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ANATOMY HOMEWORK SET B C. recurrent laryngeal D.

internal laryngeal

NAME: ___13. An example of secondary cartilaginous joints:

A. Costochondral joint C. TMJ
___1. Following are the contents of inguinal canal in males B. Intervertebral disc D. Lambdoid suture (head)
A. ilio-inguinal nerve B. spermatic cord ___14. Which of the stated relationships is correct?
C. artery to vas deference D. ilio hypogastric nerve A. The heart is inferior to the clavicle
B. The shoulder is distal to the carpals
___2. Conjoint tendon is formed by: C. The phalanges are proximal to the metacarpals
A. External and internal oblique D. The eye is medial to the eyebrows
B. B. external oblique and transversus abdominis
C. internal oblique and transversus abdominis ___15. Which of the stated relationships is correct?
D. internal oblique alone A. The heart is superior to the large intestine
B. The shoulder is distal to the metacarpals
__3. Commonest position of appendix is: C. The phalanges are proximal to the carpals
A. retrocaecal B. sub caecal D. The eye is medial to the nose
C. Pelvic D.preileal
___16. Which term describes the location of the adrenal
___4. 2nd part of duodenum is developed from: glands with reference to the
A. foregut and midgut B. midgut and hindgut kidneys?
C. only forgut D. only midgut A. Proximal C. Superior
B. Distal D. Inferior
___5. Which of the following nerves is involved in fracture
neck humerus? ___17. In which cavity(ies) does the digestive system lie?
A. ulnar B. median A. The abdominal cavity
C. axillary D. radial B. The abdominal and pelvic cavities
C. The thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities
___6. Nerve supply of pyramidalis muscle is: D. The dorsal, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities
A. ilio inguinal B. subcostal
C. genitofemoral D. ilio hypogastric ___18. A 39-year-old male presents with severe neck pain
after a whiplash injury, sustained when his car was struck
___7. Following bones take part in lateral longitudinal arch from behind. Radiographic studies reveal trauma to the
EXCEPT; ligament lying on the anterior surface of the cervical
A. calcaneous B. cuboid vertebral bodies. Which ligament is this?
C. talus D.5th metacarpal ⃣ A. Anterior longitudinal ligament
⃣ B. Ligamentum fl avum
___8. Which nerve injury results in ptosis: ⃣ C. Nuchal ligament
A. occulumotor B. trochlear ⃣ D. Posterior longitudinal ligament
C.supraorbital D. facial ⃣ E. Transverse cervical ligament

___9. Pulsations of the femoral artery can be felt at: ___19. A 4-year-old male child is admitted to the hospital
A. mid inguinal point with severe vomiting. Radiographic examination and history
B. B. mid point of inguinal ligament taking reveals that the boy suffers from an annular pancreas.
C. 3.8cm infero lateral to pubic tubercle Which of the following structures is most typically obstructed
D. D. 1.5cm above mid inguinal point by this condition?
⃣ A. Pylorus of the stomach
___10. Following are the sites of internal haemorrhoids ⃣ B. First part of the duodenum
EXCEPT; ⃣ C. Second part of the duodenum
A. 3 o'clock B. 5 o'clock ⃣ D. Third part of the duodenum
C. 7 o'clock D. 11 o'clock ⃣ E. Jejunum

___11. Nerve carrying sense of taste from circumvallate ___20. 3-year-old male child is admitted to the pediatric
papillae is: clinic. Diagnosis reveals that the intermediate portion of the
A chorda tympani B. lingual processus vaginalis is not obliterated. Which of the following
C. glossopharyngeal D. vagus conditions will most likely result from this?
⃣ A. Hypospadias
___12. Sensory nerve for larynx above the level of vocal cord ⃣ B. Sterility
is ⃣ C. Congenital hydrocele
A. external laryngeal B. ansa cervicalis ⃣ D. Ectopic testis
⃣ E. Epispadias injured by the jagged edges of the broken bone at this
___21. Testicles are absent from the scrotum of a 1-yearold ⃣ A. Axillary
male admitted to the pediatric clinic. The pediatrician ⃣ B. Median
examined the infant and palpated the testes in the inguinal ⃣ C. Musculocutaneous
canal. Which of the following terms is used to describe this ⃣ D. Radial
condition? ⃣ E. Ulnar
⃣ A. Pseudohermaphroditism
⃣ B. True hermaphroditism ____27. A 24-year-old medical student was bitten at the base
⃣ C. Cryptorchism of her thumb by her dog. The wound became infected and
⃣ D. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia the infection spread into the radial bursa. The tendon(s) of
⃣ E. Chordee which muscle will most likely be affected?
⃣ A. Flexor digitorum profundus
___22. A 6-year-old boy has a large intraabdominal mass ⃣ B. Flexor digitorum superfi cialis
in the midline just above the pubic symphysis. During surgery ⃣ C. Flexor pollicis longus
a cystic mass is found attached to the umbilicus and to the ⃣ D. Flexor carpi radialis
apex of the bladder. Which of the following is the most likely ⃣ E. Flexor pollicis brevis
⃣ A. Hydrocele ___28. Laboratory studies in the outpatient clinic on a
⃣ B. Meckel cyst 24-year-old female included assessment of circulating blood
⃣ C. Meckel diverticulum chemistry. Which of the following arteries is most likely at
⃣ D. Omphalocele risk during venipuncture at the cubital fossa?
⃣ E. Urachal cyst ⃣ A. Brachial
⃣ B. Common interosseous
___23. A 1-year-old infant is admitted to the pediatric ⃣ C. Ulnar
clinic because he is passing urine on the underside of ⃣ D. Anterior interosseous
the penis. Which embryologic structure failed to fuse? ⃣ E. Radial
⃣ A. Spongy urethra
⃣ B. Labioscrotal folds ___29. A 2-day-old infant male has a noticeable gap in
⃣ C. Urethral folds his upper lip. The diagnosis is a cleft lip. Failure of fusion
⃣ D. Urogenital folds of which of the following structures is the most likely cause of
⃣ E. Genital tubercle this anomaly?
⃣ A. Lateral nasal and maxillary prominences/ processes
___24. A 16-year-old male received a superficial cut on ⃣ B. Medial nasal prominences/processes
the lateral side of his foot while playing football and is ⃣ C. Lateral nasal and medial nasal prominences/processes
admitted to the emergency department where the wound is ⃣ D. Lateral prominences/processes
sutured. Four days later the patient returns to the hospital ⃣ E. Maxillary prominences/processes and the intermaxillary
with high fever and swollen lymph nodes. Which group of segment
nodes will first receive lymph from the infected wound?
⃣ A. Popliteal ___30. A 3-month-old male infant has a lump in his neck. A
⃣ B. Vertical group of superficial inguinal biopsy of the lump shows it to be thymic tissue. Based on
⃣ C. Deep inguinal embryonic origin, which of the following additional structures
⃣ D. Horizontal group of superficial inguinal is most likely to have an ectopic location?
⃣ E. Internal iliac ⃣ A. Jugulodigastric lymph node
⃣ B. Lingual tonsil
___25. A 45-year-old male presents at the local emergency ⃣ C. Parathyroid gland
clinic with the complaint of a painful knee and difficulty in ⃣ D. Submandibular gland
walking. A CT scan examination reveals a very large cyst in ⃣ E. Thyroid gland
the popliteal fossa compressing the tibial nerve. Which
movement will most likely be affected?
⃣ A. Dorsifl exion of the foot
⃣ B. Flexion of the thigh
⃣ C. Extension of the digits
⃣ D. Extension of the leg
⃣ E. Plantar flexion of the foot

___26. An 18-year-old male is brought to the emergency

department after an injury while playing rugby. Imaging
reveals a transverse fracture of the humerus about 1 inch
proximal to the epicondyles. Which nerve is most frequently

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