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The Danish girl is a biographical film that was filmed and directed by Tom Hooper
in 2015. Its location were United Kingdom, United States, Germany and Denmark.
The film was screened in the main competition section of the 72nd Venice
International Film Festival,  and it was shown in the Special Presentations section
of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. The film received some criticism
for its inaccurate portrayal of historical events, but Redmayne and Vikander's
performances received widespread acclaim and nominations for all of the major
acting awards. However, due to its content the movie is suitable for people older
than 12 years.
The Danish girl is a story that has been inspired in the life of painters Einar and
Gerda Wegener. It tells some of the difficulties that his marriage had to go through
after the appearance of “Lillie Elbe”, the second personality of Einar that emerges
as a solution to the search for a gender identity, becoming one of the first
transgender women of the time.
The whole movie was really interesting but our favorite scene was when Einar
Wegener or rather, Lillie Elbe died because although his experience as a woman
only lasted 14 months; he was finally able to discover himself as Lillie Elbe, a real
woman that needed to be more than a fictional character to give sense of his entire
existence. Also, the appearance of Lillie Elbe as the first transgender woman who
underwent a gender change surgery in some way, becomes an incentive for many
men and women of the time who feared presenting themselves to society as
transgender people.
In general, the film is very interesting because it is a story that tells us the real
battle of a man that struggling to be accepted in a society that ignored completely
his condition and also, he has to deal with a series of physical and emotional
changes that only he can understand.

Our favorite actor is this movie is Edward Radmayne. He is an actor, singer and
model who was born on January 6th 1982 in London. He has won the Oscar, The
Golden Globe, Screen actors Guild Award and others. Actually, he is married and
has 2 children. In the movie, The Danish Girl he plays Einar Wegener and Lillie
Elbe, too. Among all actors who worked in the movie, we think Edward in addition
to have the leading role his interpretation was very professional and impeccable.
In the movie the actor has the next appearance:
-Short, brown and wavy hair
-Blue eyes
-Tall and thin contexture
-White skin
-Mysterious attitude
-Elegant wardrobe
We recommended the movie because although the main topic of the movie is the
gender duality that Einar Wegener experiences, the story is also strongly
influenced for the love of the couple that drives Gerda Wegener to faithfully support
her husband to carry out his complete transformation in spite of the consequences
it brings to their relationship. Also, it is a movie that give us a teaching of
comprehension and auto-acceptation.
In conclusion the movie is:



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