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1. Look at the pictures and match them with the correct phrases. Write a
complete sentence to describe what people are doing!

a. have a picnic. d. sail on the lake.

g. check and send e-mails.
b. have a barbecue. e. fish.
h. read a book by the lake.
c. ride a horse. f. swim in the lake.
i. hike

Task designed by Viviana Valencia Posso

2. WRITING You are spending your weekend at the lake with your family. Write an e-mail
to your friends to tell them about the great time you’re having there and the different
activities you and your family are doing.

1. Make sure you say hello and goodbye properly.

2. Write complete and meaningful sentences using the element of present progressive
and write an extra information sentence for each activity. Example:
a. “My cousins are hiking. They like the mountain.”
b. “My sister is riding a horse. She is very active.”
3. Also, remember to answer the following questions in your e-mail:
a. What is the place like? (DESCRIBE THE PLACE)
b. How do you feel at the lake? (DESCRIBE YOUR EMOTIONS)
4. Finally, feel free to include any further information you want!!!!


Subject: My weekend at the lake!!

Hello my dear friend,

I’m writing you an e-mail to tell you about the great time I’m having here at the lake with my
family and the different activities we are doing.

My cousins are hiking. They like the mountain…

This is all we are doing here. We’re having so much fun.

Write me please,
Vivi ☺


Writing checklist

CRITERIA The student … YES SW NO

Writes a short and basic text that is clear and easy to understand.

MEANING Includes all the information required.

(10 points each)
Introduces the text correctly.

Concludes the text correctly.

Applies the element of present continuous to talk about activities happening

GRAMMAR at the moment of speaking correctly.

Task designed by Viviana Valencia Posso

(10 points each) Associates the personal pronouns with the corresponding forms of the verb
to be (personal pronouns + verb to be forms agreement.)

Follows the correct structural patterns to write affirmative sentences using the present
continuous (S + verb to be + main verb + ing + complement).

Follows the correct structural patters to write negative sentences using the present continuous
(S + verb to be + NOT + main verb + ing + complement).

VOCABULARY Uses the vocabulary studied in class to talk about activities happening at the
(10 points) moment of speaking.

PUNCTUATION Uses capital letters, periods and commas appropriately.

( 10 points)


Task designed by Viviana Valencia Posso

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