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I- Substitute the underlined words for personal pronouns:

(Substitua as palavras grifadas por um pronome pessoal)

1- The cake is delicious

_________is delicious.

2- Mário is my father.

_________is my father.

3- Mrs. Francis Alves is my English teacher.

_________is my English teacher.

4- Sandro and Cristina are my uncle and aunt.

_____________are my uncle and aunt.

II- Complete com o verbo TO BE na forma afirmativa

1- Hi! I _________Tamiko.

I am very happy here in Sorocaba. It __________a very good city.

Kasuo and Tomiko ________ my parents.

They ___________ very nice.

2- “ Peter _____ from Manchester, but Paul and John _____ from London. Manchester and

London _____ cities in England. Hamburg _____ a city in Germany.”

“ Sandra _____ at school today. Jack and Peter _____ her classmates. They _____ in the

same class.”

III- Complete as sentenças usando os pronomes pessoais e a forma curta do verbo TO BE

na forma afirmativa.

1- Lion is an angry animal. 4- Maria and her mother are playing in the garden.

____________very beautiful. _____________happy.

2- Carlos is my brother. 5- João and Pedro are from Brazil.

____________from Canada. ________________Brazilian.

3- Elephant is big. 6- Maria is my sister.

___________fat.. ____________a beautiful girl.

IV.Complete the text with the correct subject pronouns ( I / you / he / she / it / they ).

Diego : Hi! ____________________ „m Diego.

Teacher : How old are ___________________, Diego?

Diego : Ten.

Teacher : And your cousins?

Diego : Camila. _______________ „s eleven. Caio. ________________‟s ten.

Teacher : And your pet?

Diego : My dog? ___________________‟s ten too!

V. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

Are is This am is Bye

Raquel : Hi, Laura! Who ______ your friend?

Laura : _________ is my cousin, Lucas.

Lucas : Hello, Raquel. Nice to meet you.

Raquel : And you? _______you new here?

Lucas : Yes, I _______.

Laura : Lucas _______in our class now.

Raquel : Great! _______!

VI. Circle the correct answer.

1. _______________________ is your profession?

a) Who

b) What

c) Why

2. _________________________ is your birthday?

a) Who

b) When

c) What

3. ______________________ is your English book?

a) Where

b) What

c) Why
4. ______________________ is your new teacher?

a) Who

b) What

c) When

VII. What are the nationalities:

1. Germany _________________________________

2. Brazil _________________________________

3. France _________________________________

4. Spain _________________________________

5. Japan _________________________________

6. China _________________________________

7. India _________________________________

VIII. Think of words in English that are used in Portuguese. Write them down.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

IX. Write the greetings in English:

Bom dia: ________________________________________________

Boa tarde: _______________________________________________

Boa noite (ao chegar): ______________________________________

Boa noite (ao despedir-se): __________________________________

Tchau: __________________________________________________

Como vai você?: __________________________________________

Estou bem, obrigado.: ______________________________________

Prazer em conhecê-lo.: _____________________________________

X. Answer the questions below:

What‟s your first name? ________________________________________

What‟s your middle name? _______________________________________

What‟s your last name? __________________________________________

How do you spell that? __________________________________________

What‟s your full name? __________________________________________

What‟s your nickname? __________________________________________

XI. Give answers or make questions:

1. Hello, Ms. Alves. - __________________________________________

2. How do you do? - ___________________________________________

3. See you! - _________________________________________________

4. Pleased to meet you. -________________________________________

5. This is my friend Gustavo. -____________________________________

7. _________________________________? - My name is Mariana.

8. _________________________________?- My nickname is Mare.

9. _________________________________? - It‟s P-E-R-E-I-R-A.

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