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Nombre de Subsector: Inglés Curso: 1° Medio Nombre Docente Responsable: Cecilia Rojo

Aprendizaje Esperado: Identifican información específica de un texto

Reconocen definición para cada trabajo.

Name and surname : ------------------------------------------------------------ Fecha:

Curso: 1ro A,B,C,D,E Ptje. Ideal: 20 Ptje. Obtenido: Nota:

I. READING COMPREHENSION. MATCH SENTENCES. Lee el texto y une las oraciones. 5 pts

I am Saul Berstein. I work at Shopping Basket Market. It´s a nice, small market and I have many jobs. Sometimes I´m the
stock boy. I put packages, boxes, and cans on the shelves. Sometimes I´m a bagger. I put the groceries in the bags and
carry them for the customers. Sometimes I´m the janitor. I sweep the floors and wash the Windows. On Tuesday
afternoon, I work at the bottle return. I count the bottles. On Saturday, I work at the checkout counter. I like to work
with the cash register. Shopping Basket Market is a wonderful place to work. It´s great to have a different job every day.

1. Saul puts packages on the shelf. _____ a. He´s a clerk.

2. Saul puts the groceries in the bag. _____ b. He´s a janitor.

3. Saul buys groceries. _____ c. He´s a stock boy.

4. Saul uses the cash register. _____ d. He´s a customer.

5. Saul sweeps the floor. _____ e. He´s a bagger.

II.- Answer the following questions according to the reading (responde las siguientes preguntas en Ingles de acuerdo a la
lectura) 7pts

1.- What is the name of the boy?---------------------------------------------------

2.- What is the name of the shop?-----------------------------------------------------

3.- What does the word customer mean?----------------------------------------------

4.- What does the word janitor mean? --------------------------------------------------

5.- Where does he work on Tuesday? ---------------------------------------------------

6.- Where does he work on Saturday?---------------------------------------------------

7.- What job does he like best? ------------------------------------------------------

JOBS AND OCCUPATIONS. MATCH THE JOBS WITH THEIR DEFINITIONS. Une los trabajos con sus definiciones anotando la
letra al lado de la ocupación) 8 pts

1.- BUTCHER ----------------------

2.- PLUMBER----------------------

3.- SAILOR--------------------------

4.- LIBRARIAN------------------------

5.- SCIENTIST-----------------------

6.- TRAVEL AGENT-------------------

7.- LAWYER------------------------------

8.- SURGEON----------------------------

A.-person who cares for books and lend them

B.- person who works in a laboratory and does experiments

C.- a person who prepares meat and sells it

D.- doctor who does operations in a hospital

E.- person who works in a ship

F.- someone who repairs broken pipes ,heating and the water system in a house

G.- someone who gives people advice on where to spend their holidays

H.- someone who defend people in the court

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