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Hannah Burns


To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my interest in the Biology Teacher position for which you are currently hiring. Last
year I graduated from the University of San Diego with my Masters of Education, majoring in Curriculum
and Instruction with a focus on Biology and Life Sciences. Shortly after graduating, my husband and I
welcomed our first child into our family, so I took a year off to bond with and take care of my son. Now
that he is older, I am ready, and eager, to return to the classroom as a full-time teacher. I recognize that
this position offers a great chance for me to utilize all the skills I’ve been forming.

Per my resume, I have a wealth of teaching experience stemming from my time student teaching,
leading educational volunteer groups, and other positions. In the classroom and as an educational
volunteer, I regularly created and taught NGSS-centered lesson plans in a project-based learning
environment and I routinely designed and organized multiple unit plans throughout the semester. To
ensure students were meeting my learning objectives, I focused on exercising classroom control and
management, and sought to create connections with students in order to foster motivation and develop
a constructive learning environment. Fueled by a passion to increase scientific literacy, I sought to
establish a learning dynamic in which my students felt comfortable discussing and using scientific
language with myself and their peers, and I challenged them to embrace scientific experimentation and
observation as a lens through which to view the natural world.

In my positions outside of the classroom, I worked to utilize natural phenomena to explain biological
concepts via experiences including kayaking in La Jolla, zip-lining over the Safari Park, or hiking through
the jungles of Costa Rica. As could be expected, many of these environments required diligent
supervision and attention to detail to ensure the safety of my guests. Likewise necessary was the need to
maintain a high stamina and positive demeanor, in order to be approachable, adaptable, and able to
respond to any possible risks. These traits, when paired with an extensive knowledge of the biology and
history of the area, and the ability to present all this information in an educational, engaging, and
entertaining manner, allowed me to effectively educate my audiences.

I am confident that my experience with various forms of education, paired with my passion for learning
and love for teaching and inspiring students, make me an asset to any team. Likewise, my knowledge of
Biology, history of research, leadership experience, technology skills, fluency in Spanish, flexibility,
adaptability, and overall drive equip me with an arsenal of different tools to meet any situation.

I look forward to your response, and I thank you for taking the time to consider my application.

Hannah Burns

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