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How does atmospheric pressure affect the

Atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted at a specific point on the Earth’s

surface by the weight of the air above it. When the air’s weight is greater, the
pressure is greater, too.

Atmospheric pressure varies:

 Pressure changes with altitude. In a low-lying area, pressure is higher

because there is more air above it.

 Pressure varies with air temperature. Hot air weighs than cold air.

Areas of high pressure are called anticyclones.

Areas of low pressure are called depressions.

The influence of pressure on the weather.

 Anticyclones produce dry, stable weather and clear skies.

 Depressions produce unstable weather, rain and storms.

 Fronts are the boundaries between different air masses. They always bring
clouds, and sometimes rain. Fronts are characteristic of temperature zones.


1º. Answer these questions.

a) What is atmospheric pressure?

b) What is an area of high pressure called?

c) What is an area of low pressure called?

d) Where is pressure higher, at sea level or at 1,000 metres above sea level?

e) How is a low pressure area created?

f) Why does is rain in low pressure areas?

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