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Loretto, PA 15940


Student Teacher: Carly Rickens Grade: 11 Subject: Honors Trig/Algebra III

Time Needed for Lesson: 50 minutes Lesson Concept: Angles and Radian Measure

 CC.2.2.HS.C.7- Apply radian measure of an angle and the unit circle to analyze the trigonometric
 CC.2.2.HS.C.8- Choose trigonometric functions to model periodic phenomena and describe the
properties of the graphs.
 Mathematical relationships among numbers can be represented, compared, and communicated.
 Mathematical relations and functions can be modeled through multiple representations and analyzed to
raise and answer questions.
 How is mathematics used to quantify, compare, represent, and model numbers?

 Given a homework assignment, the students will use degree and radian measure to solve
problems with 90% accuracy.
 Given a homework assignment, the students will determine whether angles are obtuse, acute,
straight, or right with 90% accuracy.
 Given a homework assignment, the students will convert an angle from degrees to radians or
radians to degrees with 90% accuracy.

 Smartboard and Whiteboard
 PowerPoint on 4-1
 Laptop for teacher
 Scientific calculators
 Textbook
 Google classroom
 Trigonometric Functions sheet

 I will tell the students that today we are going to start the chapter on trigonometry.
o “before we can start using trig functions we need to learn about angles and how to
measure them because angles are very important when using trigonometry.”
 I will go to the first slide and begin the PowerPoint on 4-1 Part 1.
 “First off, does anyone remember what a ray is?”
o A ray is a part of a line that has only one endpoint and extends forever in the opposite
 Read Slide 2 (Angles)
o Tell the students to look at the clock
 “The little hand is the initial side, the big hand is the terminal side, and the
common endpoint is called the vertex” (label vertex on slide).
 Read Slide 3 (Angles)
o “When an angle is in standard position, its terminal side can lie in a quadrant.”
 Show the students where the quadrants are and give them an example.
 Read Slide 4 (Angles)
 Read Slide 5 (Angles)
 Read Slide 6 (Classifying Angles)
o “One rotation is when an angle rotates to 360°”
 Read Slide 8 (Definition of a Radian)
 Read Slide 9 (Radian Measure)
o Give example:
1. r = 4in; s = 24in (What is the radian measure?
 Read Slide 10 (Conversion Between Degrees and Radians)
o Give examples:
1. 90° (Convert to radians)
2. radians (Convert to degrees)
 Go over Examples 1-4.
1. Classify the angle as acute, right, obtuse, or straight.
a) 172°
b) 82.22°

2. Find the radian measure

a) Radius= 5 ft; arc length= 30 ft
b) Radius= 1m; arc length= 600cm
3. Convert in degrees to radians
a) 18°
b) 330°
c) 150°
4. Convert in radians to degrees
11 π
c) -4π

 To end the lesson, I will first ask the students if they have any questions on what they learned
 Next, I will write down the homework on the last slide and let the students get started on the
assignment because it will be due the next day at the start of the class period. I will then tell
them to let me know if they have any questions on it.
o The homework assignment will be page 532; #1-39 odd

 Students will be able to help their classmates on the homework assignment.
 I will allow all students to use calculators on the homework assignment.
 I will offer help to students on problems on the homework if they get stuck.

 The teacher will analyze students’ oral responses during the lesson to evaluate their overall progress
with the material.
 The teacher will use questioning to determine students understanding of today’s problems.
 Students will be assessed individually on their homework assignment for Angles and Radian Measure
Part 1. (page 532; #1-39 odd).
 The students took about 30-35 minutes of the class period finishing their quiz from the day before, but I
was able to teach the lesson to all classes because it was an easy and quick lesson. The students did not
have any questions, and some of them were able to finish their homework before the end of the period. I
reminded the students when posting their homework on the board that they should be showing their
work, and if they do not show work they will receive a zero on the assignment. The students came to me
after the end of the quiz about quiz questions that were marked wrong for different reasons, and
depending on the reason I changed the grade of that question or gave them partial credit. The students
are starting to feel more comfortable coming to me about different things and asking questions. Overall,
each class of students had an average of about 80% on the quiz, and I realized this is the range where
they should be.

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