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► First epics are heroic; thereafter they take on characteristics of the romance

 Assimilating loves stories written in the spirit of courtly love

► A tradition that idealized women and turned the conventions of

human love almost literally into a religion

► Earlier Romances, chansons de geste (Songs of Deeds). like Roland, are men-at-war

► Written in Old French circa 1100

 Composed 300 years earlier

 Oral songs accompanied by lyres.

► Song of Roland is the earliest and best known example of the Song of Deed romance.

 Unknown until 1832 when the first of several manuscripts was discovered.

 The best of these is at Oxford University that is a copy by an Anglo-Norman

scribe of an earlier version.

 Many conspiracies and hypotheses about the origin, poet, and facts of Roland

► We think this was written at the beginning of the Crusades. By telling a story of the
Great Charlemagne, the hope is to inspire current fighters.

► The values of the poem are simply identified.

 Exclusively deal with war and religion

 Success in battle is vital, not only for personal reasons but also to prove God
is on your side

 Christians are good, Saracens are evil

► although some are great warriors and honorable

 philosophical subtleties are absent, as are inward conflicts

 In the poem, the battle is against the Saracens. In actuality, this poem was
based on a confrontation between the Franks and the Basques that
occurred in 778. In that year, a portion of Charlemagne's army fought a
battle to the death at the pass at Roncesvalles in the Pyrenees mountains.
All members of this rearguard of Charlemagne's grand army were killed by
the Basque fighters.
 We do know that the 'Song of Roland' was written by a Frenchman from
the north. It is likely that the poem was commissioned as a sort of
propaganda piece, as the commencement of the First Crusade was soon to
come, hence why the Basques were replaced by Muslims in the work.
 King Marsile rules Saragossa with his Queen Bramimonde (who, at the end
of the poem, converts to Christianity of her own free will). Marsile is a
shifty character, agreeing to become Charlemagne's vassal but hatching a
plot to double-cross the Frankish king once he has agreed to leave Spain.
 Ganelon is Roland's fiercely jealous step-father. When Charlemagne asks
for a volunteer to negotiate with Marsile, Ganelon is nominated by Roland.
Of course, Ganelon believes that Roland means to be rid of his step-father,
and manipulates the situation so that, following negotiations, Roland will
be at the head of the rearguard force that will protect the Frankish armies
retreat from Spain. Ganelon escapes involvement in the ensuing melee but
is eventually tried for treason and executed.
 We do know that the 'Song of Roland' was written by a Frenchman from
the north. It is likely that the poem was commissioned as a sort of
propaganda piece, as the commencement of the First Crusade was soon to
come, hence why the Basques were replaced by Muslims in the work.
 There is no mistake that 'Oliphant' sounds like 'elephant', the horn is made
from an elephant's tusk. Roland exhibits too much pride in not blowing the
horn given his three opportunities, and only near death does he finally
decide to sound the Oliphant, bringing Charlemagne's army back from
their retreat. Roland dies after sounding the horn! By the way, the other
three choices are all swords. Durandel is Roland's sword, Joyeuse belongs
to Charlemagne and Baligant wields Precieuse.
 Oliver is Roland's closest pal, and the one who urges Roland to blow the
Oliphant. Unfortunately, Roland does not listen to Oliver's wise councel,
and they both pay with their lives.
 The battle cry refers to the name of Charlemagne's sword Joyeuse, or so
the poet tells us.
 Baligant, like Charlemagne, believes his religion to be the one true faith,
and is willing to fight to the end for his beliefs. Baligant is slain by
Charlemagne during their one-on-one battle. At the end of the poem,
Charlemagne is visited by the angel Gabriel and told that the battle against
the Muslims has only other words, the Crusades are promoted.
 AOI the three letters appear at the end of many of the stanzas in the poem.

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