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Journal of Diabetes •• (2016) ••–••


Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its risk factors in urban

communities of north Sudan: Population-based study
Wadie M. ELMADHOUN,1 Sufian K. NOOR,2 Abd Alaziz A. IBRAHIM,3 Sarra O. BUSHARA2 and
Mohamed H. AHMED4
Department of Pathology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Nile Valley University, Atbara, Sudan. 2 Department of
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Nile Valley University, Atbara, Sudan. 3 Federal Ministry of Health, Sudan, and 4 Department
of Medicine, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK.

Correspondence: Mohamed H. Ahmed, Abstract: Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major health problem in
Department of Medicine, Milton Keynes Africa and worldwide. The prevalence of diabetes is expected to increase at
University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
alarming rate in Africa. Its estimated that around 20 million Africans are now
Eaglestone, Milton Keynes, MK6 5LD,
Buckinghamshire, UK.
living with diabetes, comprising a challenge for health systems at present and
Tel.: +441 9089 6363 in the future. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of
Fax: +441 9089 2009 undiagnosed and diagnosed DM and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in adult
Email: urban communities of the River Nile State (RNS), north Sudan.
Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional community-based study in
Received 25 July 2015; revised 10
which participants were randomly selected from the four main cities of the
November 2015; accepted 6 December
2015. RNS, on a house-to-house basis. Blood glucose was tested and all participants
completed a questionnaire to obtain demographic, clinical and social data.
doi: 10.1111/1753-0407.12364 Blood pressure and anthropometric measures were also recorded.
Results: In all, 954 adults (518 females; 54.3%; mean [±SD] age 39.5 ± 16.7
years; range 18–90 years) participated in the survey. The overall prevalence of
DM was 19.1% (182/954), whereas that of IGT was 9.5% (91/954). Among
the diabetic group, 125 (68.7%) had known diabetes, whereas 57 (31.3%) were
newly diagnosed during the study. Increasing age, a family history of diabetes,
central obesity, abnormal body mass index, and hypertension were significant
risk factors for DM.
Conclusions: There is high prevalence of DM and glucose intolerance in the ur-
ban population of the RNS. Screening for diabetes in individuals with any fea-
ture of metabolic syndrome is recommended.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, obesity, Sudan.

Significant findings of the study: There is a high prevalence of diabetes (19.1%) among the urban population of
north Sudan.
What this study adds: This study uncovers a hidden epidemic of diabetes and urges health policy makers to take
appropriate action.

Introduction that as many as 175 million people with DM world-

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common condition and a wide, or close to half of all people with DM, are
significant public health problem that affects approxi- unaware of their disease. 3 Globally, 84% of all people
mately 8.3% of the total world population; its prevalence who are undiagnosed live in low- and middle-income
is increasing at an alarming rate. 1,2 It is estimated that countries. 3 Type 2 DM accounts for over 90% of
382 million people worldwide have diabetes and that diabetes cases in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the remain-
this figure will increase to 592 million by 2035; 2,3 ing 10% represented by type 1 DM, gestational DM,
worryingly, the age of onset is falling. 3 It is estimated and malnutrition-related DM. 4

© 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Diabetes in urban north Sudan W. M. ELMADHOUN et al.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion of people with traditional economic activity in rural areas, whereas em-
undiagnosed DM is high and may reach 90% in some ployment and trading are predominant among the urban
countries. 5 In Arab countries, the prevalence of DM population. Recently, traditional gold mining has
ranges from 9.33 % (in Iraq) to 21.1% (in Kuwait). 6,7 emerged as a popular economic activity for many sub-
The increase in DM prevalence has been attributed to in- stantial sectors of the community.
creasing urbanization, aging, obesity, reduced physical There are six main cities and more than 350 villages in
activity, and an unhealthy diet. 8,9 the RNS, with similar demographic, economic and so-
Other identified risk factors for DM include ethnicity, cial characteristics. The urban population constitutes
family history, being a member of a high-risk popula- 34% of the population in the RNS.
tion, a history of gestational DM, hypertension, polycys-
tic ovary syndrome, the presence of vascular disease, and
Study design
hyperlipidemia. 3,10
Undiagnosed DM has significant ramifications because The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional
subjects remain untreated and at risk of complications. 11 community-based study, including a house-to-house
It is estimated that DM may remain undiagnosed for 10 survey.
years or more; at that time, complications of DM would
already have occurred. 12,13
Study duration
The consequences of DM are widespread. It affects
socioeconomic development, complicates clinical care The study was conducted from 1 January to 30 April 2015.
with comorbidities, increases healthcare costs, and
limits life expectancy, both for those affected and their
Study population, sampling technique, and sample size
children. 3
In Sudan, the prevalence of DM in adults is 7.74% and Based on population data from the Sudan Central Bu-
is expected to reach 10.82% in 2035. 3 reau of Statistics for 2015 (,
In a previous study, it was shown that the prevalence accessed 30 December 2014), and taking into consider-
of undiagnosed DM in rural communities of north Su- ation that the urban population of the RNS constitutes
dan was 2.6% and that the prevalence of impaired glu- 34% of the total and that adults (≥18 years of age) consti-
cose tolerance (IGT) was 1.6%. 14 The same study tute 55.6%, the total urban population of adults in the
identified increasing age and obesity as important risk RNS consisted of 262 295 individuals, inhabiting 52
factors. 14 In light of the increasing obesity epidemic in 459 houses (average five individuals per house). A sam-
urban regions of Sudan, it is important to assess the ple size of 384 houses was considered representative of
prevalence of DM and IGT in these areas. To that end, the total urban population.
population-based epidemiological information from A multistage cluster random sampling strategy was
both urban and rural regions is essential to explore the used to select study participants from urban locations.
picture of DM in north Sudan. The four main cities were selected to represent the urban
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to deter- population of the RNS, namely Atbara, Berber, Ed
mine the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed Damer, and Shendi. The number of houses selected
DM and IGT and the associated risk factors among was proportional to the population size of the city. Then,
urban populations living in the River Nile State (RNS), each city was divided geographically into four regions:
north Sudan. north, south, west, and east. Two districts were selected
from each geographical area by a simple tossing tech-
Methods nique. Twelve houses were selected from each district.
A house-to-house survey was conducted starting from
house number 5 in the main street in the district; vacant
This study was conducted in the RNS, which lies in houses or those who declined to volunteer were replaced
northern Sudan, bordering Khartoum State in the south by the house next door. This house-to-house survey
and extending to the Sudanese–Egyptian border in the resulted in a sample size of 954 participants.
north. The RNS covers an area of approximately 124
000 km2 and was populated, in 2015, by 1 387 513 indi-
Inclusion criteria
viduals of different ethnic groups, mainly Ja’alin,
Shaygia, Rubatab, and Manaseer tribes, besides other To be eligible for inclusion, participants had to be
Sudanese ethnicities. Most of the population resides be- ≥18 years of age and to have been living in one of
side the Nile River. Agriculture has been the major the cities selected.

© 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
W. M. ELMADHOUN et al. Diabetes in urban north Sudan

Exclusion criteria Anthropometric measurements

Subjects who were aged <18 years, transient and Anthropometric measurements were made using stan-
rural residents, and/or pregnant were excluded from dardized and calibrated equipment. Body mass index
the study. (BMI ) was calculated as weight (in kg) divided by height
(in meters) squared and was classified according to the
National Institutes of Health (NIH; Bethesda, MD,
Data collection tools USA) as follows: underweight, BMI <18.5 kg/m2; nor-
The World Health Organization (WHO) STEPwise mal weight, BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m2; overweight, BMI
approach for non-communicable disease surveillance 25–29.9 kg/m2; Class 1 obesity, BMI 30–34.9 kg/m2;
was used for data collection. 15 The approach has three Class 2 obesity, BMI 35–39.9 kg/m2; Class 3 or morbid
levels: a questionnaire to gather demographic and be- obesity, BMI ≥40 kg/m2. 17
havioral information; physical measurements, including
anthropometric measurements; and biochemical tests. 15 Waist circumference
Each participant was questioned to obtain demo- Waist circumference was measured using a tape measure
graphic data and information regarding a past medical at the level of the umbilicus. According to the Interna-
history of diabetes, hypertension, any chronic illness tional Diabetes Federation guidelines, central obesity
and drug history. In addition, there were questions was defined as a waist circumference of ≥94 cm in men
about the common symptoms of diabetes, risk factors and ≥80 cm in women. 3
and family history of diabetes. Data were collected
through a standardized, interviewer-administered, pretested Blood pressure measurement
Blood pressure was measured in seated participants
using a calibrated mercury sphygmomanometer, with
Blood glucose measurement an appropriate cuff size. The average of three readings,
each taken after a 5-min rest, was recorded. Blood pres-
Capillary blood glucose was obtained using the finger
sure levels were classified based on the criteria of the Sev-
prick technique after adequate disinfection by alcohol
enth Report of the Joint National Committee for
swab. Random blood samples were tested for glucose
Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of High Blood
using a glucometer (Accu-Check Active; Roche Diag-
Pressure. 18 Normal blood pressure was defined as sys-
nostics, Ulm, Germany). Any participant whose blood
tolic blood pressure (SBP) <120 mmHg and diastolic
glucose concentration was >139 mg/dL was tested again
blood pressure (DBP) <80 mmHg; prehypertension
in the city reference laboratory, where fasting blood glu-
was defined as SBP 120–139 mmHg and/or DBP 80–
cose (FBG) and 2-h postprandial blood glucose were
89 mmHg; and hypertension was defined as SBP ≥140
measured spectrophotometrically.
mmHg and/or DBP ≥90 mmHg.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2010
criteria were used to define DM and IGT. 16
Ethical issues
Impaired glucose tolerance, or prediabetes, was de-
fined as random blood glucose between 140 mg/dL Verbal consent was obtained from each participant prior
(7.8 mmol/L) and 199 mg/dL (11.0 mmol/L). Impaired to enrolment. The following information was given to all
FBG was defined as FBG between 100 and 125 mg/dL participants to ensure they had the information needed
(6.94 mmol/L). to provide informed consent: participation is optional
Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed when a participant and there is no penalty for refusal. In addition, a com-
had: (i) symptoms suggestive of diabetes mellitus and plete description of the aims of the study, potential ben-
a random blood glucose concentration was ≥200 efits and risks, and assurance of confidentiality of any
mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) on one occasion; (ii) when information given was provided, as was any other addi-
FBG was ≥126 mg/dL on one occasion and there were tional information requested by participants during data
no symptoms suggestive of diabetes mellitus; or (iii) if collection. Any individual identified to have high blood
two FBG measurements were ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 glucose or any other medical problem was offered an op-
mmol/L) or two random blood glucose readings were tional free-of-charge referral to a local physician for fur-
≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). In addition, if a partici- ther investigation and management during the study
pant was known to be diabetic or was already taking period. Ethics approval for the study was obtained from
antidiabetic medications, this was considered to be a the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Nile
diagnosis of diabetes. Valley University.

© 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Diabetes in urban north Sudan W. M. ELMADHOUN et al.

Statistical analysis Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics, age- and sex-adjusted

prevalence, glycemic, and blood pressure status of the urban
The data collected were validated, double-checked for population screened for diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in
consistency and analyzed using SPSS version 21.0 (IBM the River Nile State, Sudan 2015 (n = 954)
Corp., Chicago, IL, USA). Pearson’s Chi-squared test Adjusted prevalence
was used for comparisons between categorical variables. (per 1000 urban population)
The level of significance was set at two-tailed P ≤ 0.05.
No. subjects (%) IGT DM
Frequency, percentage and the mean ± SD were calcu-
lated; in addition, crude and age-adjusted prevalence were Gender
calculated based on the proportion of each age group. Male 436 (45.7) 89 181
Female 518 (54.3) 101 199
Age group (years)
Results 18–25 266 (27.9) 49 19
Sociodemographic characteristics 26–35 204 (21.4) 9 12
36–45 166 (17.4) 96 26
In the present study, there were 518 (54.3%) females and 46–55 148 (15.5) 16 30
436 (45.7%) males. The age range was 18–90 years, with 56–65 98 (10.3) 9 411
66–75 41 (4.3) 122 390
a mean (±SD) age of 39.5 ± 16.7 years. Younger age, be- >75 31 (3.2) 194 290
long to the Ja’alin tribe, and housewives were the most City of residence
common sociodemographic characteristics (Table 1). Shendi 279 (29.2)
Ed Damer 253 (26.5)
Prevalence of DM, IGT, and hypertension Atbara 224 (23.5)
Berber 198 (20.8)
The overall prevalence of DM among the urban popula- Education level
tion in the RNS was 19.1% (182/954), whereas that of Illiterate 190 (19.9)
Primary/khalwa 195 (20.4)
IGT was 9.5% (91/954). This gives a crude prevalence Secondary 238 (24.9)
of 191 per 1000 urban population for DM and 95 per College 331 (34.7)
1000 for IGT. Females had a higher sex-adjusted preva- Occupation
lence of DM (199 per 1000) compared with males (181 Housewife 319 (33.4)
per 1000 population). The most commonly affected age Self-employed 232 (24.3)
Employee 231 (24.2)
group was the 56–65 years group, with an age-adjusted Student 124 (13.0)
prevalence of 411 per 1000 for DM (Table 1). Retired/not working 27 (2.8)
Among the diabetic group, 125 (68.7%) had known dia- Farmer 21 (2.2)
betes and 57 (31.3%) were newly diagnosed during the Tribe
study (Table 1). Therefore, the prevalence of undiagnosed Ja’alin 646 (67.7)
Shaygia 88 (9.2)
(newly diagnosed) DM among the urban population in the Rubatab 51 (5.3)
RNS was 5.97%. Prehypertension and hypertension were Nuba 27 (2.8)
common among study participants (Table 1). Danagla 17 (1.8)
Kwahla 17 (1.8)
Significance of classical symptoms of DM Others 108 (11.3)
Glycemic status
Despite the widespread and non-measurable nature of Normal glucose 681 (71.4)
these symptoms, fatigue, polydipsia, polyuria, and loss IGT 91 (9.5)
Newly diagnosed 57 (6.0)
of weight were significantly higher among the diabetes diabetes
and prediabetes patients than normoglycemic individ- Known diabetic 125 (13.1)
uals (Table 2). Blood pressure status
Normal 214 (22.4)
Risk factors for DM and IGT Prehypertensive 399 (41.8)
Newly diagnosed 214 (22.4)
Age was a significant risk factor for both DM and IGT. hypertension
The highest prevalence of DM was found among the Known hypertensive 127 (13.3)

56–65 years age group (n = 41; 41.9%; Table 3). Regarding 1

IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; DM, diabetes mellitus.
gender, there were no significant differences, with DM and
IGT found in 79 (18.1%) and 39 (8.9%) of males, com- residence was significantly greater in Berber city, where
pared with 103 (19.9%) and 52 (10.0%) of females, respec- DM was found in 25.3% of participants (50/198) and
tively (P = 0.6). The prevalence of diabetes and IGT by IGT was found in 10.1%, followed by Ed Damer (22.1%

© 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
W. M. ELMADHOUN et al. Diabetes in urban north Sudan

Table 2 Significance of the classical symptoms of diabetes among the urban population screened for diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
in the River Nile State, Sudan 2015 (n = 954)
Symptom Present Normoglycemic IGT DM χ P-value

Fatigue Yes 344 (50.5%) 63 (69.2%) 139 (76.4%) 45.2 <0.0001

No 337 (49.5%) 28 (30.8%) 43 (23.6%)
Polydipsia Yes 149 (21.9%) 26 (28.6%) 89 (48.9%) 52.4 <0.0001
No 532 (78.1%) 65 (71.4%) 93 (51.1%)
Polyuria Yes 129 (18.9%) 19 (20.9%) 100 (54.9%) 98.1 <0.0001
No 552 (81.1%) 72 (79.1%) 82 (45.1%)
Loss of weight Yes 88 (12.9%) 11 (12.1%) 61 (33.5%) 45.2 <0.0001
No 593 (87.1%) 80 (87.9%) 121 (66.5%)
Unless indicated otherwise, data show the number of subjects in each group, with percentages in parentheses.
IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; DM, diabetes mellitus.

Table 3 Risk factors for diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance among the urban population in River Nile State, Sudan 2015 (n = 954)
Normoglycemic IGT DM χ P-value

Male 318 (72.9%) 39 (8.9%) 79 (18.1%) 0.95 0.6
Female 363 (70.1%) 52 (10.0%) 103 (19.9%)
Age group (years)
18–25 248 (93.2%) 13 (4.9%) 5 (1.9%) 12 <0.0001
26–35 162 (79.4%) 18 (8.8%) 24 (11.8%)
36–45 107 (64.5%) 16 (9.6%) 43 (25.9%)
46–55 80 (54.1%) 24 (16.2%) 44 (29.7%)
56–65 48 (49.0%) 9 (9.2%) 41 (41.9%)
66–75 20 (48.8%) 5 (12.2%) 16 (39.1%)
>75 16 (51.6%) 6 (19.4%) 9 (29%)
City of residence
Shendi 220 (78.9%) 21 (7.5%) 38 (13.6%) 30.7 <0.0001
Ed Damer 159 (22.8%) 38 (15%) 56 (22.1%)
Atbara 174 (77.7%) 12 (5.4%) 38 (17.0%)
Berber 128 (64.6%) 20 (10.1%) 50 (25.3%)
Education level
Illiterate 110 (57.9%) 33 (17.4%) 47 (24.7%) 64.3 <0.0001
Primary/khalwa 119 (61%) 20 (10.3%) 56 (28.7%)
Secondary 170 (71.4%) 20 (8.4%) 48 (20.2%)
College 282 (85.2%) 18 (5.4%) 31 (9.4%)
Family history of DM
Yes 286 (42%) 41 (45.1%) 121 (66.5%) 34.7 <0.0001
No 395 (58%) 50 (54.9%) 61 (33.5%)
Blood pressure
Normal 179 (83.6%) 14 (6.5%) 21 (9.8%) 49.9 <0.0001
Prehypertensive 298 (74.7%) 37 (9.3%) 64 (16.0%)
Hypertensive 204 (59.8%) 40 (11.7%) 97 (28.5%)
Body mass index
Underweight 57 (93.4%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (6.6%) 50.2 <0.0001
Normal 250 (76.5%) 35 (10.7%) 42 (12.8%)
Overweight 235 (70.8%) 22 (6.6%) 75 (22.6%)
Class I obesity 86 (59.3%) 23 (15.9%) 36 (24.8%)
Class II obesity 37 (55.2%) 8 (11.9%) 22 (32.8%)
Morbid obesity 16 (72.7%) 3 (13.6%) 3 (13.6%)
Waist circumference
Normal (<94 cm) 274 (79.7%) 22 (6.4%) 48 (14.0%) 46.7 <0.0001
Abnormal (>94 cm) 43 (48.3%) 15 (18.0%) 30 (33.7%)
Normal (<80 cm) 187 (77.0%) 19 (7.8%) 37 (15.2%)
Abnormal (>80 cm) 177 (63.7%) 34 (12.2%) 67 (24.1%)
Unless indicated otherwise, data show the number of subjects in each group, with percentages in parentheses.
IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; DM, diabetes mellitus.

© 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Diabetes in urban north Sudan W. M. ELMADHOUN et al.

and 15.0% (56/253) for DM and IGT, respectively). The The prevalence of diabetes in this population of north
lowest prevalence of DM was in Shendi city, where DM Sudan is comparable to that reported in India (18%), 19
and IGT were detected in 13.7% (38/279) and 7.5% of par- urban areas in Iran (18%), 20 and an urban population
ticipants, respectively (P < 0.0001; Table 3). The lowest in Bangladesh (15%). 21 However, this prevalence is
prevalence of IGT was found in Atbara (5.4%), where higher than that reported in an urban population of
the prevalence of diabetes was 17% (38/224). It is worth Ethiopia (5.1%). 22 This wide difference in prevalence
mentioning that Ed Damer had the highest prevalence of in two neighboring countries can be attributed to differ-
IGT (15.0%). ences in life style, dietary habits, environmental factors,
There was an increased risk of DM and IGT among or the genetic make-up of the two populations. The prev-
those with low educational levels (P < 0.0001). The alence of IGT in the present study is also comparable to
highest prevalence was noted among those who spent that reported in India (8.7%), but less than that reported
less than 10 years in education, whereby DM was found in Bangladesh (19%). 19,21
in 56 of 195 participants (28.7%) and IGT was found in Importantly, the number of people with diabetes in
20 of 195 participants (10.3%), followed by the illiterate Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to increase more than
group, among which DM was found in 47 participants twofold between 2000 and 2030, and this is likely to oc-
(24.7%) and IGT was found in 33 participants (17.4%). cur in urban areas. 23–26 It seems that living in urban
Conversely, among those who had a college education, areas constitutes, in itself, a risk factor, although it is as-
DM was detected in 31 participants (9.3%) and IGT sociated with many other dependent variables.
was detected in 18 participants (5.4%). Another important risk factor for the high prevalence
There was a significant increase in diabetes risk with of diabetes is the increasing prevalence of obesity. Sev-
increasing BMI. For example, DM and IGT were diag- eral studies have reported that obesity is a common
nosed in 22 (32.8%) and eight (11.9%) of those with problem in Africa, particularly in urban areas. 27–31
Class 2 obesity, compared with 42 (12.8%) and 35 The present study showed that the prevalence of obe-
(10.7%), respectively, in those with normal weight. sity among individuals with diabetes was 34% (61/182
In the underweight group, DM was detected only in subjects) and the prevalence of overweight among dia-
four (6.6%) participants and IGT was not present at all betics was 41.2% (75/182); the percentage of obese indi-
(P = 0.0001). Similarly, the prevalence of DM and viduals with IGT was 37.3% (34/91).
IGT among those with central obesity was significantly Central obesity is an essential component of the meta-
higher than in those with a normal waist circumference bolic syndrome and there is general agreement in the lit-
(P < 0.0001), as indicated in Table 3. The prevalence of erature that the presence of central obesity is a high risk
central obesity was higher among men with diabetes factor not only for diabetes, but also for non-alcoholic
(33.7%) than women with diabetes (24.1%; P < 0.0001). fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The presence of central
Abnormal blood pressure and diabetes were significantly obesity is regarded as a source of insulin resistance and
associated, as evidenced by the fact that among individ- proinflammatory status. 32,33
uals with hypertension, 28.5% (97/341) were also The prevalence of DM and IGT in the present study
diabetic compared with 9.8% (21/214) of those with among those with central obesity was significantly higher
normal blood pressure (P < 0.0001). A positive family than that in those with a with normal waist circumference
history of diabetes was another risk factor for both (P < 0.0001). Moreover; the prevalence of central obesity
DM and IGT (P < 0.0001; Table 3). was higher among men with diabetes (33.7%) than women
with diabetes (24.1%; P < 0.0001), despite the finding that
central obesity is more common among Sudanese women
than men (53.67% [278/518] vs 20.18% [88/436], respec-
In the present cross-sectional community-based study, we tively). This higher central obesity can be attributed to dif-
determined that the overall prevalence of DM and IGT ferent factors, including a lack of physical activity among
among the urban population in the RNS was 19.1% and Sudanese women living in urban areas, a high prevalence
9.5%, respectively. Among the diabetic group, more than of obesity in women, and the fact that most women tend
two-thirds were already known diabetics, whereas 6% of to put on weight after pregnancy and delivery because of
the total study population was newly diagnosed during Sudanese traditions that women should eat high-
the study. In a previous study it was shown that the prev- carbohydrate diets to nourish their fetuses and newborns.
alence of undiagnosed diabetes in rural communities of Several studies have reported a high prevalence of obesity
north Sudan was 2.6%. 14 This higher prevalence of diabe- among women compared with men in Africa. 34–36 There-
tes in urban areas may be explained, in part, by the effect fore, screening for diabetes in overweight and obese Suda-
of urbanization and a sedentary life style. nese individuals should be part of routine clinical practice.

© 2015 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
W. M. ELMADHOUN et al. Diabetes in urban north Sudan

The high prevalence of diabetes, obesity, and central in the RNS for their confirmation of abnormal results.
obesity among Sudanese individuals living in urban No funding was received for the study.
areas may be attributed to the following: (i) many urban
dwellers lead sedentary life styles, with less physical Disclosure
activity; (ii) the Sudanese diet contains high levels of car-
bohydrates and red meat; and (iii) people in Sudan prefer None declared.
to eat fatty red meat containing high dietary animal
cholesterol. References
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