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Future Ready Library 

Looking at the pictures below, do you think these spaces are 
  conducive to learning? What would you change? Is there 
anything you would keep? Click here to add your thoughts!

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According to the Future Ready Librarian framework, “a future 
  ready library will provide a flexible space that promotes 
inquiry, creativity, collaboration and community.” This includes: 
● A variety of seating options to meet the needs of 
diverse learners 
● Flexible spaces to allow for: classroom lessons, quiet 
small group work, making/tinkering, showcasing student 
work, professional development 
● An environment that responds to the changing needs of 

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the school community and evolving societal needs.  

● Infrastructure to accommodate technology that 
encourages inquiry, creativity and critical thinking 
● Shelving and book displays that promote the library’s 
● Above all, creating a warm welcoming space where all 
members of the school community feel comfortable and 
can thrive 

Explore (later) 
Curate a collection of resources (articles, videos, infographics, 
   text excerpts, etc.) for students to explore a topic.  
The Robin Hood Library Initiative: A look at an initiative to 
rehabilitate school libraries in underserved, low-income areas in 
New York City. A great resource if working with a tight budget.  
Renovated Learning: Simple and easy changes to jumpstart 
the renovation process.  
Hubbard Woods Library/MakerSpace: A blog describing how 
to transform a library into a Makerspace. 
ISTE Recommendations for creating a Makerspace. 
A beginner’s guide to creating a makerspace from scratch. 
Practical step by step tips for redesigning your school library. 
Locke Jetspace: L.A. School Library of the Future An L.A. high 
school transforms its library into a room of the future.  
Divine Design: How to create the 21st-century school library of 
your dreams “How do you determine the best way to turn your 
library space into a learning center that’s right for today’s 
rapidly changing digital world?” 

Transform Your School Library 

An all-in-one blog, forum, toolbox 
and resources hub to help you 
transform your school library! 

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Design for Learning: Media Center (click on image to watch 
video): The unveiling of the future ready media center at a 
middle school in Minnetonka, Minnesota. 

Vlog: Redesigning School Libraries (click on image to follow 
link): Mark Hubbard shares in his K12 learning spaces vlog 
valuable tips on redesigning your school library.  

Apply & Share 

After exploring the examples above, please go to this Padlet 
  to reflect and share the following: 
- Some takeaways that you would like to implement or 
have already implemented 
- How you would go about implementing 
- Challenges you foresee 
Please be sure to read and comment on one another’s posts 
with advice, success stories and tips that might help someone 

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What will you accomplish this week, month, and year to 
  transform your library into a future ready space? Set goals for 
yourself here. 

Add links to more activities and online resources to extend the 
r Demco provides unique products perfect for designing a 
collaborative space, along with Makerspace products. 
Mackin Maker is a company that provides both literary 
resources and maker space resources for schools. They have 
start kits for those wanting a variety of materials, and they 
offer training and support. This is a family owned business that 
has personalized customer service and support. 
Mackin Transform Your School Library is another resource for 
school librarians who are developing and growing their 
libraries as well as looking for additional support in the 
evolving library spaces. They are currently working on 
quarterly journal articles geared towards maker spaces and 
Reimagining Library Spaces:  
Transform Your Space on Any Budget  
by Diana Rendina 
“With the advent of modern 
technologies and the rise of 
participatory and active learning 
pedagogy, the traditional school 
library model is no longer as 
effective as it once was. Reimagining 
Library Spaces helps librarians 
rethink the library space, including 
the changing role of technology, 
showing ways to transform how students learn in and use these 
spaces. Find the guidance you need to make smart and 
e cient updates to your library space that encourage the use 
of technology to improve student learning.” 

Designing Libraries: A directory of architects, interior 

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designers, furniture suppliers, book vendors, technology 

companies, and more.  

Create a floorplan of your new dream library using Excel. 

Instructions here. 

Works Cited 
Amara, M. (2015). Function over form: Transforming school libraries from 
the inside out. Demco Interiors. Retrieved from
Dvaila, E. (2007). Ewing high school media center photos. Retrieved from
Armstrong High School (2018). From library to student union: Armstrong 
students thrive in transformed media center. Retrieved from
Wayfarin’ Stranger (2012). Thomas hughes public library. Retrieved from
Mennetonka Schools (2016). Design for learning: Media center. Retrieved 
from [video] 
Hubbard, M. (2018). VLOG: Redesigning school libraries. Retrieved from
es/97/ [video] 

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