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Running Head: Special Populations 1

Special Populations Philosophy of Education

Emily Ash

Paris Junior College

EDUC 2301.200

Dr. Marian Ellis, Instructor

March, 3, 2020
Special Populations 2

Special Populations Philosophy of Education

I believe that every student is different and students learn best in different ways. As a

future teacher, I will assist every student according to their learning styles, disabilities, and/or

special population in order to achieve the best learning environment and help them be

academically successful. I will see every student as a child first and treat every student fairly and

equally. I will respect and keep my student’s privacy and confidentiality.

My classroom will be a warm and welcoming environment for students with disabilities. I

will work with their parents and other school professionals (ex. Special Needs Teacher, Speech

Teacher, ect.) to establish a learning and teaching environment that will accommodate their

personal needs. I will teach and demonstrate to all my students how to interact with and talk to

others that have disabilities. Like all students, students with disabilities are fully capable of

learning and I will do all that I can to make sure that they have the tools and resources to


As more students arrive in schools that do not speak English as their first language, it is

increasingly important that English Language Learners are supported and succeed in school. I am

aware that English Language Learners may know English well enough, but may still struggle

with fully understanding their assignments and/or lessons. In my classroom I will strive to

provide accommodations and assistance with my English Language Learners, whether through

extended time, instructions in their first language along with English, and/or through other

means. In my classroom, along with hearing about their culture, English Language Learners will

be able to share their cultures and languages in a positive and open environment.

It is also important to support and assist students that are At-Risk in my classroom. Along

with all other students, At-Risk students should be seen as children first and not by their At-Risk
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status. I will provide a warm and inviting environment that is a judge free zone. I will assist and

support my At-Risk students with their personal needs; through a hug, extra help, tutoring,

providing resources and materials, and other methods. I will be there to support and listen to my

students and parents and help to help them succeed.

Every student, no matter if they are in a special population, can learn and be academically

successful. Some just might need a different style or method of teaching and/or some extra

resources or help. By assisting and accommodating to my students' needs and learning styles,

every student can succeed. Every child is important and special in their own way.

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