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Programming gemstones and crystals

The purpose of programming a stone is to focus its energy on something you specifically want or
need, thereby magnifying its intent through your own. Once a stone has been programmed, it
will continually emit that intention until it is cleared or reprogrammed. A stone can hold several
intentions, up to four or five, as long as they are compatible.

Stones can be programmed for many purposes.

You might seek healing, protection, or spiritual guidance. Perhaps you wish to bring more love or
prosperity into your life. You may desire to improve your home or work environment. These are
just a few reasons you might wish to program a stone.

How to program a gemstone or crystal:

Three things need to be done before a stone can be programmed. First, you need to formulate
your intention. It is important that it is well thought out and properly focused. Vague or
imprecise wording may confuse a stone's energies, but specific and meticulous wording will
precisely direct its energy towards your intention.

Secondly, you need to select a stone that resonates with the intention you desire. For example, if
you are looking for peace and calm, a meditation stone, or to let go of stress, choose a calming
green stone or blue stone, such as chrysocolla or aquamarine. If you want an energizing stone to
stimulate action or to bring positive results quickly, a red stone, such as ruby or garnet, would
work well. If you feel that red is too forceful, choose an orange stone or yellow stone, such as
carnelian or citrine.

And finally, before programming, the selected stone must be purified of any outside energies,
and cleared of any previous programming.

To program a stone, sit quietly and focus your mind on your intention.

Hold the stone and gaze at it. Sense its energy, letting your own become attuned to it. Once you
feel in harmony with the stone, clearly and firmly state your intention aloud. You may wish to
repeat it several times to anchor it into the stone. You will intuitively feel when the programming
is complete.

*You can reprogram your crystals if the need changes by clearing the stone again and repeating
the process.

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