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Ambar Eldaron
presents its

Quenya-English Dictionary

English-Quenya Dictionary

v. 1.0

© April 2009



adj. adjective
adv. adverb
conj. conjunction
excl. exclusive
fem. feminine
masc. masculine
incl. Inclusive
pers. personal
pl. plural
pp. past participle
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pron. pronoun, pronominal
rel. relative
(Þ) Represents earlier Þ (th as in "thing") and it should be spelt
with the letter súlë instead of silmë in Tengwar writing
sg singular
vb. verb
(...-) stem


This update of our Quenya Dictionary is for the first time in English, in the
context of the new English part of our website.

This dictionary is intended to be a practical tool for the study of (neo-)

In fact, we list only the latest known version of a word, without the
forms abandoned or revised by Tolkien or the older forms.

The latest released features of PE17 are enclosed.

Only the definition of each word is proposed.

For a deeper study of the Etymology of the words please refer to the
reference in the matter, Helge Fauskanger’s Quettaparma.

The main feature we propose is the complete listing of all the English-
Quenya definitions, that is, when a Quenya word has many definitions in
English, we report all of them in the English-Quenya section. So, under
any of them, you’ll find your word.

We hope this dictionary will be useful.



a vocative particle O
A aira adj. red, ruddy
a conj. and, a variant of ar aira adj. holy
a , á imperative particle airë adj. holy
acas, axë noun neck, the bony airë noun sea
part of the neck, rock ridges airëa adj. holy
acca adv. too airita- vb. hallow
accar- vb. do back, react, avenge airon noun ocean
acúna adj. bent, curved aista adj. holy
aha noun rage, also name of aista- vb. bless
tengwa #11 aiwë noun bird (small)
ahosta noun large number Aiwenor, Aiwenorë place-name
ahtar- vb. do back, react, avenge Birdland = lower air
ahya- vb. change (intransitive) aiya interjection hail
ai! interjection Ah! Alas! al- vb. thrive
aia interjection hail, variant of ala- negative pref. not, un-
aiya ala- vb. plant, grow
aian noun holy thing or object or alaco noun rush, rushing flight,
place wild wind
aica adj. fell, terrible alahasta adj. unmarred
aicalë noun peak alaië adv. no, not
aicassë noun mountain peak alála- vb. grow continually
ailin noun pool, lake alalbinóre noun land of many
aimenal, aimenel noun lark Elms
aina- vb. hallow, bless, treat as alalmë noun elm, elm-tree
holy alalmë noun inflorescence
aina adj holy alalvëa adj. having many elms
ainas noun hallow, fane alalvinore noun land of many
Aini noun feminine form of Ainu Elms
ainima adj. blessed, holy (of Alamanya noun Elves who
things) started on the march from
Aino noun god Cuiviénen but did not reach
Ainu noun holy one, angelic Aman
spirit; fem. Aini alaquenta adj. well (happily) said
aipio noun plum tree, cherry tree alarca adj. swift, rapid
aiqua adj. steep alas (alast-) noun marble
aiquen pron. if anybody, alasaila adj. unwise
whoever alassë noun joy, merriment

alat- pref. large, great alya adj. fair, good

albë noun elm am- pref. up
alca noun ray of light amal noun mother
alcar noun glory, brilliance, aman adj. blessed, free from evil
splendour amanya adj. blessed
alcarinqua adj. radiant, glorious amatixë noun dot or point placed
Alcorin adj. Ilcorin above the line of writing
alda noun tree amba adv. up
Aldalemnar noun week of the amba adj. and noun more
Trees, Midyear week ambal noun shaped stone, flag
aldarembina adj. tree-tangled ambalë noun yellow bird
aldarwa adj having trees ambalotsë noun uprising-flower
Aldëa noun fourth day of the amban noun upward slope, hill-
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated side
to Telperion, the White Tree ambapenda adj. uphill
aldëon noun avenue of trees ambar noun Earth, world
aldinga noun treetop ambar noun doom
alenessë, alanessë noun ambassë noun breast-plate,
nicotiana, pipeweed hauberk
alima adj. fair, good ambë adv. more
alla! interjection hail! welcome! ambë adv. more
alma noun good fortune, wealth ambela adv. further still beyond,
alma noun flower far away beyond
almarë noun blessedness, good ambena adv. nearer to, (to a
fortune further point in the motion)
almárëa adj. blessed towards an object
almë noun good thing, blessing, ambo noun hill
piece of good fortune ambos (ambost-) noun breast,
almië noun blessedness, good chest
fortune ambuna adj. of flat ground
Alqualondë place-name capital dotted with hills etc.
of the Teleri amil noun mother
Alquarámë noun Swan-wing amilyë noun mummy
alta adj. large, great ammalë noun yellow bird
alta noun radiance ammë noun mother
Altariel fem. name Galadriel, amna adv. nearer to, (to a further
maiden crowned with a radiant point in the motion) towards an
garland object
alu noun dressed leather amorta- vb. heave
alvë noun elm ampa noun hook, also name of
alya adj. rich, abundant tengwa #14
alya- vb. cause to prosper, bless ampano noun building
(a work), help one (especially of wood), wooden hall

ampenda adj. uphill anon noun son

ampendë noun upward slope anqualë noun agony, death
amya- pref. good anta- vb. give
amya noun my mother used in anta noun face
address antë noun giver (fem.)
an conj. and prep. for anto noun mouth, also name of
an- intensive or superlative pref. tengwa #13
very, most anto noun giver (masc.)
ana- pref.: to, towards antoryamë noun strengthening,
ana prep. to anwa adj. real, actual, true
ananta conj. and yet, but yet ap- vb. touch (one) in the
Anar noun Sun figurative sense; concern, affect
anarórë noun sunrise apa prep. after
anca noun jaws, row of teeth apa prep. on (contact of vertical
Ancalë noun radiant one = Sun surfaces)
ancalima adj. brightest apa conj. but
anda adj. long apacenyë noun foresight
andamacil noun long sword apairë noun victory
andamunda noun elephant Apanónar noun After-born, an
andanéya adv. long ago, once Elvish name of Mortal Men as the
upon a time Second-born of Ilúvatar
ando noun gate, also name of aparuivë noun wild fire – fire as
tengwa #5 conflagration
ando adv. long appa- vb. touch (in the literal
andon (andond-) noun great gate sense)
Andórë noun full form of Andor, apsa noun cooked food, meat
land of gift, name of Númenor apsene- vb. forgive
andúna adj. western aqua adv. fully, completely
andúnë noun sunset, west, aquapahtië noun privacy
evening ar- pref. outside, beside
Andúril noun Flame of the West, ar- prep. by
sword-name ar conj. and
anel noun daughter ar noun day
anessë noun given name Ar Fanturion noun Day of the
anga noun iron Fanturi (Mandos and Lorien)
angaina adj. of iron Ar Manwen noun Day of Manwe
angaitya noun torment Ar Ulmon noun Day of Ulmo
angayanda adj. miserable Ar Veruen noun Day of the
angayassë noun misery Spouses (Aule and Yavanna)
ango (angu-, pl. angwi) noun ára noun dawn
snake Ara-, ar- pref. noble
angulócë noun dragon aran noun king
anna noun gift

Arandóre noun King’s-land = arya- vb. excel

Arnor arya noun twelve hours, day
aranel (aranell-) noun princess arya adj. exelling, used as the
aranië noun kingdom comparative form of mára
aranus(së) noun kingship aryon noun heir
aranya adj. free. as prép. with
arata adj. high, lofty, noble asa- (Þ) pref. denoting easiness in
Aratar noun the Supreme, the doing (as- before p, t, c, q, s )
chief Valar asalastë (Þ) adj. easily heard
arato noun noble asambar, asambaro noun
aráto noun champion, eminent neighbour
man asar (Þ) noun festival
arauca adj. swift, rushing ascat- vb. break asunder
arauco noun terrible creature; ascenë (Þ) adj. visible, easily
demon seen
arca adj. narrow ascénima (Þ) adj. visible, easily
arca- vb. pray seen
arcandë noun petition asëa (Þ) adj. helpful, kindly
arda noun realm asëa (Þ) adj. healing plant called
Ardaranyë noun Kingdom of in Sindarin athelas
Arda asië (Þ) noun ease, comfort
arë conj. and assa noun hole, opening, mouth
árë noun day asta noun month
arië noun daytime asta- vb. heat, bake (by exposure
arin noun morning to sun)
arinya adj. morning in the astar noun faith, loyalty (not
adjectival sense belief)
arma adj. ray of sunlight astarindo noun bystander
armar noun goods (pl.) (supporter)
armaro noun neighbour astarmo noun bystander, mainly
arquen noun noble used in the sense witness
arta adv. etcetera asto noun dust
arta adj. exalted, lofty asya- (Þ) vb. ease, assist, comfort
arta noun fort, fortress at- pref. two
arta prep. across ata adv. again, also
artarindo noun bystander ata-, at- pref. back, again, re-
(supporter) ataformaitë adj. ambidextrous
artaurë noun realm ataformo noun ambidexter
artuilë noun morning (early) atalantë noun downfall
Arveruen noun third day of the atalantëa adj. downfallen
Valinorian week of 5 days, atalta- vb. collapse, fall in
dedicated to Aule and Yavanna atamaitë adj. two-handed
arwa adj. possessing

Atan noun Second Folk, an Auzel pl. Auzeldi noun Vanyarin

Elvish name of Mortal Men form (and original form) of
ataquanta- vb. refall Aureldi
ataquë noun construction, av- vb. depart
building ava- pref. indicating something
atar noun father forbidden
ataryo noun daddy ava- pref. without
atsa noun catch, hook ava- vb refuse or prohibit
atta cardinal two áva, avá negative imperative
attaformaitë adj. ambidextrous particle Don't!
attaformo noun ambidexter avahaira adj. remote, far
attalaitë adj. biped Avamanyar noun Elves that
attëa ordinal second refused to go to Aman (= Avari)
atto noun father, daddy avanir noun unwill
atwa adj. double avanótë adj. numberless
atya adj. second avanwa adj. refused, forbidden,
atya noun daddy, banned
au- verbal pref. off, away avanyárima adj. not to be told or
au- privative pref. without related
aulë noun invention avaquet- vb. refuse, forbid
Aulëonna noun Child of Aulë, a avaquétima adj. not to be said
name of the Dwarves avar noun recusant, Elf that
aurë noun sunlight, day refused to go to Aman
Aurel (Aureld-, pl. Aureldi) avatyar- vb. forgive
noun Elf who departed from axa noun narrow path, ravine
Beleriand to Aman axan noun law, rule,
ausa (þ) noun spectral or vague commandment
apparition axo noun bone
auta- vb. go away, leave áya noun awe
auta- vb. invent áyan noun holy thing or object or

ca, cata, cana prep? behind, at

C caimassë noun lying in bed,
back of place sickness
caima noun bed caimassëa adj. bedridden, sick
caimasan noun bedchamber caita- vb. lie (= lie down, not tell
something untrue)


cal- vb. shine canta noun shape

cala noun light canta cardinal four
calambar adj.? light-fated canta adj. shaped
Calaquendi pl. noun Elves of the cantëa ordinal fourth
Light, Light-elves canwa noun announcement, order
calar noun lamp canya adj. bold
calarus (calarust-) noun polished cap- vb. jump, leap
copper car- vb. make, build
calassë noun clarity, brilliance car (card-) noun building, house
Calavénë noun Sun cár (cas-) noun head
Calaventë noun Sun carassë noun built fort or
calca noun glass dwelling surrounded by bulwarks
cálë noun light carasta- vb. build
calima adj. bright carasta- vb. build
calina adj. et nom light, bright caraxë noun jagged hedge of
callo noun noble man, hero spikes
calma noun lamp, light carca noun tooth
calmatan noun lampwright carcanë noun row of teeth
calmatéma noun k-series, velar carcaras, carcassë noun row of
series: the third column of the spikes or teeth
Tengwar system carda noun deed
calpa noun water-vessel carda noun deed
calpa- vb. draw water, scoop out, carma noun tool, weapon
bale out carma noun helm
calta- vb. shine Carmë noun art
calwa adj. beautiful carnë adj. red, scarlet
calya- vb. illuminate Carnil noun star (or planet),
cam- vb. receive identified with Mars
cáma noun guilt, responsibility carpa noun mouth
camba noun hollow hand carpa- vb. speak
cambë noun hollow of hand carpassë noun mouth-system, full
camta- vb. fit, accommodate organized language
can- pref. four carrëa noun tressure (net for
can- vb. command, order confining the hair).
cana prep? behind, at back of cas noun head
place Casar noun Dwarf
canaquë cardinal fourteen cassa noun helmet
canasta adv. if it be so, may be, casta fraction one fourth (1/4)
perhaps casta noun cause, reason
canasta fraction one fourth (1/4) castol noun helmet
cánë noun valour cata prep? behind, at back of
cáno noun commander place
cansat fraction one fourth (1/4) cauca adj. crooked

cauco noun humpback cilmë noun choosing

cauma noun protection or shelter cilya noun chasm
caurë noun fear cim- vb. heed
caurëa adj. timid cinta adj. small
caw- vb. bow cir- vb. sail
cé, ce particle may be círa- vb. sail
celma noun channel circa noun sickle
celumë noun stream, flow cirincë, noun species of little
celusindi noun river birds
celussë noun brooklet cirissë noun slash, gash
celva noun animal, living thing cirtë noun rune
that moves cirya noun ship
cemen noun earth ciryamo noun mariner
cemna adj. earth, earthen ciryando noun sailor
cemnaro noun potter cíta- vb. suppose
cen- vb. see, behold coa noun house
cén (cem-) noun soil, earth coimas noun life-bread
cenai conj. if it be that coina adj. alive
cenasit adv. if it be so, may be, coirë noun stirring
perhaps coirëa adj. living
cenda- vb. Watch, observe coitë noun living being
cenda- noun reading coiva adj. awake
cenima adj. visible col- vb. bear, carry
centa noun communication, colca noun box
enquiry colindo noun bearer
centano noun potter colla passive participle borne,
Cermië noun July worn
certa noun rune cólo noun burden
ces- (Þ) vb. enquire of, question combë noun gathering, collection
cesta- vb. seek, search for comya- vb. gather, assemble
ceulë noun renewal (transitive)
ceura adj. renewed condo noun prince, leader
ceuran- noun new moon coranar noun sun-round, solar
ceuranar noun new sun after year
solstice corco noun crow
ceurë adj. renewed corda noun temple
ceuta- vb. renew, refresh cordon noun idol
céva adj. fresh, new corin noun circular enclosure
cilin noun glass corma noun ring
cilintír, cilintilla noun looking- cormë noun circular enclosure
glass, mirror cormen noun circular enclosure,
cilinyul noun drinking-vessel mound
(made of glass) corna adj. round, globed

cornë noun loaf culuma noun orange (fruit not

coromindo noun cupola, dome colour)
coron noun mound culumalda noun tree, orange-tree
coron noun globe, ball Culúrien noun another name of
costa- vb. quarrel Laurelin
cotto noun enemy, cúma noun Void (the)
cotumo noun enemy cumbë noun mound
cotya adj. hostile cumna adj. empty
cú noun arch, crescent cúna adj. bent, curved
cua noun dove cundo noun guardian
cucua noun dove cúnë noun crescent, bow
cuilë noun life cunta- vb. rule
cuina adj. alive cunya- vb. rule
cuiva adj. awake curu noun skill
cuivë noun awakening curuni noun witch (of the good
cuivëa adj. wakening magic)
cuivië noun awakening curuvar, pl. curuvari noun
culina adj. golden-red wizard
culuina adj. orange (colour not curwë noun craft

-dil, -ndil, ending friend

D -dur ending servant of
-duinë ending river (of large

é adverbial particle indeed

E ec- vb. verb denoting an
ëa vb. is opportunity, with the one having
Eä noun universe the opportunity in dative
ëala noun being, spirit ecca noun hole, lair
Eämbar noun dispositions and eccaira adj. remote, far
will of Eru, with regard to ecces- (Þ) vb. find out, bring out
Creation as a whole by examining, or eyeing
ëar noun sea ecco noun spine
eäron noun ocean eccoita- vb. awake
eces noun other, another

ecet noun short broad-bladed elyë pron. even thou, emphatic

sword 2nd person sg. pronoun
ecya adj. sharp emel noun mother
effírië noun death emenya noun mummy
ehtë (ehti-) noun spear emerwen noun shepherdess
ehtyar noun spearman emil noun mother
ela! interjection behold! emma noun picture
elda noun Elf, (high-)elf emmë noun mummy,
Elda-lambë noun language of the emmë pron. we, emphatic
Eldar pronoun
Eldalië noun Elven-folk empanya- vb. plant
Eldamar place-name Elvenhome emya noun mummy
Eldameldor noun Elf-lovers en interjection there, look! yon
Eldandil noun Elf-friend (yonder)
Eldanyárë noun History of the en adv. still
Elves en- pref. re-, again-
Eldarin adj. Eldarin, Elvish -enca suffix without, -less
Eldarissa, Eldaquet noun other encë cardinal six
names of Qenya enda noun heart, center
Elemmírë noun star/planet Endamar place-name Middle-
(possibly Mercury) earth
elen noun star endë noun center, middle
elena adj. of the stars endëa adj. middle
Elenarda place-name Star- enderi noun middle-days in the
kingdom, upper sky calendar of Imladris
Elenna place-name Starwards, a Endien noun autumn (alternative
name of Númenor term for )
Elentári noun Star-queen, title of Endor place-name Middle-earth,
Varda center of the world
elenya adj. stellar endya > enya adj. middle
Elerína adj. used as noun star- enel prep. between
crowned, a name of Taniquetil enelmo noun intermediary,
Elerrína adj. used as noun mediator
Crowned with Stars, a name of enenquë cardinal sixteen
Taniquetil enetya adj. central, middle
Elessar masc. name Elf-stone enga prep. save, except
Ellairë noun June engwa adj. sickly
-ello ablative ending engwë noun thing
elmë pron. we, emphatic pronoun enquanta- vb. refill
elmenda noun wonder enquë cardinal six
Elpino noun Christ enquesta fraction one sixth (1/6)
elvëa adj. starlike, like stars enquete- vb. repeat, say again


enquië noun Eldarin six-day Erintion noun second half of the

week month of avestalis (January)
enta demonstrative that yonder erma noun physical matter
entë conj. moreover, furthermore Erquellë noun September
ento adv. next (alternative name of )
entulessë noun return Errívë noun November
entya, enetya adj. central, middle (alternative name of )
Enu masc. name the Ertuilë noun April (alternative
AlmightyCreator who dwells name of)
without the world Eru noun name the One = God
envinyata- vb. heal, renew erumë noun desert
Envinyatar noun the Renewer erúmëa adj. outer, outermost
enwa adv. tomorrow Eruva noun name the One = God
enwina adj. old erya adj. single, sole
enya < endya adj. middle essë independent emphatic
enyal- vb. recall, commemorate pronoun he, she
enyárë adv. in that day (to the essë noun name, also later name
future) of Tengwa #31
epë prep. before essë noun beginning
epessë noun after-name, esta- vb. name
nickname esta adj. first
epeta adv. thereupon, thence estat- vb. distribute in even
epetai adv. consequently portions
epta adv. thereupon, thence estel noun trust, hope
equë vb. say/says or said (a esto emphatic pronoun 3rd person
tenseless pseudo-verb) dual
eques (equess-) noun saying, et prep. (and adv.?) out
dictum, quotation (+ablative) out of
er cardinal one, alone etelehta- vb. deliver, save
er- vb. remain etellë prep. (and adv.?) out
erca noun prickle, spine (+ablative) out of
erca- vb. prick etelyë prep. (and adv.?) out
ercassë noun holly (+ablative) out of
Ercoirë noun February eteminya adj. prominent
(alternative name of ) etemmë prep. (and adv.?) out
erda adj. solitary, deserted (+ablative) out of
erdë noun seed, germ etengwë prep. (and adv.?) out
erdë noun person as a whole (+ablative) out of
erë, eren noun iron, steel et-henta- vb. read aloud
erëa adj.? one, single etsat- vb. distribute in even
eressë noun solitude portions
eressëa adj. lonely, solitary etsë noun outside
erinqua adj. single, alone etsir noun mouth of a river

etta adv. therefore Etyangol (Etyan-gold-) noun

ettë noun (and/or adv.?) outside Exiled Noldor
ettelë noun outer lands evandilyon noun gospel
ettelëa adj. foreign exa adj.? other
ettul- vb. come forth exë noun other, another

faica adj. contemptible, mean

F fanya noun cloud (white)
faila adj. fair-minded, just, Fanyamar place-name upper air
generous fanyarë noun sky (upper airs and
faina- vb. emit light clouds).
fairë noun phantom, disembodied fára noun beach, shore
spirit fárë noun sufficiency, plenitude
fairë noun natural death (as act) fárëa adj.? enough
fairë noun radiance faren adv. enough
fairië noun freedom farmë noun sufficiency, plenitude
Falanyel (Falanyeld-) noun farnë noun foliage
name of the Teleri, apparently farnë noun dwelling
Shore-singers farya- vb. suffice
falas (falass-), falassë noun fas (?fats-), fatsë noun tassel
shore, beach fásë noun gap, gulf
falasta- vb. foam fassë noun tangled hair, shaggy
fallë noun foam lock
falma noun wave (crested / fasta- vb. tangle
foaming) fatanyu noun hell
falmar (falmarind-) noun sea- fatsë noun tassel
spirit, nymph fauca adj. thirsty
falqua noun mountain pass, fauta- vb. snow
ravine fëa noun spirit
falquan noun large sword fëalócë noun spark-dragon
fána noun cloud Fëanáro masc. name Spirit of
fána, fánë adj. white Fire
fanga noun beard felco noun cave, mine,
fangë noun long beard underground dwelling
fanta- vb. veil, cloak, mantle felmë noun impulse, emotion
fantarcenya adj. perspicacious felu noun bad magic
Fantur masc. name lord of cloud, felya noun cave
surname of Mandos fen (feng-) noun reed
fanwa noun veil, screen fenda noun threshold

fenna noun door finya adj. clever (-fingered)

feren (fern-) noun beech, beech- finya- vb. do a thing (with fine
tree work)
férima adj. ready to hand, fion noun bowl, goblet
(quickly) available firë noun mortal man
ferina adj. ready to hand, firië noun dying, death
(quickly) available fírima adj. mortal
ferinya adj. beechen Fírimo noun mortal
ferna noun mast, beechnuts firin adj. dead (by natural cause)
fernë (pl. ferni) noun beech-tree firinga noun carcanet, necklace
ferya- vb. make ready (promptly) Firya noun Mortal
feuya- vb. feel disgust at, abhor fó interjection nay, no, intejection
fifíru- vb. slowly fade away of displeasure / dissent
filit (filic-) noun small bird foa noun breath, puff of breath
fimbë (fimbi-) adj. slender foalócë noun/name serpent that
finca adj. clever (in petty ways) guarded a treasure
finda adj. having hair, -haired foina adj. hidden
finda adj. fine and delicately fólë noun secrecy, a secret
made fólima adj. secretive
findë noun hair (especially of the forma noun right hand
head) formaitë adj. righthanded,
findel adj. having beautiful hair dexterous
findelë noun tress, lock Formen noun north
findessë noun head of hair, a formenya adj. northern
person's hair as a whole forna adj. northern
findilë noun head of hair fortë (forti-) adj. northern
findilë noun head of hair forya adj. right, dexter
fínë noun dexterity fuinë noun deep shadow
finë (fini-) noun hair or larch fúmë noun sleep
fínëa adj. dexterous fúmella noun poppy
finta- vb. make, finish off, or fúmellot noun poppy
decorate a thing with delicate fur- vb. conceal, lie
work furin adj. hidden, concealed
fintale noun trick furu noun lie
finwa adj. dexterous

haca- vb. squat

H hahta noun pile, mound
hácala participle yawning haimë noun habit
hacca noun buttocks, hams haira adj. remote, far


haiya adj. far harda noun realm, region

hala noun cast shadow harma noun treasure
hala noun fish (small) harna adj. wounded
halatir (halatirn-) noun harna- vb. wound
kingsfisher, harna noun helmet
halatirno noun kingsfisher, harpa noun helmet
halcin adj. frozen harwë noun wound
halda adj. veiled, hidden, harya- vb. possess
shadowed, shady haryon noun prince, heir
halla adj. tall hasta- vb. mar
haloisi noun the sea (in storm) hat- vb. fling
haloitë adj. leaping hatal noun spear
halta- vb. leap hatsë noun headlong movement
halya- vb. veil, conceal, screen haura adj. huge
from light hauta- vb. cease, take a rest, stop
ham- vb. sit háya adj. far off, far away
ham- vb. judge hé pronoun him (the other)
hamma noun chair heca! vb. in imperative be gone!
hampa adj. restrained, delayed, stand aside!
kept hecil (masc. hecilo, fem. hecilë)
han prep. beyond noun one lost or forsaken by
handa adj. understanding, friends, waif, outcast, outlaw
intelligent hehta- vb. put aside, leave out,
handassë noun intelligence exclude, abandon, forsake
handë noun knowledge, helca adj. icy, ice-cold
understanding, intelligence helcë noun ice
handelë noun intellect helda adj. naked, stripped bare
hanno noun brother, also used in helin noun violet or pansy
children's play for middle finger Helinyetillë noun Eyes of
háno noun brother Heartsease, a name of the pansy
hanquenta vb.? or noun? answer hellë noun sky
hanta- vb. thank, give thanks helma noun skin, fell
hantalë noun thanksgiving helwa adj. blue (pale)
hanu noun male helyanwë noun rainbow, lit. sky-
hanwa noun male bridge
hanya- vb. understand hen (hend-) noun eye
har- vb. sit, stay hendumaica noun? adj.? sharp-
har, harë adj.? adv.? near eye
haran (harn-) noun king, henfanwa noun eye-screen, veil
chieftain upon eyes
haranyë noun last year of a henta- vb. eye, to examine (with
century in the Númenórean the eyes), scan; to read (silently)
calendar henta- vb. eye, to examine

hententa- vb. spot with eye hloirë noun venom, poison

hequa prep. excluding, except hloirëa adj. venomous
hér noun lord hloita- vb. poison, envenom, fill
héra adj. chief, principal with poison
hérë noun lordship hlón noun sound, noise
heren noun order hlóna noun noise
heren noun fortune, hlóna noun river
etymologically governance hlonitë adj. phonetic
herenya adj. fortunate, wealthy, hlussa- vb. whisper
blessed, rich hlussë noun whispering sound
heri noun lady hó- verbal pref. away, from
hérincë noun little lady ho prep. from
heru, hér noun lord, master hó noun spirit, shadow
hessa adj. dead, withered höa adj. large, big
hesta vb. wither hoa (höa) adj. big, large
hesto noun captain hóciri- vb. cut off
hí adv. here holta- vb. shut, close
hilcin vb. it freezes holwë noun stink
Hildo oun Follower, an Elvish holya- vb. shut, close
name of Mortal Men as the hópa noun haven, harbour, small
Second-born of Ilúvatar landlocked bay
hilya- vb. follow hopassë noun harbourage
himba adj. adhering, sticking hórë noun impulse
himya- vb. stick to, adhere, hórëa adj. impulsive
cleave to, abide by horma noun horde, host
hína noun child hormë noun urgency
hir- vb. find horro interjection of horror, pain,
hir (hird-) noun entrails, bowels disgust
hísë (Þ) (hísi-) noun mist horta- vb. send flying, speed,
hísië (Þ) noun mist urge
Hísimë (Þ) noun November hortalë noun speeding, urging
histë noun dusk horya- noun have an impulse, be
hiswa (Þ) adj. grey compelled to do something
hiswë (Þ) noun fog hos noun folk
hiuta- vb. wink, hint hossë noun army, band, troop
hlaiwa adj. sick, sickly, ill hosta noun large number
hlapu- vb. blow; fly or stream in hosta- vb. gather, collect,
the wind assemble
hlar- vb. hear hostar noun tribe
hlas (hlar-) noun ear hrá, see rá pref. on behalf of,
hlínë noun cobweb followed by dative
hlívë noun sickness hrai- pref. denoting difficulty
hloima noun poison hraia adj. awkward, difficult

hraicenë adj. scarcely visible, hur- vb. conceal, lie

hard to see hurin adj. hidden, concealed
hraicénima adj. scarcely visible, huru noun lie
hard to see húta- vb. curse
hranga- vb. thwart hwan (hwand-) noun sponge,
hranga adj. awkward, hard, stiff, fungus
awkward, difficult hwarin adj. crooked
hranga- (weak verb) vb. thwart hwarma noun crossbar
hravan noun wild beast; pl. hwermë noun gesture-code
Hravani the Wild, used as a name hwesta noun breeze, breath, puff
of non-Edain Men of air, also name of tengwa #12
hrávë noun flesh hwesta- vb. puff
hresta noun shore, beach hwindë noun eddy, whirlpool
hrissë noun fall of snow hwindë noun birch
Hristo noun Christ hwinya- vb. swirl, eddy, gyrate
hrívë noun winter hya conj. or noun other thing
hríza vb. it is snowing hyalin noun paper
hroa noun body hyalma noun shell, conch, horn
hrómen noun east of Ulmo
hrón noun flesh/substance of hyam- vb. pray
Arda, matter hyan- vb. injure
hróna adj. eastern hyana adj. other
Hrónatani noun Eastern Men hyanda noun blade, share
hróta noun dwelling hyandë vb. cleave
underground, artificial cave hyapat noun shoe
hróva adj. dark, dark brown, used hyar noun plough
to refer to hair hyar- vb. cleave
hru, ru-, hrú- pref. implying hyarma noun left hand
wickedness or evil hyarmaitë adj. lefthanded
hrúcarë noun evil-doing Hyarmen noun south
hruo noun troll hyarmenya adj. southern
hú noun hound hyarna adj. southern
huan (hún-) noun hound hyarya adj. left
huinë noun deep shadow hyatsë noun cleft, gash
huiva adj. murky hye noun other person
húmë numeral thousand hyellë noun glass
húmë noun sleep hyelma noun glass
húna adj. cursed, accursed hyóla noun trump
huo noun dog


-i ending nominative plural

I Ilumírë noun World-jewel,
i indeclinable definite article the another word for Silmaril
i relative pronoun that iluquinga noun rainbow
i conj. that iluvala adj. omnipotent
-ië ending infinitive (or gerundial) Ilúvatar masc. name All-father,
-iel patronymic (or matronymic) God
daughter ilúvë noun allness, the all
-ien fem. ending in certain names ilvana adj. perfect
like Yávien, Silmarien ilvanya adj. perfect
ier prep. as ilwë noun sky, heavens
il- (pref.) no, un- Ilweran noun rainbow
ilaurëa adj. daily Ilweranta noun rainbow
ilca- vb. gleam (white) ilya adj. and noun all
ilcë noun appearance -ima adjectival suffix
Ilcorin noun not of Kor, imbë prep between
describing Elves not of the imbë noun dell, deep vale
Blessed Realm imi prep. in, within
ilfirin adj. immortal imíca prep. among
ilin adj. blue pale imlë reflexive pronoun 2nd
illi noun all person formal sg. yourself,
illon pl. relative pron. in ablative thyself
illumë adv. always imma impersonal reflexive
Ilma noun starlight pronoun itself
Ilmarë noun starlight, also fem. immë reflexive pronoun 1st
name, referring to a Maia person pl. excl. ourselves
Ilmarin noun mansion of the high -immë 1st person dual exclusive
airs, the dwelling of Manwë and pronominal ending
Varda upon Oiolossë immo general singular reflexive
ilmen place-name region above pronoun same one, self
air where stars are imnë reflexive pronoun 1st
ilqua (ilqa) noun everything person sg. myself
ilquen noun everybody imnë emphatic independent 1st
ilsa noun silver (the mystic name person sg. pronoun I, I myself
of) imni reflexive pronoun 1st person
-ilto, ending dual ablative sg. myself
Ilu noun world (the) imya adj. same, identical,
ilucara adj. omnificent selfsame
iluisa (Þ?) adj. omniscient -in dative pl. ending


-ina ending for 'passive' inwisti noun mind-mood

participle inya adj. female
inca noun idea inyë emphatic independent 1st
incánus(së) noun mind person sg. pronoun I
mastership ion relative pron. Genitive pl.
indë reflexive pronoun 2nd from whom, of whom, pl.
person pl. yourselves -ion patronymic ending son (of),
indemma noun mind-picture descendant
indil noun lily, or other large ipsin noun fine thread
single flower írë noun desire
indis noun wife, bride írë conj. when
indo noun heart, mood, state írima adj. lovely, beautiful,
indómë noun settled character desirable
indyalmë noun clamour irin noun town
indyo noun grandchild, is noun light snow
descendant isca adj. pale
-inen pl. instrumental ending Isil (Þ) noun Moon
inga noun top, highest point isilmë (Þ) noun moonlight
inga adj. first Isilya (Þ) noun third day of the
ingaran noun high-king Eldarin six-day week, dedicated
Ingolë noun Science/ Philosophy to the Moon
as a whole isima (Þ?) noun imagination
ingólemo noun one with very isqua adj. wise
great knowledge -issë feminine ending
ingolmo noun loremaster ista noun knowledge
ingor noun summit of a mountain ista- vb. Know
inkáno noun mind master Istar noun Wizard, used of
inkánu noun mind master Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast etc.
-inqua adjectival ending istima adj. having knowledge
insa impersonal reflexive Istimor pl. noun Wise Ones =
pronoun 3rd person sg. itself Gnomes (Noldor) Sg. Istimo.
insë reflexive pronoun 3rd person istya noun knowledge
sg. personal himself and herself istyar noun scholar, learned man
intë reflexive pronoun 3rd person iswa adj. wise
pl. themselves íta noun flash
intya- vb. guess, suppose ita- vb. sparkle
intyalë noun imagination ita pron that which
intyë reflexive pronoun 2nd ita, íta adv. very, extremely
person intimate sg. yourself, itila adj. (or participle?)
thyself twinkling, glinting
inwë reflexive pronoun 1st person -iva (-ivë) plural possessive
pl. incl. ourselves ending
inwis noun change of mind, mood

kelva noun animal

K Kementári noun Earth-queen,
kemen noun earth title of Yavanna
kyermë noun prayer

-l or -lyë pronominal endings for lala- vb. laugh
2nd person sg. polite/formal you, lala- vb. deny
thou lala negation no indeed not, on
la negation no, not the contrary
lá adv. no, not lalmë noun elm-tree
lá prep. beyond, also used in láma noun ringing sound, echo
phrases of comparison laman (lamn- or laman-) noun
lá umë > laumë negation no animal (usually applied to four-
indeed not, on the contrary footed beasts, and never to
lacarë noun not-doing, inaction reptiles and birds)
(in general) lámárë noun flock
lahta- vb. pass over, cross, lámatyávë noun sound-taste
surpass, excel lamba noun tongue (physical
laia adv. no, not tongue, while lambë = language)
laica adj. green lambë noun tongue, language
laicalassë adj. green as leaves, lit. lambelë noun language
green-leaf lambetengwë noun consonant
laicolassë noun green-foliage lambina adj. of tongue, spoken
laima noun plant with tongue
laimë noun shade lámina adj. echoing
laiqua adj. green lamma noun sound
laiquassë noun greenness lamya- vb. sound
laiquë noun herb, vegetable lanat noun weft
laiquë noun herb lanca noun sharp edge, sudden
Laiquendi noun Green-elves end
laira adj. shady lanco (lancu-, pl. lanqui) noun
lairë noun summer throat, swallow
lairë noun poem landa noun boundary
lairus (lairust-) noun verdigris landa adj. wide
laita- vb. bless, praise lánë adv. no, not
laivë noun ointment lanë (lani-) noun hem


langa- vb. cross látië noun openness

lango noun passage, especially latin, latina adj. open, free,
across or over an obstacle, also cleared (of land)
neck latta noun hole, pit
lango noun broad sword, also latta noun strap
prow of a ship latucenda adj. of tin
lanna prep. athwart latya noun opening
lannë noun tissue, cloth latya- vb. open
lanta noun fall lau negation no indeed not, on the
lanta- vb. fall contrary
lantalasselingëa adj. with a lauca adj. warm
musical sound of falling leaves laumë < lá umë negation no
lantalca noun boundary post or indeed not, on the contrary
mark laupë noun shirt, tunic
lantë noun fall laurë noun gold, but of golden
lanu noun lead light and colour, not of the metal
lanwa adj. within bounds, laurëa adj. golden, like gold
limited, finite, (well-) defined Laurefindil masc. name
lan wa noun loom Glorfindel (Quenya form of )
lanwë (lanwi-) noun ebb-tide Laurelin 0ame of the Golden
lanya- vb. bound, enclose Tree of Valinor
lanya- vb. weave Laurelindórinan noun Valley of
lanyë adv. no, not Singing Gold, an earlier name of
lapattë noun hare Laurenandë (Lórien)
lappa noun hem of robe laurië adverb goldenly
lapsa- vb. lick laurië noun goldenness
lapsë noun babe lav- vb. lick
lar noun fat, richeness lav- vb. yield, allow, grant
lár noun league, a linear measure, lávar noun blossom (golden)
5000 rangar lavaralda noun some kind of tree
lár noun ear -lda 2nd person pl. possessive
lára adj. flat suffix your
larca adj. swift, rapid -ldë pronominal suffix, 2nd
lárëa adj. fat, rich person pl. you
larma noun raiment -lë ending forming nouns that
lassë noun leaf seem properly to have been
lassecanta adj. leaf-shaped universal and abstract
lasselanta noun leaf-fall = le pronominal element you
Autumn lé noun way = method, manner
lasta adj. listening, hearing lé prep. with
lasta- vb. listen lehta- vb. loose, slacken
Lastalaica noun sharp-ears lehta adj. free, released
láta adj. open lelta- vb. send

lelya- vb. go, proceed (in any leptafinya adj. clever (-fingered)
direction), travel leptenta- vb. point to/indicate
lelya adj. delicate, beautiful and léra noun, adj. free, of persons
fine, slender lerina adj. free of things: not
lelya- vb. appear, of beautiful guarded, reserved, made fast, or
things, attract (with dative) owned
lemba adj. left behind lerta- vb. can in the sense be free
Lembi noun Elves remaining to do, being under no restraint
behind = Telerin Ilkorins (physical or other).
lemnar noun week (of five days) lerya- vb. release, set free, let go
lempë cardinal five lesta- vb. leave
lemya- vb. remain, tarry lesta noun measure
lenca adj. slow leuca noun snake
lenca- vb. loose, slacken lev- verb move (intransitive)
lenda noun journey -li partitive pl. ending
lenda- vb. linger li-, lin- multiplicative pref.
lenga- (weak verb) vb. behave lia noun fine thread, spider
lengë noun gesture, characteristic filament
look, gesture or trait etc. lia- vb. twine
lenna- vb. go liantassë noun vine
lenu- vb. stretch liantë noun spider
lenwa adj. long and thin, straight, líco noun wax
narrow lícuma noun taper, candle
lenwë noun leaving, departure lië noun people
lenweta- vb. go away, migrate lil adverbial particle more
lëo noun shade, shadow cast by lillassëa adj. having many leaves
any object -lillo or -lillon ending for
lepecan noun fourth finger partitive pl. ablative
lepenel noun middle finger lilómëa adj. very dark, full of
lepenquë cardinal fifteen darkness
lepentë noun fourth finger lilótëa adj. having many flowers
lepenya cardinal five lilta- vb. dance
leper noun finger limba noun drop
lepesta fraction one fifth (1/5) limbë adj. many
lepetas noun first or index finger limbë adj. quick, swift
lepetta noun lebethron, a hard- limë (limi-) noun link
wood tree growing in Gondor limpa adj. frail, slender and
lepinca noun little finger drooping
lepincë noun little finger limpë noun drink of the Valar
lepsat fraction one fifth (1/5) -lin ending for partitive pl. dative
lepsë noun finger lin- pref. many
lepta- vb. pick (up, out) with the lin, lind- noun musical sound,
fingers melody

linda adj. fair, beautiful (of liquë adj. wet

sound) liquis noun transparence
lindalë noun music lir- vb. chant
Lindar noun Singers (sg. Linda), lírë (líri-) noun song
what the Teleri called themselves lirilla noun lay, song
lindë noun air, tune, singing, song lirit noun poem
lindelë noun music lirulin noun lark
lindelëa adj. melodious lís (lîs) noun honey
Lindi pl. noun what the Green- liscë noun reed, sedge
elves (Laiquendi, Nandor) called lissë adj. sweet
themselves -lissë or -lissen ending for
lindimaitar noun composer, partitive pl. locative
musician litsë noun sand
lindo noun singer, singing bird -líva ending for partitive pl.
lindornëa adj. having many oak- possessive
trees liyúmë noun host
-línen ending for partitive pl. -llo ablative ending from or out of
instrumental -lma pronominal ending
linga- vb. hang, dangle 1stperson pl. exclusive our
lingë noun musical sound -lmë 1st person pl. pronominal
lingwë (lingwi-) noun fish ending exclusive we
lingwilócë noun fish-dragon, sea- ló noun night
serpent ló, lo prep. from, by
-linna or -linnar ending for loa noun literally growth, used of
partitive pl. allative a solar year (= coranar)
linquë adj. wet löar noun blossom (golden)
linquë noun grass, reed lócë noun dragon, snake
linquë noun hyacinth (plant, not locin adj. bent
jewel) loëndë noun year-middle, the
linta adj. swift middle (183rd) day of the year,
lintië adverb quickly inserted between the months of
lintië noun swiftness, speed Nárië and Cermië (June and July)
lintitinwë adj. having many stars in the Númenórean calendar and
lintyulussëa adj. having many the Steward's Reckoning
poplars lohta- vb. sprout, put forth leaves
linya noun pool or flowers
linyenwa adj. old, having many lohtë noun flower, inflorescence,
years mass of flower
-lion ending for partitive pl. loi- pref. denoting mistaken doing
genitive loica adj. failing, short,
lipil noun little glass inadequate, etc.
lipsa noun soap loicarë noun mistaken action
lipta- vb. drip loico noun corpse, dead body

loicolícuma noun corpse-candle lúcë noun enchantment

loima noun mistake lucië noun debt, trespass
loiparë noun mistake in writing lucindo noun debtor, one who
loiquetë noun mistake in speech trespasses
loita- vb. miss, fail, fall short of luhta- vb. enchant
(transitive) luhta- vb. bow
lom- vb. hide luimë noun flood
lomba adj. or noun secret luinë adj. blue
lómë noun dusk, twilight, also luinincë (luininci-) adj. bluish
night luita- vb. flood, inundate
lómëa adj. gloomy lúlë noun sapphire
lómëar noun child of gloom lumba adj. weary
lómin noun shade, shadow lumba adj. gloomy
lóna noun pool, mere Lumbar name star (or planet),
londë noun land-locked haven tentatively identified with Saturn
londië noun harbourage lumbë noun gloom, shadow
lor- vb. slumber lumbo noun cloud
-lóra ending -less, without lumbulë noun shadow (heavy)
lorda adj. drowsy, slumbrous lúmë noun time
lórë noun slumber lumenyárë noun history,
lorna adj. asleep chronological account
lós (Þ) noun flower, lúmequenta noun history,
inflorescence, mass of flower chronological account
lossë adj. snow-white lúmequentalë noun history
lossë noun snow lúmequentalëa adj. historical
lossë noun blossom lumna- stative vb. be heavy
lossëa adj. snow-white lumna adj. lying heavy,
losselië noun white people burdensome, oppressive, ominous
losta- vb. bloom Lúnaturco. Also Taras Lúna
lótë noun flower, mostly applied noun Quenya form of Sindarin
to larger single flowers Barad-dûr
lotsë noun small single flower lunca noun wain
lottë noun flower, usually smaller lunga adj. heavy
loxë noun bunch, cluster lungumaitë adj. heavyhanded
-lta (and -ltya) 3rd person pl. Lúnoronti noun Blue Mountains
pronominal possessive suffix their luntë noun boat
-ltë 3rd person pl. pronominal lúrë noun dark weather
suffix they lúrëa adj. dark, overcast
-lto ending for dual ablative lúsina adj. glowing (things),
lú noun time, occasion hearty (people)
lucando noun debtor, one who lussa- vb. whisper
trespasses lussë noun whispering sound
lucassë noun debt, trespass lusta adj. void, empty

lúto noun flood -lya 2nd person sg. formal/polite

lutta- vb. flow, float pronominal suffix thy, your
lutu- vb. flow, float lye pron. 2nd person sg.
lúva noun bow formal/polite thou/thee, you
luvu- vb. lower, brood -lyë pronominal ending thou, you
luxo (luxu-) noun mud

ma? interrogative word like

M maitë (maiti-) adj. handed or
what? handy, skilful
má noun hand maivoinë noun great longing
má? interrogative word when? maiwë noun gull
ma, neuter personal pronoun mal conj. but
something, a thing mala- vb. hurt, pain
mac- vb. hew with a sword malcanë noun torture
maca- vb. forge metal maldornë noun mallorn
macar noun swordsman málë noun good health
macar noun tradesman málimë (málimi-) noun wrist
macil noun sword malina adj. yellow
mahalma noun throne mallë noun street, road
mahta- vb. wield a weapon, fight málo noun friend
mahtar noun warrior malo (malu-) noun pollen, yellow
mai- pref. well powder
mai adv. well malta noun gold, also name of
Maia noun Beautiful (the) tengwa #18
maica adj. sharp, piercing malumë? interrogative word at
maica noun blade of a cutting what time?
tool or weapon, especially sword- malwa adj. fallow, pale
blade máma noun sheep
mailë noun lust mámandil noun sheep-friend
mailëa adj. lustful shepherd?
maira adj. admirable, splendid, mamil noun mother, mummy
sublime (only of great, or man pron. who
splendid things) mana interrogative word
maira noun admirable, excellent, mána adj. blessed
precious manaitë adj. blessed
maita adj. hungry manaquenta adj. blessed
maitar noun artist, usually a poet manar noun doom, final end,
except in compounds fate, fortune
maitë? interrogative word of manca- vb. trade
what sort? mancalë noun commerce


mandë noun doom, final end, márië adv. well

fate, fortune márienna interjection farewell
mando noun custody, prison lit. towards/to what is good
Mandos (Mandost-) noun Castle maril noun glass, crystal
of Custody marilla noun pearl
mánë noun spirit that has gone to marta- vb. define, decree, destine
the Valar or to Erumáni marta- vb. chance or happen
manë adj. good (moral sense) marta adj. fey, fated
manen interrogative how? marta noun fate
manna adj. blessed martan (martam-) noun
manomë? interrogative word in dwelling-house
what place? marto noun fortune, fate
manquë, manquenta adj. blessed marto noun tower
manta- vb. bless martya- vb. destine
manu noun departed spirit marya adj. pale, fallow, fawn
manwa- vb. prepare mas? interrogative word where?
manwa adj. ready massa noun bread
manya- vb. bless massë noun bread (as a material)
mapa- vb. grasp, seize massë? interrogative word
mapta- vb. ravish, rape, where?
maptalë noun ravishment, rape, masta- vb. bake
seizure masta noun bread
maqua noun hand-full; complete masto noun village
hand with all five fingers mat- vb. eat
maquet- vb. Ask mat (matt-) noun meal, meal
mar? interrogative word where? time
Where to? mátengwië noun language of the
mar- vb. abide, be settled or fixed hands
már (mar-) noun home, house, matil noun food
dwelling mátima adj. edible
mar (mard-) noun earth, home, matso noun food
dwelling maur noun dream, vision
mara? interrogative word where? maurë noun need
Where to? mausta noun compulsion
mára adj. useful, fit, good (of mauya- vb. compel
things) mavar noun shepherd
maranwë noun destiny mavoitë adj. having hands
marda noun dwelling, a place maxa adj. pliant, soft
dwelt in maxë noun dough
mardë noun hall Máya pl. Máyar noun Beautiful
mardo noun dweller (the)
Mardorunando noun Redeemer me 1st person pl. exclusive
of the world pronoun we, us

mëar noun gore Metelairë noun August

mectar noun Swordsman (alternative name of )
mel- vb. love (as friend) Meterrívë noun January
méla adj. loving, affectionate (alternative name of )
mélamar noun home (emotional métima adj. last
sense) metta noun end
melda adj. beloved, dear, sweet metya- vb. put an end to
meldë noun friend, feminine mi prep. in, within
meldo noun friend, lover mici prep. among
melehta adj. mighty mië noun crumb, bit, small piece
melehtë noun might, power mil prep. in, within
(inherent) milca adj. greedy
meletya adj. mighty millo noun oil
melima adj. loveable, fair milmë noun desire, greed
melin adj. dear milya adj. soft, gentle, weak
melindo noun lover (m.) milya- vb. long for
melissë noun lover (fem.) milyë noun mummy
melmë noun love min numeral one
melu noun honey mína adj. desiring to start, eager
melumatya adj. honey-eating to go
men pron. dative (for) us mína- vb. desire to go in some
men noun way or place, spot direction
men- vb. go mina prep. into
ména noun region minassë noun fort, city, with a
mendë noun will citadel and central watch-tower
Menel noun heavens minasurie (Þ) noun enquiry
menta- vb. send, cause to go minda adj. prominent,
menta noun sending or message conspicuous
mentë noun point, end mindë noun turret
mentië noun passage, journey, mindo noun isolated tower
direction of travel mindon noun tower (great, lofty)
menya 1st person pl. exclusive minë numeral one
independent possessive pronoun minna prep. into
our Minnónar pl. noun First-born,
mëoi noun cat Elves (as contrasted to Apanónar,
mer- vb. wish, desire, want the After-born, Men).
meren (merend-), merendë noun minquë cardinal eleven
feast, festival minquesta fraction one eleventh
merya adj. festive (1/11)
meryalë noun holiday minta prep. inwards, [?into]
met dual 1st person pronoun, mintë adj. small
including the dual ending -t us minya adj. first
(two) miqu- vb. kiss

miquelis (miquelis(s)-) noun moc- vb. hate

sweet kiss moia- vb. labour, be afflicted
mírë noun jewel moica adj. gentle, soft
miril (mirill-) noun shining jewel moilë noun tarn
mirilya- vb. glitter moina adj. familiar, dear
mírima adj. very valuable, very mól noun slave, thrall
precious, very lovely móla adj. of slave(s), slavish
Mirimor noun Free (the), a name mólanoldorin noun language of
of the Teleri the Noldor enslaved by Morgoth
mirroanwi pl. noun incarnates móna noun womb
miruvor noun mead, a special mor noun darkness
wine or cordial morco noun bear
mirwa adj. precious, valuable mordo noun shadow, obscurity,
mis adverbial particle less stain
mísë (Þ) noun grey morë adj. black, dark, darkness
mista adj. grey mórë noun blackness, dark, night,
mista- vb. stray about darkness
mistë noun fine rain morilindë noun nightingale
mitra adj. small morion noun son of the dark
mitsa adj. small morna adj. dark, black or gloomy
mitta- vb. insert mornië noun darkness
mitta- prep. between móro noun ink
mitta noun piece moru- vb. hide
mitta prep. inwards móta- noun labour, toil
mittanya- vb. lead (+ allative: motto noun blot
lead into) muilë noun secrecy
mitya adj. interior muina adj. hidden, secret
miulë noun whining, mewing mulë noun meal
mixa adj. wet mulma noun flour (fine)
-mma 1st person dual exlusive mundo noun bull
possessive ending our mundo noun snout, nose, cape
-mmë 1st person dual exclusive munta pron. nothing
pronominal ending we murmë noun slumber
-mo ending frequent in names murmëa adj. slumbrous
and titles, sometimes with an muru- vb. slumber
agental significance mussë adj. soft
moalin (moalind-) noun

-n dative ending

-n pronominal ending, 1st person nalta noun radiance, glittering

sg. I reflection (from jewels, glass or
-n plural sign used in some of the polished metals, or water)
case endings nam- vb. judge
ná vb. is (am) náma noun judgement or a desire
-na ending used to form passive namárië interjection farewell
participles as well as some namba noun hammer
adjectives namba- vb. hammer
ná conj. but, on the contrary, on =ambarauto noun hammerer of
the other hand copper
nac- vb. hew, cut námië noun judgement, desire
náha adj. narrow namma noun claw, talon
naham- vb. summon namna noun statute
nahámë noun summons námo noun person, somebody
nahta- vb. slay nan conj. but
nahta noun bite nan- pref. backwards
nahta cardinal eighteen nan (nand-) noun woodland
nai imperative verb be it that =ana noun Green-elf, Danian
nai- pref. ill, grievously, nancar- vb. undo, destroy
abominably nanda noun water-mead
naica noun dagger nanda- vb. harp
naica adj. bitterly painful or nandaro noun harper
grievous nandë noun valley
naicë noun sharp pain nandë noun harp
naicelë noun sharp pain nandelë noun harping
naicelëa adj. painful nandellë noun little harp
naina- vb. lament nandin noun fay of the country
nainaina- vb. lament =ando noun name of a Green-elf
naiquet- vb. curse or blaspheme (Laiquendi).
=aira noun Heart of Flame, a nando noun valley, wide valley
name of the Sun nangwa noun jaw
naira adj. dreadful, horrible, nanwa adj. existing, actual, true
unendurable nanwë noun ebb, lowtide
naira noun wast, wide, empty nanwen- vb. return (go/come
nairë noun lament back)
naitë adj. true napan- vb. add
naitya- vb. put to shame nápat noun thumb and index as a
nal, nallë noun dale, dell pair, a dual formation.
nalda adj. or noun valley used as nápo noun thumb
an adjective nappa noun claw, talon
nalláma, nallama noun echo nár noun flame
naraca adj. harsh, rending,

narca- vb. rend néca adj pale, vague, faint, dim to

narda noun knot see
nárë, noun flame neccë noun angle
=árië noun June. necel noun thorn
narmo noun wolf nehta noun spearhead
=arquelië noun October nehta- vb. slay
=arquelion noun fire-fading, nehta- vb. deprive
autumn nehtar noun slayer
narta- vb. kindle nehtë noun any formation or
=arvinyë noun January projection tapering to a point: a
narwa adj. fiery red spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow
násië interjection amen, may it be promontory
so nehtë noun honeycomb
nassë noun person, an individual nel, nel- adv. or pref. thrice, tri-
nassë noun thorn, spike nelcë noun tooth
nasta noun spear-head, spear- neldë cardinal three
point, gore, triangle neldëa ordinal third
nasta- vb. prick, sting neldesta fraction one third (1/3)
nat noun thing =eldië noun Trinity
náto interjection it is that =eldion noun Day of the three
(emphatic word for yes?) (younger gods), Ossë, Orome and
natsë noun web, net Tulkas
nattira- vb. despise neldor noun beech
nauca adj. stunted nelequë (kw) cardinal thirteen
=auco noun Dwarf nelesta fraction one third (1/3)
naulë noun wolf-howl nelet noun tooth
nauro noun werewolf nellë noun brook
nausë (Þ) noun imagination nelquëa, cardinal thirteen
nauta adj. bound, obliged nelsat fraction one third (1/3)
nav- vb. judge nelta fraction one third (1/3)
náva noun mouth neltil (neltild-) noun triangle
náva-tengwë noun mouth-sign = nelya adj. third
consonant -nen instrumental ending
návë noun being nén (nen-) noun water
návëa noun or adj. consonant néna adj. wet
-ndë ending forming nouns from =énar noun name of a star (or
verbal stems planet) tentatively identified with
-ndil ending friend Uranus
-ndor ending land nenda adj. watery, wet
-ndur ending servant of nendë noun lake
ne noun scent nengwë (nengwi-) noun nose
nëa once, at one time (in the past) nengwëa adj. nasal
nec- pref. without, -less =énimë noun February

nénu noun yellow water-lily nië noun tear

nénuvar noun pool of lilles =iellúnë noun Sirius (a star)
nenya adj. wet nieninquë noun snowdrop
nér (ner-) noun man nieninquëa adj. snowdrop-like
nerca noun sharp, angular nier noun honey-bee
nercë noun little man, a =ierninwa noun Sirius (a star)
diminutive of nér nierwes noun hive
nerdo noun large, strong man -nil, final element in compounds
neresta fraction one ninth (1/9) friend
=ermi noun field-spirit nilda adj. friendly, loving
nernehta noun man-spearhead, a nildë noun friend (fem.)
battle-formation nildo noun friend (masc.)
nersat fraction one ninth (1/9) nillë noun star-imagine on Nur-
nertë cardinal nine menel
nésa (Þ) noun sister nilmë noun friendship
nésë (Þ) noun youth nilmo noun friend (masc.)
nessa adj. young nimpa adj. drooping, ailing
nessamelda adj. Nessa-beloved, nimpë (nimpi-) adj. small, frail
name of a tree nin pron. dative of ni to me, for
nessë noun youth me
nessima adj. youthful nincë (ninci-) adj. small
nesta fraction one ninth (1/9) nindë adj. slender
neterquë cardinal nineteen ninquë adj. white, chill, palid
netil noun trinket ninquissë noun whitenes
nettë (netti-) noun girl, daughter, ninquita- vb. shine white
sister, also used as a play-name of ninquitá- vb. whiten
the fourth finger or fourth toe ninwa adj. blue
netya- vb. trim, adorn ninya possessive pron my
netya adj. pretty, dainty nion noun bee
neuma noun snare nípa adj. small, frail
neuna adj. second niquë vb. it is cold, it freezes
neuro noun follower, successor niquetil noun snowcap
nev- vb. try níquetil (níquetild-) noun snow
-ngwa 1st person dual inclusive peak
possessive pronominal ending our niquis noun frost-patterns
-ngwë 1st person dual inclusive nir- vb. press, thrust, force
pronominal ending we níra noun will
ni 1st person sg. pron. I nírë noun tear
ní prep. beneath, not touching nirmë noun act of will, exercise
níca adj. small (in good sens) of will
nícë noun little finger nirwa noun bolster, cushion
nicu- vb. be chill, cold (of nís (niss-) noun woman
weather) nísima adj. fragrant

=ísimaldar noun Fragrant trees, a =olmë noun knowledge,

region in Númenor Philosophy (including Science)
=ísinen noun Fragrance-water, a nolmo noun wise person
lake in Númenor nolpa noun mole
nissë noun woman nolwë noun wisdom, secret lore
nisto noun woman (large) nómë noun place
nítë (níti-) adj. moist, dewy nonda noun hand
nitya adj. small =óquellë noun October
nixë noun frost (alternative name of)
-nna allative ending to, at, upon nor- vb. run, leap
no prep. under nor- vb. run
nó (nów-) noun conception, idea nór noun land
nó conj. but nordo noun oak
nó prep. before (of time), at back nórë noun land (associated with a
(of spatial relationships). particular people)
noa noun conception, idea norië noun race, running
noa adj. former nórië noun country
=ócoirë noun March (alternative nórima adj. strong/swift at
name of ) running
noi noun lament normë noun race, running
noirë noun tomb norna adj. stiff, tough
=oirinan noun Valley of the norno noun oak
Tombs in Númenor =orno noun dwarf
nóla adj. wise, learned nornoro- vb. run on, run
nóla noun round head, knoll smoothly
=ólairë noun July (alternative norolinda adj. lightly tripping
name of ) norollë noun cart
noldarë noun mole =orrívë noun December
noldo noun one of the people of (alternative name of )
the Noldor norsa (Þ) noun giant
=oldolantë noun Fall of the norta- vb. make run, specially
Noldor (name of a song) used of riding horses or other
=oldomar noun Gnomeland animals
=oldomírë lit. noun Noldo-jewel, norta adj. horrible
another word for Silmaril nortil (nortill-) noun cape (of
=oldo-quentasta (Ñoldo-) noun land)
Noldo-history norto noun horror
=oldóran noun King of the nossë noun clan, family, 'house',
Noldor kindred, family
=oldorinwa adj. Noldorin, of the nosta noun birth, birthday
Noldor nosta- vb. beget
nólë noun long study, lore, nostalë noun species, kind

nostar or nostaro (pl. nostari) =únatani noun Western Men =

noun parent, Sindarin Dúnedain
not- vb. reckon =unduinë noun West-flow, name
nótë noun number of a river in Númenor
notessë noun numeral nuquerna adj. reversed
nótië noun counting núra adj. deep
nótima adj. countable =ur-menel noun lesser
notto noun enemy firmament, a great dome covering
=ótuilë noun May (alternative Valinor, made by Varda and full
name of ) of star-imagines
-nt ending for dual dative núro noun servant
-nta ending for dual allative =urquendi noun Gnomes
-nta possessive 3rd person pl. nurru- vb. murmur, grumble,
pronominal ending growl (of dog)
-ntë pronomimal ending they nurta- vb. hide
-nten ending for dual nurtalë noun hiding
instrumental nuru, =uru noun death
-ntya possessive 3rd person pl. =urufantur noun lord of Death-
pronominal ending cloud, surname of Mandos
nu prep. under nuruhuinë noun death-shadow
nucumna adj. or passive nut- vb. tie
participle humble núta- vb. set, sink (of Sun or
nuhta- vb. stunt, stop short Moon)
nuhuinenna adj. under shadow nútë noun bond, knot
nuinë noun river (of large nútil (nútill-) noun under-point,
volume, and liable to flooding). term used in children's play for
nulda noun secret toe (the counterpart of ortil, )
núlë noun black arts, secrecy nuxo noun Petty dwarf
nulla adj. dark, dusky, obscure, -nwa passive suffix
secret nwalca adj. cruel
numba adj. bent, humped nwalma noun pain
númë noun going down, occident nwalmë noun torment
númeheru noun Lord of the West nwalya- vb. pain, torment
númen noun west, the way of the -nya pronominal suffix, 1st
sunset person sg. possessive my
=úmen(n)órë noun people of the nyano noun rat
west nyar- vb. tell
númenya adj. western nyárë noun tale, saga, history
=úmerrámar noun West-wings, nyarna noun tale, saga
name of a ship nyarnamaitar noun storyteller,
nún adv. down below, underneath composer of nyarnar or long epic
nún initial element west(ern) tales
núna adj. western nyarro noun rat

-nyë 1st person sg. pronominal nyello noun singer

suffix I nyéna- vb. lament
nyelecca noun onyx nyéni noun she-goat
nyelet pl. nyelexi noun nail nyenyë noun weeping
nyellë noun bell nyérë noun grief, sorrow

o indefinite pronoun one,

O olba noun branch
someone, anyone olca adj. evil, bad, wicked
o conj. and olë adv. much
-o genitive ending ólemë noun elbow
-o , -ó, pronominal suffix ollo noun cliff, seaward precipice
somebody ollo prep. away from
oa, oar (öa, öar), adverbs away olmë noun odour
Oarel (Oareld-) noun Elf who oloirë noun great flood
departed from Beleriand to Aman oloiya- vb. inundate, flood
oaris (oarits-) noun mermaid olombo noun horse
ocamna noun diphthong olor noun dream
occa noun knee olórëa adj. dreamy
ócom- vb. gather, assemble Olórin noun name of the Maia
(intransitive) that became Gandalf
ocombë noun gathering, olos (olor-) dream, vision
assembly, assemblage olosta adj. dreamy
ohlon noun diphthong olótë noun bloom
oholima adj. confidential olpë noun bottle
ohta noun war olva noun plant
ohtacar- vb. make war olwa noun branch
oia adj. everlasting olwen (olwenn-) noun branch,
Oiacúma noun Exterior Void wand, stick
beyond the World olya adj. much
oiala adj. unceasing, without end, óma noun voice
forever óma-tengwë noun vowel
oialëa adj. eternal ómë prep. + pron. with us
oiencarmë Eruo noun the One's (exclusive)
[Eru's] perpetual production ómëa noun vowel
oio noun endless period omentië noun meeting (meeting
oira adj. eternal or junction of the directions of
oirë noun everlasting two people)
ol- vb. grow ompa adv. forward
óla- vb. dream (impersonal) -on gen. pl. ending
olassië noun foliage on, ondo noun stone


ondo noun stone as a material, opo prep. before, in front of (of

also rock spatial relationships); after (of
Ondolindë place-name Gondolin time)
ondomaitar noun sculptor in or- vb. urge, impel, move, only of
stone mental impulse
Ondonórë, Ondórë place-name or prep. over
Gondor (Stone-land). órava- vb. have mercy, followed
onë conj. but by locative: have mercy on
ongwë noun crime orco noun Orc, pl. orcor or orqui
onna noun creature órë noun heart (inner mind), also
ono conj. but name of tengwa #21
onóna adj. twin-born órë noun rising
onóna noun one of a pair of orë (ori-) noun grain
twins; pl. ónoni twins órëa adj. of the dawn, Eastern
onónë noun sister orma noun physical matter
onórë noun sister Ormal noun one of the Lamps of
onóro noun brother the Valar
onot- vb. count up ormë noun haste, violence, wrath,
onótië noun reckoning rushing
Onótimo noun Reckoner orna adj. hasty
onta- vb. beget, create orna adj. tall
ontamo noun mason (sculptor) ornë noun tree
ontar noun begetter, parent ornemalin adj. bearing yellow
ontarë noun begetter, parent flowers
(fem); the pl. ontari or dual ontaru orofarnë noun mountain-
(see ontani) covers both sexes. dwelling
ontarië noun begetter, parent oromardë noun high-hall
(fem.) oron (oront-) noun mountain
ontaril noun mother, begetter oronta adj. steep
(fem.) orontë, oronto noun Sunrise
ontaro noun begetter, parent orosta noun ascension
(masc.); pl. ontari orotinga noun mountain-top
ontaro, ontarë pl. ontani noun orro interjection ow! (horror,
parent (masc. and. fem.) pain, disgust)
onwë noun child orróna adj. eastern
onya noun my child, my son orta- vb. rise, raise
ópa noun mouth, in the sense of ortil (ortill-) noun up-point, term
mouth-opening with lips as the used in children'splay for finger
edges ortírië noun patronage
opelë noun walled house or orto noun mountain-top
village, 'town' orva noun apple
orwa adj. high, lofty
orya- vb. rise

osamna noun diphthong otoquë cardinal seventeen

ósanwë noun telepathy otornassë noun brotherhood
osellë (Þ) noun sister, [female] otorno noun brother, sworn
associate brother, [male] associate
ossa noun wall and moat otosta fraction one seventh (1/7)
ossë noun terror otsat fraction one seventh (1/7)
osta fraction one seventh (1/7) otsëa ordinal seventh
osta noun homestead Otselen noun Seven Stars (otso +
ostar noun township elen), Great Bear (constellation)
osto noun strong or fortified otso cardinal seven
building or place, fortress otsola noun week
oswë noun hip ovéa adj. similar, alike

pá, pa prep. on with reference to

P palúrë noun surface, bosom,
contact of surfaces, especially bosom of Earth
vertical surface palya- vb. open wide, spread,
paca noun paved floor, court expand, extend
pahta adj. closed, shut, private pan adv. since (in the sense of
pahta noun speech, language because)
paimë noun punishment panda noun enclosure
paimesta noun chastisement pano noun piece of shaped wood
paimeta- vb. punish pano noun plan, arrangement
paitya- vb. repay, requite panta- vb. unfurl, spread out,
pal- vb. shake open
palan- root element (apparently panta adj. open
not appearing alone) far, distant, pantië noun unfolding, opening,
wide, to a great extent revealing
palantír noun Seeing Stone panya- vb. fix, set
palantíra- vb. watch, look afar par- vb. learn, acquire
palar noun flat field, 'wang', plain information, not by experience
palis noun sward, lawn but by instruction in words or
palla adj. wide, expansive writing
palmë noun surface parca adj. dry
palpa- vb. beat, batter parca adj. naked, of persons
palta noun flat of the hand parma noun book, also name of
palta- vb. feel with the hand, tengwa #2
stroke etc. parmalambë noun book-
palu- vb. open wide, spread, language
expand, extend parma-resta noun book-fair
parna adj. bare

passa adj. smooth, glabrous pilwë noun robbery, theft

pasta- vb. smooth, iron pimpë noun tail
pasta adj. smooth pir- vb. spin, turn (apparently
pata- vb. walk intransitive)
pataca noun consonant pirë noun toe
pé noun lip pirindë noun flower that opened
pel- vb. go round, revolve, return and shut quickly with any change
pelecco noun axe of light
pelehta- vb. hew pirnë noun flower that opened
peler noun fenced field and shut quickly with any change
pella postposition beyond of light
pelo noun boundary (fence) pirya noun juice, syrup
peltas (peltax-) noun pivot pitya adj. little
pempë noun lip Pitya-nauco noun Petty-dwarf
pen- vb. have not piucca noun blackberry
penda adj. sloping down, piuta noun spit
inclined piuta- vb. spit
penda- vb. slope, incline po, pó prep. before, in front of (of
pendë noun slope, downslope, spatial relationships) after (of
declivity time)
penga- vb. pout poica adj. clean, pure
penna noun vowel poita- vb. cleanse
penquanta (peñ-) adj. full to the pol- vb. can = have physical
brim, with mouth full power and ability
penya adj. lacking, inadequate polca noun pig
Perelda noun Half-elf polda adj. strong, burly
peresta fraction one half (1/2) polda adj. big
Perian (Periand-) noun Hobbit poldorë noun strength
perina adj.? divided in middle, póna adv. forward
halved pono prep. before, in front of (of
perta fraction one half (1/2) spatial relationships) after (of
perya- vb. divide in middle, halve time)
pet- vb. knock, strike pontë (ponti-) noun back, rear
pí noun small insect, fly porë (pori-) noun flour, meal
pia adj. Little porocë noun hen; barn fowl
pica noun small spot, dot potai adv. therefore
píca- vb. lessen, dwindle, waning púrëa adj. smeared, discoloured
Picinauco noun Petty-dwarve pusta noun stop, in punctuation
pië noun berry full stop
pilin (pilind-) noun arrow pusta- vb. stop; also intr. cease,
pilinehtar noun unidentified stop
plant putta noun stop (in punctuation)
pilu noun thief, robber

quácë noun frog

Q quendi, pl. quendir noun Elvish
quáco noun crow woman
quain cardinal ten quendu, pl. quendur noun Elvish
quaista fraction one tenth man
qual- vb. die Quendya original form of the
qualin adj. dead word Quenya
qualmë noun agony, death quenta noun tale
quama- vb vomit; be sick quentalë noun account, history
quámë noun sickness, nausea quentaro noun narrator
quámëa adj. sick, nauseous quentasta noun historical account
quanda adj and noun all (the), quentelë noun sentence
the whole quenya noun speech
quanta- vb. fill quer- vb. turn (transitive)
quanta adj. full quessë noun feather, also name of
quanta emma, quantemma noun tengwa #4
facsimile quesset (quessec-) noun pillow
Quantarië noun Day of quessetéma noun qu-series,
Completion, Oldyear's Day velarized series: fourth column of
quantien noun last day of year the Tengwar system
quapta- vb. exchange quet- vb. say, speak
quárë, quár noun fist quetil noun tongue, language
quat- vb. fill quetta noun word
quëa noun vegetable qui conj. if
quëan cardinal ten quië adv. whenever
quel- vb. fail quildë noun hush, rest, quiet
quelet (quelets-) noun corpse quilë noun hue, colour
quelië noun waning quilta noun girdle, belt
-quén (quen-) noun one, quimellë noun lady
(some)body quín, quínë noun crest, ridge
quendë noun Elf quinga noun bow
Quendelië noun People of the quinna adj. crested
Elves quiquië adv. whenever
Quenderin adj. Quendian, quir- vb. stir or make spin
belonging to the Elves as a whole
Quendi noun Elves as a race


-r nominative plural ending ranya- vb. stray
-r plural ending used on verbs ranya noun erratic wandering
with a plural subject ranya adj. free
rá (ráv-) noun lion rasco noun horn
rac- vb. break rassë noun horn
ráca noun wolf rasta cardinal twelve
racina adj. stripped, deprived ráta- vb. excell, surpass
rahta- vb. stretch out, reach rato adv. soon
raicë adj. crooked, bent, wrong rauca noun demon
raima noun net rauco noun powerful, hostile, and
raimë noun network, lace terrible creature
raina adj. nettled, enlaced raumo noun storm (noise of a)
raina adj. smiling, gracious raust noun hunting, preying
rainë noun peace rauta noun metal
raita- vb. make network or lace ráva noun bank (river)
raita- vb. catch in a net ráva adj. wild, untamed
rama- vb. shout rávë noun roaring noise
ráma noun wing rávëa adj. roaring
rámalócë noun winged dragon ravennë noun she-lion
rámavoitë adj. having wings raxa noun drag or any large, flat
ramba noun wall vehicle on wheels or rollers for
rambë noun shout hauling stone or other weighty
ran (ram-) noun noise material
Rána name of the moon raxë noun danger
Wanderer ré noun day (24-hour)
ránasta noun lunar month rëa- vb. make network; make lace
ranco (rancu-) pl. ranqui noun rehta- vb. rescue, save
arm rehtië noun rescue, saving
randa noun cycle, age (100 rem- vb. Snare
Valian Years) remba- vb. net, entrap
ránë noun straying, wandering rembë noun mesh
ránen adj. errant rembina adj. entangled
ranga noun yard, full pace. This remma noun snare
Númenórean linar measure was rempa adj. crooked, hooked
slightly longer than our yard, réna noun edge, border, margin
approximately 38 inches [= 96.5 rer- vb. sow
cm] resta noun sown field, acre
rangwë noun fathom ría noun wreath
ranta noun part ric- vb. twist

ric- vb. try, put forth effort, strive, romba noun horn, trumpet
endeavour rómen, Rómen noun east
rië noun garland rómenya adj. eastern
ríë noun crown ronda adj. solid, firm
riel (riell-) noun garlanded rondo noun vaulted or arched
maiden roof
rihta- vb. jerk, give quick twist or ronya noun hound of chase
move, twitch roquen noun horseman, rider,
rilma noun glittering light knight
ríma noun edge, hem, border rossë noun fine rain, dew
rimba adj. numerous rosta noun ascent
rimbë noun crowd, host, great róta noun tube
number rotelë noun cave
rína adj. crowned rotsë noun pipe
rinca noun twitch, jerk, trick, rotto noun small grot or tunnel
sudden move ruc- vb. feel fear or horror
rincë (rinci-) noun quick stroke ruc- vb. fly
rinda adj. circular rúcarë noun evil-doing
rindë noun circle rúcima adj. terrible
ringa adj. cold rúcina adj. (or passive
Ringarë noun December participle?) confused, shattered,
ringë adj. cold disordered, ruined
Ringil noun name of one of the rucindë noun debtor
great Lamps ruhta- vb. terrify
ringwë noun cold pool or lake (in ruhta noun debt, trespass
mountains) ruimen noun fireplace, hearth
ringwë noun rime, frost ruina adj. blazing, fiery
risil (Þ) noun ring (on the ruinë noun fire, blaze
ground) ruivë noun wild fire – fire as
rista-, rista vb. and noun cut conflagration
Rithil-Anamo place name Ring rúma- vb. shift, move, heave
of Doom rúna- vb. free
-ro pronominal ending he runando noun redeemer
roa noun dog runda noun rough piece of wood
rocco noun horse runda adj. smooth, polished
rocindë noun debtor runya noun slot, footprint
rohta noun debt, trespass rúnya noun red flame
roimë noun hunt, hunting rusca adj. wroth
roina adj. ruddy rusco (ruscu-, pl. rusqui) noun
roita- vb. pursue fox
róma noun horn ruscuitë adj. foxy
róma noun loud sound, trumpet- rúsë (Þ) noun wrath
sound rúsëa (Þ) noun wrathful

russa adj. red-haired ruxa adj. wroth

russë noun red hair -rya 3rd person sg. pronominal
russë noun corruscation ending his, her, its
ruxa- vb. crumble

-s 3rd person sg. pronominal Sancossi pl. noun Goblins
ending he/him, she/her, it sanda (Þ) adj. firm, true
-s ending case called respective sandastan noun shield-barrier, a
sa pron. 3rd person sg it battle-formation
saca- vb. pursue, look for, search sánë (Þ) noun pine
saca- (Þ) vb. draw, pull sanga (Þ) noun crowd, press,
sahta- (Þ) vb. induce throng
saila adj. wise sangië (Þ) noun necessity
saira adj. wise sangwa noun poison
sairina adj. magic sanomë adv. there
sairon noun wizard sanwë noun thought, an act of
salma noun lyre thinking
salpa- vb. lick up, sup, sip sanwecenda noun thought-
salpa noun bowl inspection, thought-reading
salpë noun bowl sanwë-latya noun thought-
salquë noun grass opening, direct, telepathic
sam- vb. have thought-transfer
sáma noun mind sanwë-menta noun thought-
sambë (Þ) noun room, chamber sending, mental message
samin (samind-) noun silk sanya (Þ) adj. regular, law-
saminda, saminwa adj. silken abiding, normal
samna (Þ) noun wooden post sanyë (Þ) noun rule, law
samna noun diphthong sap- or sapa- vb. dig
samno (Þ) noun carpenter, sar (sard-) noun stone (small)
wright, builder sara (Þ) noun stiff dry grass
sámo (Þ) noun helper sára adj. bitter
san adv. then sarat noun letter, sign
sana demonstrative that sarda adj. hard
sanar noun mind sarda tengwë noun hard sound, a
Sanavaldo noun Almighty (the) term for consonant, but not used
sanca (Þ) noun? or adj? cleft, of semi-vowels
sancë adj. hateful

sa-rincë noun hook that may be sérë noun rest, repose, peace
attached to a tengwa letter to sermë noun friend (fem.)
indicate a following s sermo noun friend (masc.)
sarmë noun writing seron noun friend
sarna adj. of stone sesta- vb. liken
sarnë noun stony place si adv. here
sarnië (sarniyë) noun shingle, sí adv. now
pebble-bank siar, siarë adv. this day
sarno noun table sicil noun dagger, knife
sarqua adj. fleshy sië adv. thus
Sarquindi pl. noun Cannibal- sil- vb. shine (white)
ogres silima noun substance the
sarta adj. steadfast, trusty, loyal Silmarils were made of, invented
sat- vb. set aside by Fëanor
satar noun trusty follower, loyal sillumë noun this hour
companion silma adj. silver, shining white
satya adj. private, separate Silmaril (full form : Silmarillë)
sau- pref. denoting doing (Silmarill-) noun shining jewels
something very badly made by Fëanor
saucarë noun doing or making a silmë starlight, also name of
thing very badly tengwa #29
saucarya adj. evil-doing Silmerossë, name Silpion (a
saura (Þ) adj. foul, evil-smelling, name of)
putrid silo adv. hence (from here)
Sauro (Þ) masc. name Sauron Silpion name Elder of the Two
(Þ), the Abhorred, name of a Trees of Valinor (Telperion, the
Maia, the second Dark Lord White Tree).
sav- vb. believe silumë adv. at this time
sáva noun juice síma noun mind, imagination
se pron. also object 3rd person simen adv. hither
sg. he, she, it - him, her, it, simpa noun pipe, flute
se , long sé preposition at, in simpetar noun piper
seler (Þ) (sell-) noun sister simpina noun pipe, flute
selma (Þ) noun fixed idea, will sin adv. thus
sén collective (?) noun children sin adv. form of sí now () often
sen- vb. let loose, free, let go occurring before vowels
sena dative/allative pronoun to sina demonstrative this
him [/her/it], at him [/her/it] sína adj. known, certain,
senda adj. resting, at peace ascertained
senwa adj. usual sincahonda adj. flint-hearted
senya adj. usual sinda (Þ) adj. grey
ser- vb. rest sindarinwa (Þ) adj. Grey-elven
sercë noun blood

sindë (Þ) adj. grey, pale or Solonel (Soloneld-) noun name

silvery grey of the Teleri
Sindel (Sindeld-) (Þ) noun Grey- solor noun surf
elf = Sinda solos noun helmet
Sindicollo (Þ) noun Grey-cloak, solossë noun surf, surge
title of Elwë (Elu). songa noun mouth, in the sense of
sindië (Þ) noun greyness interior cavity behind the teeth,
sinen adv. in this way; so containing tongue
singë noun salt sóra adj. long, trailing
singwa adj. salt (salty) sorna (þ) adj. steadfast
sinomë compound noun this place sornion noun eyrie
sinta (Þ) adj. short sorno (Þ) noun eagle
sinta- (Þ) vb. fade soron (or sornë) (Þ) noun eagle
sintamo noun smith sov- vb. wash
sinwa passive participle known, sovallë noun washing, bathing;
certain, ascertained purification
sinya adj. new -ssë locative ending
sinyë (Þ) noun evening -ssë 3rd person sg. reflexive
sio adv. hence (from here) ending
sir- vb. flow -sta dual 2nd person possessive
sir , sira adv. hither pronominal ending your
sír, shorter form of sirë noun -sta ending occurring in the
river names of certain lands
síra adv. today -stë 2nd person dual pronominal
sírë noun river, stream ending you
siril noun rivulet sû noun sound of wind
sírima adj. liquid, flowing suc- vb. drink
sirpë noun stem, stalk suhtë noun resin, gum
sirya noun river suhto noun draught
sís adv. here sulca noun edible root
sisilcala- vb. shine continuously súlë (Þ) (súli-) noun spirit, breath,
(silver and gold) also name of tengwa #9
síssë adv. here Súlimë noun March
sítë adj. of this sort súlo (súlu-, pl. súlwi) noun goblet
siulë noun incitement sulpa noun soup
sívë noun knowing, knowledge súma noun hollow cavity, bosom
sívë prep. as sungwa noun drinking-vessel
sívë noun peace súrë (súri-) noun wind
soa (söa ) noun filth surië (Þ) noun seeking
soica adj. thirsty súriquessë noun wind feather
sól noun helmet (herb)
solma noun helmet Súro (Þ) masc. name Sauro(n)
solmë noun wave alternative form of

surya noun spirant consonant súya- (Þ) vb. breathe

-t dual ending
T talumë adv. at this time not
-t them, pronominal ending referring to the present (which is
ta conj. and silumë = at this time in the
tá adv. then narrower sense).
ta pron. that, it tam- vb. tap
ta adv. so, like that, also tama noun that matter
ta pron. they, them taman noun thing made by
tac- vb. fasten handicraft
tai pron. that which, what, which tamba- vb. knock, keep on
fact knocking
tai pron. 3rd person pl., used with tambaro noun woodpecker
reference to inanimates rather tambë prep. so or as (referring to
than persons or living things they, something remote; contrast sívë).
them tamen adv. thither
tai adv. then tamin (taminn-) noun forge
tailë noun lengthening, extension tamma noun tool
taima noun lengthening, tamna noun artifact
extension tamna adj. artificial
taina adj. lengthened, ex-tended, tamo noun smith
stretched, elongated tampa noun stopper
taina noun sign tampë noun copper
taita- vb. prolong tampo noun well
taitë adj. of that sort, such tana demonstrative that
tál (tal-), tala pl. táli noun foot tana- vb. show, indicate
talaitë adj. footed tanca adj. firm, fixed, sure
talan (talam-, pl. talami) noun tancil noun pin, brooch
floor, base, ground Tancol noun Signifer, the
talca noun post, mark significant star = Venus
tallunë (talluni-) noun sole of tanen, tánen adv. in that way,
foot therefore
talma noun base, foundation, root tango noun twang
talo, tó. adv. thence tangwa noun hasp, clasp
talta adj. sloping, tilted, leaning taniquelassë noun name of tree
talta- vb. slip, slide down, tanna noun sign
collapse, slope tanna pron. in allative thither
taltil (taltill-, pl. taltilli) noun toe tano noun craftsman, smith
taltol noun big toe

tanomë adv. in the place (referred Tarmenel place-name High

to) Heaven
tanta- vb. play a harp tarminas noun great towering
tanta noun harp building, (fort, city, castle) tower
tanta adj.? double tarna noun crossing, passage
tantila noun harp tarquendi noun High-elves =
tanwa noun sign, token Lindar (=Vanyar)
tanwë noun craft, thing made, tarquesta noun high-speech, or
device, construction Qenya [Quenya])
tap- vb. stop, block tarucca adj. horned
tapta adj. impeded tarwa noun garden, enclosure
tar- vb. stand tarwë noun cross, Crucifix
tár noun king (only used of the tarwesta- vb. crucify
legitimate kings of whole tribes) tarya adj. tough, stiff
tar adv. thither taryo noun daddy
tar prep. beyond tás adv. there
tar- vb. stand tasar, tasarë (Þ) noun willow-
-tar or tar- element meaning king tree
or queen in compounds and tassa noun index finger
names tassë adv. there
tara adv. thither táta noun hat
tára adj. lofty tatanya noun my father or my
tára adj. wise daddy
taran, tarambo noun buffet, tatya- vb. double
blow, bang tauca adj. stiff, wooden
taras noun great towering taulë noun great tree
building, (fort, city, castle) tower taura adj. mighty
tarca noun horn taurë noun wood, forest (great)
tárë adv.? in that day taurëa adj. forested
Tarelda noun High-elf taurina adj. of wood
tarhildi noun High-men, the tautamo noun carpenter (carver)
Noble followers, referring to the táva noun great tree
Dúnedain tavar noun wood
tári noun queen, used especially tavaril noun dryad, spirit of
of Varda woods (fem.)
tárië noun height, allative tavaro, tavaron noun dryad,
Tárion noun alternative name of spirit of woods (masc.)
Valanya, the last day of the tavas noun woodland
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated taxë noun nail
to the Powers (Valar) te pron. 3rd person pl. they, them
táris(së) noun queenship tëa noun straight line, road
tarma noun pillar tec- vb. write
tarmen noun high place

tecco noun stroke of pen or brush tengwa noun letter

when not used as long mark tengwa- vb. read written matter
tecil noun pen tengwanda noun alphabet
tehta noun mark, sign especially tengwë noun indication, sign
diacritics denoting vowels in tengwelë noun language
Fëanorian writing tengwesta noun system or code
tel noun roof of signs, Language
telar noun brick tengwestië noun language as
telco noun stem of a Tengwa abstract or phenomenon
symbol tenna prep. until, up to, as far as
telconta- vb. stride tennoio adv. for ever
Telcontar masc. name Strider tenta- vb. point to, indicate; direct
telda adj. last, final toward
telë- vb. finish, end (intransitive) ter, terë, prep. through,
Telellië noun Teler-folk throughout
telemna adj. of silver tercáno noun herald
telep- noun silver tercen noun insight, literally
telepsa adj. of silver through-sight
Teler noun sea-elf tercenya adj. of insight
Telerin adj. Telerian teren, terenë adj. slender
telerinwa adj. Telerin teret noun auger, gimlet
Telimbectar noun constellation: tereva adj. fine, acute
Orion, lit. Swordsman of Heaven. terhat- vb. break apart
telimbo noun canopy, sky termar- vb. stand
Telimectar noun constellation, terra noun fine pierced hole
Orion, lit. Swordsman of Heaven. tevë- vb. hate
tella adj. hindmost, last tévië noun hatred
tellë noun rear tevin adj. hated
telluma noun dome, copula Thauron (Þauron) masc. name
telma noun conclusion earlier form of Sauron, before the
telmë noun hood, covering change th > s
telpë noun silver thelma (Þelma) noun fixed idea,
telpina adj. of silver will
telta- vb. canopy, overshadow, tië noun path, course, line,
screen direction, way
teltassë noun awning tihta- vb. blink, peer
telumë noun dome, roof, canopy tildë noun spike, horn
telya- vb. finish, wind up, tillë noun tip, point, used with
conclude (transitive) reference to fingers and toes
téma noun row, series, line timbarë noun forehead
téna adj. straight, right timpë noun fine rain
tencelë noun writing system, timpinë noun spray
spelling tin- vb. glint

tinco noun metal, also name of tolma noun knob, short rounded
tengwa #1 handle, etc.
tinda adj. glinting, silver tolmen noun boss (of shield)
tindë noun glint toloquë (kw) cardinal eighteen
tindómë noun starry twilight, tolosta fraction one eighth (1/8).
starlit dusk tolpo noun bowl
tinga- vb. twang, make a twang tolsat fraction one eighth (1/8).
tingë noun twang toltëa ordinal eighth
tingilindë noun twinkling star tolto cardinal eight
tingilya noun twinkling star tolu- vb. roll up
tinta- vb. kindle, cause to sparkle tolvo noun big toe, stump, stub
tintila- vb. twinkle tolyo noun sticker-up, prominent
tintina- vb. sparkle one, term used in children's play
tinwë noun spark for middle finger or middle toe
tir- vb. watch, watch over, guard, tomba noun voice, vowel
heed tombo noun gong
tirin noun tall tower tompë noun voice, vowel
tirion noun watch-tower, tower top- vb. cover
tirios (tiriost-) noun town with tópa noun roof
walls and towers tópa- vb. roof
tiris (tiriss-) noun watch, vigil torna adj. hard
tirissë noun watch, vigil tornanga adj. iron hard, lit. hard-
titta adj. little, tiny iron
tiuca adj. thick, fat tosta fraction one eighth (1/8)
tiuco noun thigh -tsë dual locative ending
tiuta- vb. comfort, console -ttë dual 3rd person pronominal
tiutalë noun comfort, consolation, ending they
easement -ttë 3rd person pl. reflexive
tiuya- vb. swell, grow fat ending
tixë noun dot, tiny mark, point tuc- vb. draw
tó noun wool tuia- vb. sprout, spring
tó adv. thence tuilë noun spring, spring-time
toa (töa) noun wood as material tuilindo noun swallow
toa adj. of wool, woollen tuima noun sprout, bud
tocot noun cock tul- vb. come
tol noun island, isle tulca adj. firm, strong,
tolbo noun big toe, stump, stub immovable, steadfast
toldëa ordinal eighth tulca- vb. fix, set up, establish
toldo cardinal eight tulco noun support
tollë noun steep isle tulma noun bier
tollo noun sticker-up, prominent tulta- vb. send for, fetch, summon
one, term used in children's play tulwë noun pillar, standard, pole
for middle finger or middle toe tulya- vb. lead (+ allative)

tumba noun deep valley tuv- vb. find

tumbë noun trumpet -twa ending for dual possessive
tumbo (tumbu-) noun valley, -tya pronominal ending, 2nd
under or among hills person sg. intimate/familiar your,
tumna adj. lowlying, deep, low thy
tumpo (tumpu-) noun hump tyal- vb. play
tunda adj. tall tyalangan noun harp-player
tundo noun hill, mound tyalië noun sport, play, game
tunga adj. taut, tight (of strings:) tyar- vb. cause
resonant tyaro noun doer, actor, agent
tuo noun muscle, sinew, vigour, tyasta- vb. put to the test
physical strength tyav- vb. taste
tup- vb. cover tyávë noun taste
tupsë noun thatch tye pron. 2nd person
tur- vb. wield, control, govern intimate/familar you, thou, thee
túra adj. big, great (in power) -tyë pronominal ending, 2nd
Turcil noun Númenórean person familiar/intimate you,
turco noun chief thou
túrë noun mastery, victory, tyel (tyeld-) noun end
strength, might, power tyel- vb. end, cease
túrëa adj. mighty, masterful tyelca adj. swift, agile, hasty
túrion (túriond-) noun palace tyelima adj. final
turma noun shield tyellë noun grade
turmen noun realm tyelma noun ending
turu noun wood tyelpë noun silver
turu- vb. master, deafeat, have tyelpetéma noun palatal series
victory over tyulma noun mast
turúva adj. wooden tyulussë noun poplar-tree
tussa noun bush tyur noun cheese
tusturë noun tinder

ú adv. and prep. without úcar- vb. sin, trespass; do wrong
ú- pref. denying presence or úcarë noun debt, trespass
possession of thing or quality not- úcarindo noun sinner
, un-, in- uë noun fleece
u- vb. not do, not be úfantima adj. not concealable
ua- negative verb not do, not be úfanwa adj. not veiled or
Úamanya noun one not of Aman, obscure, perspicuous
Elfe úfanwëa adj. not veiled, unveiled

ufárëa adj. not enough úmëa adj. abundant, swarming,

ui interjection no teeming
uilë noun long trailing plant, úna adj. deprived of, destitute
especially seaweed únat noun thing impossible to be
uito interjection it is not that or to be done
(emphatic word for no?) unca- vb. hollow out
Úlairë noun Nazgûl undómë noun twilight, usually of
Ulban (Ulband-) noun monster the time near evening, not near
(a name of Melko) dawn (that is tindómë)
ulca adj. evil, bad, wicked, wrong undu adv. and prep.? down,
ulco (ulcu-) pl. ulqui noun evil under, beneath
úlëa adj. pouring, flooding, undulav- vb. swallow, lit. lick
flowing down
ullumë adv. not for ever. undumë noun abyss
úlumë ? adv. ever, at all times? ungo noun cloud, dark shadow
ulumpë noun camel ungwalë noun torture
ulundë noun flood ungwë noun spider's web, also
ulundo noun monster, deformed name of tengwa #8
and hideous creature únotë, únotëa adj. not counted,
ulya- vb. pour, intr. uncounted
um- vb. not to do, not to be únótima adj. not possible to
úma- vb. teem count, countless
Úmaia noun Maia who became unqua adj. hollow
evil and followed Melkor, like the unqualë noun agony, death
Balrogs unquë noun hole, hollow, also
úmaitë adj. clumsy(-handed), name of tengwa #16
unskilled untúp- vb. down-roof = cover
Úmaneldi noun Non-Aman unuhuinë prep + noun under-
Elves, Elves who never dwelt in shadow
Aman unutixë noun dot or point placed
Úmanya noun one not of Aman, below the line of writing
Elda that did not reach Aman únyárima adj. impossible to
umba noun swarm recount
umbar (umbart-) noun fate, uo adv. together
doom, also name of tengwa #6 úpa adj. dumb
umbarta- vb. define, decree, úpahtëa adj. speechless
destine in more lofty senses úquétima adj. unspeakable
umbas (Þ) noun shield úr noun fire
umbo(n) noun hill, lump, clump, úra adj. evil, nasty
mass urcárima adj. hard to make / do
úmë noun great collection or urcarnë adj. hard to make / do
crowd of things of same sort urda adj. hard, difficult, arduous
-úmë suffix large (of quantity)

úrë noun heat, also name of úsahtië (Þ) noun inducement to

tengwa #36 do wrong
Úrimë noun August úsië adv. on the contrary
úrin adj. blazing hot uscarë (Þ) noun doing wrong
urna noun oven usquë noun reek
ursa (Þ) noun rage usta- vb. burn (transitive)
ursa- (Þ) vb. rage uswë noun issue, escape
urta- vb. burn (transitive) uswevandë noun way of escape
uru noun fire úva- vb. impend, be imminent –
urucarin adj. made with nearly always in a bad sense
difficulty -uva future tense ending
uruitë adj. fiery úvana adj. unmarred
urulócë noun fire-dragon úvanë adj. without beauty
urus (urust-) noun copper úvanëa adj. without beauty
úruva adj. fiery úvanima noun ugly
uruvoitë adj. fiery úvanimo noun monster
urwa adj. on fire úvë noun abundance, great
urya- vb. burn (intransitive) quantity
us- (Þ) pref. denoting doing úvëa adj. abundant
something bad úvië noun considering a matter
us- vb. escape (with a view to decision)
uxarë noun doing wrong

-va possessive ending vainë noun sheath
vá exclamation I will not! or Do vainolë noun quiver (= case for
not! holding arrows)
va prep. from vaita- vb. enfold
vacco noun jacket, cloak vaiwa noun wind
vaháya adj. far away vaiwë noun wind
vahta- vb. soil, stain vaiya < waiya (vaia, waia) noun
vaia < waia (vaiya < waiya) envelope, especially of the Outer
noun envelope, especially of the Sea or Air enfolding the world
Outer Sea or Air enfolding the within the Ilurambar or world-
world within the Ilurambar or walls
world-walls Vala noun Power, God, angelic
vailë noun wind power
vailima adj. windy vala- vb. rule, only with reference
vaima noun wrap, robe to the Valar
vaina adj. clad

Valacirca noun Sickle of the vanima adj. beautiful, fair

Gods, a name of the constellation Vanimo noun beautiful, children
Great Bear of the Valar, or fair folk
valaina adj. of or belonging to vanta- vb. walk
the Valar, divine vanta noun walk
Valandor place-name land of the vanwa adj. gone, lost, no longer
Valar to be had, vanished
Valanya noun last day of the vanwië noun past, past time
Eldarin six-day week, dedicated vanya adj. fair, beautiful
to the Valar váquet- vb. say no
Valaquenta noun history of the var conj. or
Valar vára adj. soiled, dirty
Valarauco noun Demon of Might varanda adj. sublime
Valarin adj. Valian, of or relating varna adj. safe, protected, secure
to the Valar varnassë noun security
valassë noun divinity, valahood varnë (varni-) adj. brown, swart,
Valatári noun Vala-queen dark brown
Valcaraucë noun balrog varya- vb. protect
vald- noun blessedness, Vása noun Consumer (the), a
happiness name of the Sun
valda adj. worth, worthy, dear vasar (Þ) noun veil
valdëa adj. important vasarya- (Þ) vb. veil
Valië noun Vala (fem.) vávëa adj. similar, alike
Valimar place-name Vali-home, váya noun sea (as waters, motion)
the city of the Valar in Valinor ve prep. as, like
valin adj. happy ve pron. 1st person pl. inclusive
Valinor place-name land (or we
people) of the Valar -vë, ending used to derive
Valmar place-name Valimar adverbs from adjectives
(alternative form of ) Vëa adj. adult, manly, vigorous
Valmo noun Vala (masc.) vëa noun wind
Valon noun Vala (masc.) vëa adj. seeming, apparent
-valta suffix -less vëaner noun man (adult)
valto noun luck vëassë noun vigour
valya adj. having (divine) vehtë noun life (individual)
authority or power vehtequentalë noun biography
ván noun goose vél- vb. see
vanda noun oath, pledge, solemn véla adv. alike
promise vendë < wendë noun maiden,
vandil noun staff virgin
vanessë noun beauty venë noun small boat, vessel, dish
vangwë noun blow vénë < wénë noun virginity
vanië noun beauty vénëa adj. maidenly, virginal

venessë noun virginity virya adj. fresh

venno noun husband vista noun air as substance
venta noun chin vista- vb. change (transitive)
véra noun personal, private, own vor, voro adv. ever
verca adj. wild vora, vorë adv. always
vérë noun bond, troth, compact, vórëa noun continuous, enduring,
oath lasting
veri noun wife vorima adj. continual, repeated
verië noun boldness vórima adj. steadfast in
verta- vb. marry allegiance, in keeping oath or
veru noun husband promise, faithful
verya adj. bold voro, voro- adv. ever, continually
verya- vb. dare voronda adj. steadfast in
verya vb. marry allegiance, in keeping oath or
veryanwë noun wedding promise, faithful
vessë noun wife vorongandelë noun harping on
vesta noun matrimony one tune, continual repetition.
vesta- vb. wed voronwa adj. enduring, long-
vestalë noun wedding lasting
vi pron., 1st person pl. inclusive voronwë noun steadfastness,
we loyalty, faithfulness
vië noun manhood, vigour voronwië noun endurance, lasting
vil- vb. fly quality
vílë noun breeze (gentle) vorosanya (Þ) adj. regular,
vilin adj. airy, breezy normal
vilissë noun spirit
-viltë adjectival ending -less
vilya noun air, sky, also name of
tengwa #24
vínë noun youth
vinë (vini-) noun baby
vinya adj. young
vinyamo noun youngster
Vinyarië noun Newyear's Day
Víressë noun April
vírië noun youth
vírin noun magic glassy
substance of great lucency used in
fashioning the Moon. Used of
things of great and pure
virya- vb. change, alter(nate)

wá noun wind wëo noun living creature
waia > vaia noun envelope, were- vb. weave
especially of the Outer Sea or Air wil- vb. fly
enfolding the world within the wilma noun air, lower air
Ilurambar or world-walls wilwa adj. vague, fluttering to
wailë noun wind and fro
waina, vaina adj. blonde, fair of wilwarin (wilwarind-) noun
hair butterfly
waita- > vaita- noun enfold wilwarindëa adj. like a wilwarin
waiwa noun wind or butterfly
waiya > vaiya noun envelope, wilya noun air, sky, also name of
especially of the Outer Sea or Air tengwa #24
enfolding the world within the wincë noun baby, used in
Ilurambar or world-walls children's play for little finger or
walda adj. excited, wild little toe
walmë adj. excitement, emotion winda noun woof
walta- vb. excite, rouse, stir up windelë noun loom
walwistë noun change of mind winë (wini-) noun baby
walya- vb. be excited winga noun foam, spray
wán > ván noun goose wingë noun foam, crest of wave,
wanwa noun great gale crest
wanwavoitë noun windy wingil (wingild-) noun nymph
wáya- vb. blow winicë noun baby, used in
-wë suffix occurring in many children's play for little finger or
personal names, generally but not little toe
exclusively masculine winima adj. childish
wén noun greenness, youth, winimo noun baby, little-one,
freshness used in children's play for little
-wen suffix, a frequent ending in finger or little toe
feminine names maiden winta- vb. scatter, blow about
wen (wend-) noun maid, girl (both transitive and intransitive)
wenci noun diminutive form of wintil noun glint
the stem wēn- woman, maiden. winya adj. new, fresh, young
wendë > vendë noun maiden winyamo noun youngster
wendelë noun maidenhood wirnë noun change
wénë > vénë noun virginity wistë noun weft
wentë noun brook wá noun wind
wenya adj. green, yellow-green, waia > vaia noun envelope,
fresh especially of the Outer Sea or Air

enfolding the world within the wëo noun living creature

Ilurambar or world-walls were- vb. weave
wailë noun wind wil- vb. fly
waina, vaina adj. blonde, fair of wilma noun air, lower air
hair wilwa adj. vague, fluttering to
waita- > vaita- noun enfold and fro
waiwa noun wind wilwarin (wilwarind-) noun
waiya > vaiya noun envelope, butterfly
especially of the Outer Sea or Air wilwarindëa adj. like a wilwarin
enfolding the world within the or butterfly
Ilurambar or world-walls wilya noun air, sky, also name of
walda adj. excited, wild tengwa #24
walmë adj. excitement, emotion wincë noun baby, used in
walta- vb. excite, rouse, stir up children's play for little finger or
walwistë noun change of mind little toe
walya- vb. be excited winda noun woof
wán > ván noun goose windelë noun loom
wanwa noun great gale winë (wini-) noun baby
wanwavoitë noun windy winga noun foam, spray
wáya- vb. blow wingë noun foam, crest of wave,
-wë suffix occurring in many crest
personal names, generally but not wingil (wingild-) noun nymph
exclusively masculine winicë noun baby, used in
wén noun greenness, youth, children's play for little finger or
freshness little toe
-wen suffix, a frequent ending in winima adj. childish
feminine names maiden winimo noun baby, little-one,
wen (wend-) noun maid, girl used in children's play for little
wenci noun diminutive form of finger or little toe
the stem wēn- woman, maiden. winta- vb. scatter, blow about
wendë > vendë noun maiden (both transitive and intransitive)
wendelë noun maidenhood wintil noun glint
wénë > vénë noun virginity winya adj. new, fresh, young
wentë noun brook winyamo noun youngster
wenya adj. green, yellow-green, wirnë noun change
fresh wistë noun weft


-xë reflexive pronominal ending
oneself, myself, themselves etc

ya relative pronoun which

Y yanga- vb. yawn
yá adv.? postposition (?) yanta noun bridge, also name of
formerly, ago tengwa #35
-ya suffix of endearment yantya- vb. add, augment
yá conj. when yanwë noun bridge, joining,
-ya pronominal suffix his (and isthmus
probably also her, its), said to be yára adj. ancient
used in colloquial Quenya yárë noun former days
yaima noun implement yárëa adj. olden
yaimë noun wailing yáressë noun in locative once
yaimëa adj. wailing upon a time
yaisa noun steel yarra- noun growl, snarl
yaiwë noun mocking, scorn yaru noun gloom, blight
yal- vb. summon yassë relative pronoun in locative
yallumë adv.? at last in which
yalmë noun clamour yassë adv. once upon a time
yalúmë noun former times yat (yaht-) noun neck
yalúmëa adj. olden yatta noun narrow neck, isthmus
yalúmessë noun in locative yaulë noun cat
onceupon a time yav- vb. bear fruit
yam-, yama- vb. shout yavannamírë noun Yavanna-
yámë adj.? yawning jewel, name of a tree with globed
yan relative pronoun in dative and scarlet fruits
for/to which or for/to whom Yavannië noun September
yana demonstrative that (the yávë noun fruit
former) yávië noun autumn
yána adj. vast, huge yáwë noun ravine, cleft, gulf
yána noun holy place, fane, yaxë noun milch cow
sanctuary ye (plural i). singular personal
yanda adj. wide relative pronoun who, maybe also
yando adv. also object whom


yé interjection lo! Yón noun Son

yé conj.? what is more yondë noun extensive region with
-yë conj. as a suffix added to the well-marked natural bounds
second of a pair and yondo noun son
yëa conj.? what is more yonwa noun fence, border,
yello relative pronoun in boundary
ablative: from whom yonyo noun son, big boy
yello noun call, shout of triumph yór noun blood
yelmë noun loathing yor- vb. enclose, set bounds
yelta- vb. loathe, abhor to/about
yelwa adj. loathsome yu- or yú- pref. twi- or both
yén noun Elvish long year of 144 yualë noun twilight
solar years, 52, 596 days yúcalë noun twilight
yen, yendë noun daughter yul- vb. drink
yenya noun (or adv.?) last year yúla noun ember, smouldering
yëo relative pronoun in genitive wood
from whom yulda noun draught
yérë noun sexual desire yulma noun cup
yerna adj. old, worn yulmë noun drinking, carousal
yerya- vb. wear (out), also intr. yuncë cardinal twelve
get old yunquë cardinal twelve
yesta- vb. desire yunquenta cardinal thirteen
yesta noun beginning yunquesta fraction one twelfth
yestarë noun beginning-day, the yur- vb. run
first day of the year yurasta cardinal twenty-four
Yésus masc. name Jesus yúyal noun twilight
yéta- vb. look at yúyo noun? adv.? both
yo prep. with
yomenië noun meeting, gathering
(of three or more coming from
different directions)



abandon, put aside, leave out,

A add, augment vb. yantya-
exclude, forsake vb. hehta- adhere, stick to, cleave to, abide
abhor, feel disgust at vb. feuya- by vb. himya-
abhor, loathe vb. yelta- adhering, sticking adj. himba
abide by, stick to, adhere, cleave adjectival ending -inqua
to vb. himya- adjectival suffix -ima
abide, be settled or fixed vb. mar- admirable, excellent, precious
ablative ending -ello noun maira
abominably, ill, grievously prefix adorn, trim vb. netya-
nai- adult, manly, vigorous adj. vëa
abundance, great quantity noun affect, touch (one) in the
úvë figurative sense; concern vb. ap-
abundant adj. úvëa affect, touch (one) in the
abundant, rich adj. alya figurative sense; concern vb. ap-
abundant, swarming, teeming adj. affectionate, loving adj. méla
úmëa after prep. apa
abyss noun undumë after (of time), before, in front of
accommodate, fit vb. camta- (of spatial relationships) prep. po,
account, history noun quentalë pó
accursed, cursed adj. húna after (of time), before, in front of
acquire information, learn, not by (of spatial relationships) prep.
experience but by instruction in pono
words or writing vb. par- after (of time); in front of, before
acre, sown field noun resta (of spatial relationships) prep.
across prep. arta opo
act of thinking, thought noun After-born, an Elvish name of
sanwë Mortal Men as the Second-born
act of will, exercise of will noun of Ilúvatar noun Apanónar
nirmë after-name, nickname noun
actor, doer, agent noun tyaro epessë
actual, existing, true adj. nanwa again, also adv. ata
actual, real, true adj. anwa again, back, re- prefix ata-, at-
acute, fine adj. tereva again-, re- prefix en-
add vb. napan-


age, cycle, (100 Valian Years) alternative name of Valanya, the

noun randa last day of the Eldarin six-day
agent, doer, actor noun tyaro week, dedicated to the Powers
agile, swift, hasty adj. tyelca (Valar) noun Tárion
ago, formerly adv.? postposition always adv. illumë
(?) yá always adv. vora, vorë
agony, death noun anqualë ambidexter noun ataformo
agony, death noun qualmë ambidexter noun attaformo
agony, death noun unqualë ambidextrous adj. ataformaitë
Ah!, Alas! interjection ai! ambidextrous adj. attaformaitë
ailing, drooping adj. nimpa ame of tengwa #24 also air, sky
air as substance noun vista noun vilya
air, lower air noun wilma amen, may it be so interjection
air, sky, also name of tengwa #24 násië
noun vilya among prep. imíca
air, sky, also name of tengwa #24 among prep. mici
noun wilya ancient adj. yára
air, tune, singing, song noun lindë and conj. a
airy, breezy adj. vilin and conj. ar
alike adv. véla and conj. arë
alike, similar adj. ovéa and conj. o
alike, similar adj. vávëa and conj. ta
alive adj. coina and conj. as a suffix added to the
alive adj. cuina second of a pair -yë
all noun illi and yet, but yet conj. ananta
all adj. and noun ilya angelic power, Power, God noun
all (the), the whole adj and noun Vala
quanda angelic spirit, holy one ; fem.
allative, height noun tárië Aini noun Ainu
All-father, God masc. name angle noun neccë
Ilúvatar angular, sharp noun nerca
allness, the all noun ilúvë animal noun kelva
allow, yield, grant vb. lav- animal (usually applied to four-
Almighty (the) noun Sanavaldo footed beasts, and never to
AlmightyCreator (the) who reptiles and birds) noun laman
dwells without the world masc. (lamn- or laman-)
name Enu animal, living thing that moves
alone, one cardinal er noun celva
alone, single adj. erinqua announcement, order noun canwa
alphabet noun tengwanda another, other noun eces
also adv. yando another, other noun exë
also, again adv. ata answer vb.? or noun? hanquenta
also, so, like that adv. ta

any formation or projection asleep adj. lorna

tapering to a point: a spearhead, assemblage, gathering, assembly
gore, wedge, narrow promontory noun ocombë
noun nehtë assemble (transitive), gather vb.
anyone, one, someone indefinite comya-
pronoun o assemble (intransitive), gather vb.
apparent, seeming adj. vëa ócom-
apparition spectral or vague noun assemble, gather, collect vb.
ausa (þ) hosta-
appear, of beautiful things, attract assembly, gathering, assemblage
(with dative) vb. lelya- noun ocombë
appearance noun ilcë assist, ease, comfort vb. asya- (Þ)
apple noun orva associate [female], sister noun
April noun Víressë osellë (Þ)
April (alternative name of) noun associate [male], brother, sworn
Ertuilë brother noun otorno
arch, crescent noun cú at all times, ever? adv. úlumë?
arched or vaulted roof noun at last adv.? yallumë
rondo at one time, once, (in the past)
arduous, hard, difficult adj. urda nëa
arm noun ranco (rancu-) pl. at peace, resting adj. senda
ranqui at this time adv. silumë
army, band, troop noun hossë at this time not referring to the
Arnor = King’s-land noun present (which is silumë = at this
Arandóre time in the narrower sense). adv.
arrangement, plan noun pano talumë
arrow noun pilin (pilind-) at, in preposition se, long sé
art noun Carmë at, to, upon allative ending -nna
artifact noun tamna at what time? interrogative word
artificial adj. tamna malumë?
artist, usually a poet except in athwart prep. lanna
compounds noun maitar auger, gimlet noun teret
as prep. ier augment, add vb. yantya-
as prep. sívë August noun Úrimë
as far as, until, up to prep. tenna August (alternative name of)
as, like prep. ve noun Metelairë
ascension noun orosta autumn noun yávië
ascent noun rosta autumn (alternative term for)
ascertained, known, certain adj. noun Endien
sína autumn, fire-fading noun
ascertained, known, certain =arquelion
passive participle sinwa available (quickly), ready to hand
ask vb. maquet- adj. férima

available (quickly), ready to hand away adverbs oa, oar (öa, öar),
adj. ferina away from prep. ollo
avenge, do back, react vb. accar- away, from verbal prefix hó-
avenge, do back, react vb. ahtar- away, off verbal prefix au-
avenue of trees noun aldëon awe noun áya
awake adj. coiva awkward, difficult adj. hraia
awake adj. cuiva awkward, hard, stiff, difficult adj.
awake vb. eccoita- hranga
awakening noun cuivë awning noun teltassë
awakening noun cuivië axe noun pelecco

babe noun lapsë banned, refused, forbidden adj.
baby noun vinë (vini-) avanwa
baby noun winë (wini-) bare adj. parna
baby, little-one, used in children's barn fowl, hen noun porocë
play for little finger or little toe base, floor, ground noun talan
noun winimo (talam-)
baby, used in children's play for base, foundation, root noun talma
little finger or little toe noun bathing, washing, purification
winicë noun sovallë
back, again, re- prefix ata-, at- batter, beat vb. palpa-
back, rear noun pontë (ponti-) be afflicted, labour vb. moia-
backwards prefix nan- be chill, cold (of weather) vb.
bad magic noun felu nicu-
bad, evil, wicked adj. olca be compelled to do something,
bad, evil, wicked, wrong adj. ulca have an impulse noun horya-
bake vb. masta- be excited vb. walya-
bake (by exposure to sun), heat be gone! stand aside! vb. in
vb. asta- imperative heca!
bale out, draw water, scoop out be heavy stative vb. lumna-
vb. calpa- be imminent, impend – nearly
ball, globe noun coron always in a bad sense vb. úva-
balrog noun Valcaraucë be it that imperative verb nai
band, army, troop noun hossë be settled or fixed, abide vb. mar-
bang, buffet, blow noun taran, be sick, vomit vb quama- .
tarambo beach, shore noun fára
bank (river) noun ráva beach, shore noun hresta


beach, shore noun falas (falass-), before, in front of (of spatial

falassë relationships) after (of time) prep.
bear noun morco pono
bear fruit vb. yav- before, in front of (of spatial
bear, carry vb. col- relationships); after (of time)
beard noun fanga prep. opo
bearer noun colindo beget vb. nosta-
bearing yellow flowers adj. beget, create vb. onta-
ornemalin begetter, mother (fem.) noun
beat, batter vb. palpa- ontaril
beautiful adj. calwa begetter, parent noun ontar
Beautiful (the) noun Maia begetter, parent (fem); the pl.
Beautiful (the) noun Máya pl. ontari or dual ontaru (see ontani)
Máyar covers both sexes. noun ontarë
beautiful and fine, delicate, begetter, parent (fem.) noun
slender adj. lelya ontarië
beautiful, children of the Valar, begetter, parent (masc.); pl. ontari
fair folk noun Vanimo noun ontaro
beautiful, fair adj. vanima beginning noun essë
beautiful, fair adj. vanya beginning noun yesta
beautiful, fair (of sound) adj. beginning-day, the first day of the
linda year noun yestarë
beautiful, lovely, desirable adj. behave vb. lenga- (weak verb)
írima behind, at back of place prep? ca,
beauty noun vanessë cata, cana
beauty noun vanië behind, at back of place prep?
bed noun caima cana
bedchamber noun caimasan behind, at back of place prep?
bedridden, sick adj. caimassëa cata
bee noun nion behold! interjection ela!
beech noun neldor behold, see vb. cen-
beech, beech-tree noun feren being noun návë
(fern-) being, spirit noun ëala
beechen adj. ferinya believe vb. sav-
beechnuts, mast noun ferna bell noun nyellë
beech-tree noun fernë (pl. ferni) beloved, dear, sweet adj. melda
before prep. epë belt, girdle noun quilta
before (of time), at back (of beneath, down, under adv. and
spatial relationships). prep. nó prep.? undu
before, in front of (of spatial beneath, not touching prep. ní
relationships) after (of time) prep. bent adj. locin
po, pó bent, crooked, wrong adj. raicë
bent, curved adj. acúna

bent, curved adj. cúna blaspheme, curse vb. naiquet-

bent, humped adj. numba blaze, fire noun ruinë
bent, stiff dry grass noun sara blazing hot adj. úrin
berry noun pië blazing, fiery adj. ruina
beside, outside prefix ar- bless vb. aista-
between prep. enel bless vb. manta-
between prep imbë bless vb. manya-
between prep. mitta- bless (a work), cause to prosper,
beyond prep. han help one vb. alya-
beyond postposition pella bless, hallow, treat as holy vb.
beyond prep. tar aina-
beyond, also used in phrases of bless, praise vb. laita-
comparison prep. lá blessed adj. almárëa
bier noun tulma blessed adj. amanya
big adj. polda blessed adj. mána
big boy, son noun yonyo blessed adj. manaitë
big toe noun taltol blessed adj. manaquenta
big toe, stump, stub noun tolbo blessed adj. manna
big toe, stump, stub noun tolvo blessed adj. manquë, manquenta
big, great (in power) adj. túra blessed, fortunate, wealthy, rich
big, large adj. höa adj. herenya
biography noun vehtequentalë blessed, free from evil adj. aman
biped adj. attalaitë blessed, holy (of things) adj.
birch noun hwindë ainima
bird (small) noun aiwë blessedness, good fortune noun
Birdland = lower air place-name almarë
Aiwenor, Aiwenorë blessedness, good fortune noun
birth, birthday noun nosta almië
bit, crumb, small piece noun mië blessedness, happiness noun
bite noun nahta vald-
bitter adj. sára blessing, good thing, piece of
bitterly painful, grievous adj. good fortune noun almë
naica blight, gloom noun yaru
black arts, secrecy noun núlë blink, peer vb. tihta-
black, dark, darkness adj. morë block, stop vb. tap-
black, dark, gloomy adj. morna blonde, fair of hair adj. waina,
blackberry noun piucca vaina
blackness, dark, night, darkness blood noun sercë
noun mórë blood noun yór
blade of a cutting tool or weapon, bloom vb. losta-
especially sword-blade noun bloom noun olótë
maica blossom noun lossë
blade, share noun hyanda blossom (golden) noun lávar

blossom (golden) noun löar bound, enclose vb. lanya-

blot noun motto bound, obliged adj. nauta
blow noun vangwë boundary noun landa
blow vb. wáya- boundary post or mark noun
blow about (both transitive and lantalca
intransitive), scatter vb. winta- boundary, fence noun pelo
blow, buffet, bang noun taran, boundary, fence, border noun
tarambo yonwa
blow; fly or stream in the wind bow vb. caw-
vb. hlapu- bow vb. luhta-
blue adj. luinë bow noun lúva
blue adj. ninwa bow noun quinga
blue (pale) adj. helwa bow, crescent noun cúnë
Blue Mountains noun Lúnoronti bowels, entrails noun hir (hird-)
blue pale adj. ilin bowl noun salpa
bluish adj. luinincë (luininci-) bowl noun salpë
boat noun luntë bowl noun tolpo
body noun hroa bowl, goblet noun fion
bold adj. canya box noun colca
bold adj. verya branch noun olba
boldness noun verië branch noun olwa
bolster, cushion noun nirwa branch, wand, stick noun olwen
bond, knot noun nútë (olwenn-)
bond, troth, compact, oath noun bread noun massa
vérë bread noun masta
bone noun axo bread (as a material) noun massë
book, also name of tengwa #2 break vb. rac-
noun parma break apart vb. terhat-
book-fair noun parma-resta break asunder vb. ascat-
book-language noun breast, chest noun ambos
parmalambë (ambost-)
border, edge, hem noun ríma breast-plate, hauberk noun
border, edge, margin noun réna ambassë
border, fence, boundary noun breath, breeze, puff of air, also
yonwa name of tengwa #12 noun hwesta
borne, worn passive participle breath, puff of breath noun foa
colla breath, spirit, also name of
bosom, hollow cavity noun súma tengwa #9 noun súlë (Þ) (súli-)
bosom, surface, bosom of Earth breathe vb. súya- (Þ)
noun palúrë breeze (gentle) noun vílë
boss (of shield) noun tolmen breeze, breath, puff of air, also
both noun? adv.? yúyo name of tengwa #12 noun hwesta
bottle noun olpë breezy, airy adj. vilin

brick noun telar builder, carpenter, wright noun

bride, wife noun indis samno (Þ)
bridge, also name of tengwa #35 building (especially of wood),
noun yanta wooden hall noun ampano
bridge, joining, isthmus noun building, construction noun
yanwë ataquë
bright adj. calima built fort or dwelling surrounded
bright, light adj. et nom calina by bulwarks noun carassë
brightest adj. ancalima bull noun mundo
brilliance, clarity noun calassë bunch, cluster noun loxë
brilliance, glory, splendour noun burden noun cólo
alcar burdensome, lying heavy,
broad sword, also prow of a ship oppressive, ominous adj. lumna
noun lango burly, strong adj. polda
brooch, pin noun tancil burn (intransitive) vb. urya-
brood, lower vb. luvu- burn (transitive) vb. urta-
brook noun nellë burn (transitive) vb. usta-
brook noun wentë bush noun tussa
brooklet noun celussë but conj. apa
brother noun háno but conj. mal
brother noun onóro but conj. nan
brother, also used in children's but conj. nó
play for middle finger noun but conj. onë
hanno but conj. ono
brother, sworn brother, [male] but yet, and yet conj. ananta
associate noun otorno but, on the contrary, on the other
brotherhood noun otornassë hand conj. ná
brown, swart, dark brown adj. butterfly noun wilwarin
varnë (varni-) (wilwarind-)
bud, sprout noun tuima buttocks, hams noun hacca
buffet, blow, bang noun taran, by prep. ar-
tarambo by, from prep. ló, lo
build vb. carasta- bystander (supporter) noun
build vb. carasta- artarindo
build, make vb. car- bystander, mainly used in the
sense witness noun astarmo

call, shout of triumph noun yello camel noun ulumpë

can = have physical power and cave, mine, underground dwelling

ability vb. pol- noun felco
can in the sense be free to do, cease (intr.), stop vb. pusta-
being under no restraint (physical cease, end vb. tyel-
or other). vb. lerta- cease, take a rest, stop vb. hauta-
candle, taper noun lícuma center, heart noun enda
Cannibal-ogres pl. noun center, middle noun endë
Sarquindi central, middle adj. enetya
canopy, dome, roof noun telumë central, middle adj. entya, enetya
canopy, overshadow, screen vb. certain, known, ascertained adj.
telta- sína
canopy, sky noun telimbo certain, known, ascertained
cape (of land) noun nortil passive participle sinwa
(nortill-) chair noun hamma
cape, snout, nose noun mundo chamber, room noun sambë (Þ)
capital of the Teleri place-name champion, eminent man noun
Alqualondë aráto
captain noun hesto chance, happen vb. marta-
carcanet, necklace noun firinga change noun wirnë
carousal, drinking noun yulmë change (intransitive) vb. ahya-
carpenter (carver) noun tautamo change (transitive) vb. vista-
carpenter, wright, builder noun change of mind noun walwistë
samno (Þ) change of mind, mood noun inwis
carry, bear vb. col- change, alter(nate) (intransitive)
cart noun norollë vb. virya-
cast shadow noun hala channel noun celma
Castle of Custody noun Mandos chant vb. lir-
(Mandost-) characteristic look, gesture noun
cat noun mëoi lengë
cat noun yaulë chasm noun cilya
catch in a net vb. raita- chastisement noun paimesta
catch, hook noun atsa cheese noun tyur
cause vb. tyar- cherry tree, plum tree noun aipio
cause to go, send vb. menta- chest, breast noun ambos
cause to prosper, bless (a work), (ambost-)
help one vb. alya- chief noun turco
cause to sparkle, kindle vb. tinta- chief, principal adj. héra
cause, reason noun casta chieftain, king noun haran
cave noun felya (harn-)
cave noun rotelë child noun hína
cave (artificial), dwelling child noun onwë
underground noun hróta Child of Aulë, a name of the
Dwarves noun Aulëonna

child of gloom noun lómëar cleft, split noun? or adj? sanca

childish adj. winima (Þ)
children collective (?) noun sén clever (in petty ways) adj. finca
children of the Valar, beautiful, clever(-fingered) adj. finya
fair folk noun Vanimo clever(-fingered) adj. leptafinya
chill, white, palid adj. ninquë cliff, seaward precipice noun ollo
chin noun venta cloak, jacket noun vacco
choosing noun cilmë cloak, veil, mantle vb. fanta-
Christ noun Elpino close, shut vb. holta-
Christ noun Hristo close, shut vb. holya-
chronological account, history closed, shut, private adj. pahta
noun lumenyárë cloth, tissue noun lannë
chronological account, history cloud noun fána
noun lúmequenta cloud noun lumbo
circle noun rindë cloud (white) noun fanya
circular adj. rinda cloud, dark shadow noun ungo
circular enclosure noun corin clump, hill, lump, mass noun
circular enclosure noun cormë umbo(n)
circular enclosure, mound noun clumsy(-handed), unskilled adj.
cormen úmaitë
city, fort, with a citadel and cobweb noun hlínë
central watch-tower noun cock noun tocot
minassë cold adj. ringa
clad adj. vaina cold adj. ringë
clamour noun indyalmë cold pool or lake (in mountains)
clamour noun yalmë noun ringwë
clan, family, house, kindred, cold, be chill, (of weather) vb.
family noun nossë nicu-
clarity, brilliance noun calassë collapse, fall in vb. atalta-
clasp, hasp noun tangwa collapse, slip, slide down, slope
claw, talon noun namma vb. talta-
claw, talon noun nappa collect, gather, assemble vb.
clean, pure adj. poica hosta-
cleanse vb. poita- collection, gathering noun combë
cleared (of land), open, free adj. colour, hue noun quilë
latin, latina come vb. tul-
cleave vb. hyandë come back, return, go back vb.
cleave vb. hyar- nanwen-
cleave to, stick to, adhere, abide come forth vb. ettul-
by vb. himya- comfort, consolation, easement
cleft, gash noun hyatsë noun tiutalë
cleft, ravine, gulf noun yáwë comfort, console vb. tiuta-
comfort, ease noun asië (Þ)

comfort, ease, assist vb. asya- (Þ) conspicuous, prominent adj.

command, order vb. can- minda
commander noun cáno constellation, Orion, lit.
commandment, law, rule noun Swordsman of Heaven. noun
axan Telimectar
commemorate, recall vb. enyal- constellation: Orion, lit.
commerce noun mancalë Swordsman of Heaven. noun
communication, enquiry noun Telimbectar
centa construction, building noun
compact, bond, troth, oath noun ataquë
vérë construction, craft, thing made,
compel vb. mauya- device noun tanwë
completely, fully adv. aqua Consumer (the), a name of the
composer, musician noun Sun noun Vása
lindimaitar contemptible, mean adj. faica
compulsion noun mausta continual, repeated adj. vorima
conceal, lie vb. fur- continually, ever adv. voro, voro-
conceal, lie vb. hur- continuous, enduring, lasting
conceal, veil, screen from light noun vórëa
vb. halya- control, wield, govern vb. tur-
concealed, hidden adj. furin cooked food, meat noun apsa
concealed, hidden adj. hurin copper noun tampë
conception, idea noun nó (nów-) copper noun urus (urust-)
conception, idea noun noa copula, dome noun telluma
conch, shell, horn of Ulmo noun corpse noun quelet (quelets-)
hyalma corpse, dead body noun loico
conclude (transitive), finish, wind corpse-candle noun loicolícuma
up vb. telya- corruscation noun russë
conclusion noun telma count up vb. onot-
confidential adj. oholima countable adj. nótima
confused, shattered, disordered, counting noun nótië
ruined adj. (or passive countless, not possible to count
participle?) rúcina adj. únótima
consequently adv. epetai country noun nórië
considering a matter (with a view course, path, line, direction, way
to decision) noun úvië noun tië
consolation, comfort, easement court, paved floor noun paca
noun tiutalë cover vb. top-
console, comfort vb. tiuta- cover vb. tup-
consonant noun lambetengwë covering, hood noun telmë
consonant noun or adj. návëa craft noun curwë
consonant noun pataca craft, thing made, device,
construction noun tanwë

craftsman, smith noun tano crowned adj. rína

create, beget vb. onta- crowned with Stars, a name of
creature noun onna Taniquetil adj. used as noun
crescent, arch noun cú Elerína
crescent, bow noun cúnë crowned with Stars, a name of
crest of wave, foam noun wingë Taniquetil adj. used as noun
crest, ridge noun quín, quínë Elerrína
crested adj. quinna Crucifix, cross noun tarwë
crime noun ongwë crucify vb. tarwesta-
crooked adj. cauca cruel adj. nwalca
crooked adj. hwarin crumb, bit, small piece noun mië
crooked, bent, wrong adj. raicë crumble vb. ruxa-
crooked, hooked adj. rempa crystal, glass noun maril
cross vb. langa- cup noun yulma
cross, Crucifix noun tarwë cupola, dome noun coromindo
cross, pass over, surpass, excel curse vb. húta-
vb. lahta- curse, blaspheme vb. naiquet-
crossbar noun hwarma cursed, accursed adj. húna
crossing, passage noun tarna curved, bent adj. acúna
crow noun corco curved, bent adj. cúna
crow noun quáco cushion, bolster noun nirwa
crowd of things of same sort, custody, prison noun mando
great collection noun úmë cut vb. and noun rista-, rista
crowd, host, great number noun cut off vb. hóciri-
rimbë cut, hew vb. nac-
crowd, press, throng noun sanga cycle, age (100 Valian Years)
(Þ) noun randa
crown noun ríë

daddy noun ataryo dance vb. lilta-
daddy noun atya danger noun raxë
daddy noun taryo dangle, hang vb. linga-
daddy, father noun atto Danian, Green-elf noun =ana
dagger noun naica dare vb. verya-
dagger, knife noun sicil dark brown, brown, swart adj.
daily adj. ilaurëa varnë (varni-)
dainty, pretty adj. netya dark shadow, cloud noun ungo
dale, dell noun nal, nallë dark weather noun lúrë

dark, black, darkness adj. morë deafeat, master, have victory over
dark, black, gloomy adj. morna vb. turu-
dark, blackness, night, darkness dear adj. melin
noun mórë dear, beloved, sweet adj. melda
dark, dark brown, used to refer to dear, familiar adj. moina
hair adj. hróva dear, worth, worthy adj. valda
dark, dusky, obscure, secret adj. death noun effírië
nulla death noun nuru, =uru
dark, overcast adj. lúrëa death, agony noun anqualë
darkness noun mor death, agony noun qualmë
darkness noun mornië death, agony noun unqualë
darkness, black, dark adj. morë death, dying noun firië
darkness, blackness, dark, night death-shadow noun nuruhuinë
noun mórë debt, trespass noun lucië
dative ending -n debt, trespass noun lucassë
dative pl. ending -in debt, trespass noun rohta
daughter noun anel debt, trespass noun ruhta
daughter patronymic (or debt, trespass noun úcarë
matronymic) -iel debtor noun rocindë
daughter noun yen, yendë debtor noun rucindë
dawn noun ára debtor, one who trespasses noun
day noun ar lucando
day noun árë debtor, one who trespasses noun
day (24-hour) noun ré lucindo
Day of Completion, Oldyear's December noun Ringarë
Day noun Quantarië December (alternative name of )
Day of Manwe noun Ar Manwen noun =orrívë
Day of the Fanturi (Mandos and declivity, slope, downslope noun
Lorien) noun Ar Fanturion pendë
Day of the Spouses (Aule and decorate, make, or finish off a
Yavanna) noun Ar Veruen thing with delicate work vb.
Day of the three (younger gods), finta-
Ossë, Orome and Tulkas noun decree, define, destine vb. marta-
=eldion decree, define, destine in more
Day of Ulmo noun Ar Ulmon lofty senses vb. umbarta-
day, sunlight noun aurë deed noun carda
day, twelve hours noun arya deed noun carda
daytime noun arië deep adj. núra
dead adj. qualin deep shadow noun fuinë
dead (by natural cause) adj. firin deep shadow noun huinë
dead body, corpse noun loico deep valley noun tumba
dead, withered adj. hessa deep, lowlying, low adj. tumna
define, decree, destine vb. marta-

define, decree, destine in more desiring to start, eager to go adj.

lofty senses vb. umbarta- mína
defined (well-) within bounds, despise vb. nattira-
limited, finite adj. lanwa destine vb. martya-
deformed and hideous creature, destine in more lofty senses,
monster noun ulundo define, decree vb. umbarta-
delayed, restrained, kept adj. destine, define, decree vb. marta-
hampa destiny noun maranwë
delicate, beautiful and fine, destitute, deprived of adj. úna
slender adj. lelya device, craft, thing made,
deliver, save vb. etelehta- construction noun tanwë
dell, dale noun nal, nallë dew, fine rain noun rossë
dell, deep vale noun imbë dewy, moist adj. nítë (níti-)
demon noun rauca dexter, right adj. forya
Demon of Might noun Valarauco dexterity noun fínë
demon, terrible creature noun dexterous adj. fínëa
arauco dexterous adj. finwa
denoting difficulty pref. hrai- dexterous, righthanded adj.
denoting easiness in doing (as- formaitë
before p, t, c, q, s ) pref. asa- (Þ) dictum, saying, quotation noun
deny vb. lala- eques (equess-)
depart vb. av- die vb. qual-
departed spirit noun manu difficult, awkward adj. hraia
departure, leaving noun lenwë difficult, awkward, hard, stiff adj.
deprive vb. nehta- hranga
deprived of, destitute adj. úna difficult, hard, arduous adj. urda
deprived, stripped adj. racina dig vb. sap- or sapa-
descendant, grandchild noun dim to see, pale, vague, faint adj
indyo néca
descendant, son (of) patronymic diphthong noun ocamna
ending -ion diphthong noun ohlon
desert noun erumë diphthong noun osamna
deserted, solitary adj. erda diphthong noun samna
desirable, lovely, beautiful adj. direct toward, point to, indicate
írima vb. tenta-
desire noun írë direction of travel, passage,
desire vb. yesta- journey noun mentië
desire to go in some direction vb. direction, path, course, line, way
mína- noun tië
desire, greed noun milmë dirty, soiled adj. vára
desire, judgement noun náma discoloured, smeared adj. púrëa
desire, judgement noun námië disembodied spirit, phantom noun
desire, wish, want vb. mer- fairë

disgust, horror, pain interjection doom, final end, fate, fortune

horro noun manar
dish, small boat, vessel noun venë doom, final end, fate, fortune
disordered, confused, shattered, noun mandë
ruined adj. (or passive door noun fenna
participle?) rúcina dot or point placed above the line
dispositions and will of Eru, with of writing noun amatixë
regard to Creation as a whole dot or point placed below the line
noun Eämbar of writing noun unutixë
distant, far, wide, to a great extent dot, small spot noun pica
root element (apparently not dot, tiny mark, point noun tixë
appearing alone) palan- double adj. atwa
distribute in even portions vb. double adj.? tanta
estat- double vb. tatya-
distribute in even portions vb. dough noun maxë
etsat- dove noun cua
divide in middle, halve vb. perya- dove noun cucua
divided in middle, halved adj.? down below, underneath adv. nún
perina down, under, beneath adv. and
divinity, valahood noun valassë prep.? undu
do a thing (with fine work) vb. downfall noun atalantë
finya- downfallen adj. atalantëa
do back, react, avenge vb. accar- down-roof = cover vb. untúp-
do back, react, avenge vb. ahtar- downslope, slope, declivity noun
Do not!, I will not! exclamation pendë
vá drag, large, flat vehicle on wheels
do wrong, sin, trespass vb. úcar- or rollers for hauling stone or
doer, actor, agent noun tyaro other weighty material noun raxa
dog noun huo dragon noun angulócë
dog noun roa dragon, snake noun lócë
doing or making a thing very draught noun suhto
badly noun saucarë draught noun yulda
doing wrong noun uscarë (Þ) draw vb. tuc-
doing wrong noun uxarë draw water, scoop out, bale out
dome, copula noun telluma vb. calpa-
dome, cupola noun coromindo draw, pull vb. saca- (Þ)
dome, roof, canopy noun telumë dreadful, horrible, unendurable
Don't! negative imperative adj. naira
particle áva, avá dream noun olor
doom noun ambar dream (impersonal) vb. óla-
doom, fate, also name of tengwa dream, vision noun olos (olor-)
#6 noun umbar (umbart-) dream, vision noun maur
dreamy adj. olórëa

dreamy adj. olosta dusk, twilight, night noun lómë

dressed leather noun alu dusky, dark, obscure, secret adj.
drink vb. suc- nulla
drink vb. yul- dust noun asto
drink of the Valar noun limpë Dwarf noun Casar
drinking, carousal noun yulmë Dwarf noun =auco
drinking-vessel noun sungwa dwarf noun =orno
drinking-vessel (made of glass) dweller noun mardo
noun cilinyul dwelling noun farnë
drip vb. lipta- dwelling, place dwelt in noun
drooping, ailing adj. nimpa marda
drop noun limba dwelling or built fort surrounded
drowsy, slumbrous adj. lorda by bulwarks noun carassë
dry adj. parca dwelling underground, artificial
dryad, spirit of woods (fem.) noun cave noun hróta
tavaril dwelling, earth, home noun mar
dryad, spirit of woods (masc.) (mard-)
noun tavaro, tavaron dwelling, home, house noun már
dual ablative ending -ilto, (mar-)
dual ending -t dwelling-house noun martan
dual locative ending -tsë (martam-)
dumb adj. úpa dwindle, lessen, waning vb. píca-
dusk noun histë dying, death noun firië

eager to go, desiring to start adj.

E Earth, world noun ambar
mína earthen, earth adj. cemna
eagle noun sorno (Þ) Earth-queen, title of Yavanna
eagle noun soron (or sornë) (Þ) noun Kementári
ear noun hlas (hlar-) ease, assist, comfort vb. asya- (Þ)
ear noun lár ease, comfort noun asië (Þ)
earlier form of Sauron, before the easement, comfort, consolation
change th > s masc. name noun tiutalë
Thauron (Þauron) easily heard adj. asalastë (Þ)
earth noun cemen easily seen, visible adj. ascenë
earth noun kemen (Þ)
earth, earthen adj. cemna easily seen, visible adj. ascénima
earth, home, dwelling noun mar (Þ)
(mard-) east noun hrómen
earth, soil noun cén (cem-) east noun rómen, Rómen

eastern adj. hróna Elf, (high-) elf noun elda

eastern adj. orróna Elf-friend noun Eldandil
eastern adj. rómenya Elf-lovers noun Eldameldor
Eastern Men noun Hrónatani Elf-stone masc. name Elessar
Eastern, of the dawn adj. órëa elm noun albë
eat vb. mat- elm noun alvë
ebb, lowtide noun nanwë elm, elm-tree noun alalmë
ebb-tide noun lanwë (lanwi-) elm-tree noun lalmë
echo noun nalláma, nallama elongated, lengthened, ex-tended,
echo, ringing sound noun láma stretched adj. taina
echoing adj. lámina Elven-folk noun Eldalië
eddy, swirl, gyrate vb. hwinya- Elvenhome place-name Eldamar
eddy, whirlpool noun hwindë Elves as a race noun Quendi
edge, border, margin noun réna Elves of the Light, Light-elves pl.
edge, hem, border noun ríma noun Calaquendi
edible adj. mátima Elves remaining behind = Telerin
edible root noun sulca Ilkorins noun Lembi
eight cardinal toldo Elves that refused to go to Aman
eight cardinal tolto (= Avari) noun Avamanyar
eighteen cardinal nahta Elves who started on the march
eighteen cardinal toloquë (kw) from Cuiviénen but did not reach
eighth ordinal toldëa Aman noun Alamanya
eighth ordinal toltëa Elves, First-born (as contrasted to
elbow noun ólemë Apanónar, the After-born, Men).
Eldarin six-day week noun pl. noun Minnónar
enquië Elvish long year of 144 solar
Eldarin, Elvish adj. Eldarin years, 52, 596 days noun yén
Elder of the Two Trees of Valinor Elvish man noun quendu, pl.
(Telperion, the White Tree). name quendur
Silpion Elvish woman noun quendi, pl.
element meaning king or queen in quendir
compounds and names -tar or Elvish, Eldarin adj. Eldarin
tar- ember, smouldering wood noun
elephant noun andamunda yúla
eleven cardinal minquë eminent man, champion noun
Elf noun quendë aráto
Elf that refused to go to Aman, emit light vb. faina-
recusant noun avar emotion, excitement adj. walmë
Elf who departed from Beleriand emotion, impulse noun felmë
to Aman noun Aurel (Aureld-, empty adj. cumna
pl. Aureldi) empty, void adj. lusta
Elf who departed from Beleriand empty, wast, wide noun naira
to Aman noun Oarel (Oareld-) enchant vb. luhta-

enchantment noun lúcë ending occurring in the names of

enclose, bound vb. lanya- certain lands -sta
enclose, set bounds to/about vb. ending used to derive adverbs
yor- from adjectives -vë
enclosure noun panda ending used to form passive
enclosure, garden noun tarwa participles as well as some
end noun metta adjectives -na
end noun tyel (tyeld-) endless period noun oio
end (intransitive), finish vb. telë- endurance, lasting quality noun
end, cease vb. tyel- voronwië
end, point noun mentë enduring, continuous, lasting
ending ending -dur noun vórëa
ending noun tyelma enduring, long-lasting adj.
ending case called respective -s voronwa
ending for dual ablative -lto enemy noun cotto
ending for dual allative -nta enemy noun cotumo
ending for dual dative -nt enemy noun notto
ending for dual instrumental - enfold vb. vaita-
nten enfold noun waita- > vaita-
ending for dual possessive -twa enlaced, nettled adj. raina
ending for partitive pl. ablative - enough adj.? fárëa
lillo or -lillon enough adv. faren
ending for partitive pl. allative - enquire of, question vb. ces- (Þ)
linna or -linnar enquiry noun minasurie (Þ)
ending for partitive pl. dative -lin enquiry, communication noun
ending for partitive pl. genitive - centa
lion entangled adj. rembina
ending for partitive pl. entrails, bowels noun hir (hird-)
instrumental -línen entrap, net vb. remba-
ending for partitive pl. locative - envelope, especially of the Outer
lissë or -lissen Sea or Air enfolding the world
ending for partitive pl. possessive within the Ilurambar or world-
-líva walls noun vaia < waia (vaiya <
ending for passive participle -ina waiya)
ending forming nouns from envelope, especially of the Outer
verbal stems -ndë Sea or Air enfolding the world
ending forming nouns that seem within the Ilurambar or world-
properly to have been universal walls noun vaiya < waiya (vaia,
and abstract -lë waia)
ending frequent in names and envelope, especially of the Outer
titles, sometimes with an agental Sea or Air enfolding the world
significance -mo within the Ilurambar or world-
walls noun waia > vaia

envelope, especially of the Outer exchange vb. quapta-

Sea or Air enfolding the world excite, rouse, stir up vb. walta-
within the Ilurambar or world- excited, wild adj. walda
walls noun waiya > vaiya excitement, emotion adj. walmë
envenom, poison, fill with poison exclude, put aside, leave out,
vb. hloita- abandon, forsake vb. hehta-
errant adj. ránen excluding, except prep. hequa
erratic wandering noun ranya exelling, used as the comparative
escape vb. us- form of mára adj. arya
escape, issue noun uswë exercise of will, act of will noun
establish, fix, set up vb. tulca- nirmë
etcetera adv. arta Exiled Noldor noun Etyangol
eternal adj. oialëa (Etyangold-)
eternal adj. oira existing, actual, true adj. nanwa
even thou, emphatic 2nd person expand, open wide, spread,
sg. pronoun pron. elyë extend vb. palu-
evening noun sinyë (Þ) expand, open wide, spread,
evening, sunset, west noun extend vb. palya-
andúnë expansive, wide adj. palla
ever adv. vor, voro extend, open wide, spread,
ever, at all times? adv. úlumë? expand vb. palu-
ever, continually adv. voro, voro- extend, open wide, spread,
everlasting adj. oia expand vb. palya-
everlasting noun oirë ex-tended, lengthened, stretched,
everybody noun ilquen elongated adj. taina
everything noun ilqua extension, lengthening noun tailë
evil noun ulco (ulcu-) pl. ulqui extension, lengthening noun
evil, bad, wicked adj. olca taima
evil, bad, wicked, wrong adj. ulca extensive region with well-
evil, nasty adj. úra marked natural bounds noun
evil-doing noun hrúcarë yondë
evil-doing noun rúcarë Exterior Void beyond the World
evil-doing adj. saucarya noun Oiacúma
evil-smelling, foul, putrid adj. extremely, very adv. ita, íta
saura (Þ) eye noun hen (hend-)
exalted, lofty adj. arta eye, to examine (with the eyes),
examine, to eye vb. henta- scan; to read (silently) vb. henta-
excel vb. arya- Eyes of Heartsease, a name of the
excel, pass over, cross, surpass pansy noun Helinyetillë
vb. lahta- eye-screen, veil upon eyes noun
excell, surpass vb. ráta- henfanwa
except, excluding prep. hequa eyrie noun sornion
except, save prep. enga

face noun anta family, clan, house, kindred,
facsimile noun quanta emma, family noun nossë
quantemma fane, hallow noun ainas
fade vb. sinta- (Þ) fane, holy place, sanctuary noun
fail vb. quel- yána
fail, fall short of (transitive), miss far adj. haiya
vb. loita- far away adj. vaháya
failing, short, inadequate adj. far away beyond, further still
loica beyond adv. ambela
faint, pale, vague, dim to see adj far off, far away adj. háya
néca far, distant, wide, to a great extent
fair folk, beautiful, children of the root element (apparently not
Valar noun Vanimo appearing alone) palan-
fair of hair, blonde adj. waina, far, remote adj. avahaira
vaina far, remote adj. eccaira
fair, beautiful adj. vanima far, remote adj. haira
fair, beautiful adj. vanya farewell interjection namárië
fair, beautiful (of sound) adj. farewell lit. towards/to what is
linda good interjection márienna
fair, good adj. alya fasten vb. tac-
fair, loveable adj. melima fat, rich adj. lárëa
fair-minded, just, generous adj. fat, richeness noun lar
faila fat, thick adj. tiuca
faith, loyalty (not belief) noun fate noun marta
astar fate, doom, also name of tengwa
faithfulness, steadfastness, loyalty #6 noun umbar (umbart-)
noun voronwë fate, doom, final end, fortune
fall noun lanta noun mandë
fall vb. lanta- fate, fortune noun marto
fall noun lantë fate, doom, final end, fortune
fall in, collapse vb. atalta- noun manar
fall of snow noun hrissë fated, fey adj. marta
Fall of the Noldor (name of a father noun atar
song) noun =oldolantë father, daddy noun atto
fallow, pale adj. malwa fathom noun rangwë
fallow, pale, fawn adj. marya fawn, pale, fallow adj. marya
familiar, dear adj. moina fay of the country noun nandin
family, clan, family, house, fear noun caurë
kindred noun nossë


feast, festival noun meren final end, doom, fate, fortune

(merend-), merendë noun mandë
feather, also name of tengwa #4 final, last adj. telda
noun quessë find vb. hir-
February noun =énimë find vb. tuv-
February (alternative name of ) find out, bring out by examining,
noun Ercoirë or eyeing vb. ecces- (Þ)
feel disgust at, abhor vb. feuya- fine and delicately made adj.
feel fear or horror vb. ruc- finda
feel with the hand, stroke etc. vb. fine pierced hole noun terra
palta- fine rain noun timpë
fell, skin noun helma fine rain noun mistë
fell, terrible adj. aica fine rain, dew noun rossë
female adj. inya fine thread noun ipsin
feminine ending -issë fine, acute adj. tereva
feminine form of Ainu noun Aini finger noun leper
fence, border, boundary noun finger noun lepsë
yonwa finish off, make, or decorate a
fence, boundary noun pelo thing with delicate work vb.
fenced field noun peler finta-
festival noun asar (Þ) finish, end (intransitive) vb. telë-
festival, feast noun meren finish, wind up, conclude
(merend-), merendë (transitive) vb. telya-
festive adj. merya finite, within bounds, limited,
fetch, send for, summon vb. tulta- (well-)defined adj. lanwa
fey, fated adj. marta fire noun úr
field-spirit noun =ermi fire noun uru
fiery adj. uruitë fire as conflagration, wild fire
fiery adj. úruva noun aparuivë
fiery adj. uruvoitë fire as conflagration, wild fire
fiery red adj. narwa noun ruivë
fiery, blazing adj. ruina fire, blaze noun ruinë
fifteen cardinal lepenquë fire-dragon noun urulócë
fight, wield a weapon vb. mahta- fire-fading, autumn noun
fill vb. quanta- =arquelion
fill vb. quat- fireplace, hearth noun ruimen
fill with poison, poison, envenom firm, fixed, sure adj. tanca
vb. hloita- firm, solid adj. ronda
filth noun soa (söa ) firm, strong, immovable, steadfast
final adj. tyelima adj. tulca
final end, doom, fate, fortune firm, true adj. sanda (Þ)
noun manar first adj. esta
first adj. inga

first adj. minya flood noun luimë

first or index finger noun lepetas flood noun lúto
First-born, Elves (as contrasted to flood noun ulundë
Apanónar, the After-born, Men). flood, inundate vb. luita-
pl. noun Minnónar flood, inundate vb. oloiya-
fish noun lingwë (lingwi-) flooding, pouring, flowing adj.
fish (small) noun hala úlëa
fish-dragon, sea-serpent noun floor, base, ground noun talan
lingwilócë (talam-)
fist noun quárë (quár) flour (fine) noun mulma
fit, accommodate vb. camta- flour, meal noun porë (pori-)
fit, useful, good (of things) adj. flow vb. sir-
mára flow, float vb. lutta-
five cardinal lempë flow, float vb. lutu-
five cardinal lepenya flow, stream noun celumë
fix, set vb. panya- flower noun alma
fix, set up, establish vb. tulca- flower (small single) noun lotsë
fixed idea, will noun selma (Þ) flower that opened and shut
fixed idea, will noun thelma quickly with any change of light
(Þelma) noun pirindë
fixed, firm, sure adj. tanca flower that opened and shut
flag, shaped stone noun ambal quickly with any change of light
flame noun nár noun pirnë
flame noun nárë, flower, inflorescence, mass of
Flame of the West, sword-name flower noun lohtë
noun Andúril flower, inflorescence, mass of
flash noun íta flower noun lós (Þ)
flat adj. lára flower, mostly applied to larger
flat field, wang, plain noun palar single flowers noun lótë
flat of the hand noun palta flower, usually smaller noun lottë
flat, large vehicle on wheels or flowing, liquid adj. sírima
rollers for hauling stone or other flowing, pouring, flooding adj.
weighty material, drag noun raxa úlëa
fleece noun uë flute, pipe noun simpa
flesh noun hrávë flute, pipe noun simpina
flesh/substance of Arda, matter fly vb. ruc-
noun hrón fly vb. vil-
fleshy adj. sarqua fly vb. wil-
fling vb. hat- fly or stream in the wind; blow
flint-hearted adj. sincahonda vb. hlapu-
float, flow vb. lutta- fly, small insect noun pí
float, flow vb. lutu- foam vb. falasta-
flock noun lámárë foam noun fallë

foam, crest of wave noun wingë forsake, put aside, leave out,
foam, spray noun winga exclude, abandon vb. hehta
fog noun hiswë (Þ) fort, city, with a citadel and
foliage noun farnë central watch-tower noun
foliage noun olassië minassë
folk noun hos fort, fortress noun arta
follow vb. hilya- fortress, fort noun arta
Follower, an Elvish name of fortress, strong or fortified
Mortal Men as the Second-born building or place noun osto
of Ilúvatar oun Hildo fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich
follower, successor noun neuro adj. herenya
food noun matil fortune, doom, final end, fate
food noun matso noun manar
foot noun tál (tal-), tala pl. táli fortune, doom, final end, fate
footed adj. talaitë noun mandë
footprint, slot noun runya fortune, etymologically
for conj. and prep. an governance noun heren
for ever adv. tennoio fortune, fate noun marto
for me, to me pron. dative of ni forward adv. ompa
nin forward adv. póna
for/to which, for/to whom relative foul, evil-smelling, putrid adj.
pronoun in dative yan saura (Þ)
forbid, refuse vb. avaquet- foundation, base, root noun talma
forbidden, refused, banned adj. four prefix can-
avanwa four cardinal canta
force, press, thrust vb. nir- fourteen cardinal canaquë
forehead noun timbarë fourth ordinal cantëa
foreign adj. ettelëa fourth day of the Eldarin six-day
foresight noun apacenyë week, dedicated to Telperion, the
forest (great), wood noun taurë White Tree noun Aldëa
forested adj. taurëa fourth finger noun lepecan
forever, unceasing, without end fourth finger noun lepentë
adj. oiala fox noun rusco (ruscu-, pl.
forge noun tamin (taminn-) rusqui)
forge metal vb. maca- foxy adj. ruscuitë
forgive vb. avatyar- Fragrance-water, a lake in
forgive vb. apsene- Númenor noun =ísinen
former adj. noa fragrant adj. nísima
former days noun yárë Fragrant trees, a region in
former times noun yalúmë Númenor noun =ísimaldar
formerly, ago adv.? also frail, slender and drooping adj.
postposition (?) yá limpa
frail, small adj. nimpë (nimpi-)

frail, small adj. nípa friend, lover noun meldo

free adj. aranya friendly, loving adj. nilda
free adj. ranya friendship noun nilmë
free vb. rúna- frog noun quácë
Free (the), a name of the Teleri from prep. ho
noun Mirimor from prep. va
free from evil, blessed adj. aman from whom relative pronoun in
free of things: not guarded, ablative: yello
reserved, made fast, or owned from whom relative pronoun in
adj. lerina genitive yëo
free, let loose, let go vb. sen- from whom, of whom, pl. relative
free, of persons noun, adj. léra pron. Genitive pl. ion
free, open, cleared (of land) adj. from, away verbal prefix hó-
latin, latina from, by prep. ló, lo
free, released adj. lehta from, out of ablative ending -llo
freedom noun fairië frost noun nixë
fresh adj. virya frost, rime noun ringwë
fresh, green, yellow-green adj. frost-patterns noun niquis
wenya frozen adj. halcin
fresh, new adj. céva fruit noun yávë
fresh, new, young adj. winya full adj. quanta
freshness, greenness, youth noun full form of Andor, land of gift,
wén name of Númenor noun Andórë
friend ending -dil, -ndil, full of darkness, very dark adj.
friend noun málo lilómëa
friend ending -ndil full organized language, mouth-
friend final element in compounds system noun carpassë
-nil, full to the brim, with mouth full
friend noun seron adj. penquanta (peñ-)
friend (fem.) noun nildë fully, completely adv. aqua
friend (fem.) noun sermë fungus, sponge noun hwan
friend (feminine) noun meldë (hwand-)
friend (masc.) noun nildo furthermore, moreover conj. entë
friend (masc.) noun sermo future tense ending -uva
friend (masc.) noun nilmo

Galadriel, maiden crowned with a

G game, sport, play noun tyalië
radiant garland fem. name gap, gulf noun fásë
Altariel garden, enclosure noun tarwa

garland noun rië giver (fem.) noun antë

garlanded maiden noun riel (riell- giver (masc.) noun anto
) glabrous, smooth adj. passa
gash, slash noun cirissë glass noun calca
gate, also name of tengwa #5 glass noun cilin
noun ando glass noun hyellë
gather, assemble (transitive) vb. glass noun hyelma
comya- glass, crystal noun maril
gather, assemble (intransitive) vb. gleam (white) vb. ilca-
ócom- glint vb. tin-
gather, collect, assemble vb. glint noun tindë
hosta- glint noun wintil
gatherinf, meeting (of three or glinting, silver adj. tinda
more coming from different glinting, twinkling adj. (or
directions) noun yomenië participle?) itila
gathering, assembly, assemblage glitter vb. mirilya-
noun ocombë glittering light noun rilma
gathering, collection noun combë glittering reflection, radiance
gen. pl. ending -on (from jewels, glass or polished
generous, fair-minded, just adj. metals, or water) noun nalta
faila globe, ball noun coron
genitive ending -o globed, round adj. corna
gentle, soft adj. moica gloom, blight noun yaru
gentle, soft, weak adj. milya gloom, shadow noun lumbë
germ, seed noun erdë gloomy adj. lómëa
gesture, characteristic look noun gloomy adj. lumba
lengë gloomy, dark, black adj. morna
gesture-code noun hwermë Glorfindel (Quenya form of )
get old (intr.) also wear (out) vb. masc. name Laurefindil
yerya- glory, brilliance, splendour noun
giant noun norsa (Þ) alcar
gift noun anna glowing (things), hearty (people)
gimlet, auger noun teret adj. lúsina
girdle, belt noun quilta Gnomeland noun =oldomar
girl, daughter, sister, also used as Gnomes noun =urquendi
a play-name of the fourth finger go vb. lenna-
or fourth toe noun nettë (netti-) go vb. men-
girl, maid noun wen (wend-) go away, leave vb. auta-
give vb. anta- go away, migrate vb. lenweta-
give quick twist or move, jerk, go back, return, come back vb.
twitch vb. rihta- nanwen-
give thanks, thank vb. hanta- go round, revolve, return vb. pel-
given name noun anessë

go, proceed (in any direction), gore, spear-head, spear-point,

travel vb. lelya- triangle noun nasta
goblet noun súlo (súlu-, pl. súlwi) gospel noun evandilyon
goblet, bowl noun fion govern, wield, control vb. tur-
Goblins pl. noun Sancossi gracious, smiling adj. raina
god noun Aino grade noun tyellë
God, Power, angelic power noun grain noun orë (ori-)
Vala grandchild, descendant noun
going down, occident noun númë indyo
gold, also name of tengwa #18 grant, yield, allow vb. lav-
noun malta grasp, seize vb. mapa-
gold, but of golden light and grass noun salquë
colour, not of the metal noun grass, reed noun linquë
laurë great collection, crowd of things
golden, like gold adj. laurëa of same sort noun úmë
goldenly adverb laurië great flood noun oloirë
goldenness noun laurië great gale noun wanwa
golden-red adj. culina great gate noun andon (andond-)
Gondolin place-name Ondolindë great longing noun maivoinë
Gondor (Stone-land). place-name great number, crowd, host noun
Ondonórë, Ondórë rimbë
gone, lost, no longer to be had, great quantity, abundance noun
vanished adj. vanwa úvë
gong noun tombo great towering building, (fort,
good pref. amya- city, castle) tower noun taras
good (moral sense) adj. manë great towering building, (fort,
good fortune, blessedness noun city, castle) tower noun tarminas
almarë great tree noun taulë
good fortune, blessedness noun great tree noun táva
almië great, big, (in power) adj. túra
good fortune, wealth noun alma great, large prefix alat-
good health noun málë great, large adj. alta
good thing, blessing, piece of greed, desire noun milmë
good fortune noun almë greedy adj. milca
good, fair adj. alima green adj. laica
good, fair adj. alya green adj. laiqua
good, useful, fit (of things) adj. green as leaves, lit. green-leaf adj.
mára laicalassë
goods (pl.) noun armar green, yellow-green, fresh adj.
goose noun ván wenya
goose noun wán > ván Green-elf, Danian noun =ana
gore noun mëar Green-elves noun Laiquendi
green-foliage noun laicolassë

greenness noun laiquassë ground, floor, base noun talan

greenness, youth, freshness noun (talam-)
wén grow vb. ol-
grey adj. hiswa (Þ) grow continually vb. alála-
grey noun mísë (Þ) grow fat, swell vb. tiuya-
grey adj. mista grow, plant vb. ala-
grey adj. sinda (Þ) growl (of dog), murmur, grumble
grey, pale, silvery grey adj. sindë vb. nurru-
(Þ) growl, snarl noun yarra-
Grey-cloak, title of Elwë (Elu). grumble, murmur, growl (of dog)
noun Sindicollo (Þ) vb. nurru-
Grey-elf = Sinda noun Sindel guard, watch, watch over, heed
(Sindeld-) (Þ) vb. tir-
Grey-elven adj. sindarinwa (Þ) guardian noun cundo
greyness noun sindië (Þ) guess, suppose vb. intya-
grief, sorrow noun nyérë guilt, responsibility noun cáma
grievous, bitterly painful adj. gulf, gap noun fásë
naica gulf, ravine, cleft noun yáwë
grievously, ill, abominably prefix gull noun maiwë
nai- gum, resin noun suhtë
gyrate, swirl, eddy vb. hwinya-

habit noun haimë hammer noun namba
hail interjection aia hammer vb. namba-
hail interjection aiya hammerer of copper noun
hail! welcome! intejection alla! =ambarauto
hair (especially of the head) noun hams, buttocks noun hacca
findë hand noun má
hair or larch noun finë (fini-) hand noun nonda
Half-elf noun Perelda handed or handy, skilful adj.
hall noun mardë maitë (maiti-)
hallow vb. airita- hand-full; complete hand with all
hallow, bless, treat as holy vb. five fingers noun maqua
aina- hang, dangle vb. linga-
hallow, fane noun ainas happen, chance vb. marta-
halve, divide in middle vb. perya- happiness, blessedness noun
halved, divided in middle adj.? vald-
perina happy adj. valin

harbour, haven, small landlocked have vb. sam-

bay noun hópa have vb. sam-
harbourage noun hopassë have an impulse, be compelled to
harbourage noun londië do something noun horya-
hard adj. sarda have mercy, followed by locative:
hard adj. torna have mercy on vb. órava-
hard sound, a term for consonant, have not vb. pen-
but not used of semi-vowels noun have victory over, master, deafeat
sarda tengwë vb. turu-
hard to make / do adj. urcárima haven, harbour, small landlocked
hard to make / do adj. urcarnë bay noun hópa
hard to see, scarcely visible adj. having (divine) authority or
hraicenë power adj. valya
hard to see, scarcely visible adj. having beautiful hair adj. findel
hraicénima having hair, -haired adj. finda
hard, awkward, stiff, difficult adj. having hands adj. mavoitë
hranga having knowledge adj. istima
hard, difficult, arduous adj. urda having many elms adj. alalvëa
hare noun lapattë having many flowers adj. lilótëa
harp vb. nanda- having many leaves adj. lillassëa
harp noun nandë having many oak-trees adj.
harp noun tanta lindornëa
harp noun tantila having many poplars adj.
harper noun nandaro lintyulussëa
harping noun nandelë having many stars adj. lintitinwë
harping on one tune, continual having many years, old adj.
repetition. noun vorongandelë linyenwa
harp-player noun tyalangan having trees adj aldarwa
harsh, rending, violent adj. having wings adj. rámavoitë
naraca he pronominal ending -ro
hasp, clasp noun tangwa he, she independent emphatic
haste, violence, wrath, rushing pronoun essë
noun ormë he/him, she/her, it 3rd person sg.
hasty adj. orna pronominal ending -s
hasty, swift, agile adj. tyelca he/him, she/her, it/it pron. also
hat noun táta object 3rd person sg. se
hate vb. tevë- head noun cár (cas-)
hate vb. moc- head noun cas
hated adj. tevin head of hair noun findilë
hateful adj. sancë head of hair noun findilë
hatred noun tévië head of hair, a person's hair as a
hauberk, breast-plate noun whole noun findessë
ambassë headlong movement noun hatsë

heal, renew vb. envinyata- hem, edge, border noun ríma

hear vb. hlar- hen; barn fowl noun porocë
hearing, listening adj. lasta hence (from here) adv. silo
Heart of Flame, a name of the hence (from here) adv. sio
Sun noun =aira her, his, its 3rd person sg.
heart, center noun enda pronominal ending -rya
heart, inner mind, also name of herald noun tercáno
tengwa #21 noun órë herb noun laiquë
heart, mood, state noun indo herb, vegetable noun laiquë
hearth, fireplace noun ruimen here adv. hí
hearty (people), glowing (things) here adv. si
adj. lúsina here adv. sís
heat, also name of tengwa #36 here adv. síssë
noun úrë hero, noble man noun callo
heat, bake (by exposure to sun) hew vb. pelehta-
vb. asta- hew with a sword vb. mac-
heave vb. amorta- hew, cut vb. nac-
heave, shift, move vb. rúma- hidden adj. foina
heavens noun Menel hidden, concealed adj. furin
heavens, sky noun ilwë hidden, concealed adj. hurin
heavy adj. lunga hidden, secret adj. muina
heavyhanded adj. lungumaitë hidden, veiled, shadowed, shady
heed vb. cim- adj. halda
heed, watch, watch over, guard hide vb. lom-
vb. tir- hide vb. moru-
height, allative noun tárië hide vb. nurta-
heir noun aryon hideous creature and deformed,
heir, prince noun haryon monster noun ulundo
hell noun fatanyu hiding noun nurtalë
helm noun carma High Heaven place-name
helmet noun cassa Tarmenel
helmet noun castol high place noun tarmen
helmet noun harna high, lofty adj. orwa
helmet noun harpa high, lofty, noble adj. arata
helmet noun sól High-elf noun Tarelda
helmet noun solma High-elves = Lindar (=Vanyar)
helmet noun solos noun tarquendi
help one, cause to prosper, bless highest point, top noun inga
(a work) vb. alya- high-hall noun oromardë
helper noun sámo (Þ) high-king noun ingaran
helpful, kindly adj. asëa (Þ) High-men, the Noble followers,
hem noun lanë (lani-) referring to the Dúnedain noun
hem of robe noun lappa tarhildi

high-speech, or Qenya [Quenya]) hollow adj. unqua

noun tarquesta hollow cavity, bosom noun súma
hill noun ambo hollow hand noun camba
hill, lump, clump, mass noun hollow of hand noun cambë
umbo(n) hollow out vb. unca-
hill, mound noun tundo hollow, hole, also name of tengwa
hill-side, upward slope noun #16 noun unquë
amban holly noun ercassë
him (the other) pronoun hé holy adj aina
himself and herself reflexive holy adj. aira
pronoun 3rd person sg. personal holy adj. airë
insë holy adj. airëa
hindmost, last adj. tella holy adj. aista
hint, wink vb. hiuta- holy, blessed (of things) adj.
hip noun oswë ainima
his (and probably also her, its), holy one, angelic spirit; fem. Aini
said to be used in colloquial noun Ainu
Quenya pronominal suffix -ya holy place, fane, sanctuary noun
his, her, its 3rd person sg. yána
pronominal ending -rya holy thing or object or place noun
historical adj. lúmequentalëa aian
historical account noun quentasta holy thing or object or place noun
history noun lúmequentalë áyan
History of the Elves noun home (emotional sense) noun
Eldanyárë mélamar
history of the Valar noun home, earth, dwelling noun mar
Valaquenta (mard-)
history, account noun quentalë home, house, dwelling noun már
history, chronological account (mar-)
noun lumenyárë homestead noun osta
history, chronological account honey noun lís (lîs)
noun lúmequenta honey noun melu
history, tale, saga noun nyárë honey-bee noun nier
hither adv. simen honeycomb noun nehtë
hither adv. sir, sira honey-eating adj. melumatya
hive noun nierwes hood, covering noun telmë
Hobbit noun Perian (Periand-) hook that may be attached to a
hole, hollow, also name of tengwa tengwa letter to indicate a
#16 noun unquë following s noun sa-rincë
hole, lair noun ecca hook, also name of tengwa #14
hole, opening, mouth noun assa noun ampa
hole, pit noun latta hook, catch noun atsa
holiday noun meryalë hooked, crooked adj. rempa

hope, trust noun estel hound noun hú

horde, host noun horma hound noun huan (hún-)
horn noun rasco hound of chase noun ronya
horn noun rassë house noun coa
horn noun róma house, clan, family, kindred,
horn noun tarca family noun nossë
horn of Ulmo, shell, conch noun house, home, dwelling noun már
hyalma (mar-)
horn, spike noun tildë how? interrogative manen
horn, trumpet noun romba hue, colour noun quilë
horned adj. tarucca huge adj. haura
horrible adj. norta huge adj. haura
horrible, dreadful, unendurable huge, vast adj. yána
adj. naira humble adj. or passive participle
horror noun norto nucumna
horror, pain, disgust interjection hump noun tumpo (tumpu-)
horro humpback noun cauco
horse noun olombo humped, bent adj. numba
horse noun rocco hungry adj. maita
horseman, rider, knight noun hunt, hunting noun roimë
roquen hunting, hunt noun roimë
host noun liyúmë hurt, pain vb. mala-
host, , crowd, great number noun husband noun venno
rimbë husband noun veru
hostile adj. cotya hush, rest, quiet noun quildë
hostile, powerful, and terrible hyacinth (plant, not jewel) noun
creature noun rauco linquë

I 1st person sg. pronominal suffix

I ice noun helcë
-nyë ice-cold, icy adj. helca
I emphatic independent 1st icy, ice-cold adj. helca
person sg. pronoun inyë idea noun inca
I pronominal ending, 1st person idea, conception noun nó (nów-)
sg. -n idea, conception noun noa
I 1st person sg. pron. ni identical, same, selfsame adj.
I will not! or Do not! exclamation imya
vá idol noun cordon
I, I myself emphatic independent if conj. qui
1st person sg. pronoun imnë

if anybody, whoever pron. in that day adv. enyárë

aiquen in that day adv.? tárë
if it be so, may be, perhaps adv. in that way, therefore adv. tanen,
cenasit tánen
if it be so, may be, perhaps adv. in the place (referred to) adv.
canasta tanomë
if it be that conj. cenai in this way; so adv. sinen
Ilcorin adj. Alcorin in what place? interrogative word
ill, grievously, abominably prefix manomë?
nai- in which relative pronoun in
illuminate vb. calya- locative yassë
imagination noun intyalë in, at preposition se, long sé
imagination noun isima (Þ) in-, not-, un- prefix denying
imagination noun nausë (Þ) presence or possession of thing or
imagination, mind noun síma quality ú-
immortal adj. ilfirin in, within prep. imi
immovable, firm, strong, steadfast in, within prep. mi
adj. tulca in, within prep. mil
impeded adj. tapta inaction, not-doing (in general)
impel, urge, move, only of mental noun lacarë
impulse vb. or- inadequate, failing, short adj.
impend, be imminent – nearly loica
always in a bad sense vb. úva- inadequate, lacking adj. penya
imperative particle a.á incarnates pl. noun mirroanwi
implement noun yaima incitement noun siulë
important adj. valdëa incline, slope vb. penda-
impossible to recount adj. inclined, sloping down adj.
únyárima penda
impulse noun hórë indeed adverbial particle é
impulse, emotion noun felmë index finger noun tassa
impulsive adj. hórëa index or first finger noun lepetas
in ablative pl. relative pron. illon indicate, point to vb. leptenta-
in certain names like Yávien, indicate, point to, direct toward
Silmarien fem. ending -ien vb. tenta-
in front of, before (of spatial indicate, show vb. tana-
relationships); after (of time) indicating something forbidden
prep. opo prefix ava-
in front of, before, (of spatial indication, sign noun tengwë
relationships) after (of time) prep. individual, person noun nassë
po, pó induce vb. sahta- (Þ)
in front of, before, (of spatial inducement to do wrong noun
relationships) after (of time) prep. úsahtië (Þ)
pono infinitive (or gerundial) ending -ië

inflorescence noun alalmë iron hard, lit. hard-iron adj.

inflorescence, flower, mass of tornanga
flower noun lohtë iron, smooth vb. pasta-
inflorescence, flower, mass of iron, steel noun erë, eren
flower noun lós (Þ) is vb. ëa
injure vb. hyan- is (am) vb. ná
ink noun móro island, isle noun tol
inner mind, heart, also name of isle, island noun tol
tengwa #21 noun órë isolated tower noun mindo
insert vb. mitta- issue, escape noun uswë
insight, literally through-sight isthmus, bridge, joining noun
noun tercen yanwë
instrumental ending -nen isthmus, narrow neck noun yatta
intellect noun handelë it pron. 3rd person sg sa
intelligence noun handassë it freezes vb. hilcin
intelligence, knowledge, it freezes, it is cold vb. niquë
understanding noun handë it is cold, it freezes vb. niquë
intelligent, understanding adj. it is not that (emphatic word for
handa no?) interjection uito
interior adj. mitya it is snowing vb. hríza
intermediary, mediator noun it is that (emphatic word for yes?)
enelmo interjection náto
interrogative word mana it, he/him, she/her 3rd person sg.
into prep. mina pronominal ending -s
into prep. minna it, that pron. ta
inundate, flood vb. luita- it/it he/him, she/her pron. also
inundate, flood vb. oloiya- object 3rd person sg. se
invent vb. auta- its, his, her 3rd person sg.
invention noun aulë pronominal ending -rya
inwards prep. minta itself impersonal reflexive
inwards prep. mitta pronoun imma
iron noun anga itself impersonal reflexive
pronoun 3rd person sg. insa

jacket, cloak noun vacco

J January (alternative name of )
jagged hedge of spikes noun noun Meterrívë
caraxë jaw noun nangwa
January noun =arvinyë jaws, row of teeth noun anca


jerk, give quick twist or move, judge vb. nav-

twitch vb. rihta- judgement, desire noun náma
jerk, twitch, trick, sudden move judgement, desire noun námië
noun rinca juice noun sáva
Jesus masc. name Yésus juice, syrup noun pirya
jewel noun mírë July noun Cermië
joining, bridge, isthmus noun July (alternative name of ) noun
yanwë =ólairë
journey noun lenda jump, leap vb. cap-
journey, passage, direction of June noun Ellairë
travel noun mentië June. noun =árië
joy, merriment noun alassë just, fair-minded, generous adj.
judge vb. ham- faila
judge vb. nam-

keep on knocking, knock vb. kingsfisher noun halatirno
tamba- kingship noun aranus(së)
kept, restrained, delayed adj. kiss vb. miqu-
hampa knee noun occa
kind, species noun nostalë knife, dagger noun sicil
kindle vb. narta- knight, horseman, rider noun
kindle, cause to sparkle vb. tinta- roquen
kindly, helpful adj. asëa (Þ) knob, short rounded handle noun
kindred, clan, family, house, tolma
family noun nossë knock, keep on knocking vb.
king noun aran tamba-
king (only used of the legitimate knock, strike vb. pet-
kings of whole tribes) noun tár knoll, round head noun nóla
King of the Noldor noun knot noun narda
=oldóran knot, bond noun nútë
king, chieftain noun haran know vb. ista-
(harn-) knowing, knowledge noun sívë
King’s-land = Arnor noun knowledge noun ista
Arandóre knowledge noun istya
kingdom noun aranië knowledge, knowing noun sívë
Kingdom of Arda noun knowledge, long study, lore noun
Ardaranyë nólë
kingsfisher noun halatir knowledge, Philosophy (including
(halatirn-) Science) noun =olmë

knowledge, understanding, known, certain, ascertained

intelligence noun handë passive participle sinwa
known, certain, ascertained adj. k-series, velar series: the third
sína column of the Tengwar system
noun calmatéma

labour, be afflicted vb. moia- language as abstract or
labour, toil noun móta- phenomenon noun tengwestië
lace, network noun raimë language of the Eldar noun Elda-
lacking, inadequate adj. penya lambë
lady noun heri language of the hands noun
lady noun quimellë mátengwië
lair, hole noun ecca language of the Noldor enslaved
lake noun nendë by Morgoth noun mólanoldorin
lake, pool noun ailin language, speech noun pahta
lament vb. naina- language, system or code of signs
lament vb. nainaina- noun tengwesta
lament noun nairë language, tongue noun lambë
lament noun noi language, tongue noun quetil
lament vb. nyéna- large (of quantity) suffix -úmë
lamp noun calar large number noun ahosta
lamp, light noun calma large number noun hosta
lampwright noun calmatan large sword noun falquan
land ending -ndor large, big adj. höa
land noun nór large, flat vehicle on wheels or
land (associated with a particular rollers for hauling stone or other
people) noun nórë weighty material, drag noun raxa
land (or people) of the Valar large, great prefix alat-
place-name Valinor large, great adj. alta
land of many Elms noun large, strong man noun nerdo
alalbinóre lark noun aimenal, aimenel
land of many Elms noun lark noun lirulin
alalvinore last adj. métima
land of the Valar place-name last day of the Eldarin six-day
Valandor week, dedicated to the Valar noun
land-locked haven noun londë Valanya
language noun lambelë last day of year noun quantien
language noun tengwelë last year noun (or adv.?) yenya

last year of a century in the leave, go away vb. auta-

Númenórean calendar noun lebethron, a hard-wood tree
haranyë growing in Gondor noun lepetta
last, final adj. telda left adj. hyarya
last, hindmost adj. tella left behind adj. lemba
lasting quality, endurance noun left hand noun hyarma
voronwië lefthanded adj. hyarmaitë
lasting, continuous, enduring lengthened, ex-tended, stretched,
noun vórëa elongated adj. taina
laugh vb. lala- lengthening, extension noun tailë
Laurelin (another name of) noun lengthening, extension noun
Culúrien taima
law, rule noun sanyë (Þ) less adverbial particle mis
law, rule, commandment noun -less suffix -valta
axan -less adjectival ending -viltë
law-abiding, regular, normal adj. -less, without prefix nec-
sanya (Þ) -less, without suffix -enca
lawn, sward noun palis -less, without ending -lóra
lay, song noun lirilla lessen, dwindle, waning vb. píca-
lead noun lanu lesser firmament, a great dome
lead (+ allative) vb. tulya- covering Valinor, made by Varda
lead (+ allative: lead into) vb. and full of star-imagines noun
mittanya- =ur-menel
leader, prince noun condo let go, let loose, free vb. sen-
leaf noun lassë let go, release, set free vb. lerya-
leaf-fall = Autumn noun let loose, free, let go vb. sen-
lasselanta letter noun tengwa
leaf-shaped adj. lassecanta letter, sign noun sarat
league, a linear measure, 5000 lick vb. lapsa-
rangar noun lár lick vb. lav-
leaning, sloping, tilted adj. talta lick up, sup, sip vb. salpa-
leap vb. halta- lie noun furu
leap, jump vb. cap- lie noun huru, see furu
leap, run vb. nor- lie (= lie down, not tell something
leaping adj. haloitë untrue) vb. caita-
learn, acquire information, not by lie, conceal vb. fur-
experience but by instruction in life noun cuilë
words or writing vb. par- life (individual) noun vehtë
learned man, scholar noun istyar life-bread noun coimas
learned, wise adj. nóla light noun cala
leave vb. lesta- light noun cálë
leave out, put aside, exclude, light snow noun is
abandon, forsake vb. hehta- light, bright adj. et nom calina

light, lamp noun calma living being noun coitë

Light-elves, Elves of the Light pl. living creature noun wëo
noun Calaquendi living thing that moves, animal
light-fated adj.? calambar noun celva
lightly tripping adj. norolinda lo! interjection yé
like a wilwarin or butterfly adj. loaf noun cornë
wilwarindëa loathe, abhor vb. yelta-
like gold, golden adj. laurëa loathing noun yelmë
like stars, starlike adj. elvëa loathsome adj. yelwa
like that, so, also adv. ta locative ending -ssë
like, as prep. ve lock, tress noun findelë
like what? interrogative word lofty adj. tára
ma? lofty, exalted adj. arta
liken vb. sesta- lofty, high adj. orwa
lily, or other large single flower lofty, high, noble adj. arata
noun indil lonely, solitary adj. eressëa
limited, within bounds, finite, long adj. anda
(well-)defined adj. lanwa long adv. ando
line, path, course, direction, way long ago, once upon a time adv.
noun tië andanéya
line, row, series noun téma long and thin, straight, narrow
linger vb. lenda- adj. lenwa
link noun limë (limi-) long beard noun fangë
lion noun rá (ráv-) long for vb. milya-
lip noun pé long study, lore, knowledge noun
lip noun pempë nólë
liquid, flowing adj. sírima long sword noun andamacil
listen vb. lasta- long trailing plant, especially
listening, hearing adj. lasta seaweed noun uilë
literally growth, used of a solar long, trailing adj. sóra
year (= coranar) noun loa long-lasting, enduring adj.
Little adj. pia voronwa
little adj. pitya look afar, watch vb. palantíra-
little finger noun lepinca look at vb. yéta-
little finger noun lepincë looking-glass, mirror noun
little finger noun nícë cilintír, cilintilla
little glass noun lipil loom noun lanwa
little harp noun nandellë loom noun windelë
little lady noun hérincë loose, slacken vb. lehta-
little man, a diminutive of nér loose, slacken vb. lenca-
noun nercë lord noun hér
little, tiny adj. titta lord of cloud, surname of Mandos
living adj. coirëa masc. name Fantur

lord of Death-cloud, surname of lower, brood vb. luvu-

Mandos noun =urufantur lowlying, deep, low adj. tumna
Lord of the West noun númeheru lowtide, ebb noun nanwë
lord, master noun heru, hér loyal companion, trusty follower
lordship noun hérë trusty follower, loyal companion
lore, long study, knowledge noun trusty follower, loyal
nólë companion
loremaster noun ingolmo loyal, steadfast, trusty adj. sarta
lost, gone, no longer to be had, loyalty, faith (not belief) noun
vanished adj. vanwa astar
loud sound, trumpet-sound noun loyalty, steadfastness, faithfulness
róma noun voronwë
love noun melmë luck noun valto
love (as friend) vb. mel- lump, hill, clump, mass noun
loveable, fair adj. melima umbo(n)
lovely, beautiful, desirable adj. lunar month noun ránasta
írima lust noun mailë
lover (fem.) noun melissë lustful adj. mailëa
lover (masc.) noun melindo lying heavy, burdensome,
lover, friend noun meldo oppressive, ominous adj. lumna
loving, affectionate adj. méla lying in bed, sickness noun
loving, friendly adj. nilda caimassë
low, lowlying, deep adj. tumna lyre noun salma
lower air, air noun wilma

made fast, free of things: not maiden suffix, a frequent ending
guarded, reserved, or owned adj. in feminine names -wen
lerina maiden noun wendë > vendë
made with difficulty adj. maiden crowned with a radiant
urucarin garland, Galadriel fem. name
magic adj. sairina Altariel
magic glassy substance of great maiden, virgin noun vendë <
lucency used in fashioning the wendë
Moon. Used of things of great and maidenhood noun wendelë
pure transparency noun vírin maidenly, virginal adj. vénëa
Maia who became evil and make network or lace vb. raita-
followed Melkor, like the Balrogs make network; make lace vb. rëa-
noun Úmaia make ready (promptly) vb. ferya-
maid, girl noun wen (wend-)

make run, specially used of riding mass, hill, lump, clump noun
horses or other animals vb. norta- umbo(n)
make spin, stir vb. quir- mast noun tyulma
make war vb. ohtacar- mast, beechnuts noun ferna
make, build vb. car- master, deafeat, have victory over
make, finish off, or decorate a vb. turu-
thing with delicate work vb. master, lord noun heru, hér
finta- masterful, mighty adj. túrëa
male noun hanu mastery, victory, strength, might,
male noun hanwa power noun túrë
mallorn noun maldornë matrimony noun vesta
man noun nér (ner-) matter, flesh/substance of Arda
man (adult) noun vëaner noun hrón
manhood, vigour noun vië May (alternative name of ) noun
manly, adult, vigorous adj. vëa =ótuilë
manner, method = way noun lé may be cé, ce
mansion of the high airs, the may be, if it be so, perhaps adv.
dwelling of Manwë and Varda cenasit
upon Oiolossë noun Ilmarin may be, if it be so, perhaps adv.
man-spearhead, a battle-formation canasta
noun nernehta may it be so, amen interjection
mantle, veil, cloak vb. fanta- násië
many adj. limbë mead, a special wine or cordial
many prefix lin- noun miruvor
mar vb. hasta- meal noun mulë
marble noun alas (alast-) meal, flour noun porë (pori-)
March noun Súlimë meal, meal time noun mat (matt-
March (alternative name of ) noun )
=ócoirë mean, contemptible adj. faica
margin, edge, border noun réna measure noun lesta
mariner noun ciryamo meat, cooked food noun apsa
mark, post noun talca mediator, intermediary noun
mark, sign especially diacritics enelmo
denoting vowels in Fëanorian meeting (meeting or junction of
writing noun tehta the directions of two people) noun
marry vb. verta- omentië
marry vb. verya meeting, gathering (of three or
mason (sculptor) noun ontamo more coming from different
mass of flower, flower, directions) noun yomenië
inflorescence noun lohtë melodious adj. lindelëa
mass of flower, flower, melody, musical sound noun lin,
inflorescence noun lós (Þ) lind-


mental message, thought-sending mind mastership noun

noun sanwë-menta incánus(së)
mere, pool noun lóna mind, imagination noun síma
mermaid noun oaris (oarits-) mind-mood noun inwisti
merriment, joy noun alassë mind-picture noun indemma
mesh noun rembë mine, cave, underground dwelling
message, sending noun menta noun felco
metal noun rauta mirror, looking-glass noun
metal, also name of tengwa #1 cilintír, cilintilla
noun tinco miserable adj. angayanda
method, manner = way noun lé misery noun angayassë
mewing, whining noun miulë miss, fail, fall short of (transitive)
middle adj. endëa vb. loita-
middle adj. endya > enya mist noun hísë (Þ) (hísi-)
middle adj. enya < endya mist noun hísië (Þ)
middle finger noun lepenel mistake noun loima
middle finger (in children's play), mistake in speech noun loiquetë
brother noun hanno mistake in writing noun loiparë
middle, center noun endë mistaken action noun loicarë
middle, central adj. enetya mistaken doing prefix denoting
middle, central adj. entya, enetya loi-
middle-days in the calendar of mocking, scorn noun yaiwë
Imladris noun enderi moist, dewy adj. nítë (níti-)
Middle-earth place-name mole noun noldarë
Endamar mole noun nolpa
Middle-earth, centre of the world monster noun úvanimo
place-name Endor monster (a name of Melko) noun
Midyear week, week of the Trees Ulban (Ulband-)
noun Aldalemnar monster, deformed and hideous
might, power (inherent) noun creature noun ulundo
melehtë month noun asta
might, mastery, victory, strength, mood, change of mind noun inwis
power noun túrë mood, heart, state noun indo
mighty adj. melehta Moon noun Isil (Þ)
mighty adj. meletya moonlight noun isilmë (Þ)
mighty adj. taura more adj. and noun amba
mighty, masterful adj. túrëa more adv. ambë
migrate, go away vb. lenweta- more adv. ambë
milch cow noun yaxë more adverbial particle lil
mind noun sáma moreover, furthermore conj. entë
mind noun sanar morning noun arin
mind master noun inkáno morning (early) noun artuilë
mind master noun inkánu

morning in the adjectival sense mouth-sign = consonant noun

adj. arinya náva-tengwë
mortal adj. fírima mouth-system, full organized
mortal noun Fírimo language noun carpassë
Mortal noun Firya move (intransitive) vb. lev-
mortal man noun firë move, shift, heave vb. rúma-
most, very intensive or move, urge, impel, only of mental
superlative prefix an- impulse vb. or-
mother noun amal much adv. olë
mother noun amil much adj. olya
mother noun ammë mud noun luxo (luxu-)
mother noun emel multiplicative prefix li-, lin-
mother noun emil mummy noun amilyë
mother, begetter (fem.) noun mummy noun emenya
ontaril mummy noun emmë
mother, mummy noun mamil mummy noun emya
mound noun coron mummy noun milyë
mound noun cumbë mummy, mother noun mamil
mound, circular enclosure noun murky adj. huiva
cormen murmur, grumble, growl (of dog)
mound, hill noun tundo vb. nurru-
mound, pile noun hahta muscle, sinew, vigour, physical
mountain noun oron (oront-) strength noun tuo
mountain pass, ravine noun music noun lindalë
falqua music noun lindelë
mountain peak noun aicassë musical sound noun lingë
mountain-dwelling noun musical sound, melody noun lin,
orofarnë lind-
mountain-top noun orotinga musician, composer noun
mountain-top noun orto lindimaitar
mouth noun carpa my possessive pron ninya
mouth noun náva my pronominal suffix, 1st person
mouth, in the sense of interior sg. possessive -nya
cavity behind the teeth, my child, my son noun onya
containing tongue noun songa my daddy, my father noun
mouth, in the sense of mouth- tatanya
opening with lips as the edges my father, my daddy noun
noun ópa tatanya
mouth of a river noun etsir my mother used in address noun
mouth, also name of tengwa #13 amya
noun anto my son, my child noun onya
mouth, hole, opening noun assa myself reflexive pronoun 1st
person sg. imnë

myself reflexive pronoun 1st myself, oneself, themselves etc

person sg. imni reflexive pronominal ending –xë

nail noun nyelet pl. nyelexi name of tengwa #24 also air, sky
nail noun taxë noun wilya
naked, of persons adj. parca name of tengwa #29, also
naked, stripped bare adj. helda starlight silmë
name vb. esta- name of tengwa #35 also bridge
name (later) of Tengwa #31, noun yanta
name noun essë name of tengwa #36 also heat
name of a Green-elf (Laiquendi) noun úrë
noun =ando name of tengwa #4, also feather
name of a star (or planet) noun quessë
tentatively identified with Uranus name of tengwa #5, also gate
noun =énar noun ando
name of Númenor, full form of name of tengwa #6, also fate,
Andor, land of gift noun Andórë doom noun umbar (umbart-)
name of one of the great Lamps name of tengwa #8 also spider's
noun Ringil web noun ungwë
name of tengwa #1, also metal name of tengwa #9, also spirit,
noun tinco breath noun súlë (Þ) (súli-)
name of tengwa #11, also rage name of the Maia that became
noun aha Gandalf noun Olórin
name of tengwa #12, breeze, name of the Teleri noun Solonel
breath, puff of air noun hwesta (Soloneld-)
name of tengwa #13, also mouth name of the Teleri, apparently
noun anto Shore-singers noun Falanyel
name of tengwa #14, also hook (Falanyeld-)
noun ampa name of tree noun taniquelassë
name of tengwa #16 also hole, name, also later name of Tengwa
hollow noun unquë #31 noun essë
name of tengwa #18, gold noun narrator noun quentaro
malta narrow adj. arca
name of tengwa #2, also book narrow adj. náha
noun parma narrow neck, isthmus noun yatta
name of tengwa #21, also heart, narrow path, ravine noun axa
inner mind noun órë narrow, long and thin, straight
adj. lenwa

nasal adj. nengwëa night noun ló

nasty, evil adj. úra night, blackness, dark, darkness
natural death (as act) noun fairë noun mórë
nausea, sickness noun quámë night, dusk, twilight noun lómë
nauseous, sick adj. quámëa nightingale noun morilindë
nay, no, intejection of displeasure nine cardinal nertë
/ dissent interjection fó nineteen cardinal neterquë
Nazgûl noun Úlairë no interjection ui
near adj.? adv.? har, harë no indeed not, on the contrary
nearer to, (to a further point in the negation lá umë > laumë
motion) towards an object adv. no indeed not, on the contrary
ambena negation lala
nearer to, (to a further point in the no indeed not, on the contrary
motion) towards an object adv. negation lau
amna no indeed not, on the contrary
necessity noun sangië (Þ) negation laumë < lá umë
neck noun yat (yaht-) no longer to be had, gone, lost,
neck, the bony part of the neck, vanished adj. vanwa
rock ridges noun acas, axë no, nay, intejection of displeasure
necklace, carcanet noun firinga / dissent interjection fó
need noun maurë no, not adv. alaië
neighbour noun armaro no, not negation la
neighbour noun asambar, no, not adv. lá
asambaro no, not adv. laia
Nessa-beloved, name of a tree no, not adv. lánë
adj. nessamelda no, not adv. lanyë
net noun raima no, un- (prefix) il-
net, entrap vb. remba- noble noun arato
net, web noun natsë noble noun arquen
nettled, enlaced adj. raina noble prefix Ara-, ar-
network, lace noun raimë noble man, hero noun callo
new adj. sinya noble, high, lofty adj. arata
new moon noun ceuran- noise noun hlóna
new sun after solstice noun noise noun ran (ram-)
ceuranar noise, sound noun hlón
new, fresh adj. céva Noldo-history noun =oldo-
new, fresh, young adj. winya quentasta (Ñoldo-)
Newyear's Day noun Vinyarië Noldo-jewel, another word for
next adv. ento Silmaril noun =oldomírë lit.
nickname, after-name noun Noldorin, of the Noldor adj.
epessë =oldorinwa
nicotiana, pipeweed noun nominative plural ending -i
alenessë, alanessë nominative plural ending -r

Non-Aman Elves, Elves who not possible to count, countless

never dwelt in Aman noun adj. únótima
Úmaneldi not to be said adj. avaquétima
normal, regular adj. vorosanya not to be told or related adj.
(Þ) avanyárima
normal, regular, law-abiding adj. not to do, not to be vb. um-
sanya (Þ) not veiled or obscure, perspicuous
north noun Formen adj. úfanwa
northern adj. formenya not veiled, unveiled adj. úfanwëa
northern adj. forna not, un- negative prefix ala-
northern adj. fortë (forti-) not-, un-, in- prefix denying
nose noun nengwë (nengwi-) presence or possession of thing or
nose, snout, cape noun mundo quality ú-
not be, not do vb. u- not-doing, inaction (in general)
not be, not do negative verb ua- noun lacarë
not concealable adj. úfantima nothing pron. munta
not counted, uncounted adj. November noun Hísimë (Þ)
únotë, únotëa November (alternative name of )
not do, not be negative verb ua- noun Errívë
not do, not be vb. u- now adv. sí
not enough adj. ufárëa now, form of sí often occurring
not for ever. adv. ullumë before vowels adv. sin
not guarded, free of things: number noun nótë
reserved, made fast, or owned numberless adj. avanótë
adj. lerina Númenórean noun Turcil
not of Kor, describing Elves not numeral noun notessë
of the Blessed Realm noun numerous adj. rimba
Ilcorin nymph noun wingil (wingild-)

O vocative particle a
O obscurity, shadow, stain noun
oak noun nordo mordo
oak noun norno observe, watch vb. cenda-
oath, bond, troth, compact noun occasion, time noun lú
vérë occident, going down noun númë
oath, pledge, solemn promise ocean noun airon
noun vanda ocean noun eäron
obliged, bound adj. nauta October noun =arquelië
obscure, dark, dusky, secret adj. October (alternative name of)
nulla noun =óquellë

odour noun olmë on behalf of, followed by dative

of flat ground dotted with hills prep. hrá
etc. adj. ambuna on fire adj. urwa
of insight adj. tercenya on the contrary adv. úsië
of iron adj. angaina on the contrary, no indeed not
of or belonging to the Valar, negation lá umë > laumë
divine adj. valaina on the contrary, no indeed not
of silver adj. telemna negation lala
of silver adj. telepsa on the contrary, no indeed not
of silver adj. telpina negation lau
of slave(s), slavish adj. móla on the contrary, no indeed not
of stone adj. sarna negation laumë < lá umë
of that sort, such adj. taitë on the contrary, on the other
of the dawn, Eastern adj. órëa hand, but conj. ná
of the stars adj. elena on, with reference to contact of
of this sort adj. sítë surfaces, especially vertical
of tin adj. latucenda surface prep. pá, pa
of tongue, spoken with tongue once upon a time noun in locative
adj. lambina yalúmessë
of what sort? interrogative word once upon a time noun in locative
maitë? yáressë
of whom, pl., from whom relative once upon a time adv. yassë
pron. Genitive pl. ion once upon a time, long ago adv.
of wood adj. taurina andanéya
of wool, woollen adj. toa once, at one time (in the past) nëa
off, away verbal prefix au- one numeral min
oil noun millo one numeral minë
ointment noun laivë One (the) = God noun Eru
old adj. enwina One (the) = God noun Eruva
old, having many years adj. one eighth (1/8) fraction tosta
linyenwa one eighth (1/8). fraction tolsat
old, worn adj. yerna one eighth (1/8). fraction tolosta
olden adj. yalúmëa one eleventh (1/11) fraction
olden adj. yárëa minquesta
ominous, lying heavy, one fifth (1/5) fraction lepesta
burdensome, oppressive adj. one fifth (1/5) fraction lepsat
lumna one fourth (1/4) fraction canasta
omnificent adj. ilucara one fourth (1/4) fraction cansat
omnipotent adj. iluvala one fourth (1/4) fraction casta
omniscient adj. iluisa (Þ?) one half (1/2) fraction peresta
on (contact of vertical surfaces) one half (1/2) fraction perta
prep. apa


one lost or forsaken by friends, open vb. latya-

waif, outcast, outlaw noun hecil open wide, spread, expand,
(masc. hecilo, fem. hecilë) extend vb. palu-
one ninth (1/9) fraction neresta open wide, spread, expand,
one ninth (1/9) fraction nersat extend vb. palya-
one ninth (1/9) fraction nesta open, free, cleared (of land) adj.
one not of Aman, Elda that did latin, latina
not reach Aman noun Úmanya open, unfurl, spread out vb.
one not of Aman, Elfe noun panta-
Úamanya opening noun latya
one of a pair of twins; pl. ónoni opening, hole, mouth noun assa
twins noun onóna opening, unfolding, revealing
one of the Lamps of the Valar noun pantië
noun Ormal openness noun látië
one of the people of the Noldor oppressive, lying heavy,
noun noldo burdensome, ominous adj. lumna
one seventh (1/7) fraction osta or conj. var
one seventh (1/7) fraction otosta orange (colour not fruit) adj.
one seventh (1/7) fraction otsat culuina
one sixth (1/6) fraction enquesta orange (fruit not colour) noun
one tenth fraction quaista culuma
one third (1/3) fraction neldesta orange-tree noun culumalda
one third (1/3) fraction nelesta Orc, pl. orcor or orqui noun orco
one third (1/3) fraction nelsat order noun heren
one third (1/3) fraction nelta order, announcement noun canwa
one twelfth fraction yunquesta order, command vb. can-
one who trespasses, debtor noun other adj.? exa
lucando other adj. hyana
one who trespasses, debtor noun other person noun hye
lucindo other thing conj. or noun hya
one with very great knowledge other, another noun eces
noun ingólemo other, another noun exë
one, alone cardinal er our pronominal ending 1stperson
one, single adj.? erëa pl. exclusive -lma
one, somebody noun -quén our 1st person pl. exclusive
(quen-) independent possessive pronoun
one, someone, anyone indefinite menya
pronoun o our 1st person dual exlusive
oneself, myself, themselves etc possessive ending -mma
reflexive pronominal ending -xë our 1st person dual inclusive
onyx noun nyelecca possessive pronominal ending -
open adj. láta ngwa
open adj. panta

ourselves reflexive pronoun 1st outer, outermost adj. erúmëa

person pl. excl. immë outermost, outer adj. erúmëa
ourselves reflexive pronoun 1st outlaw, one lost or forsaken, waif,
person pl. incl. inwë outcast noun hecil (masc. hecilo,
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and fem. hecilë)
adv.?) et outside noun etsë
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and outside noun (and/or adv.?) ettë
adv.?) etellë outside, beside prefix ar-
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and oven noun urna
adv.?) etelyë over prep. or
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and overcast, dark adj. lúrëa
adv.?) etemmë overshadow, canopy, screen vb.
out (+ablative) out of prep. (and telta-
adv.?) etengwë ow! (horror, pain, disgust)
out of, from ablative ending -llo interjection orro
outcast, one lost or forsaken, own, personal, private noun véra
waif, outlaw noun hecil (masc. owned, free of things: not
hecilo, fem. hecilë) guarded, reserved, made fast adj.
outer lands noun ettelë lerina

pain noun nwalma parent (m. and. fem.) noun
pain, horror, disgust interjection ontaro, ontarë pl. ontani
horro parent, noun nostar or nostaro
pain, hurt vb. mala- (pl. nostari)
pain, torment vb. nwalya- parent, begetter noun ontar
painful adj. naicelëa parent, begetter (fem); the pl.
palace noun túrion (túriond-) ontari or dual ontaru (see ontani)
palatal series noun tyelpetéma covers both sexes. noun ontarë
pale adj. isca parent, begetter (fem.) noun
pale, fallow adj. malwa ontarië
pale, fallow, fawn adj. marya parent, begetter (masc.); pl. ontari
pale, grey, silvery grey adj. sindë noun ontaro
(Þ) part noun ranta
pale, vague, faint, dim to see adj partitive pl. ending -li
néca pass over, cross, surpass, excell
palid, white, chill adj. ninquë vb. lahta-
pansy or violet noun helin passage, especially across or over
paper noun hyalin an obstacle, also neck noun lango

passage, crossing noun tarna Philosophy, knowledge (including

passage, journey, direction of Science) noun =olmë
travel noun mentië phonetic adj. hlonitë
passive suffix -nwa physical matter noun erma
past, past time noun vanwië physical matter noun orma
path, course, line, direction, way physical strength, muscle, sinew,
noun tië vigour noun tuo
patronage noun ortírië pick (up, out) with the fingers vb.
paved floor, court noun paca lepta-
peace noun rainë picture noun emma
peace noun sívë piece noun mitta
peace, rest, repose noun sérë piece of good fortune, good thing,
peak noun aicalë blessing noun almë
pearl noun marilla piece of shaped wood noun pano
pebble-bank, shingle noun sarnië piercing, sharp adj. maica
(sarniyë) pig noun polca
peer, blink vb. tihta- pile, mound noun hahta
pen noun tecil pillar noun tarma
people noun lië pillar, standard, pole noun tulwë
People of the Elves noun pillow noun quesset (quessec-)
Quendelië pin, brooch noun tancil
people of the west noun pine noun sánë (Þ)
=úmen(n)órë pipe noun rotsë
perfect adj. ilvana pipe, flute noun simpa
perfect adj. ilvanya pipe, flute noun simpina
perhaps, if it be so, may be adv. piper noun simpetar
cenasit pipeweed, nicotiana noun
perhaps, if it be so, may be adv. alenessë, alanessë
canasta pit, hole noun latta
person as a whole noun erdë pivot noun peltas (peltax-)
person, individual noun nassë pl. instrumental ending -inen
person, somebody noun námo place noun nómë
personal, private, own noun véra place dwelt in, dwelling noun
perspicacious adj. fantarcenya marda
petition noun arcandë place, way, spot noun men
Petty dwarf noun nuxo plain, flat field, wang noun palar
Petty-dwarf noun Pitya-nauco plain, flat field, wang, plain noun
Petty-dwarve noun Picinauco palar
phantom, disembodied spirit noun plan, arrangement noun pano
fairë planet/star (possibly Mercury)
Philosophy /Science as a whole noun Elemmírë
noun Ingolë plant vb. empanya-
plant noun laima

plant noun olva poplar-tree noun tyulussë

plant, grow vb. ala- poppy noun fúmella
play vb. tyal- poppy noun fúmellot
play a harp vb. tanta- possess vb. harya-
play, sport, game noun tyalië possessing adj. arwa
pledge, oath, solemn promise possessive 3rd person pl.
noun vanda pronominal ending -nta
plenitude, sufficiency noun fárë possessive 3rd person pl.
plenitude, sufficiency noun farmë pronominal ending -ntya
pliant, soft adj. maxa possessive ending -va
plough noun hyar post, mark noun talca
plum tree, cherry tree noun aipio potter noun cemnaro
plural ending used on verbs with potter noun centano
a plural subject -r pour, intr. vb. ulya-
plural possessive ending -iva (- pouring, flooding, flowing adj.
ivë) úlëa
plural sign used in some of the pout vb. penga-
case endings -n power (inherent), might noun
poem noun lairë melehtë
poem noun lirit Power, God, angelic power noun
point to, indicate vb. leptenta- Vala
point to, indicate, direct toward power, mastery, victory, strength,
vb. tenta- might noun túrë
point, dot, tiny mark noun tixë powerful, hostile, and terrible
point, end noun mentë creature noun rauco
point, tip, used with reference to praise, bless vb. laita-
fingers and toes noun tillë pray vb. arca-
poison noun hloima pray vb. hyam-
poison noun sangwa prayer noun kyermë
poison, envenom, fill with poison precious, valuable adj. mirwa
vb. hloita- prefix denoting doing something
poison, venom noun hloirë bad us- (Þ)
pole, pillar, standard noun tulwë prefix denoting doing something
polished copper noun calarus very badly sau-
(calarust-) prefix implying wickedness or
polished, smooth adj. runda evil hru, ru-, hrú-
pollen, yellow powder noun malo prepare vb. manwa-
(malu-) press, crowd, throng noun sanga
pool noun linya (Þ)
pool noun nendë press, thrust, force vb. nir-
pool of lilles noun nénuvar pretty, dainty adj. netya
pool, lake noun ailin prick vb. erca-
pool, mere noun lóna prick, sting vb. nasta-

prickle, spine noun erca puff of air, breeze, breath, also

prince, heir noun haryon name of tengwa #12 noun hwesta
prince, leader noun condo puff of breath, breath noun foa
princess noun aranel (aranell-) pull, draw vb. saca- (Þ)
principal, chief adj. héra punish vb. paimeta-
prison, custody noun mando punishment noun paimë
privacy noun aquapahtië pure, clean adj. poica
private, closed, shut adj. pahta purification, washing, bathing
private, personal, own noun véra noun sovallë
private, separate adj. satya pursue vb. roita-
proceed (in any direction), go, pursue, look for, search vb. saca-
travel vb. lelya- put an end to vb. metya-
prohibit, refuse vb ava- put aside, leave out, exclude,
prolong vb. taita- abandon, forsake vb. hehta-
prominent adj. eteminya put forth leaves or flowers, sprout
prominent, conspicuous adj. vb. locta-
minda put forth leaves or flowers, sprout
protect vb. varya- vb. lohta-
protected, safe, secure adj. varna put to shame vb. naitya-
protection or shelter noun cauma put to the test vb. tyasta-
prow of a ship, also broad sword putrid, foul, evil-smelling adj.
noun lango saura (Þ)
puff vb. hwesta-

Qenya (other names of) noun question, enquire of vb. ces- (Þ)
Eldarissa, Eldaquet quick stroke noun rincë (rinci-)
quarrel vb. costa- quick, swift adj. limbë
queen, used especially of Varda quickly adverb lintië
noun tári quiet, hush, rest noun quildë
queenship noun táris(së) quiver (= case for holding arrows)
Quendian, belonging to the Elves noun vainolë
as a whole adj. Quenderin quotation, saying, dictum noun
Quenya original form of the word eques (equess-)
Quendya qu-series, velarized series: fourth
Quenya form of Sindarin Barad- column of the Tengwar system
dûr noun Lúnaturco. Also Taras noun quessetéma


race, running noun norië

R react, do back, avenge vb. accar-
race, running noun normë react, do back, avenge vb. ahtar-
radiance noun alta read aloud vb. et-henta-
radiance noun fairë read written matter vb. tengwa-
radiance, glittering reflection reading noun cenda-
(from jewels, glass or polished ready adj. manwa
metals, or water) noun nalta ready to hand, (quickly) available
radiant one = Sun noun Ancalë adj. férima
radiant, glorious adj. alcarinqua ready to hand, (quickly) available
rage noun ursa (Þ) adj. ferina
rage vb. ursa- (Þ) real, actual, true adj. anwa
rage, also name of tengwa #11 realm noun arda
noun aha realm noun artaurë
raiment noun larma realm noun turmen
rainbow noun iluquinga realm, region noun harda
rainbow noun Ilweran rear noun tellë
rainbow noun Ilweranta rear, back noun pontë (ponti-)
rainbow, lit. sky-bridge noun reason, cause noun casta
helyanwë recall, commemorate vb. enyal-
raise, rise vb. orta- receive vb. cam-
rape, ravish vb. mapta- reckon vb. not-
rape, ravishment, seizure noun Reckoner noun Onótimo
maptalë reckoning noun onótië
rapid, swift adj. larca recusant, Elf that refused to go to
rapid, swift adj. alarca Aman noun avar
rat noun nyano red flame noun rúnya
rat noun nyarro red hair noun russë
ravine, cleft, gulf noun yáwë red, ruddy adj. aira
ravine, mountain pass noun red, scarlet adj. carnë
falqua redeemer noun runando
ravine, narrow path noun axa Redeemer of the world noun
ravish, rape vb. mapta- Mardorunando
ravishment, rape, seizure noun red-haired adj. russa
maptalë reed noun fen (feng-)
ray of light noun alca reed, grass noun linquë
ray of sunlight adj. arma reed, sedge noun liscë
re-, again- prefix en- reek noun usquë
re-, back, again prefix ata-, at- refall vb. ataquanta-
reach, stretch out vb. rahta- refill vb. enquanta-


reflexive pronoun 1st person sg. - responsibility, guilt noun cáma

immë rest vb. ser-
refresh, renew vb. ceuta- rest, hush, quiet noun quildë
refuse, forbid vb. avaquet- rest, repose, peace noun sérë
refuse, prohibit vb ava- resting, at peace adj. senda
refused, forbidden, banned adj. restrained, delayed, kept adj.
avanwa hampa
region noun ména return noun entulessë
region above air where stars are return, go back, come back vb.
place-name ilmen nanwen-
region, realm noun harda return, go round, revolve vb. pel-
regular, law-abiding, normal adj. revealing, unfolding, opening
sanya (Þ) noun pantië
regular, normal adj. vorosanya reversed adj. nuquerna
(Þ) revolve, go round, return vb. pel-
release, set free, let go vb. lerya- rich, abundant adj. alya
released, free adj. lehta rich, fat adj. lárëa
remain vb. er- rich, fortunate, wealthy, blessed
remain, tarry vb. lemya- adj. herenya
remote, far adj. avahaira richeness, fat noun lar
remote, far adj. eccaira rider, horseman, knight noun
remote, far adj. haira roquen
rend vb. narca- ridge, crest noun quín, quínë
rending, harsh, violent adj. right hand noun forma
naraca right, dexter adj. forya
renew, heal vb. envinyata- right, straight adj. téna
renew, refresh vb. ceuta- righthanded, dexterous adj.
renewal noun ceulë formaitë
renewed adj. ceura rime, frost noun ringwë
renewed adj. ceurë ring noun corma
repay, requite vb. paitya- ring (on the ground) noun risil
repeat, say again vb. enquete- (Þ)
repeated, continual adj. vorima Ring of Doom place name Rithil-
repose, rest, peace noun sérë Anamo
requite, repay vb. paitya- ringing sound, echo noun láma
rescue, save vb. rehta- rise vb. orya-
rescue, saving noun rehtië rise, raise vb. orta-
reserved, free of things: not rising noun órë
guarded, made fast, or owned adj. river noun celusindi
lerina river noun hlóna
resin, gum noun suhtë river noun sír, shorter form of
resonant, taut, tight (of strings) sirë
adj. tunga river noun sirya

river (of large volume). ending - row, series, line noun téma
duinë ruddy adj. roina
river (of large volume, and liable ruddy, red adj. aira
to flooding). noun nuinë ruined, confused, shattered,
river, stream noun sírë disordered adj. (or passive
rivulet noun siril participle?) rúcina
road, straight line noun tëa rule vb. cunta-
road, street noun mallë rule vb. cunya-
roaring adj. rávëa rule, law noun sanyë (Þ)
roaring noise noun rávë rule, law, commandment noun
robber, thief noun pilu axan
robbery, theft noun pilwë rule, only with reference to the
robe, wrap noun vaima Valar vb. vala-
rock ridges, neck, the bony part of run vb. nor-
the neck noun acas, axë run vb. yur-
rock, stone as a material noun run on, run smoothly vb.
ondo nornoro-
roll up vb. tolu- run smoothly, run on vb.
roof noun tel nornoro-
roof noun tópa run, leap vb. nor-
roof vb. tópa- rune noun certa
roof, dome, canopy noun telumë rune noun cirtë
room, chamber noun sambë (Þ) running, race noun norië
root, base, foundation noun talma running, race noun normë
rough piece of wood noun runda rush, rushing flight, wild wind
round head, knoll noun nóla noun alaco
round, globed adj. corna rushing flight, rush, wild wind
rouse, excite, stir up vb. walta- noun alaco
row of spikes or teeth noun rushing, haste, violence, wrath
carcaras, carcassë noun ormë
row of teeth noun carcanë rushing, swift adj. Arauca
row of teeth, jaws noun anca

safe, protected, secure adj. varna sail vb. círa-
saga, tale noun nyarna sailor noun ciryando
saga, tale, history noun nyárë salt noun singë
sagacious adj. finwa salt (salty) adj. singwa
sail vb. cir-

same one, self general singular screen, veil noun fanwa

reflexive pronoun immo sculptor in stone noun
same, identical, selfsame adj. ondomaitar
imya sea noun airë
sanctuary, holy place, fane noun sea noun ëar
yána sea (as waters, motion) noun váya
sand noun litsë sea-elf noun Teler
sapphire noun lúlë search for, seek vb. cesta-
Sauro(n) alternative form of sea-serpent, fish-dragon noun
masc. name Súro (Þ) lingwilócë
Sauron (Þ), the Abhorred, name seaward precipice, cliff noun ollo
of a Maia, the second Dark Lord second ordinal attëa
masc. name Sauro (Þ) second adj. atya
save, except prep. enga second adj. neuna
save, deliver vb. etelehta- Second Folk, an Elvish name of
save, rescue vb. rehta- Mortal Men noun Atan
saving, rescue noun rehtië second half of the month of
say again, repeat vb. enquete- avestalis (January) noun Erintion
say no vb. váquet- secrecy noun muilë
say, speak vb. quet- secrecy, a secret noun fólë
say/says or said (a tenseless secrecy, black arts noun núlë
pseudo-verb) vb. equë secret adj. or noun lomba
saying, dictum, quotation noun secret noun nulda
eques (equess-) secret lore, wisdom noun nolwë
scarcely visible, hard to see adj. secret, dark, dusky, obscure adj.
hraicenë nulla
scarcely visible, hard to see adj. secret, hidden adj. muina
hraicénima secret, secrecy noun fólë
scarlet, red adj. carnë secretive adj. fólima
scatter, blow about (both secure, safe, protected adj. varna
transitive and intransitive) vb. security noun varnassë
winta- sedge, reed noun liscë
scent noun ne see vb. vél-
scholar, learned man noun istyar see, behold vb. cen-
Science/ Philosophy as a whole seed, germ noun erdë
noun Ingolë Seeing Stone noun palantír
scoop out, draw water, bale out seek, search for vb. cesta-
vb. calpa- seeking noun surië (Þ)
scorn, mocking noun yaiwë seeming, apparent adj. vëa
screen from light, veil, conceal seize, grasp vb. mapa-
vb. halya- seizure, ravishment, rape noun
screen, canopy, overshadow vb. maptalë

self, same one general singular shadow, obscurity, stain noun

reflexive pronoun immo mordo
selfsame, same, identical adj. shadow, shade noun lómin
imya shadow, spirit noun hó
send vb. lelta- shadowed, veiled, hidden, shady
send flying, speed, urge vb. adj. halda
horta- shady adj. laira
send for, fetch, summon vb. tulta- shady, veiled, hidden, shadowed
send, cause to go vb. menta- adj. halda
sending, message noun menta shaggy lock, tangled hair noun
sentence noun quentelë fassë
separate, private adj. satya shake vb. pal-
September noun Yavannië shape noun canta
September (alternative name of ) shaped adj. canta
noun Erquellë shaped stone, flag noun ambal
series, row, line noun téma share, blade noun hyanda
serpent that guarded a treasure sharp adj. ecya
noun/name foalócë sharp edge, sudden end noun
servant noun núro lanca
servant of ending -ndur sharp pain noun naicë
set aside vb. sat- sharp pain noun naicelë
set bounds to/about, enclose vb. sharp, angular noun nerca
yor- sharp, piercing adj. maica
set free, release, let go vb. lerya- sharp-ears noun Lastalaica
set up, fix, establish vb. tulca- sharp-eye noun? adj.?
set, fix vb. panya- hendumaica
set, sink (of Sun or Moon) vb. shattered, confused, disordered,
núta- ruined adj. (or passive
settled character noun indómë participle?) rúcina
seven cardinal otso she, he independent emphatic
Seven Stars (otso + elen), Great pronoun essë
Bear (constellation) noun Otselen she/her, he/him, it 3rd person sg.
seventeen cardinal otoquë pronominal ending -s
seventh ordinal otsëa she/her, he/him, it/it pron. also
sexual desire noun yérë object 3rd person sg. se
shade noun laimë sheath noun vainë
shade, shadow noun lómin sheep noun máma
shade, shadow cast by any object sheepfold noun moalin (moalind-
noun lëo )
shadow (heavy) noun lumbulë sheep-friend shepherd? noun
shadow cast by any object, shade mámandil
noun lëo she-goat noun nyéni
shadow, gloom noun lumbë she-lion noun ravennë

shell, conch, horn of Ulmo noun shut, closed, private adj. pahta
hyalma sick, bedridden adj. caimassëa
shepherd noun mavar sick, nauseous adj. quámëa
shepherdess noun emerwen sick, sickly, ill adj. hlaiwa
shield noun turma sickle noun circa
shield noun umbas (Þ) Sickle of the Gods, a name of the
shield-barrier, a battle-formation constellation Great Bear noun
noun sandastan Valacirca
shift, move, heave vb. rúma- sickly adj. engwa
shine vb. cal- sickness noun hlívë
shine vb. calta- sickness, lying in bed noun
shine (white) vb. sil- caimassë
shine continuously (silver and sickness, nausea noun quámë
gold) vb. sisilcala- sign noun taina
shine white vb. ninquita- sign noun tanna
shingle, pebble-bank noun sarnië sign, indication noun tengwë
(sarniyë) sign, letter noun sarat
shining jewel noun miril (mirill-) sign, token noun tanwa
shining jewels made by Fëanor Signifer, the significant star =
noun Silmaril (full form : Venus noun Tancol
Silmarillë) (Silmarill-) silk noun samin (samind-)
shining white, silver adj. silma silken adj. saminda, saminwa
ship noun cirya Silpion (a name of) name
shirt, tunic noun laupë Silmerossë,
shoe noun hyapat silver noun telep-
shore, beach noun fára silver noun telpë
shore, beach noun hresta silver noun tyelpë
shore, beach noun falas (falass-), silver (the mystic name of) noun
falassë ilsa
short adj. sinta (Þ) silver, glinting adj. tinda
short broad-bladed sword noun silver, shining white adj. silma
ecet silvery grey, grey, pale adj. sindë
short rounded handle, knob noun (Þ)
tolma similar, alike adj. ovéa
short, failing, inadequate adj. similar, alike adj. vávëa
loica sin, trespass, do wrong vb. úcar-
shout vb. rama- since (in the sense of because)
shout noun rambë adv. pan
shout vb. yam- or yama- singer noun nyello
shout, call of triumph noun yello singer, singing bird noun lindo
show, indicate vb. tana- Singers (sg. Linda), what the
shut, close vb. holta- Teleri called themselves noun
shut, close vb. holya- Lindar

singing bird, singer noun lindo slay vb. nahta-

singing, air, tune, song noun lindë slay vb. nehta-
single, alone adj. erinqua slayer noun nehtar
single, one adj.? erëa sleep noun fúmë
single, sole adj. erya sleep noun húmë
singular personal relative pronoun slender adj. fimbë (fimbi-)
who, maybe also object whom ye slender adj. nindë
(plural i). slender adj. teren, terenë
sink, set (of Sun or Moon) vb. slender and drooping, frail adj.
núta- limpa
sinner noun úcarindo slender, delicate, beautiful and
sip, lick up, sup vb. salpa- fine adj. lelya
Sirius (a star) noun =iellúnë slide down, slip, collapse, slope
Sirius (a star) noun =ierninwa vb. talta-
sister noun nésa (Þ) slip, slide down, collapse, slope
sister noun onónë vb. talta-
sister noun onórë slope, downslope, declivity noun
sister noun seler (Þ) (sell-) pendë
sister, [female] associate noun slope, incline vb. penda-
osellë (Þ) slope, slip, slide down, collapse
sit vb. ham- vb. talta-
sit, stay vb. har- sloping down, inclined adj.
six cardinal encë penda
six cardinal enquë sloping, tilted, leaning adj. talta
sixteen cardinal enenquë slot, footprint noun runya
skilful, handed or handy adj. slow adj. lenca
maitë (maiti-) slowly fade away vb. fifíru-
skill noun curu slumber vb. lor-
skin, fell noun helma slumber noun lórë
sky noun hellë slumber noun murmë
sky (upper airs and clouds). noun slumber vb. muru-
fanyarë slumbrous adj. murmëa
sky, air, also name of tengwa #24 slumbrous, drowsy adj. lorda
noun vilya small adj. cinta
sky, air, also name of tengwa #24 small adj. mintë
noun wilya small adj. mitra
sky, canopy noun telimbo small adj. mitsa
sky, heavens noun ilwë small adj. nincë (ninci-)
slacken, loose vb. lehta- small adj. nitya
slacken, loose vb. lenca- small (in good sens) adj. níca
slash, gash noun cirissë small bird noun filit (filic-)
slave, thrall noun mól small boat, vessel, dish noun venë
slavish, of slave(s) adj. móla small grot or tunnel noun rotto

small insect, fly noun pí soft, gentle, weak adj. milya

small landlocked bay, haven, soft, pliant adj. maxa
harbour noun hópa soil, earth noun cén (cem-)
small piece, crumb, bit noun mië soil, stain vb. vahta-
small spot, dot noun pica soiled, dirty adj. vára
small, frail adj. nimpë (nimpi-) solar year, sun-round noun
small, frail adj. nípa coranar
smeared, discoloured adj. púrëa sole of foot noun tallunë (talluni-
smile vb. raita- )
smiling, gracious adj. raina sole, single adj. erya
smith noun sintamo solemn promise, oath, pledge
smith noun tamo noun vanda
smith, craftsman noun tano solid, firm adj. ronda
smooth adj. pasta solitary, deserted adj. erda
smooth, glabrous adj. passa solitary, lonely adj. eressëa
smooth, iron vb. pasta- solitude noun eressë
smooth, polished adj. runda some kind of tree noun lavaralda
snake noun ango (angu-, pl. somebody pronominal suffix -o, -
angwi) ó,
snake noun leuca somebody, one noun quén (quen-
snake, dragon noun lócë )
snare noun neuma somebody, person noun námo
Snare vb. rem- someone, one, anyone indefinite
snare noun remma pronoun o
snarl, growl noun yarra- something, thing neuter personal
snout, nose, cape noun mundo pronoun ma,
snow vb. fauta- son noun anon
snow noun lossë Son noun Yón
snow peak noun níquetil son noun yondo
(níquetild-) son (of), descendant patronymic
snowcap noun niquetil ending -ion
snowdrop noun nieninquë son of the dark noun morion
snowdrop-like adj. nieninquëa son, big boy noun yonyo
snow-white adj. lossë song noun lírë (líri-)
snow-white adj. lossëa song, air, tune, singing noun lindë
so or as (referring to something song, lay noun lirilla
remote; contrast sívë). prep. soon adv. rato
tambë sorrow, grief noun nyérë
so, in this way adv. sinen sound noun lamma
so, like that, also adv. ta sound vb. lamya-
soap noun lipsa sound of wind noun sû
soft adj. mussë sound, noise noun hlón
soft, gentle adj. moica sound-taste noun lámatyávë

soup noun sulpa spirit noun vilissë

south noun Hyarmen Spirit of Fire masc. name
southern adj. hyarmenya Fëanáro
southern adj. hyarna spirit of woods, dryad (fem.) noun
sow vb. rer- tavaril
sown field, acre noun resta spirit of woods, dryad (masc.)
spark noun tinwë noun tavaro, tavaron
spark-dragon noun fëalócë spirit that has gone to the Valar or
sparkle vb. ita- to Erumáni noun mánë
sparkle vb. tintina- spirit, being noun ëala
speak vb. carpa- spirit, breath, also name of
speak, say vb. quet- tengwa #9 noun súlë (Þ) (súli-)
spear noun ehtë (ehti-) spirit, shadow noun hó
spear noun hatal spit noun piuta
spearhead noun nehta spit vb. piuta-
spear-head, spear-point, gore, splendid, admirable, sublime
triangle noun nasta (only of great, or splendid things)
spearman noun ehtyar adj. maira
species of little birds noun splendour, glory, brilliance noun
cirincë, alcar
species, kind noun nostalë split, cleft noun? or adj? sanca
speech noun quenya (Þ)
speech, language noun pahta spoken with tongue, of tongue
speechless adj. úpahtëa adj. lambina
speed, send flying, urge vb. sponge, fungus noun hwan
horta- (hwand-)
speed, swiftness noun lintië sport, play, game noun tyalië
speeding, urging noun hortalë spot with eye vb. hententa-
spelling, writing system noun spot, way, place noun men
tencelë spray noun timpinë
spider noun liantë spray, foam noun winga
spider filament, fine thread noun spread out, unfurl, open vb.
lia panta-
spider's web, also name of tengwa spread, open wide, expand,
#8 noun ungwë extend vb. palu-
spike, horn noun tildë spread, open wide, expand,
spike, thorn noun nassë extend vb. palya-
spin, turn (apparently intransitive) spring, spring-time noun tuilë
vb. pir- spring, sprout vb. tuia-
spine noun ecco sprout, bud noun tuima
spine, prickle noun erca sprout, put forth leaves or flowers
spirant consonant noun surya vb. locta-
spirit noun fëa

sprout, put forth leaves or flowers steadfast adj. sorna (þ)

vb. lohta- steadfast in allegiance, in keeping
sprout, spring vb. tuia- oath or promise, faithful adj.
squat vb. haca- vórima
staff noun vandil steadfast in allegiance, in keeping
stain, shadow, obscurity noun oath or promise, faithful adj.
mordo voronda
stain, soil vb. vahta- steadfast, firm, strong, immovable
stalk, stem noun sirpë adj. tulca
stand vb. tar- steadfast, trusty, loyal adj. sarta
stand vb. termar- steadfastness, loyalty, faithfulness
stand aside!, be gone! vb. in noun voronwë
imperative heca! steel noun yaisa
standard, pillar, pole noun tulwë steel, iron noun erë, eren
star noun elen steep adj. aiqua
star (or planet), identified with steep adj. oronta
Mars noun Carnil steep isle noun tollë
star (or planet), tentatively stellar adj. elenya
identified with Saturn name stem of a Tengwa symbol noun
Lumbar telco
star/planet (possibly Mercury) stem, stalk noun sirpë
noun Elemmírë stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide
star-imagine on Nur-menel noun by vb. himya-
nillë stick, branch, wand noun olwen
Star-kingdom, upper sky place- (olwenn-)
name Elenarda sticker-up, prominent one, term
starlight noun Ilma used in children's play for middle
starlight, also fem. name, finger or middle toe noun tollo
referring to a Maia noun Ilmarë sticker-up, prominent one, term
starlight, also name of tengwa used in children's play for middle
#29 silmë finger or middle toe noun tolyo
starlike, like stars adj. elvëa sticking, adhering adj. himba
starlit dusk, starry twilight noun stiff dry grass noun sara (Þ)
tindómë stiff, awkward, hard, difficult adj.
Star-queen, title of Varda noun hranga
Elentári stiff, tough adj. norna
starry twilight, starlit dusk noun stiff, tough adj. tarya
tindómë stiff, wooden adj. tauca
Starwards, a name of Númenor still adv. en
place-name Elenna sting, prick vb. nasta-
state, heart, mood noun indo stink noun holwë
statute noun namna stir up, excite, rouse vb. walta-
stay, sit vb. har- stir, make spin vb. quir-

stirring noun coirë stripped bare, naked adj. helda

stone noun on, ondo stripped, deprived adj. racina
stone (small) noun sar (sard-) stroke of pen or brush when not
stone as a material, rock noun used as long mark noun tecco
ondo stroke, feel with the hand, etc. vb.
stony place noun sarnë palta-
stop (in punctuation). noun putta strong or fortified building or
stop short, stunt vb. nuhta- place, fortress noun osto
stop, block vb. tap- strong, burly adj. polda
stop, cease, take a rest vb. hauta- strong, firm, immovable, steadfast
stop, in punctuation full stop noun adj. tulca
pusta strong, large man noun nerdo
stop; also intr. cease, stop vb. strong, swift at running adj.
pusta- nórima
stopper noun tampa stump, big toe, stub noun tolbo
storm (noise of a) noun raumo stump, big toe, stub noun tolvo
storyteller, composer of nyarnar stunt, stop short vb. nuhta-
or long epic tales noun stunted adj. nauca
nyarnamaitar sublime adj. varanda
straight line, road noun tëa sublime, admirable, splendid
straight, long and thin, narrow (only of great, or splendid things)
adj. lenwa adj. maira
straight, right adj. téna substance the Silmarils were
strap noun latta made of, invented by Fëanor noun
stray vb. ranya- silima
stray about vb. mista- substance/flesh of Arda, matter
straying, wandering noun ránë noun hrón
stream or fly in the wind, blow successorfollower noun neuro
vb. hlapu- such, of that sort adj. taitë
stream, flow noun celumë sudden end, sharp edge noun
stream, river noun sírë lanca
street, road noun mallë sudden move, twitch, jerk, trick
strength noun poldorë noun rinca
strength, mastery, victory, might, suffice vb. farya-
power noun túrë sufficiency, plenitude noun fárë
strengthening noun antoryamë sufficiency, plenitude noun farmë
stretch vb. lenu- suffix occurring in many personal
stretch out, reach vb. rahta- names, generally but not
stretched, lengthened, ex-tended, exclusively masculine -wë
elongated adj. taina suffix of endearment -ya
stride vb. telconta- summer noun lairë
Strider masc. name Telcontar summit of a mountain noun ingor
strike, knock vb. pet- summon vb. naham-

summon vb. yal- Swan-wing noun Alquarámë

summon, send for, fetch vb. tulta- sward, lawn noun palis
summons noun nahámë swarm noun umba
Sun noun Anar swarming, abundant, teeming adj.
Sun noun Calavénë úmëa
Sun noun Calaventë swart, brown, dark brown adj.
sunlight, day noun aurë varnë (varni-)
sunrise noun anarórë sweet adj. lissë
Sunrise noun orontë, oronto sweet kiss noun miquelis
sun-round, solar year noun (miquelis(s)-)
coranar sweet, beloved, dear adj. melda
sunset, west, evening noun swell, grow fat vb. tiuya-
andúnë swift adj. linta
sup, lick up, sip vb. salpa- swift, agile, hasty adj. tyelca
support noun tulco swift, quick adj. limbë
suppose vb. cíta- swift, rapid adj. larca
suppose, guess vb. intya- swift, rapid adj. alarca
sure, firm, fixed adj. tanca swift, rushing adj. arauca
surf noun solor swift, strong at running adj.
surf, surge noun solossë nórima
surface noun palmë swiftness, speed noun lintië
surface, bosom, bosom of Earth swirl, eddy, gyrate vb. hwinya-
noun palúrë sword noun macil
surge, surf noun solossë swordsman noun macar
surpass, excell vb. ráta- Swordsman noun mectar
surpass, pass over, cross, excel sworn brother, brother, [male]
vb. lahta- associate noun otorno
swallow noun tuilindo syrup, juice noun pirya
swallow, lit. lick down vb. system or code of signs, language
undulav- noun tengwesta
swallow, throat noun lanco
(lancu-, pl. lanqui)

table noun sarno tale, saga, history noun nyárë
tail noun pimpë tall adj. halla
take a rest, cease, stop vb. hauta- tall adj. orna
tale noun quenta tall adj. tunda
tale, saga noun nyarna tall tower noun tirin

talon, claw noun namma that demonstrative sana

talon, claw noun nappa that demonstrative tana
tangle vb. fasta- that (the former) demonstrative
tangled hair, shaggy lock noun yana
fassë that matter noun tama
tap vb. tam- that which pron ita
taper, candle noun lícuma that which, what, which fact pron.
tarn noun moilë tai
tarry, remain vb. lemya- that yonder demonstrative enta
tassel noun fas (?fats-), fatsë that, it pron. ta
tassel noun fatsë thatch noun tupsë
taste vb. tyav- the indeclinable definite article i
taste noun tyávë the defintite article in
taut, tight (of strings) resonant the Golden Tree of Valinor 0ame
adj. tunga of Laurelin
tear noun nië the One's [Eru's] perpetual
tear noun nírë production noun oiencarmë Eruo
teem vb. úma- the Renewer noun Envinyatar
teeming, abundant, swarming adj. the sea (in storm) noun haloisi
úmëa the Supreme, the chief Valar noun
telepathic thought-transfer, Aratar
thought-opening, direct noun thee, you, thou pron. 2nd person
sanwë-latya intimate/familar tye
telepathy noun ósanwë thee/thou, you pron. 2nd person
Teler-folk noun Telellië sg. formal/polite lye
Telerian adj. Telerin theft, robbery noun pilwë
Telerin adj. telerinwa their 3rd person pl. pronominal
tell vb. nyar- possessive suffix -lta (-ltya)
temple noun corda them, pronominal ending -t
ten cardinal quain them, they pron. ta
ten cardinal quëan them, they pron. 3rd person pl.,
terrible adj. rúcima used with reference to inanimates
terrible, powerful and, hostile, rather than persons or living
creature noun rauco things tai
terrible creature, demon noun them, they pron. 3rd person pl. te
arauco them, they pron. 3rd person dual
terrible, fell adj. aica tú
terrify vb. ruhta- themselves reflexive pronoun 3rd
terror noun ossë person pl. intë
thank, give thanks vb. hanta- themselves, oneself, myself etc
thanksgiving noun hantalë reflexive pronominal ending -xë
that relative pronoun i then adv. san
that conj. i then adv. tá

then adv. tai third adj. nelya

thence adv. talo, tó third day of the Eldarin six-day
thence adv. tó week, dedicated to the Moon
thence, thereupon adv. epeta noun Isilya (Þ)
thence, thereupon adv. epta third day of the Valinorian week
there adv. sanomë of 5 days, dedicated to Aule and
there adv. tás Yavanna noun Arveruen
there adv. tassë 3rd person dual emphatic
there, look! yon (yonder) pronoun esto
interjection en 3rd person pl. reflexive ending -
therefore adv. etta ttë
therefore adv. potai 3rd person sg. reflexive ending -
therefore, in that way adv. tanen, ssë
tánen thirsty adj. fauca
thereupon, thence adv. epeta thirsty adj. soica
thereupon, thence adv. epta thirteen cardinal nelequë (kw)
they 3rd person pl. pronominal thirteen cardinal nelquëa,
suffix -ltë thirteen cardinal yunquenta
they pronomimal ending -ntë this demonstrative sina
they dual 3rd person pronominal this day adv. siar, siarë
ending -ttë this hour noun sillumë
they, them pron. ta this place compound noun sinómë
they, them pron. 3rd person pl., thither adv. tamen
used with reference to inanimates thither pron. in allative tanna
rather than persons or living thither adv. tar
things tai thither adv. tara
they, them pron. 3rd person pl. te thorn noun necel
they, them pron. 3rd person dual thorn, spike noun nassë
tú thou, you pronominal endings for
thick, fat adj. tiuca 2nd person sg. polite/formal –l, -
thief, robber noun pilu lyë
thigh noun tiuco thou, you pronominal ending, 2nd
thing noun engwë person familiar/intimate -tyë
thing noun nat thou, you pronominal ending -lyë
thing impossible to be or to be thou, you, thee pron. 2nd person
done noun únat intimate/familar tye
thing made by handicraft noun thou/thee, you pron. 2nd person
taman sg. formal/polite lye
thing made, craft, device, thought, an act of thinking noun
construction noun tanwë sanwë
thing, something neuter personal thought-inspection, thought-
pronoun ma, reading noun sanwecenda
third ordinal neldëa

thought-opening, direct, tilted, sloping, leaning adj. talta

telepathic thought-transfer noun time noun lúmë
sanwë-latya time, occasion noun lú
thought-sending, mental message timid adj. caurëa
noun sanwë-menta tinder noun tusturë
thousand numeral húmë tiny mark, dot, point noun tixë
thrall, slave noun mól tiny, little adj. titta
thread (fine) noun ipsin tip, point, used with reference to
thread (fine), spider filament noun fingers and toes noun tillë
lia tissue, cloth noun lannë
three cardinal neldë to prep. ana
threshold noun fenda to a great extent, far, distant, wide
thrice, tri- adv. or prefix nel, nel- root element (apparently not
thrive vb. al- appearing alone) palan-
throat, swallow noun lanco to him [/her/it], at him [/her/it]
(lancu-, pl. lanqui) dative/allative pronoun sena
throne noun mahalma to me, for me pron. dative of ni
throng, crowd, press noun sanga nin
(Þ) to, at, upon allative ending -nna
through, throughout prep. ter, to, towards prefix: ana-
terë today adv. síra
thrust, press, force vb. nir- toe noun pirë
thumb noun nápo toe noun taltil (taltill-, pl. taltilli)
thumb and index as a pair, a dual together adv. uo
formation. noun nápat toil, labour noun móta-
thus adv. sië token, sign noun tanwa
thus adv. sin tomb noun noirë
thwart vb. hranga- tomorrow adv. enwa
thwart vb. hranga- tongue (physical tongue, while
thy, your 2nd person sg. lambë = language) noun lamba
formal/polite pronominal suffix - tongue, language noun lambë
lya tongue, language noun quetil
thy, your pronominal ending, 2nd too adv. acca
person sg. intimate/familiar -tya tool noun tamma
thyself, yourself reflexive tool, weapon noun carma
pronoun 2nd person formal sg. tooth noun carca
imlë tooth noun nelcë
thyself, yourself reflexive tooth noun nelet
pronoun 2nd person intimate sg. top, highest point noun inga
intyë torment noun angaitya
tie vb. nut- torment noun nwalmë
tight, taut (of strings) resonant torment, pain vb. nwalya-
adj. tunga torture noun malcanë

torture noun ungwalë triangle, spear-head, spear-point,

touch (in the literal sense) vb. gore noun nasta
appa- tribe noun hostar
touch (one) in the figurative trick noun fintale
sense; concern, affect vb. ap- trick, twitch, jerk, sudden move
tough, stiff adj. norna noun rinca
tough, stiff adj. tarya trim, adorn vb. netya-
towards, to prefix: ana- Trinity noun =eldië
tower noun marto trinket noun netil
tower (fort, city, castle), great troll noun hruo
towering building, noun taras troop, army, band noun hossë
tower (great, lofty) noun mindon troth, bond, compact, oath noun
tower, watch-tower noun tirion vérë
town noun irin true adj. naitë
town with walls and towers noun true, firm adj. sanda (Þ)
tirios (tiriost-) true, existing, actual adj. nanwa
town, walled house, village noun true, real, actual adj. anwa
opelë trump noun hyóla
township noun ostar trumpet noun tumbë
trade vb. manca- trumpet, horn noun romba
tradesman noun macar trumpet-sound, loud sound noun
trailing, long adj. sóra róma
transparence noun liquis trust, hope noun estel
travel, go, proceed (in any trusty follower, loyal companion
direction) vb. lelya- noun satar
treasure noun harma trusty, steadfast, loyal adj. sarta
treat as holy, hallow, bless vb. try vb. nev-
aina- try, put forth effort, strive,
tree noun alda endeavour vb. ric-
tree noun ornë tube noun róta
tree-tangled adj. aldarembina tune, air, singing, song noun lindë
treetop noun aldinga tunic, shirt noun laupë
trespass, debt noun lucië turn (apparently intransitive), spin
trespass, debt noun lucassë vb. pir-
trespass, debt noun rohta turn (transitive) vb. quer-
trespass, debt noun ruhta turret noun mindë
trespass, debt noun úcarë twang noun tango
trespass, sin, do wrong vb. úcar- twang noun tingë
tress, lock noun findelë twang, make a twang vb. tinga-
tressure (net for confining the twelve cardinal rasta
hair). noun carrëa twelve cardinal yuncë
tri-, thrice adv. or prefix nel, nel- twelve cardinal yunquë
triangle noun neltil (neltild-) twelve hours, day noun arya

twenty-four cardinal yurasta twinkling star noun tingilindë

twi- or both prefix yu- or yú- twinkling star noun tingilya
twilight noun yualë twinkling, glinting adj. (or
twilight noun yúcalë participle?) itila
twilight noun yúyal twist vb. ric-
twilight, dusk, night noun lómë twitch, jerk, give quick twist or
twilight, usually of the time near move vb. rihta-
evening, not near dawn (that is twitch, jerk, trick, sudden move
tindómë) noun undómë noun rinca
twin-born adj. onóna two prefix at-
twine vb. lia- two cardinal atta
twinkle vb. tintila- two-handed adj. atamaitë

ugly noun úvanima

U understanding, intelligent adj.
un-, no (prefix) il- handa
un-, not negative prefix ala- understanding, knowledge,
un-, not-, in- prefix denying intelligence noun handë
presence or possession of thing or undo, destroy vb. nancar-
quality ú- unendurable, dreadful, horrible
unceasing, without end, forever adj. naira
adj. oiala unfolding, opening, revealing
uncounted, not counted adj. noun pantië
únotë, únotëa unfurl, spread out, open vb.
under prep. no panta-
under prep. nu unidentified plant noun
under shadow adj. nuhuinenna pilinehtar
under, down, beneath adv. and universe noun Eä
prep.? undu unmarred adj. alahasta
underground dwelling, cave, mine unmarred adj. úvana
noun felco unskilled, clumsy (-handed) adj.
underneath, down below adv. nún úmaitë
under-point, term used in unspeakable adj. úquétima
children's play for toe (the untamed, wild adj. ráva
counterpart of ortil) noun nútil until, up to, as far as prep. tenna
(nútill-) unwill noun avanir
under-shadow prep + noun unwise adj. alasaila
unuhuinë up prefix am-
understand vb. hanya- up adv. amba
up to, until, as far as prep. tenna

uphill adj. ambapenda urge, impel, move, only of mental

uphill adj. ampenda impulse vb. or-
upon, to, at allative ending -nna urge, send flying, speed vb.
upper air place-name Fanyamar horta-
upper sky, Star-kingdom place- urgency noun hormë
name Elenarda urging, speeding noun hortalë
up-point, term used in us (for) pron. dative men
children'splay for finger noun us (two) dual 1st person pronoun,
ortil (ortill-) including the dual ending -t met
uprising-flower noun ambalotsë useful, fit, good (of things) adj.
upward slope noun ampendë mára
upward slope, hill-side noun usual adj. senwa, senya

vague, fluttering to and fro adj.

V valuable, precious adj. mirwa
wilwa vanished, gone, lost, no longer to
vague, pale, faint, dim to see adj be had adj. vanwa
néca Vanyarin form (and original
Vala (fem.) noun Valië form) of Aureldi noun Auzel pl.
Vala (masc.) noun Valmo Auzeldi
Vala (masc.) noun Valon vast, huge adj. yána
valahood, divinity noun valassë vaulted or arched roof noun
Vala-queen noun Valatári rondo
Valian, of or relating to the Valar vegetable noun quëa
adj. Valarin vegetable, herb noun laiquë
Vali-home, the city of the Valar veil noun vasar (Þ)
in Valinor place-name Valimar veil vb. vasarya- (Þ)
Valimar (alternative form of ) veil upon eyes, eye-screen noun
place-name Valmar henfanwa
valley adj. or noun nalda veil, cloak, mantle vb. fanta-
valley noun nandë veil, conceal, screen from light
Valley of Singing Gold, an earlier vb. halya-
name of Laurenandë (Lórien) veil, screen noun fanwa
noun Laurelindórinan veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady
Valley of the Tombs in Númenor adj. halda
noun =oirinan velar series, k-series: the third
valley, under or among hills noun column of the Tengwar system
tumbo (tumbu-) noun calmatéma
valley, wide valley noun nando venom, poison noun hloirë
valour noun cánë venomous adj. hloirëa

verb denoting an opportunity, violent, harsh, rending adj.

with the one having the naraca
opportunity in dative vb. ec- violet or pansy noun helin
verdigris noun lairus (lairust-) virgin, maiden noun vendë <
very dark, full of darkness adj. wendë
lilómëa virginal, maidenly adj. vénëa
very valuable, very precious, very virginity noun vénë < wénë
lovely adj. mírima virginity noun venessë
very, extremely adv. ita, íta virginity noun wénë > vénë
very, most intensive or visible adj. cenima
superlative prefix an- visible, easily seen adj. ascenë
vessel, small boat, dish noun venë (Þ)
victory noun apairë visible, easily seen adj. ascénima
victory, mastery, strength, might, (Þ)
power noun túrë vision, dream noun olos (olor-)
vigorous, adult, manly adj. vëa vision, dream noun maur
vigour noun vëassë voice noun óma
vigour, manhood noun vië voice, vowel noun tomba
vigour, muscle, sinew, physical voice, vowel noun tompë
strength noun tuo Void (the) noun cúma
village noun masto void, empty adj. lusta
village, walled house, town noun vomit, be sick vb quama-
opelë vowel noun óma-tengwë
vine noun liantassë vowel noun ómëa
violence, haste, wrath, rushing vowel noun penna
noun ormë vowel, voice noun tomba
vowel, voice noun tompë

waif, one lost or forsaken by

W wall noun ramba
friends, outcast, outlaw noun wall and moat noun ossa
hecil (masc. hecilo, fem. hecilë) walled house, village, town noun
wailing noun yaimë opelë
wailing adj. yaimëa wand, branch, stick noun olwen
wain noun lunca (olwenn-)
wakening adj. cuivëa Wanderer name of the moon
walk vb. pata- Rána
walk vb. vanta- wandering, straying noun ránë
walk noun vanta waning noun quelië

waning, lessen, dwindle vb. píca- we, us 1st person pl. exclusive
want, wish, desire vb. mer- pronoun me
war noun ohta weak, soft, gentle adj. milya
warm adj. lauca wealth, good fortune noun alma
warrior noun mahtar wealthy, fortunate, blessed, rich
wash vb. sov- adj. herenya
washing, bathing, purification weapon, tool noun carma
noun sovallë wear (out), also intr. get old vb.
wast, wide, empty noun naira yerya-
watch, look afar vb. palantíra- weary adj. lumba
watch, observe vb. cenda- weave vb. lanya-
watch, vigil noun tiris (tiriss-) web, net noun natsë
watch, vigil noun tirissë wed vb. vesta-
watch, watch over, guard, heed wedding noun veryanwë
vb. tir- wedding noun vestalë
watch-tower, tower noun tirion week noun otsola
water noun nén (nen-) week (of five days) noun lemnar
water-mead noun nanda week of the Trees, Midyear week
water-vessel noun calpa noun Aldalemnar
watery, wet adj. nenda weeping noun nyenyë
wave noun solmë weft noun lanat
wave (crested/foaming) noun weft noun wistë
falma well prefix mai-
wax noun líco well adv. mai
way = method, manner noun lé well adv. márië
way of escape noun uswevandë well noun tampo
way, path, course, line, direction well (happily) said adj. alaquenta
noun tië werewolf noun nauro
way, place, spot noun men west(ern) initial element nún
we 1st person pl. pronominal west, sunset, evening noun
ending exclusive -lmë andúnë
we 1st person dual exclusive west, the way of the sunset noun
pronominal ending -mmë númen
we 1st person dual inclusive western adj. andúna
pronominal ending -ngwë western adj. númenya
we pron. 1st person pl. inclusive western adj. núna
ve Western Men = Sindarin
we pron., 1st person pl. inclusive Dúnedain noun =únatani
vi West-flow, name of a river in
we, emphatic pronoun pron. elmë Númenor noun =unduinë
we, emphatic pronoun pron. West-wings, name of a ship noun
emmë =úmerrámar
wet adj. linquë

wet adj. liquë wicked, evil, bad adj. olca

wet adj. mixa wicked, evil, bad, wrong adj. ulca
wet adj. néna wide adj. landa
wet adj. nenya wide adj. yanda
wet, watery adj. nenda wide, expansive adj. palla
what is more conj.? yé wide, far, distant, to a great extent
what is more conj.? yëa root element (apparently not
what the Green-elves (Laiquendi, appearing alone) palan-
Nandor) called themselves pl. wide, wast, empty noun naira
noun Lindi wield a weapon, fight vb. mahta-
what, that which, which fact pron. wield, control, govern vb. tur-
tai wife noun veri
when conj. írë wife noun vessë
when conj. yá wife, bride noun indis
when? interrogative word má? wild adj. verca
whenever adv. quië wild beast; pl. Hravani the Wild,
whenever adv. quiquië used as a name of non-Edain Men
where? where to? interrogative noun hravan
word mar? wild fire – fire as conflagration
where? where to? interrogative noun ruivë
word mara? wild fire, fire as conflagration
where? interrogative word mas? noun aparuivë
where? interrogative word wild wind, rush, rushing flight
massë? noun alaco
which relative pronoun ya wild, excited adj. walda
which fact, that which, what pron. wild, untamed adj. ráva
tai will noun mendë
whining, mewing noun miulë will noun níra
whirlpool, eddy noun hwindë will, fixed idea noun selma (Þ)
whisper vb. hlussa- willow-tree noun tasar, tasarë
whisper vb. lussa- (Þ)
whispering sound noun hlussë wind noun súrë (súri-)
whispering sound noun lussë wind noun vailë
white adj. fána, fánë wind noun vaiwa
white people noun losselië wind noun vaiwë
white, chill, palid adj. ninquë wind noun vëa
whiten vb. ninquitá- wind noun wá
whitenes noun ninquissë wind noun wailë
who pron. man wind noun waiwa
whoever, if anybody pron. wind feather (herb) noun
aiquen súriquessë
whole(the), all (the) adj and noun wind up, finish, conclude
quanda (transitive) vb. telya-

windy adj. vailima without, -less suffix -enca

windy noun wanwavoitë without, -less prefix nec-
wing noun ráma wizard noun curuvar, pl.
winged dragon noun rámalócë curuvari
wink, hint vb. hiuta- wizard noun sairon
winter noun hrívë Wizard, used of Gandalf,
wisdom, secret lore noun nolwë Saruman, Radagast etc. noun
wise adj. isqua Istar
wise adj. iswa wolf noun narmo
wise adj. saila wolf noun ráca
wise adj. saira wolf-howl noun naulë
wise adj. tára woman noun nís (niss-)
Wise Ones = Gnomes (Noldor) woman noun nissë
Sg. Istimo. pl. noun Istimor woman (large) noun nisto
wise person noun nolmo womb noun móna
wise, learned adj. nóla wonder noun elmenda
wish, desire, want vb. mer- wood noun tavar
witch (of the good magic) noun wood noun turu
curuni wood as material noun toa (töa)
with prép. as wood, forest (great) noun taurë
with prep. lé wooden adj. turúva
with prep. yo wooden hall, building (especially
with a musical sound of falling of wood) noun ampano
leaves adj. lantalasselingëa wooden post noun samna (Þ)
with mouth full, full to the brim wooden, stiff adj. tauca
adj. penquanta (peñ-) woodland noun nan (nand-)
with us (exclusive) prep. + pron. woodland noun tavas
ómë woodpecker noun tambaro
wither vb. hesta woof noun winda
withered, dead adj. hessa wool noun tó
within bounds, limited, finite, woollen, of wool adj. toa
(well-) defined adj. lanwa word noun quetta
within, in prep. imi world (the) noun Ilu
within, in prep. mi world, Earth noun ambar
within, in prep. mil World-jewel, another word for
without privative prefix au- Silmaril noun Ilumírë
without prefix ava- worn, borne passive participle
without adv. and prep. ú colla
without beauty adj. úvanëa worn, old adj. yerna
without beauty adj. úvanë worth, worthy, dear adj. valda
without end, unceasing, forever worthy, worth, dear adj. valda
adj. oiala wound vb. harna-
without, -less ending -lóra wound noun harwë

wounded adj. harna wrist noun málimë (málimi-)

wrap, robe noun vaima write vb. tec-
wrath noun rúsë (Þ) writing noun sarmë
wrath, haste, violence, rushing writing system, spelling noun
noun ormë tencelë
wrathful noun rúsëa (Þ) wrong, crooked, bent adj. raicë
wreath noun ría wrong, evil, bad, wicked adj. ulca
wright, carpenter, builder noun wroth adj. rusca
samno (Þ) wroth adj. ruxa

yard, full pace. This Númenórean you pronominal element le
linar measure was slightly longer you 2nd person dual pronominal
than our yard, approximately 38 ending -stë
inches [= 96.5 cm] noun ranga you, thou pronominal endings for
Yavanna-jewel, name of a tree 2nd person sg. polite/formal -l or
with globed and scarlet fruits -lyë
noun yavannamírë you, thou pronominal ending, 2nd
yawn vb. yanga- person familiar/intimate -tyë
yawning participle hácala you, thou pronominal ending -lyë
yawning adj.? yámë you, thou, thee pron. 2nd person
year-middle, the middle (183rd) intimate/familar tye
day of the year, inserted between you, thou/thee pron. 2nd person
the months of Nárië and Cermië sg. formal/polite lye
(June and July) in the young adj. nessa
Númenórean calendar and the young adj. vinya
Steward's Reckoning noun loëndë young, new, fresh adj. winya
yellow adj. malina youngster noun vinyamo
yellow bird noun ambalë youngster noun winyamo
yellow bird noun ammalë your 2nd person pl. possessive
yellow powder, pollen noun malo suffix -lda
(malu-) your dual 2nd person possessive
yellow water-lily noun nénu pronominal ending -sta
yellow-green, green, fresh adj. your, thy 2nd person sg.
wenya formal/polite pronominal suffix -
yield, allow, grant vb. lav- lya
yon (yonder), there, look! your, thy pronominal ending, 2nd
interjection en person sg. intimate/familiar -tya
you pronominal suffix, 2nd
person pl. -ldë

yourself, thyself reflexive youth noun nésë (Þ)

pronoun 2nd person formal sg. youth noun nessë
imlë youth noun vínë
yourself, thyself reflexive youth noun vírië
pronoun 2nd person intimate sg. youth, greenness, freshness noun
intyë wén
yourselves reflexive pronoun 2nd youthful adj. nessima
person pl. indë

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