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Received: 2 March 2020    Accepted: 3 March 2020

DOI: 10.1002/agm2.12104


Pharmaceutical care of chloroquine phosphate in elderly

patients with coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)

Xuelin Sun1  | Shaoqiang Li1,2  | Kexin Li3  | Xin Hu1

Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Assessment of Clinical Drugs Risk and Individual
Application Key Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China
Department of Pharmacy Administration and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
Clinical Trial Center, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Assessment of Clinical Drugs Risk and Individual
Application Key Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China

Correspondence: Xin Hu, Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences, 1 Dahua Road, Beijing 100730, China.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N Republic of China and the National Administration of Traditional

Chinese Medicine jointly issued the notice on adjusting the usage
Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) and dosage of chloroquine phosphate in the treatment of COVID-19
in December 2019, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome to apply to adults aged 18-65 years: patients with a bodyweight of
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), it has spread to the whole country. By 50 kg or above, 500 mg, bid, for 7 days; and those with a bodyweight
12:00 am on February 28, 2020, a total of 78  632 cases had been of 50 kg or less, 500 mg, bid, on the 1st and 2nd days, and 500 mg,
confirmed nationwide, including 2747 deaths. At present, it has been qd, on the 3rd to 7th days, with a course of treatment of 7 days.
found that people of all ages are generally susceptible to the new Chloroquine phosphate is an antimalarial drug that has been on
virus, but the elderly and patients with multiple chronic diseases the market for many years. In 1820, the famous French pharmacists
have the highest rates of severe illness and mortality.1,2 According Pelletier and Caventou successfully extracted the earliest pure anti-
to the COVID-19 development and treatment of the epidemic sit- malarial drug, quinine (also known as cinchona), from cinchona bark.
uation, the state has formulated and updated six versions of the German scientist Andersag was the first to synthesize chloroquine in
pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan for COVID-19. In the newly 1934, which caused serious adverse drug reactions (“cinchona reac-
released “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment tion”) to some users due to excessive dosage of chloroquine. In 1944,
Plan (Trial Version 6)” by the National Health Commission of the scientists modified the structure of chloroquine by adding a hydroxyl
People's Republic of China, chloroquine phosphate was officially group to it, and developed a new antimalarial drug, hydroxychloro-
recommended in the antiviral treatment.3 The recommended use of quine, which was less toxic and more effective against malaria.5
this drug is chloroquine phosphate 500 mg/time, bid, with a course At present, two independent experiment teams from China
of treatment not exceeding 10  days. After thorough discussion by have confirmed that chloroquine has an impact against the SARS
the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology virus in vitro.6,7 Joint research results from the Wuhan Institute of
and the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission on Chloroquine Virology, Chinese Academy  of  Sciences and the Beijing Institute of
Treatment of COVID-19 multicenter cooperative group, chloroquine Pharmacology and Toxicology showed that remdesivir (GS-5734) and
tablets were approved for use at a dose of 500 mg, bid, for a course chloroquine (Sigma, C6628) effectively inhibit the recently emerged
of 10 days after chloroquine contraindications have been excluded SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.8 Based on these results, clinical trials of chloro-
for patients diagnosed as having mild, common, and severe cases quine were conducted in hospitals in Beijing and Guangdong province,
of COVID-19.4 In order to ensure that the drug is safe and effective and the results showed that chloroquine phosphate may be effective
in clinical practice, the National Health Commission of the People’s in treating COVID-19.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Aging Medicine published by Beijing Hospital and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Aging Medicine. 2020;00:1–4.  |     1

At present, the safety of chloroquine phosphate in the treat- kg. Death can occur within 2 to 3 hours. Once the above symp-
ment of elderly patients with COVID-19 cannot be determined, toms appear, the medication should be discontinued immediately
but the rate of critical illness in the elderly is high and chloroquine and symptomatic treatment should be carried out, especially to
phosphate can still be used as an alternative antiviral drug for the maintain cardiopulmonary function. Refer to the treatment advice
elderly. The use of chloroquine phosphate is prohibited in the fol- for acute hydroxychloroquine poisoning: induce vomiting or emp-
lowing elderly patients: those who are clearly allergic to 4-ami- tying of the stomach contents as soon as possible; within half an
noquinoline compounds; those with arrhythmia (eg, conduction hour of taking the medicine, you can take activated carbon pow-
block) or chronic heart disease; those with chronic liver and kidney der to inhibit further absorption of the drug, and use angiotensin
diseases who are reaching the terminal stage; those with known drugs when shock occurs; provide fluid replacement at the same
retinal disease or hearing loss; those with known psychiatric dis- time; and provide plenty of ammonium chloride (8 g/day) to pro-
orders; those with skin diseases (including rashes, dermatitis, and mote the excretion of the drugs. Acute poisoning survivors should
psoriasis); and those with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase be closely monitored for at least 6  hours, even if they show no
deficiency. symptoms.

2 |  C H LO RO Q U I N E PH OS PH ATE FO R 2.3 | Adverse drug reactions of

TR E ATM E NT O F E LD E R LY W ITH COV I D -19 chloroquine phosphate

Based on the published clinical guidelines and research results, this The main adverse reactions of chloroquine phosphate are as follows:
paper proposes the following pharmaceutical care for the elderly
using chloroquine phosphate in the treatment of COVID-19. 1. Cardiovascular system: sinus node inhibition, arrhythmia, and
severe occurrence of Adams-Strokes syndrome.
2. Skeletal musculoskeletal system: neuromuscular pain.
2.1 | Administration method of 3. Nerves: irritability, medicated psychosis.
chloroquine phosphate 4. Blood system: granulocytopenia, aplastic anemia,
Oral administration of chloroquine phosphate is the only suggested 5. Eye: irreversible visual impairment.
administration in elderly patients. 6. Skin: itching, rash, purpura, dermatitis, etc.
7. Ears: tinnitus, hearing impairment.
8. Gastrointestinal symptoms: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, di-
2.2 | Dosage of chloroquine phosphate arrhea, and abdominal pain.

For elderly patients with a bodyweight of more than 50 kg, chloro- Adverse drug reactions to chloroquine phosphate involve almost
quine phosphate 500 mg orally, bid, for 7 days is recommended. For every system and may be more severe in the elderly. According to
those with a bodyweight of 50  kg or less, 500  mg, bid, on the 1st the 2013 FDA adverse reactions advisory, chloroquine phosphate
and 2nd days, and 500 mg, qd, on the 3rd to 7th days, with a course may cause macular degeneration and severe extrapyramidal disease,
of treatment of 7  days is recommended. According to the Wuhan which may occur more frequently in the elderly and should be care-
Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the lethal dose of fully monitored during use. Close attention should be paid to:
chloroquine phosphate in adults is 2-4 g and doses should be closely 1. Blood routine examination. Blood routine monitoring should
monitored during the treatment period. The concentration of chlo- be conducted closely every other day during the medication period.
roquine phosphate is maintained for a long time, the plasma protein- If white blood cells progressively decrease or anemia and thrombo-
binding rate is about 55%, and the half-life is 2.5-10 days. The drug is cytopenia progressively increase, the dosage should be reduced or
metabolized by the liver, and 10%-15% of the drug is excreted by the discontinued.
kidney as the original. Older patients with impaired kidney function 2. Routine electrocardiogram examination should be conducted
may be at greater risk for toxic reactions to the drug. Elderly patients before treatment and the electrocardiogram should be monitored at
are more likely to suffer from decreased renal function, decreased Days 1, 3, 5, and 7 of treatment. In case of serious adverse reactions,
metabolism of drugs, and weakened excretory function. Therefore, such as Q-T interval extension, atrioventricular block and torsional
the drug residual dose in patients taking chloroquine phosphate for 7 tachycardia, the prescription should be stopped immediately.
consecutive days may reach or even exceed the lethal dose.9 3. Check the patient’s vision changes regularly. If the elderly also
Oral chloroquine can be quickly absorbed. Elderly patients suffer from other eye diseases, regular eye examination is needed to
should be advised to take it with food. Serious toxic reactions prevent the occurrence of retinopathy and serious clinical manifes-
can occur within 1 to 3  hours, or even a few minutes after use. tations of the main “target-center eye.” Stop the medicine immedi-
Acute poisoning can be fatal, with a lethal dose as low as 50 mg/ ately in case of such poisoning.

4. Regularly check the patient’s ankle and knee reflexes in case adverse reaction of chloroquine phosphate. Elderly patients who are
the medicine causes skeletal muscle injury. Elderly patients often prescribed chloroquine phosphate for treatment of COVID-19 must
spend a long time in bed, which may mask such symptoms, so the have a normal electrocardiogram before medication. Chloroquine
examination process should be especially careful. phosphate is prohibited in combination with drugs that cause Q-T
5. Pay attention to the mental and psychological state of elderly prolongation, such as quinolones and macrolides. At the same time,
patients. In the isolation process of treatment, patients with neo- the electrolyte level (potassium, sodium, chlorine), blood glucose,
pneumonia may suffer from excessive pressure, resulting in for- and liver and kidney functions of patients should be confirmed as
getfulness, insomnia, depression, and so forth, so attention should normal. Elderly patients should not be treated with three or more
be paid to distinguish these symptoms from the adverse reactions antiviral drugs, including chloroquine phosphate. Medical staff
caused by chloroquine. must pay close attention to adverse reactions after medication, and
should cease medication when there are intolerable side-effects.
Furthermore, staff should monitor and report adverse drug reac-
2.4 | Drug interactions of chloroquine phosphate tions in strict accordance with the requirements of the measures for
the reporting, monitoring, and management of adverse drug reac-
According to the drug instructions of chloroquine phosphate, it can tions, so as to ensure drug safety for the elderly during the treatment
interact with the following drugs, which may lead to adverse reac- of COVID-19.
tions and adverse events when used together.
1. Chloroquine (hydroxychloroquine): causes increased concen- Nothing to disclose.
tration of chloroquine in blood.
2. Chlorpromazine: combined use increases liver burden. AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
3. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: combined use increases toxicity. Xuelin Sun and Xin Hu conceptualized the study. Xuelin Sun wrote
4. Heparin and penicillamine: combined use increases the risk of the original draft of the manuscript. Shaoqiang Li provided meth-
bleeding. odology. Xin Hu provided data resources and supervised the study.
5. Digitalis: the use of this drug after digitalis causes heart block. Kexin Li reviewed and edited the manuscript.
6. Ammonium chloride: used in combination to aggravate the ex-
cretion of this medicine. ORCID
7. Streptomycin: the combination of this drug increases the direct Xuelin Sun
inhibitory effect on the neuromuscular junction. Shaoqiang Li
8. Butazone: combination often causes allergic dermatitis. Kexin Li
9. Triamcinolone: combined use leads to Exfoliative erythroderma. Xin Hu
10. Nifedipine: combined use leads to increased blood concentra-
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