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1. List file operations in Python.

Ans – opening, reading, writing, closing, renaming, deleting.
2. Write use of lambda function in python.
The lambda function, which is also called anonymous function. A lambda function
take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression.
Syntax: lambda arguments : expression
Example: x= lambda a,b : a*b
Output: 50
3. Explain Local and Global variable.
 Global variables: global variables can be accessed throughout the program body by
all functions.
 Local variables: local variables can be accessed only inside the function in which
they are declared.

4. Write syntax of defining class in Python.

class <ClassName>:
5. Explain use of format () method with example.
6. Define class and object in python.
7. List different modes of opening file in python.
8. Write a program illustrating use of user defined package in python.
9. Explain package Numpy with example.
10. Write a program to implement the concept of inheritance in python
11. Explain Try-except block used in exception handling in python with example..
12. Write a program for importing module for addition and substraction of two numbers.
13. Write a program to create class EMPLOYEE with ID and NAME and display its
14. Explain method overloading in python with example
15. Write a program to open a file in write mode and append some contents at the end of
16. Write python code to count frequency of each characters in a given file.
import collections
import pprint
file_input = input('File Name: ')
with open(file_input, 'r') as info:
count = collections.Counter(
value = pprint.pformat(count)

17. Write python program to read contents of abc.txt and write same content to
with open('abs.txt','r') as firstfile, open('prq.txt','w') as secondfile:
# read content from first file
for line in firstfile:
# write content to second file
18. Example module. How to define module.
19. Design a class student with data members; Name, roll number address. Create suitable
method for reading and printing students details.
class Student:
def getStudentDetails(self):
self.rollno=input("Enter Roll Number : ") = input("Enter Name : ")
self.address =input("Enter Address : ")
def printStudentDetails(self):
print(self.rollno,, self.address)
print("Student Details ")
S1.printStudentDetails ()
Enter Roll Number : 001
Enter Name : ABC
Enter Address : New York
Student Details :
001 ABC New York

20. Create a parent class named Animals and a child class Herbivorous which will
extend the class Animal. In the child class Herbivorous over side the method feed (
). Create a object.
# parent class
class Animal:
# properties
multicellular = True
# Eukaryotic means Cells with Nucleus
eukaryotic = True
# function breath
def breathe(self):
print("I breathe oxygen.")
# function feed
def feed(self):
print("I eat food.")
# child class
class Herbivorous(Animal):
# function feed
def feed(self):
print("I eat only plants. I am vegetarian.")
herbi = Herbivorous()
# calling some other function
I eat only plants. I am vegetarian.
I breathe oxygen.

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