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Yda Moredo, MCM February 27, 2020

SMP (Student Ministry Program)
Ma’am Ryanne Leal, MCM


One chapel message that has stuck with me was Ptr. Tira’s message last December. He
asked the question about what was holding us back from really truly believing in Jesus and really
truly surrendering to Him our hearts and lives. It is an unforgettable message to me because at
that time I was (and am) still feeling the effects of a previous trial, which had left me doubting
God’s character and way of doing things a lot. I knew (and know) that I am supposed to trust
God at all times; but experiencing that previous trial brought me to a point of much and pain and
so much questioning and wondering if I could really trust God. It was both a sobering and
comforting message. It comforted me because it assured me that God knew exactly the thoughts
and confusions I was (and am) wrestling with inside my heart.

The other message that ministered to me was given last February 11, 2020. I was not
able to catch the name of the speaker, but I was again comforted by his message about spiritual
deserts. Believers, at one point or another, will experience spiritual dryness, but this shouldn’t
cause them to lose heart, for God is with them even in the midst of their spiritual deserts. Such
seasons are marked by painful brokenness and frustrating setbacks, full of complicated situations
that undo us; what makes them all the more frustrating is that no human effort will suffice in
fixing the situations, compelling us to endure such infuriating situations. Such circumstances
cause the heart to cry out to God in great emotional and spiritual anguish. Truly, it is a Divine
encounter to be able to cry out to God, but it is also a painful encounter. It is a transforming
encounter, a transformation that God is committed to making in His children, even to the point of
hurting them. Spiritual deserts are not beyond God’s control, for they are also His instruments in
causing His children to grow.

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