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Yesenia Flores

Course: EDUC 2301-400

Total Hours Completed by Video:
Field Experience Observation Videos
Algebra 1- 58:23 High School
During this video, the teacher was teaching how to translate words into symbols, word
problems and step equations. The students were involved in the lecture and were
participating in the groups she had them in. This class was student centered. And in the
future I would group with my students.
Linear Functions- 58:23 10&11 Grade
During this video, the teacher taught the class how to solve linear equation. He gave an
example on his son phone bill and how he was getting charged based on the amount he
would use his phone. The teacher would work problems out on the board and would ask
constantly questions relating to the equations to see if the students were fully
understanding the material. This class was student centered and in the future I would
like to have a similar relationship with my students like he did.
System of Equations and Inequalities- 58:23 High School
During this video, the teacher was showing the students the system of equations. They
students were in groups and were given scenarios to work out. This class was student
centered and in the future I would use groups with my students.
Quadratic Functions- 58:23 High School
During this video, the teacher was showing how to solve quadratic equations. He
worked with students in small groups, and gave them situations for them to solve and
could relate to, making it easier for the students to understand. This class was student
centered and in the future I would like to use small groups to work with my students.
Properties- 58:23 High School
During this video, the teacher was showing the students how to work with problems of
property. He walked them step by step but let them work individually to see if they were
fully understanding how to solve these equations. This class was teacher centered. In
the future I would also let my students work by themselves just to see if they were
understanding all of what I was teaching.
Feelings Count- 28:22 Middle School
This video was about learning new ways to have our students feel safe in the
classroom. Mentioned how emotions can interfere with the students learning, and for
teachers to set goal to help them when going through this, for example solving social
conflicts. This video was teacher centered because it was reforming more to teachers to
apply this goals in them. I would set goal as well to help my students in the future.

The Classroom Mosaic: Culture and Learning- 28:22 Middle School

During this class, the teacher had a guest speaker come in. She was from Iraq and
spoke about her culture and how her life was. The students were learning about cultures
so the teacher had someone come in to speak to them. This class was teacher
centered. In the future I would like to have guest speak come to interact with my
students, and for them to learn about different cultures.
Learning from Others: Learning in a Social Context- 28:22 Middle School
During this video comma the teacher has created a butterfly garden for a more visual
learning for her students and she has found many assignments an ideas for this lesson.
The students were having a lot of fun working together and having a little independence
to do their work. This class was student centered. In the future I would like to use fun
projects like she did with my students for the better of their learning.

Watch it, Do it, Know it: Cognitive Apprenticeship- 28:22 Middle School

During this video, the teacher had the students work in groups, she did this because
she wanted them to take control within their groups and feel comfortable with one
another. Her goal is for every student to learn how to express themselves in front of
others. This class was student centered. In the future I want to use the small groups to
get my students comfortable to participate in class.

Thinking about Thinking: Metacognition- 28:22 Middle School

During this video comma the teacher has their students working in groups comma and
having some of the more quiet students speak out and feel more comfortable. The
students during this video are working together, and this video is student centered. In
the future I would like to use groups comma and have my students feel comfortable
working together and sharing their thoughts.

How do we organize knowledge: The Structure of the Disciplines- 28:22 Middle School

During this video, the teacher worked on a science experiment. They talked about
electricity ,and how your hair stands with a balloon and the causes of that happening,
and several other examples on electricity. She had them work in groups to do activities
on the topic. This video was student centered. In the future I would like to involve
experiments in my classroom for a more visual.
Lessons for Life: Learning and Transfer- 28:22 Middle School

During this class, the students are learning about life the teacher is giving them real life
problems for them to better understand. The students are basically just working on
solving these problems PN does class is more teacher centered. In the future I would
use lessons like this and involve real life problems for a better understanding.

Expectations for Success: Motivation and Learning- 28:22 Middle School

During this class the students were doing a science experiment they were learning
about the membrane. They were working on a lab some of the students got the correct
result and others didn’t, the teacher explained to them that this could happen when
doing a lab. This video was student centered because it was a very hands-on. In the
future I would do experiments with my students.

4th Grade Math- 35:54

during this video, then teacher is showing the students how to solve math step by step.
She is having the students come up to the board to see of their fully understanding how
to solve these problems. This class is teacher centered because the teacher is just
giving lecture. In the future I I want my kids to be involved and participate in class
comma and have them come forward to the board and teach the class.

First Grade Literacy Lesson- 20:34

During this video the teacher went over their vocabulary, he gave them hints and work
together as a class. He used flash cards and the board to go over the material . This
class was student centered because every student was involved in the lesson. In the
future I'd like to use flash cards with my students for them to be able to understand
better and be able to remember easier

3rd Grade Science- 15:01

During this video the students worked with the teacher to create a form of electricity.
The teacher made boxes for every group and worked on creating a model to represent
electricity, and how it works . This class was student centered because it was a very
hands on, and in the future I'd like to create activities like this for my students.

ELEM lesson on Sound- 26:45

During this video the teacher was giving lecture on sounds our ears hear to her
students. She then had them follow instructions on doing an experiment . they created a
cup with foil to hear different sounds. This video was student centered because they
were creating something that was very hands-on. In the future I'd want to use something
similar to this science experiment.
Grades 3-5 Building a Writing Community- 26:26

During this video comma the teacher is showing this students how to write a story. The
students are following the steps Anthony's the teacher has taught them and they shared
to one another those stories. This class was student centered because the students
were involved in the class. In the future I would like to have my students share with one
another there were and for them to build confidence.

Grades 3-5 Teacher as a Writer- 28:26

In this video there are three teachers showing us how they teach their class when it
comes to writing. One of them shared a story about what her mother feeds her when
she gets off of work, she created a diagram for her students about the story she is
telling them for them to better understand what she’s saying. The students during this
video where mostly listening then being involved so this video was more teacher
centered. In the future I'd like to use diagrams like did.

Grades 3-5 Reasons for Writing- 28:26

During this video the teacher is working with the students on how to write poems. The
students during this video are writing poems. This class is student centered . In the
future I want my students to get ideas inside and out of the classroom to be able to write
different things all of their ideas to be a bit different.

Grades 3-5 Reading Like a Writer- 28:40

During this video the teacher is showing the students different books to show them that
every intro is different. The students then right there little intros and complete their
stories. This class is student centered the students are very involved. In the feature I
want to use books in my lecture and have my students reference to them.

Becoming Readers and Writers- 26:47 Elementary

During this video the teacher was reading a book to the students and would ask them
constantly when she was reading to them. She then had them work in stations to get
more practice with partners and in small groups with her. They read books, worked on
puzzles, and worksheets. This video was student centered. I would do stations in the
future with my students.
Writer’s Journal- 26:47 K-2 Grade

During this video the teacher is reading books to the students that know a little English
he is being very patient and making sure that all of his students are learning and
understanding what he's reading. The students then are drawing an explaining there are
pictures in English to the teacher. This class is more teacher centered. In the future I
would be involved in the activities with my students if I knew it English was not their first

Building Oral Language- 26:47 K

During this video, the students worked in station, they were based on how to sound out
words, they also worked on reading books and poems. This class was student centered.
In the future I would include stations with different activities to help my students with
their reading.

Thalia learns the details: A student Case Study- 26:47

During this class the teacher is helping her students write in English and feel confident
about it. She has your students drawing coloring and singing all together. The students
in this class love to read, they don't realize how much they're actually learning with all
that she's doing with them. This class is student centered the students are very
involved. In the future I would like to use fun activities with my students for the better of
their learning

Assessment Driven Instruction- 26:47 First Grade

During this video, the teacher gave the students assessments to see where they were
in the subjects she gave them in the beginning of the year, and tested them again in
November to see the progress they had made. This video is student centered. In the
future I would also test my students to see they areas they need the most help in.

Cassandra Becomes A Fluent Reader: A student Case Study- 26:47

During this video the teachers helping out this little girl who isn't fluent in her English.
She is learning so much thanks to this teacher. This video is definitely a teacher
centered . In the future I would like to be as patient as this teacher was and have a lot of
dedication and helping out a student who struggles with the English language and that
is not their first.
Connecting Skills to Text- 26:47

During this video, the teacher is teaching her students how to read. Shes teaching them
the process of pronouncing new words. The students are reading new books and
working with posters displayed thoughout the classroom. This lesson is students
centered. In the future I would use posters around my classroom.

Promoting Readers as Leaders- 26:47

Mindless video the teacher is helping students sound out words. He has their attention
and their are all working together. This students are having fun sounding out these
words. This class is student centered. In the future I want my students to have fun
during the lesson.

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