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1. Specifications

The assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate that you can effectively collect,
review, and analyze the relevant academic literatures on a particular topic.

Each group has to select a company with which you are familiar (not compulsory), select a
problem being faced by the company (or in general), and then collect and review at least 5
international journal articles, from the year 2000 onwards, applying tools, methods,
methodologies, among others for the problem to be studied.

You should analyze the strengths of these articles regarding their effectiveness to solve the
problem, and also you should identify the knowledge gaps and limitations, if any, and
suggest for improvements.

2. Group Formation

Students have to form their own group with five students in each group to work on and
complete the assignment.

3. Word Limits:

The total length of the group report is a maximum of 2,000 words (excluding figures, tables,
references, and appendices).

4. Presentation of Assignment 1:

• It is important to give attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation in order to avoid

ambiguity and confusion. The assignment must be word processed in 12-point type and
double-spaced. Please leave a margin of 2.5 cm on both the left and right hand side.

• Students can include relevant graphs, tables, and other exhibits as appendices. They
must be clearly labelled, and will not be included in the word count. However, your reasons
for including these exhibits must be made clear in the main body of the assignment.

5. Expected Contents of Group Assignment (Report):


Company background, description of the business problem, and justification of selection.

II. Methodology

Description of the method used to collect the journal articles, such as databases, searching
and filtering criteria, etc..

Criteria to choose an article

Where you found the articles
Key words used
Tools used (including internet)

III. Strengths
Analysis of the strengths of the articles with respect to the evaluation criteria.

IV. Weaknesses
Analysis of the weaknesses of the articles with respect to the evaluation criteria.

V. Discussions and Conclusions

Suggestions for courses of action for the companies that face the problem as well as the
evaluation of the tool, method, methodology or approach that could solve the problem.

VI. References
The APA (American Psychological Association) style requires two elements: in-text citations
throughout your assignment, and a reference list at the end.

VII. Appendices

Including the minutes/notes of meetings.

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