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Environmental Impact Assessment

Phase 1 - Contextualization of the Environmental Impact Assessment

presented by
Yeni Paola Ramírez Sánchez
Code. 28951870

Tutor: Pablo Quintero

Group: 358032_33

University National Open and Distance

Ibague _ Tolima
Analytical Summary:

Sustainable Construction Role of Environmental Assessment Tools

Sustainability in environmental impact assessment methods is being taken into account to
implement a respect and commitment to the environment.
In the construction the environmental problems begin from the depletion of the natural
resources, the adjustments of lands for the project in general, the contamination that this
can generate among many more. Research and environmental assessment methods allow
searching and implementing the best way to carry out these projects, minimizing these
impacts to the environment, achieving a sustainability model for the evaluation of projects
on a multidimensional approach that establishes which alternatives are the best and More
friendly to the environment.
It is not easy to change the construction system and its operation, it is something that has
been changing, fracturing these routines and habits in which the fundamental role of
natural resources is not taken into account. It should be noted that construction contributes
to climate change, which we should not blame only the automotive or industrial sector,
construction also contributes to this great problem due to its high consumption of natural
resources, such as water, soil, minerals, fossil fuels, In addition to energy consumption,
emissions, discharges, waste generation. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the
construction environmental assessment methods used. Presenting a development of
sustainability using criteria to evaluate and classify projects.
The sustainability criteria allow moderate use of natural resources for their conservation
and the reuse of some to mitigate the depletion of these in the management of the life
cycle for each raw material used in the construction that allows its reuse.
Environmental assessment methods are used as a design tool which allows it to be more
useful during the design phase. When there is an impediment to the pre-design criteria, it
can be evaluated and incorporated into the design development.
The efficient way to obtain sustainability of a project is to incorporate the environmental
points at a stage before conceptualizing the design. It is important to separate the project
design and the evaluation of projects as the building design is carried out at an early stage
and most of the design results are established and incorporated into the final design.
For the processes of project selection, optimal methods are less useful since to evaluate
the design of the building against the pre-designed environmental criteria.
For financial aspects, environmental construction evaluation methods focus on the
evaluation of design against a set of environmental criteria that fall into three categories:
global, local and indoor problems. These tools allow us to evaluate main topics such as
resource consumption, comfort, longevity, some evaluation tools such as BREEAM,
BEPAC, LEED and HK-BEAM do not include financial aspects in the evaluation
framework. It is contradicted in the last principle of development, the financial return is
essential for all projects because the project can be ecologically sound but expensive to
Weighting systems offer opportunities to review the evaluation scale to reflect regional,
social and cultural variations are complex and the limits of difficulty to define.
In the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative data include environmental performance
criteria. The quantitative reach annual energy use, water consumption, greenhouse gas
emissions etc. And the qualitative criteria include impacts on the ecological values of the
place, the impact on local wind patterns.
Weighting is the important part of all evaluation schemes, because it controls the overall
performance score of the building being assessed. Although at present, no focus and
method in the consensus is fulfilled to guide the allocation of the weights.

Ding, G. (2007). Sustainable construction—The role of environmental assessment tolos.

Magazine ELSEVIER (pp. 453-464). Australia. Recovered from

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