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Name __Izilandria Alcorn_________________


ELL Theories Jigsaw

Reading assignments for Jigsaw:

1. Jim cummins

2. Stephen Krashen

3. Noam chomsky

Literacy theories:
Universal grammar theory- Noam Chomsky explains that grammar is from every language
and humans have a pre wired to learn language.
Krashen theories- there are five hypotheses which are all connected to how we acquire
second language. (the natural order hypothesis, the acquisition learning hypothesis, the
monitor hypothesis, the input hypothesis, the affective filter hypothesis.)
Iceberg theory- proposed by Jim Cummins suggests that learning language is a dual iceberg
which consists of L1 and L2 language. (BICS AND CALP)

Important Terms and Definitions:

BICS- basic interpersonal communications skills “play ground talk”

CALP- cognitive academic language proficiency “academic language”
Second language acquisition- the process of an individual learning a second language.

Other notes from “expert group:”


BICS is “playground talk” meaning, this takes 1-3 years to develop.
-language necessary to communicate for everyday living.
CALP is classroom or academic language, this usually takes 5-7 years to develop.
-in order to achieve CALP there needs to be high levels of reading and writing.

notes from “home group” about selections:

#__1_: the iceberg theory is representative of the dimensions of language. It is important

to recognize the difference between BICS and CALP and support students development of
language proficency.

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