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1. SERVICES: Steven Melin (“Composer”) shall compose, record, produce, mix, and deliver 4 tracks, totaling a
minimum of 6 minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes in length, of Original Music (“Tracks”) for the VIDEO GAME
“TALES OF INFINITY” (“Game”) subject to the creative decisions of the Composer and Jarvis Wade (“Developer”)
during the process. Specific track list consists of:
1. Main Theme
2. Ice Cave Theme
3. Battle Theme
4. Victory Theme


a. Composer shall provide first-draft of Main Theme track for consideration to the Developer by February
19, 2016;

b. Developer shall provide feedback on Main Theme track to the Composer by February 26, 2016;

c. Composer shall make changes (if necessary) and deliver the final audio mix of Main Theme track in the
agreed-upon format by March 15, 2016;

d. Composer shall provide remaining first-draft tracks (Ice Cave Theme, Battle Theme, Victory Theme) for
consideration to the Developer by April 22, 2016;

e. Developer shall provide feedback on remaining tracks (Ice Cave Theme, Battle Theme, Victory Theme) to
the Composer by May 2, 2016;

f. Composer shall make changes (if necessary) and deliver the final audio mixes (“Tracks”) in the agreed-
upon format by May 31, 2016.

3. COMPENSATION/PACKAGE FEE: The Compensation shall be a three-payment package fee totaling USD$XXXX and
includes all costs for writing, recording, producing, mixing, and delivering the Tracks. Payment schedule:
1) USD$XXX to be delivered by February 15, 2016 as an upfront fee for Main Theme track;

2) USD$XXX to be delivered by March 15, 2016 after the receipt of Main Theme track; payment
includes upfront fee for remaining tracks (Ice Cave Theme, Battle Theme, Victory Theme);

3) USD$XXX to be delivered by June 15, 2016 after the receipt of all remaining Tracks (Ice Cave Theme,
Battle Theme, Victory Theme).

Composer shall email an invoice to Developer for each required payment. If PayPal is agreed as the chosen service for
Compensation, an additional 3% charge will be added to each payment amount (totaling USD$XXX, USD$XXX, and
USD$XXX respectively for each of the three payments).

4. SCREEN CREDIT: Composer shall receive single-card screen credit of the same duration, font and size as the
Developer and shall share the same format (i.e., End Credits) as that of the Developer. Composer screen credit shall
read as follows: Music by Steven Melin.

5. OWNERSHIP OF TRACKS: Composer shall own all rights to the Tracks and therefore shall be entitled to collect
100% of the writer and 100% of the publisher shares of public performance royalties (as that term is commonly used
in the music industry) directly from the relevant performance rights organization(s). Composer is entitled to
distribute and sell Tracks, in exclusive association with the Game, for profit in online music stores (i.e., iTunes, Spotify,
Amazon, BandCamp etc.).
6. RIGHTS OF DEVELOPER: Developer shall have the perpetual, irrevocable license to use the Tracks in connection
with any and all exploitation of the Game and its associated Intellectual Property in all media, including advertising
and promotion of the Game. All rights in this agreement are assignable by Developer to a distributor, however
Developer shall remain primarily liable for any obligations under this agreement.

7. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS: Composer hereby makes customary representations and warranties as
to the originality of the Tracks, that the Tracks violate no rights of any third party, that there will be no liens or
encumbrances on the Tracks, and that the Developer shall be free to use the Tracks in the Game and the exploitation

If the above is correct, please sign below. Once fully signed, this will constitute our agreement.

Composer: Steven Melin Developer: Jarvis Wade

(signature) (signature)

Date: X/X/X Date: X/X/X

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