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Lessons 5–8
Name ______________ Date______________

Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.

1 Jan and Irena are my (a fathers b parents c mothers).____

2 My (a husband’s b sister’s c wife’s) name is Pete. He’s 40.____

3 Molly and Jane are my (a daughters b wife c sister).____

4 What’s (a Johns b John c John’s) last name?____

5 Elsa and Thanos are my (a children b childs c sons).____

6 This is Sarah’s office. That’s (a her b his c she) desk.______

7 Hi. I’m Caspar. What’s (a you b your c our) name?____

8 This is my husband, and that’s (a we b they c our) house.____

9 He’s my boss. (a His b Her c Its) office is over there.____

10 These are my friends. (a We b They c Their) surname is King.____

11 My brother’s name is Mark. (a His b He’s c She’s) 28.____

12 My (a mum’s b dad is c son) name is Petra.____

13 ‘(a What’s b Who’s c How’s) he?’ ‘It’s Johan.’____

14 ‘Is that your chair?’ ‘No, it’s (a Ben b Bens c Ben’s).’____

15 That’s Thorsten. He’s Jola’s (a sister b mum c dad).____

16 ‘Hi, Tessa.’ ‘(a Bye b Hello c Goodbye).’____

17 Good morning. How (a are you b you are c you)?____

18 (a I’m fine, thanks. b I’m thanks, fine. c I fine, thanks). And you?____

19 ‘Goodnight.’ ‘(a Goodnight. b Good evening. c Hello).’____

20 ‘OK. (a See later. b See you later. c You see later.)’ ‘Yes, bye.’____

TOTAL ______

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