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Name : Tati Justika Gea

ID : 4173131041

Identity of journal
Title of journal : The Effect of Concept Cartoons Embedded within Context-Based Chemistry :
Chemical Bonding
Author : Neslihan Utay
Name of Journal : Journal of Baltic Science Education
Published Year : 2015
Page : 96-102

How’s to identify the hypothesis and variable in my own journal

1. I must know what is the hypothesis and the kind of hypothesis in research. The hypothesis is
temporary answer to a question which is still presumptive or prejudiced, because it still has to be
proven first and then through research. There are 2 types of hypothesis for the research are
verbal hypothesis and statistical hypothesis.
In my own journal
- The verbal hypothesis is a comparison between the two learning models. That is “the learning
used the concept cartoons can develop the students understanding than learning that not used
the concept cartoon”. In this journal, the researcher did the research in 2 class using context-
based, but there is different treatments in teaching the concept of chemical bonds, that is one
class used the concept cartoon and the other class not used this concept
- The statistical hypothesis is must trial and quantity formed. In this journal the statictical
hypothesis is the students understanding of chemical bonding material with did the pretes-
posttest of both of class. But for get the data statistical the researchers used the CBCT
(Chemical Bonding Concept Test) with 16 multiple choice questions and clinical interviews
with 5 open questions (this is the quantity formed).
2. Get the kind of variable in research. There are 2 kinds are, independent variable and dependent
variable. Independent variable is the variable that influences or is the cause of the change or the
emergence of a dependent variable. Named as an independent variable because it is free in
influencing other variables. While the is a variable that is affected or which is due to the
independent variables. Called Variable Binding because this variable is influenced by independent
In my own journal:
- The independent variable is the learning model concept that used in the research. In this
journal we know that the concept of learning model influencing the learning achievement
(independent variable influencing dependent variable) where between two concept (using
cartoon and without cartoon) can found that the cartoon can make the students
understanding of chemical bonding material no longer have alternative.
- The dependent variable is the learning achievement of student (in this case is the student's
understanding of the chemical bonding material).

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