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Table ofContents

4 Meet NewEra
5 Executive Summary
6 Audiences
7 Situation Analysis
8 SWOT Analysis
10 Key Message Platform
11 Research Method
12 Key Insights
14 Goals, Objectives & Tactics
25 Appendix:
A. Budget
B. Timeline
C. E-Mail Blast
D. Campus Representative Sign-Up
E. SoC Snapchat Filter
F. Sample COM Week Table
G. Sample COM Week E-Mail Sign-Up
H. Vidette Testimonial Articles
I. PR Package Contact List
J. PR Pamphlet Recipient List
K. Vidette Testimonial Articles
Table Transmittal
November 21, 2019
School of Communication
304 S. University Street
Normal, IL 61761

Dear Ms. Chupp,

The NewEra Public Relations team would like to thank you for considering our firm to represent
the School of Communication. Throughout this book, you will find the layout for the School
of Communication campaign. During the first meeting, you emphasized how the School of
Communication wants to increase enrollment rates among the four different departments, so this
plan was based off of that request. The proposed campaign includes key insights from research,
objectives, strategies, and tactics developed by NewEra Public Relations based on a $5,000 budget
to increase the School of Communication enrollment rate.

The intention of this campaign is to utilize events, social media, and word of mouth strategies to
reach the target demographics as well as help reach goals for the campaign. In the pages to follow,
information regarding how each objective should be carried out and details about the tactics
involved is displayed.

Based on the extensive research, this plan will help you achieve higher enrollment rates for the
School of Communication. We look forward to presenting our ideas in person on November 21,
2019 at Illinois State University, Fell Room 280.

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any questions or concerns regarding our book at
Haley Wolfe’s e-mail which is listed below.


NewEra Public Relations

Maria Galuppo Jeremy Rodgers Brianna Hebior

Annie Crawford Haley Wolfe Mary Ann Rasmussen

Table Team
of Contents
Digital Communications Director

Haley Wolfe

Jeremy Rodgers
Account Manager
Account Manager

Annie Crawford

Maria Galuppo
Account Manager

Public Relations Specialist

Brianna Hebior

Mary Ann Rasmussen

Public Relations Specialist
fo elbaT

The overarching goal for this campaign is to increase awareness and promotion of all
majors offered by the School of Communication in order to increase enrollment of incoming
freshmen, transfer students, and major transfers within Illinois State University.

The College of Business, Education, and Mennonite College of Nursing are all doing
well in terms of enrollment, why isn’t the School of Communication? The SoC needs an
established University-wide reputation. People can’t know a major within the SoC is right for
them if they don’t even know what the SoC has to offer. The number of students enrolled in
the SoC has dropped by 100+ individuals within the past few years, so we did some research to
find out what could peak different target audiences interest in the SoC.

We have taken a distinctive route with our tactics and objectives, barely including any
social media work. Many people would disagree with this strategy due to how much our world
revolves around social media nowadays. We have analytically precise and individual data to
support all of our techniques to show how our plan will work once in action.

New Era will be using media relations, influencer relations, and research to raise
awareness and raise enrollment numbers within the SoC. From PR packages being sent to top
community colleges from which a majority of our transfer populations come from, to email
blasts, we are implementing tactics that are easy to execute and highly credible. Our tactics
also don’t require any large reallocation of resources, which a full social plan would.

We carefully selected our tactics to be carried out efficiently and the cost will be
relatively minimal. Cost effectiveness enables finances to be used elsewhere. Efforts to
increase SoC enrollment, as well as awareness having been planned out carefully to ensure
maximum and plentiful results.

Our team has worked diligently to create a strategy of status that uses eccentric tactics
working persistently towards increasing enrollment. We truly value the reputation of the SoC.
We are energetic and passionate about the School of Communication and want to refute the
many stereotypes that people tend to have about communications majors.

Table of Contents

Target Audiences

Illinois State Major

Transfer Students

High School

External Transfer

fo elbaT
The School of Communication
offers a diverse selection of
prestigious majors designed to
enhance knowledge and prepare
students for careers in their
selected field. The SoC majors
include: Journalism, Public
Relations, Mass Media and
Communication Studies.The SoC
offers many career preparation
assets such as clubs, internships,
radio station, and The Vidette In 2014, the peak SoC enrollment
newspaper. numbers were at 981 students,
while the numbers in 2019 are
currently at 848. NewEra PR has
a goal to raise those numbers
back to the peak amount and to
increase awareness of the School
of Communication to those who
overlook it. We also would like
to show students the fun and
exciting aspects of being a student
in the School of Communication,
and the many potential successes
that come with enrolling.

of Contents
  Aspects Implications Possible Actions

Strengths School of Communication offers a Students will have opportunities Reach out to radio station and TV
radio station, TV station, and PRSSA. for world experience while they station to record an advertisement that
learn. Radio station and TV station will help to get the word out about the
offer jobs for students. PRSSA gives School of Communication to potential
students the chance to go on agency major transfers.
tours and listen to different speakers.
Professors in the School of Professors focus their time and Show incoming students that the
Communications are dedicated to efforts into making sure that School of Communication will provide
undergraduate students. students are prepared and excited for them with top-notch education
their futures. experiences by having current students
  talk to incoming students about the
close relationships they have built with
their professors.
Strong connections to Chicago and St. Most students will continue their Students will have a solid chance at
Louis. career path by gravitating towards finding a job directly after graduation
major cities. It is important to the in an area that they are interested in.
School of Communication that they
give their students great connections
to find their careers.
Students that are first applying The School of Communication is not Students that are looking to join the
to college have no minimum extremely difficult to get into. major should not have extensive
GPA requirements and can be grade barriers that are holding them
directly admitted into the School back from getting into the School of
of Communication if they apply. Communication.
Transfer students are required to have
a minimum of a 2.7 GPA. On-campus
major transfers are required to have a
minimum of a 2.0 GPA.
Weaknesses Not as understood as other Department only offers easy majors Break down this stigma and show
majors such as business, nursing and students the career possibilities that
education majors at Illinois State. they could have in the future.
There is a standing reputation that the Illinois State students have the Show incoming and transferring
School of Communication only offers perception that students in the students testimonials of current
easy majors. School of Communication are not as School of Communication students
smart as others, and will potentially and graduates, in order to display
make less money in a career than real students love for the School of
other students. Communication and their success
Generally, people are not educated in Many people may think Target publics that do not necessarily
how applicable communication (in all communications is a narrow and value communications as important
aspects) is to our everyday lives, the one-dimensional field of study. in their potential area of study, but
workforce and continuing education. wish to pursue fields where effective
communication is imminent

SWOT Analysis
stnetnoC fo elbaT
Aspects Implications Possible Actions

Opportunities Generally, incoming freshman Freshman students may think Improve marketing toward
  students are not educated well communications is a narrow and incoming freshman students
enough how applicable all areas of one-dimensional field of study. that do not necessarily value
communication are to everyday communications as important in
life, the workforce and continuing their potential area of study, but
education. wish to pursue fields where effective
communication is imminent.
A degree in communications Prospective community college Advertise to community college
from an esteemed and respected students should know that students who wish to transfer to a
university is valuable to they have access to a host of 4 year university to readily prepare
community college transfer resources  if accepted into the themselves for the workforce post-
students when they are looked at school of communications.  graduation.
by prospective jobs. 
In-major transfers wish to readily In-major transfers should Develop testimonials from students
succeed into their new major. know that the School of that have transferred from other
Communications encourages majors. 
and endorses kinship, as well
as assisting them representing
themselves in the best way
Threats The national perception is If people do not see themselves Attempt to improve national
that people have a diminished as good communicators, they perceptions about communications
perspective on their ability to will not want to pursue a career majors by creating a promotional
communicate effectively, thus (or major) in the School of video featuring current
affecting their decision to not go Communications. communications students. 
into the communications field.
People may not see the value People may look at the Inform publics about job and
in communicating effectively Communications major as being networking opportunities
and believing that it will not “easy,” when in reality there is available to them if they chose to
afford them well-endowed job a lot of work and dedication become a part of the School of
opportunities post-graduation. going into this respectable field Communications.
of work.

Described above are the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the School of
Communication will confront. This information was found through New Era’s primary and
secondary research tactics. The SWOT analysis demonstrates areas for growth, concerns, and
successes that the School of Communication should be aware of.

Table of Contents
Key Message Platform

Key Message Platform
There is a lot of opportunity to build a future career here in the School of Communication.
In addition, there are many resources the School of Communication has to offer
including seasoned professors, PRSSA, networking, internships, TV-10, and WZND. We
want people to understand that the misconceptions of the School of Communication
are inaccurate. There are a lot of opportunities within this school. There are different
connections to Chicago and St. Louis. Along with all of these positive attributions, the
School of Communication has teachers that are dedicated to their students.

Communication, the language of success.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to enhance the State of Illinois’ societal and economic conditions by
providing comprehensive undergraduate and graduate degrees, research, and service
initiatives that are at the cutting edge of theory and translate into viable applications.

Vision Statement
To have a plentiful incoming class, for years to come.

oC fo elbaT

SoC students are overall

These majors are often
high spirited students. With
perceived as being easy,
a SoC degree our students
however, we want the target
are setting themselves up to
audiences to know that
be happy with their future
there is a certain work ethic
career paths in the industry
required to succeed in the
that they are interested and
SoC majors.
excited about.

NewEra wants the

potential applicants to
know that they can have
a successful future with a
SoC degree.

We believe with the

With a SoC degree, future different resources offered
careers can be involved that the students have a
in many industries. chance to gain real world
Communication skills are experience that will ensure
essential for any career success in the workforce
path. post-graduation.

fo elbaT
Research Questions
What other schools are in What stereotypes exist about the
R1 direct competition with
Illinois State?
R4 School of Communication on
Illinois State’s campus?

What other majors are in What are the main community

R2 direct competition with the R5 colleges that transfer students are
School of Communication? applying from?

Why are incoming students Does COM Week have an impact

R3 applying for the majors that R6 on School of Communication

they are?

Research Gathering
Primary Research Secondary Research
We administered two surveys with We used articles from the Vidette
a total of 48 survey recipients. One detailing enrollment rates, and SoC
for transfer students at Illinois State budget and revenue information to
Unviersity, the other was given to better gauge that promotion efforts
School of Communication students are being appropriately funded.
about how they enjoy the speicifc
major they are in.

fo elbaT
Schools also considered when applying to Illinois State:

14.5% 8.3% 12.5% 27%

(Only considered ISU)

Majors of majority of transfer students:

27% 18.7%

12.5% of survey takers said they 95.8% of survey takers have

have heard people say that the not attended COM Week.
SoC encompasses easy majors.

32% of our current

77.1% of Illinois State transfer
undergraduate population in
students come from community
the SoC are transfer students.
colleges throughout Illinois.

TableKey Insights
of Contents
Students apply for
majors with increased
likelihood of career
positions directly after COM Week has little
graduation. effect on those in
majors outside of
the SoC and transfer

The SoC has a

reputation of having Students are highly
majors that are easy. interested in getting
career experience
opportunities from
the school that they
apply to.
Goals and
Table of Objectives
The overarching goal for this campaign is to increase awareness and
promotion of all majors offered by the School of Communication in order
to increase enrollment of high school seniors, transfer students, and major
transfers within Illinois State University.

Increase high school seniors’
awareness of the School of
Communication at Illinois
State by 11% of students that Increase the amount of
show potential interest in awareness and promotion
specific SoC majors by August provided for students that are
1st, 2020. transferring from community
colleges to Illinois State
University by 7% by August
Grow the enrollment with 1st, 2020.
major transfers to balance all
prospective groups (Incoming
freshmen and external school
transfers) within Illinois State
University by 50% of students
by August 1st, 2020.

Table One
of Contents

Increase high school seniors’ awareness of the School of

Communication at Illinois State by 21% of students that show
potential interest in specific SoC majors by August 1st, 2020.

BenchMark Rationale Strategy

An increased amount of Online e-mail straegy, as well
High school seniors that
high school seniors must as an advertising strategy.
enroll to the School of
be aware of the School of
Communication prior to
Communication and the
taking any classes at Illinois
majors offered by 21% to
State are approximately 165
ensure an increase potential
amount of applicants to 200

E-mail Blast Promotional Video
An e-mail sent out to all Illinois State Promotional video featuring School
students, voicing the amazing attributes that of Communication students and their
the School of Communication has to offer. testimonials. These will be sent out with the
e-mail blast and featured on the School of
Attatched to the e-mail will be a promotional
Communication’s website.
video with testimonials from current SoC

tnoC fo elbaT
E-Mail Blast

The promotional e-mail blast will be sent from the official

School of Communication e-mail account. It will be sent
out once in the spring semester on April 1st, prior to May
1st (the decision day for high school seniors).

The cost will come from the
ACT and SAT student lists
that the SoC will purchase.
To purchase the students
information, ACT and SAT
generally charge $0.42 per

For example, see Appendix C on page

Table ofTactic
Promotional Video

Promotional video featuring School of Communication

students and positive experiences they have had while
being declared to their major. These will be sent out
with the e-mail blast and featured on the School of
Communication’s website. There will be no cost for this
tactic. The video will be sent out with the e-mail blast on
April 1st, 2020.

The video itself will not
cost any money. Because
the video is attached to the
e-mail, the promotional
video will also use the
same list of names that the
e-mail blast will use.

Video presented during pitch, and can be accessed on YouTube.

tnetnoC fTwo
sObjective Two
o elbaT

Increase the amount of awareness and promotion

provided for students that are transferring from
community colleges to Illinois State University by 7%.

BenchMark Rationale Strategy

Transfer student enrollment The School of Word of mouth strategy, as
is currently 32% of the Communication currently well as a Public Relations
population of the School of prefers a 40% enrollment rate strategy.
Communication. of transfer students therefore
awareness must increase by
7% so the SoC achieves a
balanced percentage.

Campus Rep. Program PR Packages
Promotional packages will be sent to an
Campus Representatives from Communications opinion leader from the top 10 community
majors (in collaboration with Transfer Redbirds colleges that the School of Communication
RSO/University Program Board) receives transcripts and application from. The
opinion leaders will be people that students
from these community colleges are likely
to talk to frequently and could potentially
influence students to transfer to the School
of Communication at Illinois State. The PR
boxes will contain SoC materials.

Table ofTactic

Campus Representative Program

The all-new campus representatives program (in
collaboration with the University Program Board) enables
transfer students to have the smoothest transition possible
into their appropriate communications major. Through
weekly meetings and seminars, students will be able to
further their knowledge on the many opportunities for
growth that will be afforded to them, along with assistance
in advising and coursework. Non-transfer students will be
able to apply for the campus representative position shortly
before Fall 2020 semester begins at ISU.

Campus Rep. Program will
not require any money.
It will, however, require
time from SoC interns and
professors, in order to meet
with students.

For more information, see Appendix D on page .

tnoC fo elbaT

Promotional Packages
Promotional packages will be sent to an influential staff
members from the top 10 community colleges that the School
of Communication receives transcripts and application from.
We will also send SoC folders with major information and a
pen. The opinion leaders will be people that students from
these community colleges are likely to talk to frequently and
could potentially influence students to transfer to the School
of Communication at Illinois State. The PR boxes will contain
SoC materials listed below.

The PR Packages will include:

• New Illinois State SoC Pennant
(shown in Appendix E)
• SoC Bag
• SoC Cup
• SoC Pen
Cost • A folder containing specific
Costs for PR packages will
major information
come from shipping, tax • A SoC advisor business card
and custom orders for the
SoC promotional materials.

For more information, see Appendices H, I & J.

Objective Three

Grow the enrollment with major transfers to balance all

prospective groups (high school seniors and external school
transfers) within Illinois State University by 41% of students by
August 1st, 2020.

BenchMark Rationale Strategy

The School of Major transfers are important to Word of mouth strategy,
Communication currently increase interactions with because as well as an advertising
takes anywhere from 70-90 they are open to opportunities at strategy.
major transfers annually. Illinois State. Ideally, the School
of Communication would like to
balance all prospective groups. To
do this, we must increase major
transfers to the SoC by 41% to
meet a balanced number of 120
students enrolled.

COM Week Vidette Testimonials
We plan to harness the power of COM Week We have interviewed four School of
by using the week to help recruit students. We Communication students about their
have created a Snapchat geofilter for the event, experiences and successes that have come
a redesigned table, pennants to hand out, and a from having a major within the SoC. We
sign-up sheet for our Campus Representatives have written short blurbs that will be
Program. featured within the Vidette once a month for
four months


Harnessing the Power of COM Week

COM Week is an opportune place for students to network,
learn and grow through hearing others’ professional
experiences. During COM Week, we will set up an attractive
SoC table in front of Fell Hall. At the table, there will be
SoC students and faculty volunteers to talk about the majors
with those who are interested as well as a sign-up sheet to
be informed on SoC updates such as application dates and
upcoming events. There will also be promotional materials
for potential major transfers to keep.

We will need money for the
promotional materials that
are set out on the table, and
for food to draw students
towards the table. We will
also need money for the SoC
Snapchat filter.

For more information, see Appendices E, F & G.


Vidette Testimonial Articles

Testimonials feature general information about the School of
Communication and one major within the SoC per edition
with an short feature in it, giving the whole University a
better understanding of what the SoC can offer. This will peak
interest in students currently declared, who are considering
changing their major or offer a home for students who are still

There will be no costs
required for this tactic
because the stories are feature
stories. These are ran for free For more information, see Appendix K.
at the Vidette.

School of Communication Projected Budget (Monthly)
Tactic Items Accountablility Time Needed Price Per Unit Item Source Amount Needed Total Price
Mug Supervisor ** $13.56 Zazzle 10 $135.60
Bag Supervisor ** $5.00 Custom Earth Promos 10 $50.00
Pamphlet Supervisor ** $0.00 print 10 $0.00
Pamphlet Envelope/Shipping Supervisor ** $3.84 Post Office 10 $38.40
Business Cards Intern ** $0.00 Career Center 10 $0.00
Pen Supervisor ** $4.00 Zazzle 10 $45.10
School of Comm Pennant Supervisor ** $0.85 10 $8.50
Personalized Letter Supervisor 1 hr $0.00 existing stock 10 $0.00
Filler Paper Intern ** N/A Bags & Bows 800 Sheets $57.09
Boxes Intern ** $3.89 Post Office 10 $38.90

PR Box Box Shipping Supervisor 1-2 days $7.85 Post Office 10 $78.50
Total Cost $452.09
Pamphlet Supervisor ** $0.00 print 50 $0.00
Pens Supervisor ** $4.00 Zazzle 50 $240.00
Appendix A

Personalized Letter Supervisor 1 hr $0.00 existing stock 50 $0.00

Pamphlet Send out Envelope/ Shipping Supervisor 1-2 Days $3.84 Post Office 50 $192.00
Total Cost $432.00
UPB President Meeting Supervisor 1 hr $0.00 N/A N/A $0.00
Interview for Campus Rep Internship Supervisor 30 min per person $0.00 N/A N/A $0.00
Campus Rep Progam Send out Campus Rep Sheets Intern ** $0.00 print N/A $0.00

Community College Transfers

Total Cost $0.00
Table Setup/Work Intern 3 hr, 5 Days,1 Wk $0.00 existing stock 1 $0.00
School of Comm Pennant Supervisor ** $0.85 500 $425.00
Pamphlet Supervisor ** $0.00 existing stock 200 $0.00
Snapchat Filter Intern 5 days $215.00 1 $252.00
Balloons Intern ** $1.00 Dollar Tree 6 $8.00
Food (Donuts/Bagels) Intern ** N/A Dunkin Donuts N/A $200.00
Comm Week Table Cloth Intern ** $0.00 existing stock 1 $0.00
Total Cost $885.00
Space Within the Paper Supervisor ** $0.00 Vidette 1 per month $0.00
Testimonials Intern 2 hours $0.00 ISU Students 3+ per month $0.00
Vidette Writing Intern 2 Hours $0.00 ** N/A $0.00

Major Transfers
Total Cost $0.00
ACT/SAT Score Purchasing Supervisor 1/2 hr N/A ACT/SAT Website N/A $1,200.00

Recruiting Measures Email Blast Supervisor 1 hr $0.00 N/A N/A $0.00

Budget Continued

Total Cost $1,200.00


Camera Intern ** $0.00 existing stock 1 $0.00

Filming Students Intern 1 hr $0.00 student needed 4 students $0.00
Promotional Video Video Editing Supervisor 3 hrs $0.00 N/A N/A $0.00

High School Students

Total Cost $0.00
Objective Three

GRAND TOTAL: $2,970.00

Timeline 2020 February March April May June July

Objective 1: Increase Freshman

Class awareness of School of
Communication by 9% of
students that show potential
interest in the different School
of Communication majors.

Tactic 1: Email Blast

Step A: Send email blast to high
school senior's
Tactic 2: Promotional Video
Step A: Attach video to email
and post on SoC website

Objective 2: Increase the

amount of awareness and
promotion provided for the
students that are transferring

from community colleges to

Illinois State University by 7%.

Tactic 1: RSO Group set up

Appendix B

Step A: Mtg with UPB Pres.

Step B: Interview campus reps.

Step C: Select campus reps.

Step D: Sign up sheets


Step E: COM Week

Step F: Informational Mtg

Step G: Sign up closes

Tactic 2: PR Package
Step A: PR Boxes assembled
Step B: PR Boxes sent out
Objective 3: Grow the
enrollment with major
transfers to balance all
prospective groups (high
school seniors and external
school transfers)within
Illinois State University by
50% of students by Fall
Tactic 1: Vidette Articles
Timeline Continued
Appendix B

Step A: Every month a new

article will be released
Tactic 2: COM Week
Objective Three

Step A: Prepare all supplies

for COM Week
Step B: COM Week
Appendix C

Dear Prospective Student,

Pursuing your undergraduate degree is both exciting and daunting! Illinois State University
welcomes you to start exploring our campus and the opportunities that we offer to you.

One of the amazing programs that our institution offers is the School of Communication. The
SoC provides 4 different major departments including journalism, public relations, radio,
television production, interactive media, media management, interpersonal communica-
tion, organizational and leadership communication, and political communication.

Along with these different majors and classes that are offered the SoC is known for the many
different clubs and organizations that stem from our program. Each of these organizations pro-
vide students with real work experiences that help them grow academically and personally.

The staff in the SoC is extremely proactive in the growth of their students. These teachers not
only provide help in the classroom, but they encourage us to reach out to different connec-
tions that they and past SoC students have created in Chicago and St. Louis. Along with these
many different opportunities that come from the SoC, incoming freshman students have no
GPA requirement to become enrolled in the program. High school seniors are encouraged to
get further involved and reach out to the SoC if they have any questions regarding their
future as a RedBird.

Apply today to the School of Communication here,

dergrad/applyNow/ we’d love to have you!

Please enjoy this video created by students of the SoC, as they discuss their experience over the
past four years of education at Illinois State University.

The School of Communication

Objective D

Campus Representatives Program Sign-up Sheet

Did you know that nearly half of the Illinois State student body is composed of transfer

The all-new transfer campus representatives programs enables transfer students to have the
smoothest transition possible into their appropriate communications major. Providing guidance and
mentorship to students, we wish to ultimately integrate transfer students into their desired career fields
as soon as possible. We understand that transitioning from another school and major can be a tedious
process and we want to make it easier for students to not only fully immerse themselves in the full ISU
experience, but enjoy tremendous successes in their coursework.

Sponsored by the Transfer Redbirds RSO, campus representatives will act as a liaison
for transfer students in communications majors. Through weekly meetings and seminars, students
will be able to gain more knowledge about the communications major(s) and speak with seasoned
professors about the many opportunities for growth that will be afforded to them during their time at
ISU. Students will also be encouraged to attend weekly meetings with other transfer students that may
share similar courses and participation in other RSO’s (such as PRSSA).

Students will be able to apply for the Transfer Campus Representative position shortly before
Fall 2020 semester begins at ISU. The position will be available as an unpaid internship and students
have the option to have the position count for class credit. The only eligibility requirement for the
Campus Rep position is that the student must be a senior on track with current course load in
any communications major.

Please fill out the information below to sign up for the campus representatives program.
The deadline to submit the form is July 15, 2020.

Name: ____________________ Major: __________________

Email: ___________________ Phone: __________________

Appendix E
Sample SnapChat Filter

Appendix F
Objective Three
Sample COM Week Table

sign up

Appendix G

Sample COM E-Mail Sign Up

Name E-Mail Current Major

Objective H
PR Package Contact List
Heartland Community College McHenry County College

1 Rachel Cook
Associate Director, Advisement &
Transfer Coordinator
6 Jay Geller
Communication Studies Department
(309) 268-8060 (815) 455-8746

College of DuPage College of Lake County

2 Ami Chambers
Community Relations Coordinator 7 Sue Stock
Dean of Counseling, Advising and Transfers
(847) 543-2359
(630) 942-3823

Joliet Junior College Harold Washington College

3 Kelly Rohder Tonelli

Executive Director of Communications
and Media Coordinator
8 Ellen Goldberg
Director of Transfers
(312) 553-5778
(815) 280-2915

Illinois Central College Danville Area Community College

4 Kari Schimmel
Interim Dean of Arts and
9 Isela Rangel
Academic Advisor
(217) 443-8748
(309) 694-5113

Parkland College Lincoln Land Community College

Gailyn Draper
5 Julie Weishar
Faculty Chair, Fine & Applied Arts
(217) 351-2404
10 Student Services Admin. Assistant to the VP
(217) 786-2213

Appendix I
PR Pamphlet Recipient List
• Harper College • Shawnee Community College
• Oakton Community College • John A Logan College
• Waubonsee Community College • Highland Community College
• Elgin Community College • Southwestern Illinois College
• Lewis & Clark Community College • City Colleges of Chicago - Malcolm X College
• Illinois Valley Community College • Southeastern Illinois College
• Moraine Valley Community College • City Colleges of Chicago - Truman College
• Carl Sandburg College • Prairie State College
• John Wood Community College • City Colleges of Chicago - Richard J. Daley
• Rock Valley College College
• Rend Lake College • City Colleges of Chicago - Olive-Harvey College
• Kaskaskia College • City Colleges of Chicago - Kennedy-King
• Lincoln Trail College College
• Triton College • Capital Area of Practical Nursing
• Sauk Valley Community College • Beck Area Career Center - Red Bud
• South Suburban College • Coyne College
• Morton College • Fox College
• Olney Central College • Gem City College
• Black Hawk College • Kendall College
• Kankakee Community College • Midstate College
• Kishwaukee College • Rasmussen College-Illinois
• Frontier Community College • Saint Augustine College
• Wabash Valley College • Taylor Business Institute
• City Colleges of Chicago - Wilbur Wright • Madison Media Institute-Rockford Career
College College
• Richland Community College • Midwestern Career College
• Spoon River College • Vaterott College-Quincy

Appendix J
Objective Three

Appendix K
Vidette Testimonial Articles
Public Relations
Prior to changing my major to public relations, I was an accounting major. I spent my freshman year mainly
taking general education courses and knocking out prerequisites for classes I knew I was going to have to take.
My sophomore year I took my first real accounting class, before the class was over I knew I needed to change my
major. I was overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time. I had always enjoyed numbers when I was in
high school, I also enjoyed a challenge. After figuring out that I wanted to change my major I faced the problem
of actually deciding what major was right for me. I had never anticipated wanting to change my major so I was
overwhelmed at the thought of deciding on something for the rest of my life and I was underwhelmed by how
much I didn’t enjoy accounting in general.
I took an ESFP personality test online and then looked into careers and majors that were compatible for that
personality type and I stumbled on public relations. After that, I reached out to Julie Navickas (an academic
advisor for the School of Com) to set up a meeting to talk about what I needed to do to change my major and
potentially get an override to get into some public relations courses. I was able to then enroll in COM 178 (intro
to pr) and started writing my application essay to get into the school of com within the public relations major.
One thing that really drew me to public relations rather than any other major was the versatility. I liked that there
were so many options for careers post-graduation and I found security in knowing that if I wanted to change
career paths ten years down the road, I could.
Jobs directly related to this degree: agency pr, corporate pr, nonprofit pr, event planning, publicist, social media
specialist, marketing coordinator, promoter, and that’s just scraping the surface of possible jobs.

By: Mary Ann Rasmussen

Mass Media
I declared mass media as my major right out of the gate freshman year. I started getting more into mass media
focused activities my senior year of high school, doing things like radio class and the morning announcements. I
figured I know how to talk to people and it’s one of the things I can comprehend in a classroom setting. It also has so
many different opportunities in the career spectrum of things. My advice to incoming freshman or students thinking
of changing their major is no matter what you decide to change to or go with, just make sure that it’s what you’re
passionate about. Something that you could see yourself doing realistically.
Jobs directly related to this degree: digital marketer, media buyer, media planner, media researcher, music producer,
public relations officer, runner, broadcasting/film/video, social media manager, television/film/video producer, web
content manager.

By: A.J. Cafazza

Appendix K
Objective Three Continued

I chose Journalism because I’ve always loved telling stories and hearing about people’s lives, it’s amazing how much
you can learn about a stranger by just going up and asking them a few questions! I knew I wanted to do something
with magazine journalism because I love how you can inspire people by turning someone’s life or accomplishments
into a front page story!
I feel like being a journalism major and the school of Com in general has made me so much more confident in going
up and talking to people and connecting with people on a daily basis as well! I’m really glad I chose this major and
can’t wait to see where my future takes me!

Jobs directly related to this degree: content marketer, copywriter, corporate communications specialist, editor, grant
writer, reporter, public relations specialist, social media specialist, sports information director, technical writer,
broadcast journalist, editorial assistant, magazine features editor, magazine/newspaper journalist, political risk

By: Mia Riddell

Communication Studies
I like the business side of communication without having to actually be a business major, there are so many
possibilities. Also, either way I take a lot of diverse classes and am learning a lot so I’m still getting the mix of
communication and business that I want and need.

Jobs directly related to this degree: college alumni and development officer, business executive, human relations
manager, public relations manager, marketing executive, advertising executive, media planner, web content
manager, paralegal.

By: Heather Wind

Appendix K

More Info About the School of Communication

The School of Communication has more to offer than most people realize. With friendly, helpful, and inviting
staff, the SoC offers a more personalized experience than most colleges within the university. The SoC provides a
number of different and versatile majors with vast possibilities for jobs post-graduation.

The majors offered by the SoC are Public Relations, Mass Media, Journalism, and Communication Studies.
Opportunities made available by the SoC include TV-10 and WZND, giving students the chance to gain real-
world experience with television and radio broadcasting from all angles. A resource provided to students who are
not able to take part in TV-10 or WZND is the Communication Innovation Center (CIC). The CIC is a varied
room, providing ample opportunities to work with technology such as studio booths, microphones, cameras, and
green screens.

A NEW ADDITION to Fell Hall (the home of all things Com) is our new Social Media Analytics Command
Center, or SMACC lab. The SMACC lab is used for research and analytics to further understand criteria and
objectives for client work with advanced technology relevant for post-graduation experience.

To find out more information about individual majors, transfer requirements, and deadlines, visit the SoC website

Spring Application Period: September 1 - October 1, 2019

Fall Application Period: February 1 - March 1, 2020

Thank you!

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the e-mail listed on pg. 3.
We look forward to hearing your choice!


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