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Lifelong Learning continue

Week: May 4 ----------Due May 11

Conversation Maybe I should try that!
Won Gyu: So how’s your French class going?

Kelly: Not bad, I’m finding the pronunciation difficult.

Won Gyu: Well, it takes a while to get it right. You could improve your accent by listening to language

Kelly: That’s a good idea. But how do you learn new words vocabulary? I always seem to forget new

Won Gyu: I learn new English words best by writing them on pieces of paper and sticking them on things
in my room. I look at them every night before I go to sleep.

Kelly: Hmm. Maybe I should try something like that!

Your turn
A. Create a conversation with a friend or a classmate talking about a situation
that you have a in a class. Send me an audio of the conversation. You can
you the conversation in the previous slide as a guide.
B. What techniques do you use to learn a new language? Explain your answer
and send me an audio.
Grammar Focus By + gerund to describe how to do things.

You could improve your accent by listening to language CDs.

I learn new words best by writing them on pieces of paper and sticking them on

The best way to learn slang is not by reading newspapers but by watching
Your turn
A. Complete the following phrases by using gerund.
1. You can improve your accent _____________.
2. A good way to learn idioms is_____________.
3. Students can become better writers _______.
4. A good way to learn new vocabulary is _____.
5. People can become faster readers _________.
6. One way of practicing conversation is _______.
7. You learn to use grammar correctly _________.
8. The best way to develop self-confidence in speaking English is _____.
Your turn
B. Talk about the best ways to learn each of these activities.

1. dance better
2. ride a motorcycle
3. write a short story
4. use a new software program
5. play a musical instrument
6. be a good public speaker
7. become a good cook
8. learn a new language
Word Power Personal qualities
1. Artistic appreciation
2. communication skills
3. competitiveness
4. concern for others
5. cooperation
6. courtesy
7. creativity
8. perseverance
9. self-confidence
10. tolarance
Your turn
A. How can you develop each personal quality in word power?

some activities

Studying world religions, volunteering in a hospital, taking a public speaking

class, performing in a play, going to museums, learning a martial art, playing
a team sport.
Writing a short speech
I enjoy cooking and many people say I am a good cook. To be a good cook,
you need both creativity and self-confidence. You need creativity to combine
ingredients in new ways…

Some people learn to cook by taking classes or by following recipes in a

cookbook. I first learned how to cook by watching my mother helping her in the
kitchen . Then...
Your turn
A. Think of a skill, hobby, or craft you have learned. Read these questions and
make notes. Then use your notes to write a short speech. You can use the
previous slide as a guide.

What is required to be successful at it?

What are some ways people learn to do it?

How did you learn it?

What was difficult about learning it?

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