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Title: Corona Virus Lockdown: Pro

On December 31, 2019, there were reports of cases of idiopathic pneumonia in Hubei China.

Upon analyzing, a new virus coined COVID-19 virus was isolated. The evolution of this new virus was a

shock since there was no vaccine or anecdote available for its eradication. Even presently, still there are

no vaccines for the COVID-19 virus, despite of the many genius scientist using very sophisticated

conventional biotechnologies for formulating a vaccine. To add to this, formulation of any vaccines takes

close to a year. Since pharmaceutical intervention seems a distance away with respect to the rapid

spread of COVID-19, there needs to be non-pharmaceutical methods in place to reduce or eradicate its

spread meanwhile waiting for the vaccine. One very effective way of preventing the number of cases of

infection is by carrying out lock downs. Lockdowns will prevent overwhelming of the health care system,

provide inter and intra community protection and has proven to work in the countries such as china and

Italy in which it originated and had the most cases and dead respectively because of the virus. I favor

lockdown during the Corona virus crisis.

Firstly, Inter and intra community protection will be very effective due to lockdowns

In order to contained the spread of COVID-19 virus from person to person, it is imperative to contain

people within a community and between communities and countries. According to studies, one COVID

virus infected person can infect up to 59000 people via respiratory droplets during close contact in a

snowball effect. The COVID is known to spread 3 times more than the flu thus spread more rapid and

wider. One person with a flu can spread to 1.5 individuals. Times this number by 3 and you get about 4.5

spread of a COVID virus individual. Ten times base transmission sets the infection to over 50,000 people

(Bostoc, 2020).
Because individual behave differently, it will be very difficult to persuade people concomittenly to stay

away from crowded areas and stop travelling by mere way of mouth. Therefore, leaders within and

between communities and countries must put their feet down to observe lockdowns with stiff penalties

to those who will not adhere. This will limit the amount of potential person to person contacts and

allow monitoring of individuals and shipments of products from corona virus prone countries. Also this

will protect at risk people such as street children and workers. The virus has been proven to spread to

and even cause death to children. While there are many street children in the Philippines roaming

about, there need to be put in place that these children are secured from the infected environment and

accounted for. Also, the government ordering non essential shops to close down will protect more

workers from having to go to work against their will. One may wonder how will the workers pay their

bills and eat. Italy had ordered all payments to be stopped during lockdown and Philippines and USA has

provided financial assistance along with VECO giving a 30 days allowance of payments.

A next reason to allow Lockdown is to reduce overwhelming of the health care system

After global realization of the morbidity and mortality of COVID, people have flocked to hospital

emergency rooms even if they had a common cold. What this does is clog up space for people who are

actually suffering symptomatically from cases of pneumonia, leading to unjustified deaths of critically ill

pneumonia patients. To prevent this, it will be wiser to have lock down so people can stay home and

watch health programs to educate themselves about COVID-19 symptoms and also this will lessen the

amount of people to people contact at health facilities and front liners, while saving government money.

Also a lock down will allowed progressive monitoring using test kits.
Lastly, lockdown has been proven a safe and efficient method of reducing the spread of COVID-

19 virus.

The Ebola virus acts as a template for the containment of a more deadly virus, COVID-19. Lockdown was

the method for the eradication of the Ebola virus. China and Italy are two of the leading countries with

respect to the amount of cases and deaths due to corona virus. However, with strict lockdowns, China

has now return to normalcy. Its lockdown has been lifted , seeing that no more cases were present. In

Italy, there has been a significant decline in cases and dead in areas where the lock down has been

enforced early (McNiel, 2020).


The COVID-19 virus is a new deadly virus that has a rapid spread and is responsible for tens of

thousands of deaths world wide. Presently, there are no vaccines nor antidotes to adequately combat

this veracious virus. Therefore it is important that non-pharmaceutical means such as a global boundary

lockdowns be enforced in order to better manage and reduce or eradicate this virus while awaiting for

vaccines to be formulated (Figueiredo, 2020).


Bostoc, B. 2020. An intensive-care expert broke down just how contagious the Coronavirus is,

showing how one person could end up infecting 59,000 in a snowball effect. Business Insider.

Figueiredo,A.M., Codina, A.D., Moreira, D.C., Figueiredo, M., Saez, M., Leon, A.C. 2020. Impact of Lockdown on COVID-19

incidence and mortality in China: an interrupted time series study. Bull World Health Organ. Doi:
McNiel, S. 2020. China’s Virus Pandemic Epicenter Wuhan Ends 76-Day Lockdown. THE DIPLOMAT.

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