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I nt ernet o f T hings : Simulat ors, Security and Priv acy


Sub mitt ed in par tial fu lf ilment of t he Degree of Bachelor of Technology

D epar tment of Electronics and Communi catio n Engineering
Jaypee Institute of Information technology, Noida

Na me of Sup er vis or

Na me of Ext er nal Sup er vis or


Sub mitt ed By:

JAT IN K APOOR (16102193 )

INT ERNET OF T HINGS (IoT ) is a collect ion of “things ” emb edded wit h
electr onics, s oft war e, sens or s, actuator s, and connect ed via the I nt er net t o collect
and ex change data wit h each ot her . T he I oT devices ar e equipp ed wit h s ens or s and
pr ocessing p ower that enable t hem t o b e dep loyed in ma ny envir onments. Figur e 1
pr es ents a var iet y of common I oT applications, inclu ding s mar t home, s mar t cit y,
s mar t gr ids, medica l and healt hcar e equ ip ment, connect ed vehicles, etc. T he fast
gr owt h of t he nu mb er of I oT devices ut ilized is pr edict ed t o r each 41 b illion in
2020 wit h a n $8.9 tr illion mar ket as stated in t he 20 13 r ep or t of t he I nt er nationa l
Data Cor por ation ( IDC).


G ener ally, an I oT simulat or needs t o off er high f idelit y f or scenar ios compr is ing
het er ogen eous elements, supp or t scalability, pr ovide ener gy or computation
eff iciency, and b e ext ens ib le to b e ab le t o suppor t cust om r equ ir ements s uch as
new pr ot ocol evaluat ion.

T her e ar e thr ee cat egor ies of simu lat or s that can b e us ed f or IoT r es ear ch
1. full sta ck --T hes e s imu lator s aim t o pr ovide end -t o- end supp or t of all I oT
2. simu lator s that f ocus on t he b ig data pr ocess ing asp ects of I oT ap plicat ions.
3. net wor k s imu lator s


1) Physical Layer
T he b ott om la yer of t he ar chit ectur e is basica lly t he layer r esp onsible f or th e
int er connect ed devices and its ma in pur pos e is t o p er f or m device ident ification a nd
pr ovide s er vice dis cover y. T hes e devices can be of var ious t yp es ( Ar du ino,
Raspber r y, Z igBee, et c.), but in or der t o b e cons ider ed as I oT devices t hey need t o
utilis e com mu nicat ion t echnology t hat allow them t o connect to one anot her eit her
dir ect ly or indir ect ly us ing t he I nt er net; e.g., Ar du ino wit h Et her net
connect ion, a Raspb er r y P i wit h a Wi -F i connect ion, a Blu et oot h connect ion, and a
low p ower r adio connect ion.

2) Networ k Layer
Just like any ot her N et wor k La yer model this one inclu des net wor k int er faces,
commu nication channels, net wor k ma nagement, inf or mat ion ma int ena nce, and
int elligent pr ocess ing, and is ma inly r es pons ib le f or t he commu nication and
connect ivit y of all t he devices in I oT syst em t hr ou gh t he help of mu ltip l e
commu nication pr ot ocols . T her e is not a ny s tandar d pr ot ocol f or I oT , but the most
common pr ot ocols t hat ar e cur r ent ly b eing u s ed ar e MQT T 3.1 and t he C onstr ained
App lication Pr ot ocol (C oAP) . It is wit hin t his layer t hat the gather ed inf or mat ion
fr om t he P hys ical La yer ar e tr ans mitt ed t o any sp ecif ic inf or mat ion pr ocess ing
syst em wit hin t he net wor k us ing Wir eless S ens or s . Each p hys ica l device in an I oT
syst em usually s ends its inf or mat ion wit h the us e of wir eless s ens or s. T hes e
s ens or s ar e s mall, wit h limit ed pr ocess ing a nd comput ing p ower f or lower
electr icit y consu mpt ion. T he data r eceived fr om t he s ens or s ar e pr ocess ed,
tr ans mitt ed wir eless ly, and pr es ent ed t o t he end us er ( e. g., hu ma n or device).

3) Application Layer
T his layer is s er vice - or ient ed [18 ], which ensur es t he sa me t yp e of s er vice a mong
the connect ed devices. It can st or e data int o a database pr oviding st or age
capabilit ies t o t he collect ed data. Als o, jus t like its na me su ggests, it facilitat es
wa ys f or
thes e devices t o commu nicat e outsi de of t he device- or ient ed s yst em wit h t he us e of
dif f er ent kind of applications dep ending on t he needs of t he us er s [19 ]; e. g., S mar t
Home, eH ea lt h, Smar t Tr anspor tation, S mar t Objects et c.

Netw ork Att acks

1. Traffic Analysis Attacks
2. RFID Spoofing
3. RFID Cloning
4. RFID Unauthoris ed Access
5. Sinkhole Attack
6. Man In the Middle Attack
7. Denial of Service
8. Routing Information Attacks
9. Sybil Attack
10. Soft ware Attacks

IoT Phys ical Lay er Security

1. Secur e Booting
2. Devi ce authentication
3. Data integrity
4. Data Confidentiality
5. Anonymity

IoT Network L ay er Security

1. Data privacy
2. Routing security
3. Data integrity

IoT Applicat io n Layer Security

1. Data security
2. Access Control Lists (ACLs
3. Fir ewalls
4. Anti-virus, Anti-spywar e and Anti -ad war e

1. App lication Bas ed T hr eats

2. Clou d Bas ed T hr eats
3. Har dwar e devices bas ed T hr eats
4. Commu nicat ion based T hr eats



[1] Maxim C her nys hev, Zubair Ba ig, Ola dayo Bello, and Sher a li Z ea dally ,
“Internet of Things (IoT) : Research, Simul ators, and Testbeds ”, IEEE

[2] I oannis Andr ea, C hr ys ost omos C hr ys ost omou, G eor ge Hadjichr ist of i ,“
Internet of Things: Sec urit y Vuln erabilities and Challenges”, 2015 IEEE
Symp os iu m on C omput er s and Commu nicat ion ( ISCC)

[3] I oannis Andr ea, C hr ys ost omos C hr ys ost omou, G eor ge Ha djic hr ist of i,
“Scalable and C onf igur able E nd -t o-E nd C ollect ion and Ana lys is of I oT
Secur it y Data ”,2019 IEEE -G loba l I oT Summit (G I oT S)

[4] K es hav Kaushik and Sus heela Da hiya , “Secur it y a nd Pr ivacy in I oT based
E-Bus iness a nd R eta il”,IE EE, 2018 I nt er national C onf er ence on Syst e m
Modeling & Adva ncement in R es ear ch T r ends (SMART )

[5] T .Pr ema latha , Dr .S.Dur aisamy, “A C er tificate Bas ed Aut hor izat ion a nd
Pr ot ect ed App lication Layer Pr ot ocol F or I oT ”, IEEE, 2017 I nt er nationa l
Conf er ence on C omput er Commu nicat ion and Inf or matics (ICCCI)

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