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3462 Liu Hansi et al.

/ Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 3456 – 3463

Biomass energy can save life cycle energy consumption 31% compared to the All Coal case , but the
emission reduction rate is not as significant as that in the base case. Wind Power also has good emission
reduction effect. Wind Power reduces energy consumption and GHG emission significantly (35% and
35% respectively) compared to the All Coal case.

5.2. Sensitivity Analysis

As we mentioned above, we relied on data from literature to derive the results. To examine whether
our results are robust, we made sensitivity analysis focusing on refrigeration COP, and boiler efficiency.
As Fig.(2) shows COP doesn’t make a difference in performance of Distributed Energy System projects.
However, when boiler efficiency is set to be 60%, a more modest number, the performance of natural gas
based projects like the base case is even more outstanding.

Fig.2. Sensitivity Analysis: 1) COP (Case 1 versus 2); 2) Boiler Efficiency 60%

5.3. Conclusions and Policy Implication

The project we researched has outstanding performance in energy saving and emission reduction.
Comparing the case using coal and grid electricity, gas based Distributed Energy System project saves
8% energy and reduced GHG emission by 38% in a Life Cycle Analysis view. Renewable energy
technology provides alternatives to reduce GHG emission. Due to the environment of the project site,
solar energy can hardly improve the performance. However, it’s possible to utilize biomass (byproduct of
beer production) or wind power in the distant to improve the system. Thus, it shows renewable energy
technology, especially the integrated use of biomass and wind power, has great potential in the
development of Distributed Energy System projects.

Further research should be made to provide useful information for corporates’ decision making in
resource-seeking, technology use and fund raising. Policy makers should also support Distributed Energy
System projects to internalize the green benefit of them.


This work was funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China

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