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Joaquin Moreno

2 February 2020

SMART Goal Revision: Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Previous (Unrevised) SMART Goal and Objectives:

SMART Goal: Be able to run a mile in under 7 minutes.

Objectives to help reach my goal:

● Practice running every other day

● Start running long distance

● Practice running in sprints really fast (short distance)

New (Revised) SMART Goal and Objectives:

Smart Goal: After the cardio training, that I’ve created in this class, I will be able to comfortably

run a mile in under 8 minutes, by the end of the semester.

I changed the time to 8 minutes because it seems more attainable for the level that I am at

right now. As I looked over my schedule I created for working out I realized that I

wouldn’t have the sufficient amount of time to train for this much more intense goal. 8

minutes will still be a huge challenge but it is far more attainable with the time I have and

the level of cardio I have right now.

Objectives to help me reach my goal:

● I will train to reach my cardio goal by doing ​Long-Distance Runs​. I have started with

doing 2 miles but I will slowly increase the distance over time in the semester. I will run

for at least 30 minutes, I cannot run for any time less, even if I do reach my goal for that

day. This will happen at least 3 times a week. Rotating with the other two exercises.
● I will train to reach my goal by doing ​Short-Distance Sprints​ each sprint going as fast as

I can from point A to point B. I will time myself to measure my growth in speed over

time. The point from A to B can change as well to spice things up and the distance can

increase if I reach a re-occurring sprint time. This exercise will also have to be at least 30

minutes, at least 3 times a week. Rotating with the other two exercises.

● I will train to reach my goal by doing ​Timed Mile Runs​ at least once a week and having

the time be reduced by at least 10 seconds every time. This is one of the exercises that

will be rotating with the other two, I will time myself from point A to B and overtime see

how much faster I am getting or vice versa. This will allow me to see my growth and how

much harder I will need to push myself for the other workouts as well.

With my objectives, I haven’t changed them a lot because they have been working very well for

me! I just simply made them more specific, measurable, (they were already very attainable and

realistic), and I gave them a more strict time frame. The more specific the better because I can be

more consistent, track things easier and progress with better data to improve from.

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