃ √ diag(0, IN−1 ). Moreover, U can be denoted by U =
N×N−1 . Let 
over time t ≥ 0, each Laplacian matrix Lδ(t) associated with
(d/ N) Y1 , where Y1 ∈ R ξ  [
ξ1T , . . . , 
ξNT ]T = Gδ(t) has zero as a simple eigenvalue with d = [σ1 , . . . , σN ]T
(U ⊗ In )ξ . By using the 
√ definitions of ξ √and ξ , it can be
as a corresponding eigenvector, and all the other eigenval-
obtained that ξ1 = ([dT / N]⊗In )ξ = ([dT / N]M⊗In )x = 0. ues are positive. In this case, the controller (5) can be
Then, we have modified as


ξ T Hξ = 
ξiT RA + AT R − 2c1 λi RBBT R ξi 
i=2 ui = c1 |bij (t)|K xi − sgn bij (t) xj
ξiT RA + AT R − RBBT R 

i=2 + c2 |bij (t)|g K xi − sgn bij (t) xj , i = 1, . . . , N

ξiT Q
ξi <0 (18)
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where bij (t) is the (i, j)th entry of the adjacency matrix asso- where
ciated with Gδ(t) , and the rest of the variables are defined as ⎡ N 

b1j ĝ1 K ξ1 − sgn b1j ξj
in (5). ⎢ ⎥
Corollary 1: Consider the case of switching graphs Gδ(t) ∈ ⎢ j=1 ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥
GN . The agents in (3) can achieve bipartite consensus under Ĝ(ξ )  ⎢
⎢ .

the controller (19) with c1 ≥ (1/2λmin ⎢N     ⎥
2 ), where λ2
⎣  ⎦
minGδ(t) ∈GN {λ2 (Lδ(t) )} denotes the minimum of the smallest bNj ĝN K ξN − sgn bNj ξj
nonzero eigenvalues of Lδ(t) for Gδ(t) ∈ GN , and the rest
variables c2 , K are designed as in Theorem 1. The following theorem states the ultimate boundedness of
Proof: Choose V1 in (10) as the Lyapunov function candi- the bipartite consensus error ξ .
date. Noting that fact that M 2 = M, V1 can actually be written Theorem 2: Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. The
as V1 = ξ T (IN ⊗R)ξ , which is independent of the communica- continuous controller (5) with c1 , c2 , and K designed as in
tion topologies. Following similar procedures as in the proof Theorem 1 can solve the bipartite consensus in the sense that
of Theorem 1, it can be verified that the time derivative of V1 the bipartite consensus error ξ is uniformly ultimately bounded
satisfies: and exponentially converges to the residual set
⎧ ⎫
  ⎨ N  ⎬
V̇1 ≤ ξ T IN ⊗ RA + AT R − 2c1 Lδ(t) ⊗ RBBT R ξ. (20) ρ
R1  ξ :
2 ≤ bij κi (25)
⎩ αλmin (R) ⎭
Since Gδ(t) is connected and (dT ⊗ I)ξ = 0, using Lemma 2, i=1 j=1
we can obtain that ξ T (Lδ(t) ⊗ I)ξ ≥ λmin
2 ξ ξ . Noting that
where α = (λmin (Q)/λmax (R)).
RBBT R ≥ 0, we have Proof: Use the same Lyapunov function candidate as in
  the proof of Theorem 1. We can obtain the derivative of V1
ξ T Lδ(t) ⊗ RBBT R ξ ≥ λmin
2 ξ IN ⊗ RBB R ξ.
along (24) as
As presented in the proof of Theorem 1, by selecting c1 ≥ V̇1 = ξ T Hξ + 2ξ T (M ⊗ RB)(x, t)
2 ), we can obtain that V̇1 < 0. The bipartite consen-
sus error ξ for the case with switching communication graphs + 2c2 ξ T (M ⊗ RB)Ĝ(ξ ) (26)
asymptotically converges to zero as t → ∞, which indi- where H is defined as in (12).
cates that the bipartite consensus is achieved under switching Next, consider the following three cases.
topologies. This completes the proof. 1)
K(ξi −sgn(bij )ξj )
> κi , i.e.,
BT R(ξi −sgn(bij )ξj )
> κi ,
i = 1, . . . , N.
C. Continuous Static Controllers In this case, following the similar steps as in (13)–(15), it
An inherent drawback of the discontinuous controller (5) can be deduced that:
lies in the undesirable chattering phenomenon will take place V̇1 ≤ ξ T Hξ. (27)
in practical applications, which is caused by the imperfec-
tions of switching devices [29], [30]. To cancel the chattering 2)
BT R(ξi − sgn(bij )ξj )
≤ κi , i = 1, . . . , N. From (13),
effect, based on the boundary technique [29], [30], one feasible we have
approach is to utilize a continuous function, which is actually
a continuous approximation of the discontinuous function g(·). ξ T (M ⊗ RB)(x, t) ≤ bij κi . (28)
We propose a continuous controller for each agent as i=1 j=1

follows: Further, it follows from (23) that:

⎡ N 

bij K xi − sgn bij xj  
b1j ĝ1 B R ξ1 − sgn b1j ξj ⎥
ui = c1 ⎢ RB
⎢ j=1 ⎥
j=1 ⎢ .. ⎥
2c2 ξ T (M ⊗ I)⎢
⎢ .

+ c2 bij ĝi K xi − sgn bij xj (22) ⎣  N    T   ⎥ ⎦
RB bNj ĝN B R ξN − sgn bNj ξj
j=1 j=1
where c1 , c2 , and K are defined as in (5), and the nonlinear 
 1 T   
functions ĝi (·) are defined such that for w ∈ Rn = −c2 bij  B R ξi − sgn bij ξj 2

ω i=1 j=1
> κi
ĝi (ω) =

ω (23) ≤ 0. (29)
κi if
≤ κi
This, together with (26) and (28), yields
where κi are small positive constants, representing the widths
of the boundary layers. By defining the bipartite consensus 
V̇1 ≤ ξ T Hξ + ρ bij κi . (30)
error as in (8), it follows from (3) and (22) that:
i=1 j=1
ξ̇ = (IN ⊗ A + c1 L ⊗ BK)ξ + (M ⊗ B)(x, t) 3) Without loss of generality, suppose that
BT R(ξi −
+ c2 (M ⊗ B)Ĝ(ξ ) (24) sgn(bij )ξj )
> κi , i = 1, . . . , l.
BT R(ξi − sgn(bij )ξj )
≤ κi ,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


i = l + 1, . . . , N, where 2 ≤ l ≤ N − 1. From (13) and (23), can choose relatively small κi to ensure that the bipartite con-
we get sensus error ξ converges to an arbitrarily small neighborhood
⎛ of the origin.
N  N
ξ T (M ⊗ RB)(x, t) ≤ ρ ⎝ bij κi + bij B R
× ξi − sgn bij ξj ⎠ (31) B OUNDED U NKNOWN I NPUT
A. Problem Formulation of Bipartite Tracking
2c2 ξ (M ⊗ RB)Ĝ(ξ )
T For the case with undirected and connected communication
l N
  T    in the previous section, it is generally difficult to explicitly
≤ −c2 bij B R ξi − sgn bij ξj . acquire the final consensus trajectories, which are achieved by
i=1 j=1 the agents under the controllers (5) and (22). The main diffi-
culty dwells on that the agents are perturbed by nonidentical
By choosing c2 ≥ ρ, it is not difficult to see that
uncertainties and in essence, the controllers (5) and (22) are

  nonlinear. In this section, we extend to study the case where
V̇1 ≤ ξ T Hξ + ρ bij κi . (32) there exists a leader having a bounded control action. In the
i=l+1 j=1 presence of leader’s nonzero control action, control actions can
Therefore, by summarizing the above three cases, we can be implemented to regulate the final consensus trajectories.
derive that (30) holds for all ξ ∈ RNn . Without loss of generality, it is assumed that the leader is
For a undirected and connected graph G, take a unitary labeled by 1 whose dynamics are described by
transformation defined in (17). By using the fact that M 2 = M,
ẋ1 = Ax1 + Bu1 (36)
we can obtain
  We assume leader’s control input u1 is norm-bounded,
ξ T Hξ = ξ T M ⊗ RA + AT R − 2c1 L ⊗ RBBT R ξ
  which satisfies the following assumption.
= ξ T (MU ⊗ I) I ⊗ RA + AT R Assumption 3: There exists a constant β > 0 such that

− 2c1
⊗ RBBT R U T M ⊗ I ξ
≤ β.
≤ ξ T M ⊗ RAT + AT R − 2c1 λ2 RBBT R ξ. (33) The followers are labeled by 2, . . . , N, whose dynamics are
still described by (3). The communication graph G associated
Choose c1 ≥ (1/2λ2 ). From (9), we have RAT + AT R − with the N agents satisfies the following assumption.
2c1 λ2 RBBT R ≤ −Q. Further, we can get Assumption 4: The graph G contains a directed spanning

  tree with the leader as the root and is structurally balanced.
V̇1 ≤ −αV1 + ρ bij κi (34) Moreover, the subgraph Gs associated with the followers is
i=1 j=1 undirected.
Noting that the leader has no neighbors, wecan partition the

where α = (λmin (Q)/λmax (R)). By using the comparison 0 01×(N−1)
lemma [31], it follows from (34) that: Laplacian matrix L associated with G as L = ,
L2 L1
⎛ ⎞

N  N
  where L2 ∈ R(N−1)×1 and L1 ∈ R(N−1)×(N−1) . Under
ρ bij κi ⎠exp(−αt)
V1 (ξ ) ≤ ⎝V1 (ξ (0)) − Assumption 4, it follows from Lemma 2 that L has only one
α zero eigenvalue and all other eigenvalues are positive.
i=1 j=1

N  For a network satisfying Assumption 4, the agents in the
+ bij κi (35) network can be split into two separate subgroups K1 and K2 .
α The goal of this section is to design a bipartite tracking con-
i=1 j=1
troller for each follower in (3), such that the followers in the
which, together with (11), means that ξ exponentially con-
two subgroups of the network can achieve bipartite tracking
verges to the residual set R1 in (25) with a convergence rate
in the sense that
not less than exp(−αt).
Remark 4: Compared to the discontinuous controller in (5), lim (xi (t) − σi σ1 x1 (t)) = 0, i = 2, . . . , N. (37)
which cannot be realized in engineering environment due to t→∞

the chattering phenomenon, in this section, we propose the

continuous controller (22) to cancel the chattering effect by B. Continuous Static Controllers
utilizing the boundary layer approximation. The cost of the We still utilize the continuous controller in (22) for each
continuous controller (22) is that the ultimate bound of the follower. We define the bipartite tracking error as ei = xi −
bipartite consensus error ξ , which relies on the feedback gains σi σ1 x1 , i = 2, . . . , N. By letting e = [eT2 , . . . , eTN ]T , the close-
of (5), the number of agents, the Laplacian matrix L, the loop network dynamics in terms of e can be written as
upper bound of the uncertainties, and the size κi of the bound-
ary layer, will not asymptotically converge to zero. It can be ė = (IN−1 ⊗ A + c1 L1 ⊗ BK)e + (IN−1 ⊗ B)H(x, t)
observed from (25) that R1 decreases with κi . Therefore, we + c2 (IN−1 ⊗ B)G̃(e) (38)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


where H(x, t) = [h2 (x1 , t)T , . . . , hN (xN , t)T ]T with hi (xi , t) = In light of the definition of the nonlinear function ĝi (·) in (23),
ϕi (xi , t) − σi u1 and we obtain that
⎡  ⎤
2c2 eT (IN−1 ⊗ RB)G̃(e)
⎢ ĝ2 K b2j  e2 − sgn b2j ej ⎥  
⎢ ⎥ N  N
  eTi RBBT R ei − sgn bij ej
⎢ j=1
⎥ = −2c2 bij     
⎢ .. ⎥ BT R ei − sgn bij ej 
G̃(e)  ⎢ . ⎥. i=2 j=1
⎢  ⎥    
⎢  ⎥ 
  BT R ei − sgn bij ej 2
N ⎦ bij  
ĝN K bNj  eN − sgn bNj ej = −c2   
BT R ei − sgn bij ej 
j=1 i=2 j=1

In virtue of Assumptions 1 and 3, it is not difficult to see 

= −c2 bij B R ei − sgn bij ej . (43)
that hi (t), which is lumped by the matching uncertainty and
i=2 j=1
the leader’s input, satisfies that
hi (t)

ϕi (t)
≤ γ̃ ,
where γ̃  γ + β. Case 2) is
BT R(ei − sgn(bij )ej )
≤ κi , i = 2, . . . , N,
Theorem 3: Supposing that Assumptions 1, 3, and 4 hold, and Case 3) is
BT R(ei − sgn(bij )ej )
> κi , i = 2, . . . , l
the bipartite tracking problem of the agents in (3) can be and
BT R(ei − sgn(bij )ej )
≤ κi , i = l + 1, . . . , N, where
solved in the sense that the bipartite tracking error e is uni- 3 ≤ l ≤ N − 1. Following similar procedures as in the proof
formly ultimately bounded and exponentially converges to the of Theorem 2, the proof of Theorem 3 can be completed. The
residual set details are omitted here for conciseness.
⎧ ⎫ Remark 5: In the previous related works [32], [33] on
⎨ ρ̃ N  N
  ⎬ bipartite tracking control problems, a common assumption is
R2  e :
2 ≤ bij κi (39)
⎩ αλmin (R) ⎭ that the leader has no control action, in which case the final
i=1 j=1 consensus trajectories cannot be regulated by implementing
√ control actions on the leader. Compared to these works, the
where α = (λmin (Q)/λmax (R)) and ρ̃ = [(2 N − 1γ̃ )/λ2 ], if bipartite tracking problem for the case with a leader having
the parameters of the continuous controller (22) is designed nonzero control input is solved in this section. It should be
as c1 ≥ (1/2λ2 ), c2 ≥ ρ̃, and K = −BT R, where λ2 is the noted that this difference in the leader’s input makes the design
smallest eigenvalue of L1 and R > 0 is a solution to the of the bipartite tracking controller more challenging, due to
ARE (9). the interrelations between the leader’s control input and the
Proof: Choose the following Lyapunov function candidate: nonidentical uncertainties.
V2 = eT (IN−1 ⊗ R)e. (40)
The derivative of V2 along (38) can be obtained as In this section, two numerical simulation examples are pro-
vided to illustrate the theoretical results in this paper. Similar
V̇2 = eT Se + 2eT (IN−1 ⊗ RB)H(t) examples were done for the classical consensus problem with
+ 2c2 eT (IN−1 ⊗ RB)G̃(e) (41) cooperative interactions in [2].
Example 1 (Bipartite Consensus): In this example, we
where S = IN−1 ⊗ (RA + AT R) − 2c1 L1 ⊗ RBBT R. apply the proposed continuous controller (22) for leader-
Similar to the analysis in the previous section, consider three less bipartite consensus onto the mass-spring systems [34].
cases. Consider a network of six mass-spring systems, whose dynam-
Case 1)
K(ei − sgn(bij )ej )
> κi , i.e.,
BT R(ei − ics are described by
sgn(bij )ej )
> κi , i = 2, . . . , N. We can obtain that

√ mÿi + kẏi = ui + ϕi (t), i = 1, . . . , 6 (44)
N γ̃ . Then, we have
where m is the mass, k is the spring constant, ϕi (t) represents
2eT (IN−1 ⊗ RB)H(t) the matching uncertainty of the ith agent, and yi is the displace-
  ment from certain reference position. Denote by xi = [yi , ẏi ]T
≤ 2eT (IN−1 ⊗ RB)

√   the state of the ith agent. We can rewrite (44) into

≤ 2 N − 1γ̃ eT (IN−1 ⊗ RB)
√ ẋi = Axi + B(ui + ϕi (t)), i = 1, . . . , 6 (45)
2 N − 1γ̃  eT (L1 ⊗ RB)

≤ with
 N  0 1 0

  T    A= , B= 1 .
≤ ρ̃   b2j B R ei − sgn b2j ej 
 − kmi 0
i=2 j=1 For illustration, let ϕ1 (t) = 0.2sin(t), ϕ2 (t) = −0.3cos(2t),

  T    ϕ3 (t) = 0.5sin(3t), ϕ4 (t) = 0.2sin(2t), ϕ5 (t) = 0.4, ϕ6 (t) =
≤ ρ̃ b2j B R ei − sgn b2j ej . (42) 0.6cos(t), which is norm-bounded and satisfy Assumption 1
i=2 j=1 with γ = 0.6. Let m = 2.5 kg and ki = 0.8795 for
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Undirected signed communication graph.

Fig. 4. Trajectories of the agents’ states xi , i = 1, . . . , 7.

nonzero eigenvalues of the corresponding Laplacian matrix is

λ2 = 1.3820. It follows that the coupling gains of the contin-
Fig. 2. Trajectories of the agents’ states xi , i = 1, . . . , 6.
uous controller (22) can be chosen as c1 = 0.5, and c2 = 8.0.
To illustrate Theorem 2, letting κi = 0.01, the trajectories
of the states of the six agents, under the continuous con-
troller (22) with c1 , c2 , and K designed as above, are depicted
in Fig. 2, from which we can see the bipartite consensus is
indeed achieved.
Example 2 (Bipartite Tracking): This example is given to
verify Theorem 3. A set of Chua’s circuits is considered,
whose dynamics are described by [35]
ẋi1 = a[−xi1 + xi2 − h(xi1 )] + ui
ẋi2 = xi1 − xi2 + xi3
Fig. 3. Signed leader–follower communication graph.
ẋi2 = −bxi2 , i = 1, . . . , N (46)
where a > 0, b > 0, and h(xi1 ) is a nonlinear function repre-
sented by h(xi1 ) = m1i xi1 +(1/2)(m2i −m1i )(|xi1 +1|−|xi1 −1|),
i =  1, . . . , 6. Solving
 the ARE (9) with Q = I gives where m1i < 0 and m2i < 0. Denoting xi = [xi1 , xi2 , xi3 ]T , we
2.4049 1.1306
R= . Therefore, it follows from Theorem 2 can rewrite (46) in a compact form as
1.1306 4.5147
that the feedback gain matrix of the continuous controller (22) ẋi = Axi + B[ui + ϕi (xi )], i = 1, . . . , N (47)
is obtained as K = [−0.4522 −1.8059].
It is assumed that the undirected and connected signed ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
communication graph of the network is depicted in Fig. 1, −a(m1i + 1) a 0 1
in which the cooperative and competitive interactions among A=⎣ 1 −1 1 ⎦ , B = ⎣ 0⎦
agents are represented by the solid edges and the dash edges, 0 −b 0 0
a 1 !
respectively. It is not difficult to see that the communication ϕi (xi ) = m − m2i (|xi1 + 1| − |xi1 − 1|), i = 1, . . . , N.
graph is structurally balanced, i.e., satisfies Assumption 2. 2 i
The agents in the network can be split into two separate For simplicity, we let u1 = 0 and view ϕ1 (x1 ) as the virtual
subgroups K1 = {1, 2, 3, 5} and K2 = {4, 6}. The smallest control input of the leader, satisfying
ϕ1 (x1 )
≤ a|m11 − m21 |.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


under which it has been proved that the bipartite consensus

is achieved. Furthermore, we have studied the case with a
leader having bounded unknown control input, a continuous
controller has been utilized to guarantee the ultimate bound-
edness of the bipartite tracking error. Future work will focus
on discussing the case of general directed graphs.

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lished a number of journal papers. His current research interests include
cooperative control of multiagent systems, networked control systems, and
control of autonomous unmanned systems.
Miao Liu received the B.S. degree in control science
Dr. Li was a recipient of the State Natural Science Award of China (Second
and engineering from the School of Control Science,
Prize) in 2015, the Yang Jiachi Science and Technology Award in 2015,
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in
and the National Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award of China in 2012. His
2014. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
coauthored papers received the IET Control Theory & Applications Premium
with the Department of Mechanics and Engineering
(Best Paper) Award in 2013, the IEEE CSS Beijing Chapter Young Author
Science, College of Engineering, Peking University,
Prize in 2013, and the 2009–2011 Best Paper Award of Journal of Systems
Beijing, China.
Science and Complexity in 2012. He serves as an Associate Editor for
His current research interests include multiagent
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems and the Conference Editorial Board of
systems and robust control.
IEEE Control Systems Society. He was selected into the Changjiang Scholars
Program (Young Scholar), Ministry of Education of China, in 2017.

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