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All the requirements were completed in this assignment.

I don’t find any issues with any query however

where the data are replaced that also given in the form of note. Inserting dummy data to make the
system database with the proper data types that was required into this. Inserting the data into the
various table like in employee table salary table. Then we need to show the data that we put into the
table and see what be inserted into the database and how it’s doing when it’s showing symmetrical.
There is need to check the redundancy of the data as well. Then we need to select employee name and
job name from the table employee and for them we need to check the unique job name in the
employee table. All these were executed. You have used joins clauses perfectly. All the outputs are
correct and shows same results as per the assessment demand. So, all the things that we need to
perform as per the requirement and you follow all the things perfectly. Apart from some attributes that
require into the employee table and salary table everything is perfect.

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