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Topic :Describing People

Techniques :Gap Fill Reading

Purpose :To make students be able to identify the social function: descibing,
Introducing, and criticizing people

Describing People

Read carefully this dialog and complete the following dialog using appropriate key
words provided.

Han: Hello I’m in the bus terminal now, but I still can’t find Simon. What is he like?
Ben: He’s t….. He’s got a fair skin
Han: Many people are tall and have a f….skin here. Is he wearing jeans?
Ben: No. He’s wearing a uniform, black pants and a b..… shirt with long sleeves
Han: I see three people wearing the same u….
Ben: He’s a bit f…..and chubby. He’s wearing a black hat
Han: Oh ya I see him now. He’s walking towards me. He’s carrying a b…., isn’t he?
Ben; I think so. Okay, see you later.


Fat, fair, Backpack, Tall, Blue, Uniform,


Text 1
Pak Bacu is _____________. He’s a hard worker. He sweeps the yard every morning
and afternoon. He ____________. I like him because he is friendly, and he knows our
names. _____________. He often ____________ at me in front of my friends. He’s
sometimes fussy too. He tells us not to litter, again and again. He gets mad when
____________in the rubbish bin.

Text 2
Pak Bacu is a janitor in our school. He’s a hard worker. ______every morning and
afternoon. He cleans the toilets. I like him because he is friendly, _____________-.
But sometimes he’s annoying. He often teases me, and laughs at me in front of my
friends. _____________.He ____________, again and again. _________when we
don’t put our rubbish in the rubbish bin.

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