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Leadership Focused on Human Flourishing

Self- Knowledge

Our self-knowledge determines our capability for self-management, self-control and for
establishing positive social relationship. In this case if I am the leader of my neighborhood
and I am having a lot of complains of my neighbors, first of all I have to make me the
following questions:
- What am I like?
- Am I really the way I think I am?
- Am I aware of my emotions and what causes them?
The majority of the time, when we see something wrong, we always think that the other
person is the one who is wrong. We need to take a time to think in these questions because
maybe we are the problem. That’s why is important to make a self-knowledge diagnosis
first and having an emotional awareness of oneself.

Emotional Intelligence

We need to create a healthy psychological and emotional working environment. Using the
recommendations David Pollay collected in his book, I need to work on the following:

- Try to let the emotional garbage dumper pass by and don’t make it emotionally
affect me.
- Avoid becoming an emotional garbage dumper on myself. Get rid of the bad
memories of the past. For example, if I make a bad decision in the past, to don’t be
constantly thinking about it, cause then probably I will repeat that error in the
- Avoid becoming an emotional garbage dumper on other people and avoid revenge.
For example, if a neighbor is constantly complaining, try to don’t exploit and say
bad things only because of revenge.
- Help as many emotional garbage dumpers as you can, value other people’s virtues
- Live in the gratitude cycle. Invest your energy in enjoying a fulfilling life. If I am
not enjoying any more, being leader of my neighborhood, I can stop doing it at any

Social Intelligence

I need to know my own emotions, manage them effectively, motivating myself, recognize
the emotions of others and establish positive relationship with others. First of all, when I
recognize my feelings, I need to analyze why I am feeling that way and what is causing
these feelings in my daily life. Second of all I need to learn how to manage these feelings in
an effective way. To know if I still am happy by controlling the bad feelings and if these
feelings are not causing a negative effect in other persons. I also need to learn how to
motivate myself. To remember constantly why I am doing this and what I want to achieve
in a long term. If the reasons of why I am doing this, still motivates me, then I can continue
with this work if not I need to stop. Finally, to recognize the emotions of other. This is very
important, because I need to understand how the other person is feeling, to know how to
treat them and finally to make a good relationship.

Self- Development Element

1. Making the decision to change: The first step is to be committed to make a real
change in my life. The choice to take what I have learned, reflect on it, make a plan
and go and do it.
2. Consistent, Deliberate Action: Make new habits in my life. Start with one at the
time, but doing it every day, increasing the frequency, intensity or duration to make
it a real habit.
3. Knowing your why: know why I am doing this for, why I want to be better than
yesterday and what do I want to take from this to have a better future
4. Reflecting on your own experience: It’s very important to reflect all the steps we
make, to know what we can improve. It also helps me to reflect all the movements
for don’t making the same mistakes in the future.

Positive Relationship Element

Some of the relationship elements I can began to put in practice for having a better
relationship with my neighbors are the following:

 Transparency
 Communication
 Putting things on the table
 Sharing responsibility
 Respect
 Positive humor

If I try to put all these elements on practice, probably I could improve my communication
and my relationship with all the neighborhood.

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