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As we all know, Singapore has achieved the top performance of PISA 2015 study conducted

by OECD. It has inspired many international stakeholders and parties to explore on what
made Singapore successful in terms of education. To be noted, their Ministry of Education
has carefully recruited the best and brightest teachers to ensure their quality of education.
They even offer prestigious teaching scholarship programmes for those brightest who have
an aim to enter the best universities around the world and who have selected teaching as
their profession in the future. From this, it can be concluded that Singapore only aims those
students who are excellent and competent in the education to be recruited in their education
system as an educator. Besides, Singapore even provide competitive compensation
package for teachers to be comparable to other professions in the civil service. I’ve even
read before that their Ministry of Education examines a range of occupational
starting salaries in each year and may adjust the salaries for beginning
teachers to ensure that teaching is seen as equally attractive with other
occupations for new graduates. In fact, Singaporean teachers have even
been assessed annually to see whether they have the potential for three
different career tracks of teaching, which are teaching tracks, leadership
tracks and even specialist in curriculum or research tracks. From this, it
can be understood that we should give an opportunity and support for all
teachers who have different potentials and talents to improve their
professional development. Apart from that, Singapore has their extreme
systemic coherence in their national education system through their Tight
Tripartite Partnership, which involves the Ministry of Education (MOE),
national education programme and schools. To explain further, their
Ministry of Education has offered the evidence-informed policies to be
translated into their teacher education programme (such as IPG in
Malaysia) before turning the policies into pedagogical practice by the
teachers in the schools. Last but not least, we should always be aware of
the international development of education system to improve our national
education quality to compete against the other developing countries in
terms of education. Singaporean education system has taught us to learn
and refer to the best practices of education in the world to be analysed
before implementing them into our Malaysian education system.  

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