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Bradley D.

1150 Springer Road, Scottdale, PA 15683 | 724-237-2627 |

May 01, 2020

Dr. John Doe

Assistant Superintendent
Southeast Pennsylvania School District
1234 Main Street
Local, Pennsylvania 15600

Dear Dr. John Doe:

I am interested in applying for an elementary-level teaching position within your school district. A
foundation of academic and personal development during the elementary years will enable students to
utilize the skills they learned in order to engage in new challenges as they progress through school and
life. With the college preparatory and vocational-technical courses your district offers in the secondary-
level school years, students will be able to confidently enter those courses and exit them as goal-oriented
individuals ready for the world. Assisting in the education of students in your district would be an honor.

A teacher must be positive and value teamwork so that students feel comfortable in discussing concerns
and wants. As they teach, core values and ethics should be instilled through developmentally appropriate
lessons. Doing this will facilitate critical thinking and problem solving: things that will prepare students
for their future. Structure, repetition, and reassurance in the classroom by the teacher will provide
familiarity and confidence in students as well. I will be this teacher so that student success will ensue.

Over the span of my studies at Seton Hill, I have had the opportunity to design many lesson plans, design
unit plans in various subjects including Project-Based Learning and STEAM lessons, participate in
research involving families, and design several websites showcasing my best work. Between January and
April 2020, I completed my student teaching experience in the Mount Pleasant Area School District with
fourth grade Science and Social Studies as well as fifth grade Learning Support.

Please refer to my enclosed resume and philosophy of education. It is my hope to meet in person to
further discuss education and to share with you my portfolios. Thank you for your time and attention.


Bradley D. Howells

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