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Course: Ensino Médio Subject: English Teacher: Juliano

Student: ______________________________________Number: ________ Grade/class: 3°____

Understanding AIDS
What is AIDS? Aids is a disease that is caused by virus called HIV. Aids attacks the body’s immune
system. The immune system is important because it helps the body fight off infections and diseases.
How do kids get AIDS? A mother with Aids may give it to her baby before the baby is Born.
Sometimes children ( and adults, too) get AIDS from blood tranfusions. But this happens less often,
because blood banks now test all donations of blood for the AIDS virus.
How do adults get AIDS? Adults get AIDS in two main ways: Having sex with a person Who has
AIDS, or sharing a needle used for drugs with a person who has AIDS.
How kids and adults don’t get AIDS? People don’t get AIDS from everyday contact with infected people at
school, at home, or other places. People don’t get Aids from clothes, telephones,or toilet seats, or from prepared
by someone with AIDS. Children don’t get AIDS from sitting near Aids victims or from shaking hands with
Is there a cure for AIDS? There is no cure for Aids. But researchers are working to develop a vaccine to prevent
AIDS or a drug to cure it. And new treatments are beginning to increase the lifespan of many people with AIDS.

1) AIDS is a virus (HIV) that enters your body and:

(A) Destroys your sexual life.
(B) Destroys the nervous system.
(C) Destroys your body in a short time.
(D) Destroys some of the immune system that fights other infections.

2) People can get AIDS:

(A) Dancing with a person who has AIDS.
(B) Having parties with people who are contaminated.
(C) Kissing contaminated people.
(D) Sharing injection needles; having unprotected sex; received contaminated blood.

3) AIDS is caused by:

(A) A bacterium.
(B) A vírus.
(C) Depression.
(D) A kind of fungus.

4) People can’t get AIDS:

(A) Dancing with a person who has AIDS, from clothes, telephones,or toilet seats, or from prepared by
someone with AIDS.
(B) Sharing injection needles;
(C) Received contaminated blood.
(D) Having unprotected sex;

5) De acordo com a propaganda a partir de 1850 foi descoberto:

(A) O vírus da AIDS
(B) O primeiro caso de AIDS diagnosticado.
(C) As doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (D.S.T.)
(D) A camisinha
6)Complete the text using the simple present correctly.

Kristin …………….(wake up) every day at 7. She …………….(brush) her teeth and then …………….(take)
a shower. Then she……………….(meet) with her friend Jennifer and together they………………………
(have) breakfast at a little diner near the office. They …………………(get) to the office at around 8:30.
Kristin……………………(go) to the first floor, where she……………………(work), and Jennifer
………………….(take) the elevator to the 11th floor, where her office……………….. (be). Later, they
………………. (meet) again at 12 to have lunch.

7)Complete the sentences using the simple present correctly.

A) John...................with his parents in a country town. (Live)

B) That guy........................a lot of important information. (Have)
C) Our great grandfather.....................a pension .(Get)
D) She.................English well but her (Know/hate)
E) Ronaldo.............................goals when he's in good shape. (Score)
F) We…………………........control of our lives due to bad habits. (Lose)
G) Mary and college in the evening. (Go)

Leia o texto abaixo para responder as questões

Mary’s Hobbies and Interests Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can
run before work. She doesn't often have time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the
winter. Mary often rides a horse at a stable near here home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually
goes horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday
evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts
in the city. She seldom watches TV because she likes doing things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's
raining outside. She isn't often alone because she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone,
but she usually does her activities with one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

8) Mary acorda cedo todos os dias porque

(A) prefere chegar primeiro no trabalho.
(B) precisa alimentar seu gato antes de sair.
(C) gosta de correr antes de ir para o trabalho.
(D) ajuda seu filho nas lições da escola.

9) Na sentença: “She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city”,
entendemos que Mary
(A) guarda dinheiro para ir ao centro da cidade.
(B) vai, raramente, a shows na cidade.
(C) usa seu dinheiro para patrocinar concertos na cidade.
(D) tem um trabalho extra na cidade.

10)Uma campanha pode ter por objetivo
conscientizar a população sobre determinada
questão social. Na campanha realizada no
Reino Unido, a frase “A third of the food we
buy in the UK ends up being thrwn away” foi
utilizada para enfatizar o(a):
(A)custo dos alimentos.
(B)desperdício de comida.
(C)desigualdade social.
(D) escassez de plantações.
(E)reeducação alimentar.

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