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"Now I remember that the real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, of

sensations and excitements, awaited those who had the courage to go forth... into its expanse, to
seek real knowledge of life... amidst its perils."

That's the sublime thing about art. One gets to take moments of hardship and heartbreak, and
channel them into something that makes a sad boy feel less alone at a party. Art, the ability to make
it, gives meaning to sadness in a way that many aren't able to experience. What I'm saying is, there is
no straight path in art or life. Sometimes there's no path at all and one must break down walls and
machete their way through the woods to get where they need to go.

Oh, my. Have you ever heard a thing said for the first time, yet it made such magnificent sense, it's
as if you'd been waiting to hear it all your life?

You... have a beautiful connection to words. Know that. Do something with it. Go where your
passion leads you.

You have a life of such joy before you. Not without hardship. Not without bumps in the road. Be safe
with those you trust. But when you do find people to trust, the bond will be that much greater.

Love. It doesn't look the same for everyone. It can come in so many forms. And how can there be
anything wrong with a life if it's spent with a person you love?

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