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Discursive essay

A discursive essay is a formal piece of writing which discusses a particular issue,

situation or problem. There are 3 main types or discursive essays:
1. For and against essay
2. Opinion essay
3. Essays suggesting solutions to problems
A good discursive essay consists of:
a) An introduction
b) Main body
c) Conclusion

For and against essay

It is a formal piece of writing in which the topic is considered from opposing parts
of view. You should present both sides in a fair way and equal detail. Such an
essay consists of:
1. The title
2. Introduction: 1 paragraph in which we clearly state the topic and we are
giving our opinion
3. Main body consisting of two paragraphs, in which we present the for and
against points of view along with justifications, examples, arguments (for
and against are presented in different paragraphs)
4. Conclusion in which we state our opinion

Points to consider:
 Before we start, make a list of the points supporting for/against. Each
paragraph should start with a topic sentence, which summarizes the topic of
the paragraph
 Do not use informal style or strong language to express your opinion
 Well known quotes, relevant to the topic, can make your composition

 you should use formal style
 make references to other sources
 use quotes
 use linking words or devices
 use topic sentences to introduce the subject to each paragraph
 write well-developed ideas with arguments and examples
 don’t use short forms, informal language, very emotional language\
 don’t use personal examples
 don’t use cliches

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