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I. Choose the most suitable variant to complete the sentence:

1. Successful British monarchs have always …
a) read the History of Art at Oxbridge.
b) followed the path of pleasure rather than duty.
c) dedicated themselves to duty and to self-sacrifice.
2. The majority of people think that …
a) children are more trouble than they are worth.
b) watching children grow up is one of life’s joys.
c) that marriage is not complete without children.
3. Among the signals of the “breakdown society” is …
a) juvenile crime.
b) committed parenting.
c) working mothers.
4. Marriage was traditionally viewed as …
a) a temporary situation.
b) a sacred bond.
c) a communal living arrangement.
5. A nuclear family …
a) consists of only one parent.
b) includes uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents.
c) means parents and children.

II. Choose the most suitable word for the suggested definition:
1. having an excellent reputation, not spoiled by anything
a) untarnished b) vacuous c) self-indulgent
2. great happiness that shows in someone’s face and makes them look very
a) arrogance b) foppery c) radiance
3. money paid to an ex-wife and/or children, following a divorce
a) maintenance b) disposable income c) marketable wealth
4. living with another person and having a sexual relation with them without
being married
a) wedlock b) cohabitation c) consumerism
5. to become less in quantity, importance or strength
a) treble b) raise c) decline

III. Complete the sentence with one of the words given:

1. The present generation of the Royal Family are … to a glorious legacy.
a) descendants b) heirs c) protectors d) relatives
2. Society is worried about the growing … of children to drugs and alcohol.
a) pressure b) burden c) exposure d) demand
3. In the 20 century life … has been steadily rising.
a) expectancy b) inheritance c) disruption d) workforce
4. Nowadays, women are expected to … the husband’s income.
a) complement b) supplement c) compliment d) share
5. Marriage today is no longer considered to be a permanent or … situation.
a) temporary b) transient c) beneficial d) lifelong

IV. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

1. Some members of the Royal Family have inflicted immense damage … it.
a) on b) for c) at d) to
2. Elizabeth II’s achievement as a monarch has been … great personal cost.
a) with b) by c) for d) at
3. Modern men are more involved … their children’s care than their fathers.
a) at b) with c) about d) for
4. The smaller the average size of households the greater demand … housing.
a) for b) in c) of d) to
5. The majority of mothers today are employed at least … a part-time basis.
a) over b) at c) on d) for

V. Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words and phrases:

1. Whatever intoxicating opportunities might be waved before him, a future
monarch had better take a lone and lonely path.
a) be offered to tempt him
b) distract his attention
c) interfere with his work
2. Many of the finest British monarchs have had charisma in spades.
a) because they worked hard
b) when they played cards
c) in large amounts
3. There is a point of view that advertizing campaigns encourage young people
to be materialistic.
a) to believe that only physical matter exists and there is no spiritual world
b) to have a lot of experience and knowledge of life
c) to believe that money and possessions are the most important aspect of
one’s life
4. Once, a Home Secretary called on teenage single mothers to give up their
babies for adoption.
a) appealed to them
b) ordered them
c) visited them
5. Britons are famous for their reserve and stiff upper lip.
a) a lip that does not move
b) the quality of remaining calm and not letting other people see what you
are really feeling in a difficult or unpleasant situation
c) a gloomy facial expression

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