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Savannah Banana (and the Ghost of Pulaski Square)

Twas a yellow haired girl

Born right here in Savannah
Her family and friends
all called her Banana

She would skip through each square

On the way home from school
Return home before dark!
Was her mother’s one rule

But one late afternoon

As the sun sunk to rest
Banana decided
She’d attempt a test

Those squares are haunted

Her teachers would say
Crawling with spirits
That long passed away
Some are friendly
Some angry
Some somber and lonely
To banana
This sounded
Terrific boloney

I’ll camp out tonight

Bring a camera
A flashlight
A blanket to cover my head
I’ll find out once and for all
If these squares hold the dead!

Hours went by
The city grew quiet and still
Banana had courage
I’m not scared
It’s a thrill


Her eyes growing heavy

Thinking her test a bust
Banana saw something
Her eyes could not trust!

In a window just east of Pulaski square

A figure sped by
And Banana got scared
She reached for her flashlight
Pointed straight at the spirit
Her mother yelled, panicked
But Banana couldn’t hear it

Her hands shook

Her lips quivered
She was filled with despair
Banana was stranded
With a ghost in the square!

This was foolish of me!

She muttered out loud
Her mother’s search party
Had grown to a crowd

Savannian’s screamed
I’m coming
She got up
But things weren’t as they seemed

What brings you here

At this time of the night?
A voice from behind her
Filled Banana with fright!

She turned
Tripped backward
Falling into the dirt
I’m so sorry!
Take my hand
Are you hurt?

My name’s Lily
I’m the ghost of the square called Pulaski
Sorry I ran
But that light shined right at me!

It caught me off guard

Seeing you here so late
This town is quite haunted
Spirit form is my fate
In the night, I stare out at our beautiful sky
I am not sure who chose me
And I’m not sure why

Nice to meet you..

Said a nervous Banana
I’ve heard stories
Of hauntings right here in Savannah

I...I guess that I thought

that it couldn’t be true
That someone like me could be...
Someone like you

I should be getting home

My mother, she’s worried
Banana grew anxious
Her words became hurried

I will come back tomorrow

So we can talk more
If I knock
Can know
Open the door?

No no no
I wish!
Said Lily with a smile
I haven’t done that since
It’s been a while

I’ll find you

I can share all the stories I know
But your mother
She’s worried
You really should go

Banana extended her hand
Then something happened
She still can’t understand

Her mother came running

Banana! Banana!
Hey, Mom! Meet my friend
She’s a ghost from Savannah!

There’s nothing there, honey

Mom said, out of breath
Banana, I’m upset
You scared me half to death!

You don’t see her?

That’s Lily!
Pointing into thin air
Banana was confused
She’s standing right there!

No honey!
I won’t hear one more sound
We searched every square
All so you could be found!

I’m so sorry, truly,
I mean it
I was looking for ghosts and they’re real
Yes! I’ve seen it!

That’s enough, Banana

You gave me such a scare
No more walks alone
Through Pulaski square

They turned and walked home

And the next day at school
Banana was boastful
I met a ghost! She’s so cool!

Her friends didn’t believe her

Banana, you’re silly!
But one friend believes
And her name is Lily.

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