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Python Classes

Last update on February 28 2020 12414418 (UTC/GMT +8


The basic idea behind an object-oriented programming
(OOP) is to combine both data and associated
procedures (known as methods) into a single unit which
operate on the data. Such a unit is called an object.

Python is an object-oriented language, everything in

Python is an object.

We have already worked with some objects in Python,

(See Python data type chapter) for example strings, lists
are objects defined by the string and list classes which
are available by default into Python. Let's declare two
objects a string and a list and test their type with type()
As string1 is an object, strings "Good Morning" can
produce an uppercase or lowercase version of
themselves calling upper() and lower() methods
associated with the string. Check it in the Python IDLE.

Note : To see the list of string methods execute the

following command in Python IDLE

Before introducing classes we must discuss something

about local variables, global statement, and a nonlocal
statement as well as Namespaces and scope rules.

Local Variables:

When a variable is declared inside a function, that

variable is accessible only from that function or
statements block where it is declared. The variable has
no relation with any other variable with the same name
declared outside the function, therefore the variable is
local to the function. See the following example.
def function_local(a):
print('a is -> ',a)
a = 50
print('After new value within the function a is -> '
a = 100
print('Value of a is ->',a)


a is -> 40
After new value within the function a is -> 50
Value of a is -> 100


Line No.- 2 : Declared a function function_local(a) with a

Line No.- 3 : Print 'a' uses the value of the parameter.
[The value of a is now 100 as we assign a to 100 (Line No.
6) before executing the function (Line No. 7).]
Line No.- 4 : Assign the value 50 to 'a'.
Line No.- 5 : Again print 'a', as a is local within the
function, therefore, the value of a is now 50.
Line No.- 8 : This is the last print statement and 'a'
becomes 100. So far what we have done within the
function which has no effect on the function. This is
called the scope of the variable.
global statement:

The purpose of the global statement is to assign a value

to a variable which is declared outside the function. Free
variables (See Line No. 06 in the previous example) may
refer to global without declaring global. The syntax of
global statement is -> global var_name1, var_name2, ..
See the following example:

def function_local():
global a
print('a is -> ',a)
a = 50
print('After new value within the function a is -> '
a = 100
print('Value of a is ->',a)


a is -> 100
After new value within the function a is -> 50
Value of a is -> 50


Line No.- 3 : The variable 'a' is declared as a global

variable, therefore the value of a is now 100.
Line No.- 5 : Assign the value 50 to 'a' and it will hold
same value inside and outside the function unless we
assign a new value.

nonlocal statement

The nonlocal statement is used to rebind variables found

outside of the innermost scope. See the following
example without a nonlocal statement.

def outside():
a = 10
def inside():

a = 20
print("Inside a ->", a)
print("outside a->", a)

In the above example the first print() statement simply

print the value of 'a', which is 20 as 'a' is local within
inside() function. The second print() statement prints the
value 'a', which is 10 as the inside() function has no
effect. Now we introduce a nonlocal statement in inside()
function and the code will be:

def outside():
a = 10
def inside():
nonlocal a
a = 20
print("The value of a in inside() function - "
print("The value of a in outside() function - ", a)

The second print() statement prints the value 'a', which is

20 as the variable 'a' is rebound..

Python Scopes and Namespaces:

In general, a namespace is a naming system to create

unique names. In daily experience, we see railway
stations, airports, the capital of various states, the
directory structure of filesystems have unique names. As
of other programming language Python uses
namespaces for identifiers.
A namespace is a mapping from names to objects.

- For example 'a' maps to [1, 2, 3] or 'a' maps to the

value 25.

- Most namespaces currently implemented as Python

dictionaries (containing the names and values of the

- Names in different namespaces have absolutely no

relationship (e.g. the variable 'a' can be bound to different
objects in different namespaces).

- Examples of the namespace : The global name of a

module, local names in a function invocation, built-in
names (containing functions such as min()), attributes of
an object.

Python creates namespaces at different times.

- The built-in namespace is created when Python

interpreter starts and is never deleted.

- The global namespace for a module is created when

the module is called and last until the interpreter quits.

- The local namespace for a function is created when

the function is called and deleted when the function

A scope is a textual region of a Python program where a

namespace is directly accessible. The scopes in python
are as follows:

- The local scope, searched first, contains the local


- Enclosing scope (in an enclosing function) contains

non-local and non-global names.

- The current module's global names.

- The outermost scope is the namespace containing

built-in names.

Defining a class:

In object oriented programming classes and objects are

the main features. A class creates a new data type and
objects are instances of a class which follows the
definition given inside the class. Here is a simple form of
class definition.

class Student:

A class definition started with the keyword 'class'

followed by the name of the class and a colon.
The statements within a class definition may be function
definitions, data members or other statements.

When a class definition is entered, a new namespace is

created, and used as the local scope.

Creating a Class:

Here we create a simple class using class keyword

followed by the class name (Student) which follows an
indented block of segments (student class, roll no.,

class Student:
stu_class = 'V'
stu_roll_no = 12
stu_name = "David"

Class Objects:

There are two kind of operations class objects supports :

attribute references and instantiation. Attribute
references use the standard syntax, for all
attribute references in Python. Therefore if the class
definition (add a method in previous example) look like

class Student:
"""A simple example class"""
stu_class = 'V'
stu_roll_no = 12
stu_name = "David"
def messg(self):
return 'New Session will start soon.'

then Student.stu_class, Student.stu_roll_no,

Student.stu_name are valid attribute reference and
returns 'V', 12, 'David'. Student.messg returns a function
object. In Python self is a name for the first argument of a
method which is different from ordinary function. Rather
than passing the object as a parameter in a method the
word self refers to the object itself. For example if a
method is defined as avg(self, x, y, z), it should be called
as a.avg(x, y, z). See the output of the attributes in
Python Shell.

__doc__ is also a valid attribute which returns the

docstring of the class.
__init__ method:

There are many method names in Python which have

special importance. A class may define a special method
named __init__ which does some initialization work and
serves as a constructor for the class. Like other functions
or methods __init__ can take any number of arguments.
The __init__ method is run as soon as an object of a class
is instantiated and class instantiation automatically
invokes __init__() for the newly-created class instance.
See the following example a new, initialized instance can
be obtained by:

class Student:
"""A simple example class"""
def __init__(self, sclass, sroll, sname):
self.c = sclass
self.r = sroll
self.n = sname
def messg(self):
return 'New Session will start soon.'

class School:
def __init__(self, *subjects):
self.subjects = list(subjects)

class Subject:

def __add__(self, other):

return School(self, other)
F1, F2 = Subject(), Subject()
F1 + F2


<__main__.School object at 0x0000000008B82470>

from pathlib import Path

path = Path('.').parent / 'data'



Greater / Equality:
class Person:
'''person entity'''

def __init__(self, first_name, surname, age):

self.first_name = first_name
self.surname = surname
self.age = age

def __repr__(self):
return f'Person(first_name={self.first_name}, surname={

def __lt__(self, other):

return self.age < other.age
data = [
{'first_name':"John", 'surname':'Smith', 'age':13},
{'first_name':"Anne", 'surname':'McNell', 'age':11},
{'first_name':'Mary', 'surname': 'Brown', 'age':14}

results = [Person(**row) for row in data]



[Person(first_name=John, surname=Smith, age=13),

Person(first_name=Anne, surname=McNell, age=11),
Person(first_name=Mary, surname=Brown, age=14)]


class School:
def __init__(self, *subjects):
self.subjects = list(subjects)

def __len__(self):
return len(self.subjects)
Sub = School(Subject(), Subject())



class School:
def __init__(self, *subjects):
self.subjects = list(subjects)

def __getitem__(self, i):

return self.subjects[i]
Sub = School(Subject(), Subject())


<__main__.Subject object at 0x0000000007ACC5F8>


The concept of inheritance provides an important feature

to the object-oriented programming is reuse of code.
Inheritance is the process of creating a new class
(derived class) to be based on an existing (base class)
one where the new class inherits all the attributes and
methods of the existing class. Following diagram shows
the inheritance of a derived class from the parent (base)

Like other object-oriented language, Python allows

inheritance from a parent (or base) class as well as
multiple inheritances in which a class inherits attributes
and methods from more than one parent. See the single
and multiple inheritance syntaxes :

class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName):

class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName1,
BaseClassName2, BaseClassName3):


In a company Factory, staff and Office staff have certain

common properties - all have a name, designation, age
etc. Thus they can be grouped under a class called
CompanyMember. Apart from sharing those common
features, each subclass has its own characteristic -
FactoryStaff gets overtime allowance while OfficeStaff
gets traveling allowance for an office job. The derived
classes ( FactoryStaff & OfficeStaff) has its own
characteristic and, in addition, they inherit the properties
of the base class (CompanyMember). See the example

class CompanyMember:
'''Represents Company Member.'''
def __init__(self, name, designation, age): = name
self.designation = designation
self.age = age
def tell(self):
'''Details of an employee.'''
print('Name: ',,'\nDesignation : '

class FactoryStaff(CompanyMember):
'''Represents a Factory Staff.'''
def __init__(self, name, designation, age, overtime_all
CompanyMember.__init__(self, name, designation
self.overtime_allow = overtime_allow
print('Overtime Allowance : ',self.overtime_all

class OfficeStaff(CompanyMember):
'''Represents a Office Staff.'''
def __init__(self, name, designation, age, travelling_a
CompanyMember.__init__(self, name, designation
self.marks = travelling_allow
print('Traveling Allowance : ',self.travelling_
Now execute the class in Python Shell and see the

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Next: Python Built-in Functions

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