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Lessons 1–4
Name __________________________________________ Date______________
Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.

1 What’s your (a again b surname c last) name?____

2 ‘(a This b This is c Is) my friend, Sam.’ ‘Hi, Sam.’____

3 (a Listen b Close c Look) the window, please.____

4 Please write (a you name b name c your name).____

5 (a Listen b Read c Look) page six.____

6 How (a do you spell b spell you c you spell) your name?____

7 That’s (a an umbrella b umbrella c a umbrella). ____

8 ‘What’s your (a number b first c surname)?’ ‘It’s Morris – James Morris.’____

9 ‘Hello. I’m Cindy.’ ‘(a Pleased to b Please c Pleased) meet you.’____

10 What (a it’s b is c does) ‘cancelled’ mean?____

11 How (a say you b do you say c you say) ‘vino’ in English?____

12 ‘Coffee, please.’ ‘Here (a you b are you c you are).’____

13 Nice (a meets b meet c to meet) you, too.__

14 … two, three, (a nine b four c six), five …____

15 ‘(a What’s this? b This what is? c What this?)’ ‘It’s a bag.’____

16 I’m sorry. I (a don’t b no c not) understand.____

17 My (a name’s b name c names) is John White.____

18 Excuse me, (a what means ‘cheers’ b what does ‘cheers’ mean c ‘cheers’ what


19 ‘Here you are.’ ‘(a Thank b Thanks you c Thank you).’____

20 ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s (a table b an table c a table).’ ____

TOTAL ______

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