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2.math the verbs in the box with the words and phrases to describe difrerent
life events

be,ser #1

become,volverse #8

get,obtener #7

go,ir ,vamos #5

have,tener #9

make,hacer #3

move, movimienton #6

start,finish comienzo,terminar #4


2# take an english class,an exam,a driving test

3# make a film,a career change,money

4# start engaged,married,divorced

5# go to college,on vacation,on your honeymoon

6# move school,college,work

7# get to a house,to an apartment,to the U.S

8# become famous,an engineer,an actress

9# have a son,children,a baby

3. tell each other true past events in your life.Use the vocabulary in exrcise 2

i was norn in 1984

i got married last year

I was really born in 1967

I became a famous actress at a modern age

I made a great movie that made me very famous

the beginning of my career was for the help of my brother

I have three children who I love very much

I always wanted to be the woman who excelled in acting, and everything I

have obtained is the product of my efforts

I in my marriage with my husband did not go to the native city of him to know
how the place wa:

4. reading

read the article and fill in the year: lee el articulo y completa el año

1: she was born: 1967

2;she moved to new york; 1984

3;she made her firt film; 1986

4: she got her first oscar nomination ; 1989

5;she got married to lyle lovett ; 1993

6; she got divorce: ella se dicorcio : 1995

7;she won the oscar for best actress : 2001

8;she got married to danien moder : 2002

5. read the article again.Are the statements tru or false? T o F next to each
one. Correct the statements that are false.

2. starred in pretty woman and notting hill; (T)

3. she wanted to teach english; (T)

4. when julia finished high school,she started acting school(T)

5. she was a model in new york (T)

6. julia and her sister acted in the movie blood red;(F)

julia and her brother acted in the movie blood red

7. she won an oscar for my best frien is wedding(F)

she won an oscar for Erin Brockovich the aswers. The write the questions

1. A.whe did julia roberts become an actress?

2. B.she became an actress at age 17

3. A.who did julia roberts worked for modeling ?

4. B.she worked for click modeling agency

5. A.did she did not go to college?

6. B.NO,she did not go to college: no, ella no fue a la universidad

7. A.when did julia roberts moven to new york?

8. B.she moved to new york in 1984

9. A.when did julia roberts got married to lyle lovett?

10. B.she got married to lyle lovett in 1993

11. A.when did julia roberts got divorced?

12. B.They got divorced in 1995

13. A.when did julia roberts won an oscar?

14. B.She won an oscar in 2001

15. A.where juan and daniel got married?

16. B. juan and daniel got married in new mexico

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